customize carousel help required - css

I need suggestions in building below UI. It's a carousel like structure where active over is highlighted in green and we can still see next overs disabled or gray color.
I have researched for this for ex. Can I make use of any carousel to fit this design but can't seem to come to any conclusion. Thought of slider also but did not see that fitting this design.
Guys, do you have any suggestion or pointers to get me started here. I do not need code; just want a startup point. So far I am stuck with carousel or slider.
I understand this might not be most constructive question on SO but any pointers will be highly appreciated.

Unfortunately, you didn't provide any information about what should happen when you click on these items. If I understand correctly, you are looking for a carousel supporting your own pager design. If this is correct, you must add the pager markup first, after that you can use any carousel that supports slide switching methods. Then you can add click event listener to your pager items and call switching method in the listener, setting by that a new slide corresponding to the pager element index.
For example, you can try slick carousel, as it has .slickGoTo() method, which you can use to switch slides programmatically. You can also try to customize slick's default pager, but it might be not so easy or even impossible at all.


Styling issues with react-native-gesture-handler

New to react native and stackoverflow. I am restyling a project that lets you take notes as you read the bible. I am trying to use react-native-gesture-handler so I can get rid of these ugly delete and edit buttons that I have smashed together on each note.
My problem is that since my note components are transparent, using the swiping gesture to render a delete button causes the delete button to jarringly pop into existence, instead of giving the effect of peeking out from behind the note component as you swipe. If I made my note component background opaque this wouldn't be an issue, but I do like the thematic direction I'm taking and I don't tear it up and rethink the theme if I don't have to.
I'm not allowed to add screenshots yet for some reason, so check the link below to see what I mean.
Any recommendations on how I can get this delete button to slide in from the right as you swipe? Or maybe a clever way to restyle the note component or delete button to make this look nice without sacrificing the cool theme? Thank you!
See Screenshot

Make dynamic button container in Godot

I am stuck when I try to construct dynamic button container in Godot like shown at attached video. Is there any possible way to make it easy in Godot?
Would be appreciate for your help!
Here's my problem's description video
I would try a mix of VBoxContainers with rows of GridContainers. I've worked with GridContainers a lot recently and see no problems getting that effect done. Just add your dynamic buttons to the grid in the appropriate row.
Noticed this is a few months later so hopefully you found a solution.

Swipe gesture menu

I am trying to make this specific menu from the image.
As you can see from the photo, the menu is based on filtering and submitting the custom filter. The way this menu is aimed to be used is by swiping left or right depending on the user's choice as shown in this image.
When swiped, depending on which element is currently located in the trigger point, in this case, the center of the page, it would give it a custom class as shown here.
I understand that question is too broad to be fully answered and I totally agree with that. My aim is to get some sort of help or advice in which direction should I go in order to accomplish this (using a library you know or tutorial explaining similar issues).
** Also if someone has an idea of how to make these elements swipeable, it would be of great help.
Thank you in advance.

Shoe-horning a tabbed CSS show/hide element where it did not exist before

I developed a CSS-based layout for a web application that has been locked down and awaiting back-end integration. The primary element on the page is a timer/clock.
As originally intended, the timer is just a timer and is very simple. It looks like this:
Now, the boss has asked me to make a pretty significant change to my design. They want 3 tabs to hang off the bottom of the clock. They did not want this before, so I didn't build any show/hide logic and I didn't build tabs under the clock either. I am also slightly concerned because the tabs are at the bottom of the clock - that seems like a point of curiosity but I am guessing it is not huge problem either. Clicking on any of the tabs needs to cause the tab that was just clicked on to have focus, and it would cover the black rounded rectangle and display information about the tab the user clicked on. It would cover the clock. I would describe their request as reasonable, but I wish I'd had this requirement when I was coding. I think it sounds like a relative of a show/hide toggle. This is how they want the tabs to look, and where they want the tabs to go:
The part I am getting stuck on is how to slipstream something like this into what I've already created for the clock. Effectively they need me to make that component much more interactive, as the tabs have quite a bit of functionality within them. There are 3 tabs that I envision needing, but the mockup only shows 2, and that's ok.
I've included a few images in this post and I hope it helps. I've spent nearly a week smashing my head against this and I am stuck. To sum it up, I need to introduce (or shoehorn) a show/hide component as part of a late-hour change.
I am decent with CSS/JS/Web dev, but this is my Achilles heel. By "this" I mean taking a part of the UI that I already created and making it behave totally differently. In this case a pretty simple timer needs to change and has to have tabs at the bottom of the clock that would cover the clock itself when clicked. I hope I was clear enough in this question.
You have a very simple way to resolve this, using JQuery (you can use Javascript on it's own, but this will make it easier for you, less writing).
The give an ID to the DIV where you have the HTML for the clock, move the entire HTML content into a declaration like this:
$("#myDivId").html("put all the HTML content here, don't worry with the size of it");
you just need to change the HTML based on what you want to display. For easier implementation you can create a variable for each different content options, like this:
var myFirstHtmlBlock = "<p>blah blah blah</p>";
var mySecondHtmlBlock = "<span>Anything else...</span>";
and then change the content using those variables:
Just let me know if this sorted out your issue.

How to use jQuery to show a different page in ASP.NET

I am trying to set up functionality similar to Netflix. Where if you mouseover a movie - you are presented with a window of movie details (all client-side).
At high level, can someone in this forum help by telling me how this should be implemented? I.E., one or more .aspx pages, what would go in code-behind, and .js file, css, etc. Just trying to get an idea on how this would be set up to work.
Basically, when I hover over an item, I need to query for details that belongs for that record being moused-over and display it in the window or div. I also need to have some functionality in that window (i.e. a textbox and button which will end up needing to get saved in a database).
Thanks for any tips and suggestions -
You would want to add an AJAX call to the hover event of the image, that pulls from a webservice/web method.
Here is a good example, you would change some things. However, it should get you started.
If I understood your question correctly, you should try this excelent jQuery plugin:
Look at the demo here:
easy to install and configure and very slick!
Good luck
EDIT: sorry wrong lik the first time
There are certainly many jQuery plugins that will do this for you. jQuery UI may also be of benefit.
Here is one that appears to do something like you are describing:
