WordPress - WP Contact Form 7 issue - wordpress

I am facing a strange issue, I have set a TO emails address as "request#workreign.com" in the WP Contact form 7 mail settings, that means the form should be emailed to this emails ID.
But, instead, the form is getting sent to the person who submits the form. Please refer this video screen recording - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6F3r9bRDuGs
In this recording, I filled the form with "mack.co.in#gmail.com" email ID and this form is supposed to be sent to "request#workreign.com" but instead, it is getting sent to "mack.co.in#gmail.com" only.


Wordpress Contact Form 7: Save form data in Session/Cookie

I want to store the information already submitted by the user in a session or cookie. This information should than automatically be filled if the user again opens the contact form url. So the user does not need to enter again his name/mail etc
I already searched for plugins doing that... without success
Using Contact Form 7 and Wordpress

Wordpress-Contac tform7

i have problem with my wordpress contact form7, i am not getting any mail form my website when the user submit a form.i am using many forms in my contact form 7, i tried all the way,(it not working any mail server ie.smtp and php mailer) even i am not getting any response contact form while submit the form (ie. success or failed etc) just got the alert message (details sent successfully), i am checked my wordpress can sent a mail (ie . forgot password mail). i have to fix this issue quickly so pls some one help me to resolve (i updated all ie.wordpress and contact form) my wesite link is : http://www.maldentrans.com/contact-us
One of the things that prevent the Contact Form 7 from working correctly is the email you use with the form.
The general idea is that if you use one of the e-mail addresses from the public email services like Gmail or Yahoo they will be blocked and the form won't work. That happens due to numerous anti spam restrictions.
So if switch from the Form to the Mail panel in the Form settings make sure to use the email domain that matches your website. In your case this could be something like info#maldentrans.com.
Make sure to use that email in the following fields: To and From.
After you set it up - everything should work fine!

Wordpress contact plugin not working correctly in my website

I use contact page 7 plugin for word press. I have configured it correctly from the admin panel. But in my website, when I click on submit then the following message appears.
Failed to send your message. Please try later or contact the
administrator by another method.
What can be wrong here?
There could be two causes for this.
You are not using correct email in "from" or in "to" email, perhaps you are using [subject] which could be empty or empty shortcode (remove any shortcode in from,to,subjects fileds) in "from" or in "to".
The first is actual mail server trouble, where email cannot be sent, in this case you can use SMTP plugin to configure it properly or contact your server provider.

Contact form 7 sending to wrong email (wordpress)

I have changed all the email addresses to send where I want them to go in the fields, however upon sending an email through the form on the site I still receive emails to the unwanted test address I entered when beginning the site development.
Is there some sort of setting that all forms send to a default email?
How do I go about only making the form send to the email in the field?
I am using the paeon theme if that makes any difference?

How do I display mails sent from a WP contact form?

actually i am doing contact us form. in there i used one plug in. sending mails to admin...fine. but at the same i want to display at admin side. how to do? i am new to wordpress.
When you send emails to an admin, you can see those in the admins mailbox. They're not "messages" of any special kind. If you want those, you can use comments on posts.
