XCcode9.3/iOS11.3 fmdb/sqlite will be crash - sqlite

XCcode9.3 run project when First time In Debug, fmdb/sqlite crashes most of the time.
some info is: "BUG IN CLIENT OF sqlite3.dylib: illegal multi-threaded access to database connection"
Did some changes for iOS11.3?


airflow logs: break long logs into smaller multiple files

I see that airflow logs are stored at
Sometime my logs are huge and know its now a good idea to check them from the web ui, because the chrome cant handle so much size of logs.
I have access to the server and can check the logs.
So how can i break the longs into smaller files - v
Also noted that the log file {trynumber}.log, is only created when the task is completed.
while the task is running i can check the logs in the webui, but i dont see any file in the corresponding log folder.
So i need two things for logging from the server side:
break large log files into smaller files
see the log file live while the task is running, not only after the task is completed
In Airflow 2.4.0 there is an option to view full logs or only the first fragment thus huge logs are not loaded automatically:
Starting Airflow 2.5.0 the web UI also does auto tails for logs (PR)
Airflow does show live logs. If you will set for example a Sensor task that pokes resource you will see the poking attempts in the log when the task is running. It's important to note that there are local logs and remote logs (docs):
In the Airflow UI, remote logs take precedence over local logs when remote logging is enabled. If remote logs can not be found or accessed, local logs will be displayed. Note that logs are only sent to remote storage once a task is complete (including failure). In other words, remote logs for running tasks are unavailable (but local logs are available).
Huge logs are often a sign of not using log levels. If you have entries relevant for debugging then set DEBUG mode rather than INFO mode that way you can better control over the log size displayed in the UI using the AIRFLOW__LOGGING__LOGGING_LEVEL variable.

Would could cause a Postgres exception: 42501: must be a member of the role whose process is being terminated or member of pg_signal_backend?

I've been running component tests in a .NET 5 application using LightBDD. In each test we bring up an instance of an ASP .NET core "application" that we connect to via grpc. At the end of each test we shut down the "application".
This "application" starts a connection to a Postgres instance (in the tests this is constantly running locally in Docker and is not restarted between tests) and then closes it at shutdown.
In a sequential run of 30 tests I got the following error twice (separated by about 5 successful tests):
Postgres exception: 42501: must be a member of the role whose process is being terminated or member of pg_signal_backend
I haven't been able to reproduce it since. Does anyone know what potentially could have caused this intermittant issue?
You get that error if you are trying to cancel a transaction of a different database session or terminate such a session, but that other session is with a different database user.
The error message informs you what privileges you need to do that: you either have to be the same user (or a member thereof), or a member of pg_signal_backend or a superuser.

IIS hung requests - can't see CLR stacktraces in memory dump

ASP.NET WebAPI2 application on .NET 4.6.2, hosted on IIS on Windows Server 2016. From time to time, there is a lot (hundreds) of requests stuck for hours (despite the fact I have request timeout 60s set) with no CPU usage. So, I took the memory dump of w3wp process, along with sos.dll, clr.dll and mscordacwks.dll and all my project's dlls and pdbs from bin directory from server and used WinDbg as described in many blogs and tutorials. But, in all of them, they are able to directly see CLR stack by calling ~*e !clrstack. I can see CLR stacktrace for some Redis and ApplicationInsights workers, but for all other managed threads I can see only:
OS Thread Id: 0x1124 (3)
Child SP IP Call Site
GetFrameContext failed: 1
0000000000000000 0000000000000000
!dumpstack for any of these gives just this:
0:181> !dumpstack
OS Thread Id: 0x1754 (181)
Current frame: ntdll!NtWaitForSingleObject+0x14
Child-SP RetAddr Caller, Callee
000000b942c7f6a0 00007fff33d63acf KERNELBASE!WaitForSingleObjectEx+0x8f, calling ntdll!NtWaitForSingleObject
000000b942c7f740 00007fff253377a6 clr!CLRSemaphore::Wait+0x8a, calling kernel32!WaitForSingleObjectEx
000000b942c7f7b0 00007fff25335331 clr!GCCoop::GCCoop+0xe, calling clr!GetThread
000000b942c7f800 00007fff25337916 clr!ThreadpoolMgr::UnfairSemaphore::Wait+0xf1, calling clr!CLRSemaphore::Wait
000000b942c7f840 00007fff253378b1 clr!ThreadpoolMgr::WorkerThreadStart+0x2d1, calling clr!ThreadpoolMgr::UnfairSemaphore::Wait
000000b942c7f8e0 00007fff253d952f clr!Thread::intermediateThreadProc+0x86
000000b942c7f9e0 00007fff253d950f clr!Thread::intermediateThreadProc+0x66, calling clr!_chkstk
000000b942c7fa20 00007fff37568364 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x14, calling ntdll!LdrpDispatchUserCallTarget
000000b942c7fa50 00007fff3773e821 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21, calling ntdll!LdrpDispatchUserCallTarget
So I have no idea, where to look for bug in my code.
(here is the full result:
and here is the results of !threads:
What can I do? Google search for GetFrameContext failed gives nothing helpful.
As mentioned, this is not trivial, however you can find a case study of similar problem here: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/rodneyviana/2015/03/27/the-case-of-the-non-responsive-mvc-web-application/
In a nutshell:
Download NetExt. It is the zip file here:
Open your dump and load NetExt
Run !windex to index the heap
Run !whttp -order -running to see a list of running requests
If the requests contains thread number you can go to the thread to see what is happening
If the requests contains --- instead of thread number, they are waiting a thread and this is a sign that some throttling is happening
If it is a WCF service, run !wservice to see the services
Run !wruntime to see runtime information
Run !wapppool to see Application Pool information
Run !wdae to list all errors
... And so it goes. When you do this again and again you will be able to spot issues easily

Execution group not starting Websphere message broker 8

We have Websphere Message Broker v8.0.0.3 on Redhat Linux env, and we encounterd the following runtime error message:
Execution Group <insert_1> could not be started: broker name <insert_2>; UUID <insert_3>; label <insert_4>; Pub-Sub server <insert_5> (1=Yes, 0=No).
The situation is that one of the execution groups stopped (without any trace/log about it) and the wmb could not auto start with the BIP2057 error.
the weird part occurs when another EG restarted (unlinked reason to the first problem, because of some applicative errors) and then the first EG "took its place", started successfully, and now the second EG could not start for the same reason.
We have checked for user permissions or the logs without any success in identifying the problem.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Run the following service IBM MQSeries if it's not running already:
C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere MQ\bin\amqlsvc.exe
If it gives an
exception of Access Denied, your user must not be having rights to
log on.
Another possible resolution can be by restarting the
DataFlowEngine.exe process.
If none of the above scenarios fulfill the need, restart the system.

SQLite Exception when trying to open a connection with multiple processes

My scenario is simple, I have one process generating some data and putting it into the database (currently 5 seconds after the last one is finished) and then there are any number of processes opening a connection to read a single record to use internally (currently 5 seconds after the last one is finished). The database is located on the local drive and the OS is Windows Server 2012 R2.
With the reader processes I am occasionally receiving an error when connecting to the sqlite database, when the connection is opened an [FireDAC][Phys][SQLite] ERROR: unable to close due to unfinalized statements or unfinished backups exception is thrown and I'm stumped on the cause and the meaning of the error message (in the case of opening a connection).
My connection is created like so (in both the reader and writer application):
connection := TFDConnection.Create(nil);
connection.Params.Add('Database=' + aDatabasePath);
After investigating the EFDDBEngineException that gets thrown there is only a single error in the list of errors and it contains ErrorCode=5 which sqlite errorcodes and sqlite result codes say are the SQLITE_BUSY error.
Investigating the callstack
ntdll.dll KiUserExceptionDispatcher
FireDAC.Phys.SQLite TFDPhysSQLiteConnection.InternalDisconnect
FireDAC.Phys TFDPhysConnection.ConnectBase
ntdll.dll KiUserExceptionDispatcher
FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteWrapper TSQLiteStatement.PrepareBase
FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteWrapper TSQLiteStatement.Prepare
FireDAC.Phys.SQLiteWrapper TSQLiteStatement.Prepare
FireDAC.Phys.SQLite TFDPhysSQLiteConnection.InternalExecuteDirect
FireDAC.Phys.SQLite SetPragma
FireDAC.Phys.SQLite TFDPhysSQLiteConnection.InternalConnect
FireDAC.Phys TFDPhysConnection.ConnectBase
FireDAC.Phys TFDPhysConnection.DoConnect
FireDAC.Phys TFDPhysConnection.Open
FireDAC.Comp.Client TFDCustomConnection.DoInternalLogin
FireDAC.Comp.Client TFDCustomConnection.DoLogin
FireDAC.Comp.Client TFDCustomConnection.DoConnect
Data.DB TCustomConnection.SetConnected
FireDAC.Comp.Client TFDCustomConnection.SetConnected
Data.DB TCustomConnection.Open
It's obviously not liking something that is happening in TSQLiteStatement.PrepareBase which then results in TFDPhysConnection.ConnectBase attempting to cleanup whatever point the creating of the connection is up to but where would the unfinalized statement be?
I Close() and Free() every TFDQuery and the connection when I'm finished.
What am I missing?
On a side note because it is a problem for me. Once the error occurs the WAL and SHM files don't get collapsed into the database file, and if I try to run the reader application on my dev machine under the debugger pointing at the database in the shared folder it locks completely when trying to open a connection and ending all other readers and the writer process doesn't unlock it and then I need to restart my dev machine.
