How to Download Symfony library other than GitHub Website - symfony

Is there any way to download Symfony outside Git hub ?
the reason is that company security Blocked GitHub website.
Thank you for your support


How to build carbon in https://localhost:9443/carbon

I have deployed WSO2 API manager4.0.0 All-in-one on the vm. I want to customize carbon, which in this url https://localhost:9443/carbon, this cantains lots of jsp files. but I can't find where is the repo. Can anyone guide me?

How to get the front version of wso2 api manager?

I have deployed WSO2 API manager4.0.0 All-in-one on my vm, which was downloaded from WSO2 API Manager website, “click TRY IT NOW, and then click Zip Archive to download the API Manager distribution as a ZIP file”.
I could find component versions from pom.xml , which were under the path of \repository\deployment\server\webapps. Most of the war or jar were built from carbon-apimgt and identity-governance、identity-apps.
But I can't find where was the front version, I don't know what' difference between repo apim-apps and jaggery.
If apim-apps is the front source of apim, what's the version or tag it build from?
I am searching for a long time on net. But no use. Please help or try to give some ideas how to achieve this
UI source code was moved to apim-apps repository after the WSO2 APIM 4.0.0 release. So, if you want to access the UI source code of APIM 4.0.0 you have to refer to carbon-apimgt-v9.0.174. Following are the links to each portal.
Publisher Portal
Developer Portal
Admin Portal

Hosting updates repository. Qt Installer Framework repogen

I have created a project using Qt and I found the Repogen tool that cames with Qt.
In the official documentation says that I must host the repo in a server in order to receive updates or create an online installer. I tried using GitHub as a hosting but maintenance tool doesn't recognize it.
I added he repository url in the settings window of the maintenance tool pointing to the base repo path and then pointing directly to Updates.xml but the same error.
What kind of web server must I use to deliver the release files?
I resolve this issue, by creating a file service in Flask and using a free hosting to deliver files.
Seems like hosting in GitHub is not useful in that case.

how make jfrog artifactory post to custom webhook endpoint on artifactory updates

I'm pretty new to jfrog artifactory. Is there a way to tell jfrog artifactory to POST to a custom endpoint/webhook whenever a new artifactory version of a repo is published? I'm trying to create a slack notification to my team whenever a new artifactory version is published. I've seen some examples with Artifactory pipelines but nothing very specific. Thanks!
Following the comment by Ortsigat, the support for webhooks was released as part of Artifactory 7.6. Webhooks can be managed via the web UI or the REST API.
You can read more about it in the Artifactory documentation.

Corda blob Inspector tool not available for download?

I went through the documentation of blob-Inspector in v3.2 but the download
URL does not provide any jar for blob Inspector but only for DemoBench, is there a way to get this tool? Additionally, is node-explorer tool not available separately? it is only integrated in DemoBench, I went through its documentation where the steps are provided to build the jar using gradle but as soon as i click connect button after entering the credentials it stucks there and at the end i have to kill the process using task manager.
The Blob Inspector can be downloaded from the resources page or from the Corda Artifactory.
The Node Explorer can also be downloaded from the Corda Artifactory.
