Avoid doctrine postloadEvent if unnecessary - symfony

For an blog entry entity I am loading data from an api via the doctrine postloadEvent. For this i created a listener service with an postloadMethod in it.
public function postLoad(BlogEntry $blogEntry)
This means, there is already a local repository with blog entries. These blogentries are connected to a blog. If i now only want to count the blogentries for each blog, i would implement a getBlogEntryCount() method on the BlogEntry entity and call it.
The problem now is, that the postLoad event is triggered unnecessary, even if i need no data from the api.
How can i avoid this behaviour in doctrine/symfony/sonata admin? Is there mechanism like "lazy loading" for doctrine entities?
Update to Jose M. González Solution
To get only the count of the collection, the extra_lazy loading solution will do it.
For getting local information without triggering the api call i used the said repository function. To get this information working in list view in sonata admin, i created a non-doctrine-related array field "blogEntriesSimple" in my Blog Entity next to my "blogEntries" (which is normally holding the complete entity) field.
I attached an entitylistener with postLoad function to the Blog Entity, which is filling up my blogEntriesSimple array with the information from my custom repository function.
Thats it.
I think this solution is a bit hacky, but until no cleaner solution is available, this will do it.

i think that you can achieve this with the extra lazy associations that permit that you count your related entities without hydrating it
Also you can do a DQL query that only hidrate a partial view of your entity and it can be used to count the rows and access to your properties, for example:
select be.id,be.title from AppBundle\Entity\BlogEntry be
This query must not trigger the postLoad event
I hope this can help you


Creating new entities in `postFlush` doctrine event

I'm struggling to find a way to perform a persist() and flush() methods after the final flush (I mainly want to do it in postFlush event).
I collect the necessary entities in onFLush event (with changeSets) and wait up until all entities (which I collected) got flushed to get their id's (auto incremented).
So that I have at this point an array with all needed entities and their change sets and their id's set.
Then I want to create new entities (let's call them "traces") based on fields of previously collected entities and persist & flush "traces" in database.
But I'm really stuck here as I can't know entities id's in onFlush event, and I can't persist & flush them in postFlush when they already have their id's set.
Currently Doctrine documentation states following:
postFlush is called at the end of EntityManager#flush(). EntityManager#flush() can NOT be called safely inside its listeners.
And if I dare do this, it ends up in a recursion and php fails with an error.
Which approach may I take here?
I believe you could do a check if you aren't flushing "traces" entity and then perform your "traces" creation. That shouldn't loop.
Also you might want to look at symfony's eventDispatcher . You could dispatch your events manually, since it might be cleaner.
More details on "traces" would be helpful, from what I can imagine it is some kind of a changelog, history; so for that I might suggest EntityAuditBundle. It works pretty good with doctrine and is not hard to set up, I am using it myself.

Insert entity in preUpdate event

I'm trying to persist a History entity whenever a Message gets updated. I have too much going on behind the scenes to post all the code here and for it to make sense, but I've basically tracked the issue down to the UnitOfWork::commit method. There, the UOW first loops through the entityInsertions, and finding nothing, continues on to the entityUpdates. There the UOW's entityInsertions gets updated, but since it's already past that loop, it doesn't pick up that it still needs to persist some entities. Is there any way to force the UOW to "restart" this process? If so, how? I'm using Doctrine 2.4.
Thanks for any help!
This might be the dirtiest solution ever, but what I ended up doing was basically the following...
Create an onFlush event subscriber
Inject the entire container into the subscriber (seeing as injecting only the entity manager will result in a circular reference error)
Loop through the UnitOfWork's scheduledEntityUpdates and scheduledEntityInserts (I wasn't interested in deletes)
Handle each scheduled update or insert which you are interested in (in my case, I marked each entity I was interested in with a LoggableInterface, just to know which entities are loggable)
Handle the relevant object with a handler chain (This was just my own algorithm, yours may not require this. This was set up to handle logging of different LoggableInterface objects in different ways)
Persist the entity (the actual history event) via the entity manager, and do the following:
$classMeta = $this->entityManager->getClassMetadata(get_class($historyEntity));
$this->entityManager->getUnitOfWork()->computeChangeSet($classMeta, $historyEntity);
Hope this helps somebody!

Possible to use Entity getters in custom repository?

I am in need of grabbing a few fields of an entity, running them through some processing, and returning the processed data. I am wondering if it is possible to call the getters of the Entity for which the custom repository is being built inside that custom repository? The only way I thought of so far seems like it would create an infinite loop by calling the entity's repository, which would include a call to the very custom repository being used as well.
I can write the actual queries, but I figured it it would be cleaner to access the data through existing methods, then why not?
Update: So I built a method in the custom repository that I pass the entity object to that I want to work with. Seems a little weird that I would have to pass the entity to it's own custom repository so that it would know what to act on, but I can't seem to find any other way. So in my Controller right now I am calling the entity, then calling up the repository for the entity, and passing the previously called entity to the repository. Is that right?
$user = $this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser();
$user_repository = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('AppBundle:User');
$profiles = $user_repository->getAllUsersProfiles($user);
It turns out I had the whole concept of Custom Repositories incorrect. I was using them to store methods that would pull out data relevant to the entity, but only relevant in the sense that the entity was being used to filter something else.
Prior to this epiphany my User Custom Repository had methods like getAllUsersProfiles($user) and getAllUsersCampaigns($user). My previously incorrect understanding was that because the User entity was the thing that was central to filtering the Profiles and Campaigns, that these belonged in the User Custom Repository.
What I have now come to understand is that getAllUserProfiles($user) belongs in the Profiles Custom Repository, and would be more appropriately named getAllByUser($user). Now when I need to use it, I pull up the Profiles Repository and call the appropriate method:
$profile_repository = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('AppBundle:Profile');
$all_profiles = $profile_repository->getAllByUser($user);

Symfony2: best approach to use business (repository) logic in entity or controller

I'm having a design issue in my project, related to where put some business logic.
I have three entities, Event, TicketOrder and Ticket. One Event has a lot of TicketOrders and one TicketOrder has a lot of Tickets.
In my template, I have to show how many tickets an Event has. I've thinking of the best approach to achieve this and didn't get a good solution. I've tried this:
1) Create a private member 'ticketsCount' in Event entity, with setTicketsCount and getTicketsCount method. Create a 'loadTicketsCount' method with a LifeCycleCallback 'PostLoad', to access the TicketRepository method 'findByEvent'. This was impossible because I can't access repository in an entity class.
2) In the action that will be used to display the Event, I can access Ticket Repository and set event 'ticketsCount' property manually. I don't know if it is a good approach because if my action is listing a lot of events I'll have to loop trough all events and make a repository call to each of then.
I really don't know the best approach to achieve this and will really appreciate if someone can help me.
Thanks! ;)
When you use findAll, findBy or findBy* methods of doctrine entity repository, a simple php array is returned containing the entity objects.
The array class implements countable interface. So using twigs length filter
{{ ticketOrder.tickets|length }}
you perform a simple php count() on the array.
Actually it makes now sense to perform a count query, because you already have the result in memory. So it seems more efficient to count the result and retrieve it from memory, because when you access associations they are completely loaded into memory.
However associations between entities can get pretty large. So imagine you have associations with hundred thousands of entities. You won't those entites to be loaded all together and kept in memory all the time. So in Doctrine 2.1 you can annotate an association as Extra Lazy. If you do so in your case a count query is performed when you call the above twig filter. But the result is not kept in memory.
According to your latest comment:
I can imagine one way to do this. In a template you can call a controller's action with the render statement like
{% render YourMainBundle:getTickets with { 'event_id' : event.id } %}
and in this action you can call a query that looks for all tickets associated to the certain event. This action has to return html, e.g. an template filled with data.

Symfony 2: filtering x-to-many relations

I have two entities that represent users (User) and friendship requests (FriendshipRequest). There is a oneToMany relationship between User and FriendshipRequest, so Doctrine creates a method that is called getFriendshipRequests() in the class User. This is ok, but FriendshipRequest has an attribute that is called status, so I would like that the User class could filter the friendship requests associated to it attending to their status. I have read Doctrine documentation, and I found out this:
Natively you can’t filter associations in 2.0 and 2.1. You should use
DQL queries to query for the filtered set of entities.
According to this, I suppose that I should create a FriendshipRequest repository and create a method called "findByStatusAndUser" (or something like that), but I think that's a crappy solution.
I would like to have a method in the User entity, like getPendingStatusRequests(). Is this possible? If it isn't, what would be the best solution?
As of Doctrine 2.3 you can use matching and Criteria.
Then you could use getPendingStatusRequests() in User entity just like you wanted.
For your example the code would look like this:
public function getPendingStatusRequests()
$criteria = Criteria::create(); //don't forget to use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Criteria;
$criteria->where(Criteria::expr()->eq('status', 1));
return $this->friendshipRequests->matching($criteria);
I think that "getPendingRequestsForUser($user)" method in the FriendshipRequest repository should be a good solution. Inside this method you just need to create an appropriate DQL.
This is a good solution, because all of the logic should be moved to repositories, leaving entities as small and clean as possible.
UPD: Also, you could use findBy method, as described here, ex:
$pendingRequests = $em->getRepository('MyBundle:FriendshipRequest')->findBy(
array('user' => $user->getId(), 'status' => 1)
But for me, first method is preferred.
You can certainly add getPendingStatusRequests() to user and then have it cycle through all the friendship requests and only return those with the appropriate status.
The only potential problem is that all of the friendship requests will always be loaded including those you don't need. It is up to you to decide if this is a real problem or not. It might be that once a friendship request is processed then it is removed so a user won't have many requests at any given time.
If you do want to avoid loading all the requests then make a query and use the WITH expression on your join clause. Something like:
Expr\Join::WITH, $qb->expr()->eq('request.status', $qb->expr()->literal('Pending')));
And since you are using S2 I would not fool around with repositories. Just make a service called UserManager, inject the entity manager, and give it a method called loadUserWithPendingFriendshipRequests.
