How to get a summary of your CSS changes in Chrome dev tools? - css

Is there a way to get a list of the custom CSS changes you applied within the Chrome dev tools?
When you're playing with CSS in the Chrome dev tools to get your web page look right, it would come in handy to easily track the changes you made.
I know about workspaces, but the use case is an Angular 5 app where your CSS is bundled and possibly minified.
To clarify:
I have a page that is looking pretty far from what it should look like
I do 20 CSS fixes in dev tools until it looks good
now I want to get a (CSS) delta from the original page so I have a list of changes I should now implement in the real CSS styles.

You can see all changes via the Changes Drawer
In Dev Tools, you can locate the Changes Drawer via either:
A) Open Command Palette (Ctrl + Shift + P) and type "changes"
B) Open Drawer (Esc), click on the more options menu (triple dot), and select Changes
Further Reading
How to get a summary of your CSS changes in Chrome dev tools?
Export CSS changes from inspector (webkit, firebug, etc)
Dev Tools 98 added More precise changes to automatically pretty prints changes
Issue #1296143 opened User-Select: none in Changes drawer makes it very hard to utilize

Actually you could do exactly what you want:
Go to Sources > > Local Modifications
Going to the Sources tab, choosing your desired CSS file, and then right click and choose Local modifications will give you a diff style summary of your local changes.
Or - you could just save the changes directly to a local CSS file by mapping that local file so that chrome dev tools will automatically save any change that you made to this CSS file.

That depends on how you apply css fixes.
If you apply css code inline,you can't get a file with list of fixes you made.
If you made your changes in inspector-stylesheet you can find that file with all your fixes
Go to Source tab > from the left list open localhost > you can
see file called inspector-stylesheet.
Which will show all your fixes.
Another way to pick your css fixes from 'Elements' tab in dev tool you can easy copy edits you made and paste it in your css file of your project or you can edit source file itself from 'Source' tab in dev tool you have two things to do to keep what changes you made:
By pressing Ctrl + S or Cmd + S to save changes and automatically will save changes in your root css file in your project files.
You can copy and paste changes from dev tool to your css file in your code editor

Well, I learned something new 😯
How to monitor changes to inline styles in console
const targetNode = document
// Options for the observer (which mutations to observe)
const config = { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true };
// Callback function to execute when mutations are observed
const callback = function(mutationsList, observer) {
// Use traditional 'for loops' for IE 11
for(let mutation of mutationsList) {
if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
console.log('A child node has been added or removed.');
else if (mutation.type === 'attributes') {
console.log('The ' + mutation.attributeName + ' attribute was modified.');
// Create an observer instance linked to the callback function
const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
// Start observing the target node for configured mutations
observer.observe(targetNode, config);
This does not solve the problem
but could be used as a starting point for a custom solution to the problem.
custom diffing of each element replacing old values with the latest values you could end up with a diff of all changes up to this point using your own maintained list.
This could be a pr to each of the browsers or created as a chrome extension. Goodluck, wanted to present a possible solution instead of saying it was impossible.

I know it's "another" subject, but you can try to launch it in some live checker extension in VS Code in order to follow everything...


ApostropheCMS 2 CSS Issue

I've one apostrophe CMS 2 project where I am trying to make changes in the css file which resides in "lib\modules\apostrophe-assets\public\css\site.css" and there is another minify css file generated in public\css\master-anon-cl2eiqkd30003wwb6kl1553jg.less.
So whatever i make changes in minify files it reflects in front side and if I do that changes in 'lib\modules\apostrophe-assets\public\css\site.css' it didn't reflect.
Then I've fired below command to minify this files node app apostrophe:generation
Ref Link # :
After firing this command than new scripts & styles are created but however changes are not getting reflected in the test server and website styles gets messed up.
Could you please suggest any solution
Hi I don't know if this is going to help you, but try to add this peace of code to your module, widget
enter code here
construct: function(self, options){
var superPushAssets = self.pushAssets;
self.pushAssets = function(){
self.pushAsset('stylesheet', 'style-name', {when: 'always'};

How to reload single file in chrome developer tools

I'm working on a complicated site that has a lot of css files and js files that load on every page. I'm working on a single css using Chrome's developer tools. Once the css is mostly correct in developer tools, (Element tab, Styles side bar), the css is copied to a local css file and then uploaded to the web server. Since only a single css file has been modified it would be faster to reload a single css file instead of hard refreshing and reloading the entire site including images, js, and css, etc.
The site has an option to minify the css file and combine it with the other css files, creating one single very large css file. That option is turned off while in development mode. Adding a version number to the css file name isn't the trick I'm looking for.
Is it possible in Chrome Developer tools to click on a source file and refresh only that file?
This is a bit of a hack, but I think it'll work for your scenario.
When I initially load an example page, you can see three CSS requests:
I want to refresh the devsite-googler-buttons.css file, so I find it in my DOM Tree:
(Command+F on Mac or Control+F on Windows / Linux opens up that search panel at the bottom of the Elements panel... makes it easier to find stuff in a big DOM)
Right-click, select Edit as HTML, and then append a random query string to the end of the link:
And in the Network panel, you can see that the file was re-downloaded:
See also: Konrad's answer provides some handy code for automating this via a Snippet.
It might be handy, in your situation, to automate it a bit:
function reloadCSS() {
const links = document.getElementsByTagName('link');
.filter(link => link.rel.toLowerCase() === 'stylesheet' && link.href)
.forEach(link => {
const url = new URL(link.href, location.href);
link.href = url.href;
What this function does is it forces all CSS files to be reloaded by appending current time to their URLs.
You can modify it to target a specific file. You can run it from console, via DevTools 'snippets' functionality or make it into an extension.
If you don't mind refreshing the page, but don't want to re-download all resources, try the following.
Open the css file in a new tab. (You can right click css files from the Chrome developer tools and choose "open in new tab");
Hard-refresh this tab (ctrl/cmd + f5);
Soft-refresh the page (f5 or ctrl/cms + r).
According to me only Live editing is the only possible way what you are looking for I suppose. There is no way to refresh a single css file.

Trying to persist CSS changes to file on disk in Chrome Dev tools

I have just started exploring the possibility of saving changes made to a page and it's styling in Chrome Dev Tools on the fly.
I've followed this short video tutorial on mapping the project files on disk to the Dev Tools via the Sources tab. Everything works fine until around the 5:17 point where he selects an element in the Elements tab and makes several CSS style changes which automatically persist to the file on disk.
This doesn't work for me. The changes won't save to the file and when I refresh the page reverts to the original styles. I have checked to see if there is an asterisk beside the corresponding CSS file in the Sources panel, to denote changes have been made, but there is nothing there.
I have also tried the solution posted in this SO question but I don't see the link to the stylesheet after editing the style in the Elements tab that will redirect back to the file in the Sources tab allowing the changes to be saved.
Can anyone tell me what I am missing? Thanks!
You need to make sure you map your Workspace to a Network Resource to persist changes automatically. I have produced the steps below to get this working correctly.
Select the folder in Sources and click 'Add Folder to Workspace'
If you open up our stylesheet in Sources and go to the Elements panel to make changes, upon coming back you will see a separate instance of the stylesheet opened with pending changes. The reason is that Chrome doesn't know how to map the URL to the file on your system yet.
Select 'Map to Network Resource...'. You will notice that 'top' disappears.
Make a change in the Elements panel now. When you go back to the Sources panel, the changes will automatically be shown without requiring any explicit save.
You can see exactly what was done by going to the Workspaces section of the DevTools settings panel. We've added a local Workspace, and then mapping the URL, which in my case is on my computer and accessed with the file:// protocol, to the relative path on the system.

Show all changes made through Chrome Developer Tools

How do I display all changes which I made using Chrome Developer tools?
open a website.
open Chrome Developer Tool.
change style attribute of a tag.
add new style to some css file.
change a JavaScript function.
How to see those changes? Something like:
page.html:56 Change style attribute of foo to bar.
page.css:21 Lines added: 21,22,23,24.
page.js:12 Line modified.
As of Chrome 65 there is a changes tab!!
Yes really, it is amazing :)
Open Dev Tools > Ctrl+Shift+P > Show Changes
So, local modifications work for any changes to the files that you make, but they don't help you if you add inline styles or change your DOM in any way.
I like to use a method where I capture the DOM before and after my changes.
That places the current state of the DOM into the copy buffer.
Paste this in the left hand column of a diff tool like vimdiff, or Meld.
Then I finish my modifications and run the copy command again. I paste that into the right hand column of the diff tool, then I can see my changes.
Full article here:
You may want to try the Local Modifications feature:
The DevTools also maintains a revision history of all changes made to
local files. If you've edited a script or stylesheet and saved changes
using the Tools, you can right-click on a filename in Sources (or
within the source area) and select "Local modifications" to view this
Local modifications panel will appear displaying:
A diff of the changes
The time the change was made at
The domain under which a file was changed

Inject CSS with chrome developer tool?

Where can I add CSS to the page I'm viewing? I don't want to add style to one element directly, I want to add a 'document' to a page to debug changes before editing the site's style.css.
Note, there are lots of questions here about 'injecting CSS from a chrome extension', but specifically I want to do it via the 'Chrome Developer Tools' thingy.
I'm not sure if it works, but you'd have to try.
Pressing F12/ (Cmd + opt + I on Mac) to open up the Developer Console and go to the Console tab.
Copy paste the following code (edit the path):
$(document.head).append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="path_to_my_css">');
Alternatively, you could edit one property so the inspector-stylesheet.css is created by Chrome, and copy past your CSS source there.
There are multiple ways to do that, and they are also very easy.
First way, inspector-stylesheet:
Open Inspect Element (F12 Or Ctrl+ Shift+I)
Go to Elements tab (Ctrl+ Shift+ P and type show elements), if you are not already there, see the Styles tab, now see on right corner, there would be a + icon, click it (or long press that icon if it doesn't automatically add inspector-stylesheet), it will add selector of currently highlighted element, just next to the selector, there will a link/button inspector-stylesheet, click it, it will take you a window, where you can add styles.
Second way, Edit as HTML
Open Inspect Element (F12 Or Ctrl+ Shift+I)
Go to element panel (Ctrl+ Shift+ p and type show element panel).
Scroll to the head element right click on the element and choose Edit as HTML, go to the bottom of that element (Ctrl+ End), add your <style></style> element there add your style in that element, and hit Ctrl+ Enter.
Third way, Snippet:
Open Inspect Element (F12 Or Ctrl+ Shift+I)
Go to the Source tab, go to the Snippets tab, click on the + New snippet, name it whatever you want, and add this:
Create new snippet Ctrl+ Shift+ P type Create new snippet hit Enter , rename the snippet if you want to, and add this (edit the style) :
let style = `<style>
/*change your style here*/
document.head.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", style);
Save it, run it (Ctrl+Enter).
You can also run the snippets by doing this: Ctrl+ p type ! it will show your saved snippets, choose the one you want to run.
To edit or see your snippets, Ctrl+ Shift+ P type show snippets.
In FireFox it's even easier:
Open Inspect Element (F12)
Go to Style Editor, click the + icon and you will be able to edit the style; You can also, import styles, just by clicking the icon next to the +.
To begin with, this is one reason why I use Firefox for teaching and my own development work. The answer is built in.
As a variation to the above answers, using modern JavaScript, you can add a hard-coded style as follows:
document.head.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend','<style> … </style>');
or you can add an external style sheet as follows:
document.head.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend','<link rel="stylesheet" href="…">');
The beforeend argument is to help the injected CSS to override previously loaded styles.
If you’re going to do this repeatedly, you can then add it as a bookmarklet, using something like Bookmarklet Crunchinator.
The technique is similar to one I teach in a JavaScript class, where I use afterbegin to inject some default CSS, but allow user style sheets to override the defaults.
Why not a kind of simple framework agnostic one-liner like this?
document.body.appendChild(function() {var el = document.createElement('link'); el.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet'); el.setAttribute('href', 'http://domain/print.css'); return el;}())
Seems to work like a charm...
Since 2018 in Chrome (65) the browser's integrated DevTools has a feature called Local Overrides 1. As such, there is no need for an add-on or extension like StyleBot, Stylish or Greasemonkey.
Local Overrides allow rewrites of CSS, JS and DOM on any live site. Changes are saved in a local folder and they override the contents of the live environment.
This can be accessed under Developer Tools > Sources >> Overrides
This allows you to select a custom local folder that will contain CSS and JS that will override the current website's own CSS and JS.
This should work (paste into console, edit arguments in the last line as needed):
This will insert a <link>
with an href //
before the closing </head>
If there's no head tag in the document you're trying to add a css file to, try body as the last argument:
You can inject CSS using snippets in Chrome Devtools. Save and execute the snippet and then invoke it in the console or in another snippet:
function insertCss(code) {
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
if (style.styleSheet) { // IE
style.styleSheet.cssText = code;
} else { // Other browsers
style.innerHTML = code;
document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild( style );
// run the snippet as follows:
insertCss('span { color: red !important; }');
Go to the sources tab in dev tools and right click in the left column, then add folder to workspace and use file explorer to select the folder that contains your css file. You will have to allow to make changes, once you do this you will see your folder in the sources tree(MAKE SURE YOU SELECT FILESYSTEM TAB UNDER SOURCES TAB), open your folder find the file and right click on the your css file and select map to network resource. Once you map the file you can open and see it in the workspace and from that file any change made will affect the page styles. So basically your styles will over ride the served styles.
Is this what you're after?: "How to Edit Source Files Directly in Chrome"
From that article:
Step 1: Launch Developer Tools. Go to View -> Developer -> Developer Tools. Navigate to "Sources"
Step 2: Click the Filesystem tab, then click + Add folder to workspace. You’ll be prompted to locate your work folder and Chrome will ask you to confirm that you Allow access.
Step 3: Edit and Save Your Code and refresh the browser to see your changes
