I'm trying to maintain a session in the simulator so that I can chain intents and not have to start each sentences with "tell my skill {something}".
Each time i trigger an Intent, I can see in the output JSON that the session.new is always true.
What do I do wrong ?
Thanks a lot.
Make sure that when you send responses, you use a "ask" response instead of a "tell" response. A tell response will close the session.
With the Java SDK, you can create an ask response with:
SpeechletResponse.newAskResponse(speech, reprompt, card);
Whereas the tell response is created with:
SpeechletResponse.newTellResponse(speech, card);
In node.js I realized that you do need the "repompt" part to keep the session attributes :
.withSimpleCard('Hello World', speechText)
Can anyone give me any advice on how to create an LP pool on the Solana devnet?
I planned this job for testing swaps between specific two tokens on the devnet using the Raydium protocol.
So, I need to create a swap pool on the devnet first.
To achieve this, I did it like below.
First of all, to list on the serum market, I cloned the Raydium-Dex repository on my mac and changed the Serum dex's program id from the mainnet to the devnet, and I success registered on the devnet serum. (Custom token with SOL pairs)
As a result, I got a serum market program id.
After that, I cloned the Raydium-frontend repository to create a liquidity pool. And modified wellknownToken.config.ts so that my custom tokens could be possible to create a new pool.
Finally, I could access the create pool UI from the localhost web UI.
I clicked Initialize Liquidity Pool button on the UI and got a Toast message Create a new pool Transaction Sent apparently.
However, It is not worked well. Because I can not find the transaction hash on the Solscan website.
I tracked the button's click event codes and I figured out one thing.
One of the result value of Liquidity.makeCreatePoolTransaction function has a null value, especially, feePayer.
const { transaction: sdkTransaction1, signers: sdkSigners1 } = Liquidity.makeCreatePoolTransaction({
poolKeys: sdkAssociatedPoolKeys,
userKeys: { payer: owner }
const testTx = await loadTransaction({ transaction: sdkTransaction1, signers: sdkSigners1 })
console.log('feepayer', testTx.feePayer?.toBase58()) // null
I felt this is not the preferred (good) way to create a swap pool on the Solana devnet, but I can not find a better way to achieve this task.
What am I missing? or What am I should read or learn?
please give me some advice on how to do it to make it works.
It looks like the transaction created with Liquidity.makeCreatePoolTransaction hasn't been sent to the network, so it doesn't exist anywhere. Be sure to send and confirm the transaction before trying to load it. You can use something like:
const { transaction: sdkTransaction1, signers: sdkSigners1 } = Liquidity.makeCreatePoolTransaction({
poolKeys: sdkAssociatedPoolKeys,
userKeys: { payer: owner }
await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [wallet]);
Note that this requires a connection to send and a wallet to sign. More info at https://github.com/solana-labs/solana/blob/9ac2245970de90af30bff9d1f7f35cd2d8f2bf6d/web3.js/src/util/send-and-confirm-transaction.ts#L18
You might run into other issues though, because the Raydium program isn't deployed to devnet: https://explorer.solana.com/address/675kPX9MHTjS2zt1qfr1NYHuzeLXfQM9H24wFSUt1Mp8?cluster=devnet
I am trying to create something of an application bot. I need the bot to be triggered in a generic channel and then continue the application process in a private DM channel with the applicant.
My issue is this : The bot can have only one on_message function defined. I find it extremely complicated (and inefficient) to check everytime if the on_message was triggered by a message from a DM channel vs the generic channel. Also, makes it difficult to keep track of an applicants answers. I want to check if the following is possible : Have the bot respond to messages from the generic channel as usual. If it receives an application prompt, start a new subprocess (or bot?) that handles the DMs with the applicant separately.
Is the above possible? if not, is there an alternative to handling this in a better way ?
async def on_message(message):
if message.author == client.user:
if message.channel.type==discord.ChannelType.private:
await dm_channel.send("Whats your age?") ## Question 2
elif message.channel.type == discord.ChannelType.text:
if message.content.startswith('$h'):
member = message.author
if "apply" in message.content:
await startApply(member)
await message.channel.send('Hello!')
# await message.reply('Hello!', mention_author=True)
async def startApply(member):
dm_channel = await member.create_dm()
await dm_channel.send("Whats your name?") ## Question 1
I have the above code as of now. I want the startApply function to trigger a new bot/subprocess to handle the DMs with an applicant.
Option 1
Comparatively speaking, a single if check like that is not too much overhead, but there are a few different solutions. First, you could try your hand at slash commands. This is library built as an extension for the discord.py library for slash commands. You could make one that only works in DM's, and then have it run from there with continuous slash commands.
Option 2
Use a webhook to start up a new bot. This is most likely more complicated, as youll have to get a domain or find some sort of free service to catch webhooks. You could use a webhook like this though to 'wake up' a bot and have it chat with the user in dm's.
Option 3 (Recommended)
Create functions that handle the text depending on the channel, and keep that if - elif in there. As i said, one if isn't that bad. If you had functions that are called in your code that handled everything, it actually should be fairly easy to deal with:
async def on_message(message):
if message.author == client.user:
if message.channel.type==discord.ChannelType.private:
elif message.channel.type == discord.ChannelType.text:
In terms of keeping track of the data, if this is a smaller personal project, MySQL is great and easy to learn. You can have each function store whatever data needed to the database so that you can have it stored to be looked at / safe in case of bot crash & then it will also be out of memory.
On 2 occasions in the past month, we have managed to hit our daily limit on asynchronous apex executions. Salesforce temporarily increased our limit to 425000 but it will be scaled down to 250000 in a week's time. Once we reach the limit, a lot of the SF functions will fail and this has tremendously impacted both internal staff and external customers.
So to prevent this from happening in the future, we need to create some kind of alert in Salesforce to monitor our daily asynchronous apex method executions. Our maximum daily limit is 250000. The alert will need to create a P3 helpdesk ticket and notify couple of users say USER A and USER B once it reaches 70% threshold.
Kindly advise what is possible to achieve the same
Thanks & Regards,
There's a promising Limits method but it doesn't seem to work currently ("reserved for future use"): System.debug(Limits.getAsyncCalls() + ' / ' + Limits.getLimitAsyncCalls());
There's an idea you can upvote: https://success.salesforce.com/ideaView?id=0873A0000003VIFQA2 ;)
You could query SELECT COUNT() FROM AsyncApexJob WHERE ... but that sounds like a bad idea ;)
I think your best course of action is to use SF REST API. There's a "limits" resource you can fetch. You could do it from SF itself (bad idea because if you'd schedule it to run every hour then well, of course it will contribute to the limit consumption too ;)) or from some external app that'd connect to your SF...
You can quickly try it out for example in workbench.developerforce.com before you decide you do want to deep dive into coding it.
Of course if you have control over your batch jobs, queuable, schedulable & #future calls you could implement some rough counter of executions in a helper object for example... won't help you much if most of the jobs are coming from managed packages though...
Got 1 more idea but it's pretty hardcore - you should be able to make a REST API call from javascript. so you could create a simple VF page (even without any apex controller), put JS callout on it, have it check every 5 mins and do something if threshold is hit... But that means IT person would have to have this page open all the time (perhaps as a home page component)... Messy :)
I was having the exact same issue so I created a simple JsForce script in NodeJS to monitor the call to the /limits endpoint.
You can connect a Free Monitoring service like UpTimerobot.com or PingDom.com and get an email when you find the Word "Warning" >50% or "Error" > 80%.
async function getSfLimits() {
try {
//Let's login into salesforce
const login = await conn.login(SF_USERNAME, SF_PASSWORD+SF_SECURITY_TOKEN);
//Call the API
const sfLimits = await conn.requestGet('/services/data/v51.0/limits');
return sfLimits;
} catch(err) {
I'm tying to make a simple test custom Alexa Skill, but I'm stuck and I'm not sure what the problem is. Maybe someone more experienced know what I'm missing?
Invocation Name
home system
Intent Schema
"intents": [
"intent": "AMAZON.HelpIntent",
"slots": []
"intent": "TestIntent",
"slots": [
{"name": "test", "type": "AMAZON.NUMBER"}
Sample Utterances
TestIntent set state {test}
TestIntent add state
I have written my own little python server on my own self hosted server, I already have a working news flash skill on the same system. I have spend plenty of time looking at the documentation, reading tutorials and I looks like I have done what I'm supposed to do.
The result I get is this:
A LaunchRequest works, both in the Service Simulator and on the Echo. It triggers a HTTP POST with the expected JSON, and I get the expected voice reply.
But the IntentRequest only works from the Service Simulator, it never works on the Echo. I say for example "alexa home system set state eight", no requests are made to my server, the echo just makes a sound and that's all.
I have no idea how to debug this, the skill is a US skill and my Echo is in US mode. I have tried to set the endpoint in both Europe and North America. Tried different trigger words, different slots, no slots ... and I have of course checked under Settings -> History to make sure that the device understood me correctly.
Any idea what to try next? How to debug this?
I found the problem, it was a classic PEBCAK (Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard) problem.
I had missed that I had to be much more precise how to invoke an intent (a single sentence that contains both the trigger word and intent in one go). A example of valid and working examples are:
Alexa, ask home system to set state nine
Alexa, set state twelve using home system
Alexa, tell home system set state one
I realised this when I used the alternative 2-step invoking, and realized that it worked. It had to be the way I invoked the skill, not the backend:
Alexa, open home system
(Alexa responds, and listens for the command)
Set state to eight
(Intent triggered, Alexa responds)
The first request above is the LaunchRequest
The LaunchRequest responds with shouldEndSession: false, if not the session will end. That's maps to question(...) in my code.
There are plenty of more ways to trigger the skills, a full list see this page: https://developer.amazon.com/public/solutions/alexa/alexa-skills-kit/docs/supported-phrases-to-begin-a-conversation (scroll down to the tables)
Finally thank you u-gen for the feedback, bst was a interesting project (never tried it), guess it can be really useful if you uses a hosted solution like lambda. But thanks to the docs I found flask-ask, a project that simplified my code.
Finally, the python part of my test project if someone else like to try it out.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from flask import Flask, render_template
from flask_ask import Ask
from flask_ask import statement, question, convert_errors
app = Flask(__name__)
ask = Ask(app, '/ask/')
def hello_world():
return 'Hello, World!'
def launched():
return question('Welcome to Foo')
def hello():
return statement('Hello, world')
def session_ended():
return "", 200
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.run(debug=True, host="", threaded=True)
Given the starting time/date and duration, how can I make a server side calculation that determines if an object is "finished", "in progress", or "upcoming"
--duration: "144"
--startDate: "2015-11-10"
--startTime: "14:00"
--status: "?"
Client-side javascript to determine if the show has started yet:
// if negative, then show hasn't started yet
var time = (-(startdate.getTime() - currentdate.getTime()) / 1000 / 60);
Client-side javascript to determine if the show has finished running yet:
// if negative, then show has finished
var timeLeft = channelDuration - timerStartTime;
There is no way to run your own server-side code on Firebase. See:
Common Firebase application architectures
Firebase Hosting with own server node.js
How would I run server-side code in Firebase?
How to write custom code (logic) when using firebase
But you can store a server-side timestamp, which seems what you're trying to do:
You can then get the shows that haven't started yet with:
var shows = ref.child('Shows');
For someone passing by, I think now Firebase allow you to do this by Cloud Function. For this case, you can create the function that determine the status of the status by other parameter when the data is added to you database.
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