Switch off Fabric on-demand after Fabric is initialised? - privacy

Is there a way to disable Fabric once it's initialised? We want to have a toggle in our app to switch off in-app tracking once the user has enabled it to comply with the new GDPR data protection regulations.
Using Crashlytics 2.6.7#aar, Fabric gradle plugin 1.+

Mike from Fabric here. There isn't a runtime kill switch for the Fabric SDK. If you have a toggle that allows a user to change their settings after initializing Fabric, I suggest that you add a warning to the user that they need to restart the app for the setting to take effect.


How to prevent registration to Firebase project?

As per the Firebase documentation, the contents of google-services.json are considered public. These can be easily retrieved by decompiling the apk.
If so, is there a way to prevent apps from registering with my Firebase project?
I understand that the registration works on the basis of package name. While it's not possible to publish an app with a duplicate package name, for development it is very much possible.
I created a dummy app, and my dummy app successfully registered with my production project. So, looking for a way to prevent that from happening.
You should be connecting your app to Firebase Emulator for local development.
You can go to Firebase console -> Authentication tab -> Sign-in Method tab, and remove localhost from Authorized domain, that way your app will never connect to production DB.

Firebase won't show me Crashlytics details without linking Fabric app

I set up a new project with Firebase and enabled Crashlytics crash reporting. My Firebase console is showing crashes (so I know the SDK is configured properly):
However, when I click on the crashes, I'm presented with this dialog:
Ok...but this app doesn't exist in Fabric, nor do I have a Fabric account (actually - I did have a Fabric account, but deleted it). AND if I create a new Fabric account, there is nowhere to "add" an app anyway. What am I missing?
Make sure that the Firebase app is connected successfully before trying Crashlatics.
Complete the steps of adding Firebase, probably you were forcing the crash which disabled the Firebase from connecting to the console.

How to communicate with Firebase database form Android Things using a service account

I have an Android client and an Android Things server application sharing a Firebase database. How can I communicate from the Android Things application with the Firebase database using a service account? Following the instructions below results in a Gradle error.
Gradle error
Error:(56, 0) Version: 5.8.0 is lower than the minimum version (9.0.0) required for google-services plugin.
You've got several things going wrong here.
First, you don't need a service account to deal with Firebase services from within an Android Things app. You deal with Firebase just like you would a normal Android app as a client of the Firebase service. There is literally almost no difference in how you interface with Firebase from this perspective.
Second, don't use firebase-admin in an Android app. That's for server-side code. Use the normal Firebase client SDKs for Android.
Also bear in mind that Android Things Developer Preview 0.6.1 has Play Services 11.6.x on it, and it doesn't self-update like normal Android devices. This means you have to use the 11.6.0 Firebase and Play SDKs in your Thing app. If you try to use newer versions, the client will fail because the client SDK versions aren't matched by an equal or better Play Services APK on the device.

How often are Azure WebApps automatically patched?

I am using an Azure WebApp with development slots running a netcore aspnet install. How often are these instances patched and how are they patched?
Is there any way for me to see a log of exactly when they are patched?
If you are referring to the app itself in Azure App Service when you deploy a Web App from the gallery you get an install of whatever item you selected. That item will not be automatically updated, if they try to update the container this will most likely break your application especially if you had customized that container in any way.
If you are referring to the OS, Microsoft will update the OS and IIS version from time to time and when they do, if there is any possibility of this affecting your app there will be an e-mail sent to the e-mail account registered under the subscription notifying him/her of the maintenance. Normally you shouldn't experience any downtime.
You may also check the Operating system functionality on Azure App Service and Kudu Console for more details.
Hope this helps.

Is there a way to show all apps deployed to your Meteor developer account?

I just signed up for a Meteor developer account and deployed my first app. I have searched and seen the blog post on the develop account but I have not found any information on how to login and view a list of all apps deployed to your account.
So for example after
meteor login
you could type
meteor list
and it would list all the apps deployed to this account
but I have not found any such command and I am wondering if it exists?
The command has since been added use:
meteor list-sites
Make sure you're logged in first. Use meteor login to login, if you're not already.
At the moment this feature is not yet available. It should be available soon, according to the discussions on meteor-talk, with an API call and a meteor command like 'list'.
The apps listed on your Meteor Developer account are not the same as your deployed apps. The apps listed there are the ones that have access to your meteor developer account via OAuth.
More Info:
You can view your Developer Account Apps from the Meteor Account settings page
Once you log in, you will see all of your apps listed under "Your Developer Account Apps"
The command has been added. Use
meteor list-sites
To show all apps deployed to your account.
