R shiny library icons not working - r

My shiny app was working well with icpns eg calendar icon displaying till I decided to update the font-awesome folder.I read online that you can download and replace rhe folder to get the latest fonts.I did this and now no icon is working or showing after including them in my dashboard code.How can I get them to work again?

Thanks Mark.
Actually I had overwritten the original fontt-awesome folder.But I got a work around.I searched for a font-awesome folder in the HTML directory of Rstudio and copy pasted this into the www folder of the shiny directory.My icons now work.


Why do I not get my shiny app with fonts I want, with golem

Cannot use the fonts with golem nor the FEATURE unit with the choice of libraries and their description
I want to reproduce the app in the link bellow, but only with golem.
I have tried to change:
some paths - I have deleted fonts folder the original repo https://github.com/nz-stefan/cran-explorer. As you can see app/www has fonts
see the change my repository where I have instead of fonts folder I have added the needed fonts in inst/app/www as golem framework is applied
look in both bootstrap.min.css and themify.icons.css files - in the original repo posted above has src = "../fonts/etc"
4.I have tried in src = "../inst/app/www/etc" YET IT DOES NOT WORK
I am trying to reproduce this app:
But cannot get the expected output as above with the nice blue fonts and the patterns. This is how I want it:
This is what I get instead:

Icons not showing?

Icons not showing , So I've this problem.
I'm using some weather icons provided by erikflowers on github.
They are working and showing up fine when I've opened my app through the live server extension in Visual Studio Code. However, when I open my index.html manually from the folder, they are showing up as blank squares.
Anyone have any clue why this might be?
Thanks in advance
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./weather-icons-wind.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./weather-icons.css">
I did try changing to ./ no help
It says it can't find the files but they are there
Your pathing is wrong. As u wrote by urself in a comment -
"To use the Weather Icons, place the main CSS files in your CSS directory, and the font files in a "font" directory on the same folder level as the CSS director. Once you've done that, all you need to do to reference an icon in your HTML is type ""<i class="wi wi-night-sleet""> "
You dont have a CSS directory.
Also look at your console error.
The route is wrong.. your Project Name is missing.
"../JavaScript/Projects/fonts/weather..", where is your Folder "Weather API"?
I would suggest to create a CSS folder (your styles.css stays in the project root), with your icon stylesheet files in it. That should fix your problems.
How are you accessing those icons? CDN? Or do you have them stored locally in some separate folder? Also, share your index.html and folder structure.
For example, you have them in a folder called icons, say a file called cloud.png. Then there are 2 ways to access them in your HTML file:
Using icons/cloud.png
Using ./icons/cloud.png
Both of these approaches work in Live Server, but sometimes we have to use the 2nd one when opening index.html directly or when hosting on Github Pages.
So try both of them and see which one works for you.

R 3.5.1 shiny dashboard theme change

I want to connect external css file for R shiny dashboard. I am using R 3.5.1. I have downloaded cerulean theme as bootstrap.css in www directory. Using the code below
tags$link( rel="stylesheet",
href = 'bootstrap.css'))
But cerulean theme is not appearing in shiny app.
Also I want to change the search input box displaying in 3D to 2D. Please have a look below:
New search input box should appear like below
I have no idea why the following works, but from experience: just renaming the .css file in your www folder and, ofcourse, in the .R file gets it working.
Your code seems fine.
Alternatively you may try includeCSS(). For this you should put your CSS in your app directory.

Stop VSC from showing all javascript files as React files

I think it's weird that the default file icon theme shows that all Javascript files are React files now. Can that be changed without having to download a new theme?
I'm not even using React in this project.
Hope this solves your issue. In the bottom right side of your VSC tool, click on javascript react and it opens up a dropdown list, In that please select Javascript option. I have attached a screenshot of VSC code tool image for your reference.

The Images URL's doesn't show in my Home Page

Am using This bootstrap CSS design it works fine but the images doesn't appear. I took from its github repository the css file and the index.html.
i didn't make any changes, and am using it with my meteor project. I already added twbs:bootstrap package. Are there any packages i need to add to my meteor project?
why the images doesn't appear with me?
Those images does not appear because you just copied the index the css, you are missing the rest of the assets (where images are stored). But for your own images, you shouldn't have any problem to add them.
