Wordpress redirecting to wrong homepage - wordpress

I worked for a few days on XAMPP with a wordpress platform. After I bought a domain, I decided to use Duplicator plugin to transfer my whole wordpress snap to the new server. Everything is working just fine except for one single thing: whenever I go to my website, instead of visiting the actual page that should be "www.example.com/welcome" it redirects automatically to "www.example.com/wordpress". I made some research about it and discovered that usually wp is installed in a wordpress directory, but I completely made sure that:
on htaccess there is no /wordpress directory url
on index.php there is no /wordpress directory url
on wp-config there is no /wordpress directory both on SITE-URL and HOME
made sure that on the wp-admin config panel in the General section, the URLs are both set to the root directory.
For some unexplicable reason, everything is working fine, www.example.com/shop works for example, but if I set from the customization panel a page like "www.example.com/dummy" as homepage, then THAT page won't be found because it automatically redirects "dummy" to "/wordpress" which of course does not exist. You can type www.example.com and be redirected to www.example.com/wordpress and the same thing happens if you type www.example.com/dummy, since now that should be the homepage.
Can anyone explain me why is this happening? I searched everywhere but I can't find an answer.
I'm using the Storefront theme and Woocommerce plugin if that might help.


Cannot able to access wp-admin page

I have a wordpress website in my ubuntu server. Eg, my website url is
xyz.com. when i'm trying to access wp-admin page it should be xyz.com/wp-admin. But it redirect to another url like xyz.com/xyz/wp-admin
Can anyone give solution for this issue?
Wordpress admin dashboard is /wp-admin from whatever directory your website is installed.
For instance, you have a website https://dijofrancis.com and wp is installed in the root directory then your admin url is https://dijofrancis.com/wp-admin
If you paste your .htaccess file (situated at the root of your webserver directory) we could help a little more.
I once had a similar issue when I stupidly made a global redirect with a wildcard on my website.
If you say that when you access:
it redirects you to
Then it might be a permalink issue.
Re-make your permalinks from WP dashboard.
Also, you can try to use
and test from another link (if issue is permalink, maybe WPS HL will interact with wp-admin in a way that will work for some reason)

Page not found on localhost WordPress site

I am working on a WordPress website on localhost using Xampp. Today I changed the site URL and home URL in phpMyAdmin to a host; I plan on transferring my site too, but I ran into some issues so I had to revert it back to localhost.
But now it doesn't work! I have tried 'localhost' and 'localhost/wordpress'. With the latter, I can see my site's header and footer and theme colors etc., but the main frontpage says "not found" and other menu pages also say not found. When I try to access wp-admin, it can't find it either! So I can't even log into the admin panel.
Folders structure:
Inside the wordpress folder, there's .htaccess, index.php, etc. And three folders: wp-admin, wp-content and wp-includes.
I don't know why this isn't working any more, I only changed my database's site URL temporarily! Now nothing works and can't access admin panel.
make sure you changed the siteurl and home values in the wp_options table to your localhost like that http://localhost/site
delete the htaccess file and try to open the site and see
if you have a security plugin that changes the login url page try to disable it by renaming it's folder name

Moved Wordpress to a subdirectory, don't want site-url to redirect to my subdirectory

I've searched a while but couldn't find an answer to this question yet. I had WP originally installed in the site root and moved it to a subfolder and went through the common steps necessary. I do this because I want to run wordpress only for blogging reasons and keep another HTML site as my main project that I want to access through my domain www.example.com and the wordpress blog through www.example.com/blog/
I moved the WP system therefore to /blog and changed the site address and wp address to that folder and followed the usual steps. Everything works just fine. Still when I enter my domain it redirects automatically to the /blog subdirectory and not to the site that lies in the root that has a index.html. There is no .htaccess file in the root or anything similar. How is that possible? Happy about all suggestions.

Moving Wordpress site subdirectory errors

I have just moved my testing development subdirectory worpdress installation to my root folder using the WP-Clone plugin.
The problem now is my main site (previously mysite.com ) shows (mysite.com/site) now. and the subdirectory is shwoing in all my links
I have tried going to settings and removed the /site from wordpress URL and Site address URL.
But it broke my site and disabled me from accessing my wp-login.php .
I fixed it by editing my wp-config.php and adding :
and now my website works perfectly. But it still shows mysite.com/site and i am unable to edit my URL and Siteaddress from my wp dashboard anymore.
How do I Remove my website subdirectory (/site) and still have it work and not break my site's themes and all? How do I go about this? Really really appreciate any help! Thanks!
By adding those constants to wp-config.php you're overruling any setting in the database. That's why you can't edit them in the admin panel.
So the first step is to change those constants to:
Then delete your htaccess file. (.htaccess in your root folder).
Once you've done this navigate to http://domain.com/wp-login.php
Login to your site and go to Settings -> Permalinks. Hit save which will regenerate your htaccess file.
Finally you'll need to update existing links. I'd suggest installing a plugin called 'Velvet Blues Update URLs'.

Wordpress in same directory with default page

I think I'm needing help with .htaccess here.
I have a page that was named index.php. I still need that to be the default page but with a new name AND I need a wordpress install in the same root. So here's what I've done:
Renamed index.php to somethingelse.php
Created an .HTACCESS with this line in it: DirectoryIndex somethingelse.php
Now if I go to www.site.com it brings up the www.site.com/somethingelse.php page (as it should).
Next I installed Wordpress into the root. That went well too.
The problem is I cannot access wordpress via www.site.com/index.php when I do that it just kicks me back over to somethingelse.php page
I'm thinking there is something I need to add to .htaccess so that if:
1) Someone types www.site.com it goes to www.site.com/somethingelse.php
2) Someone types www.site.com/index.php it goes to the wordpress install
Just for clarity, the reason for this is that in about a week, somethingelse.php will go away and the wordpress install will be the live site.
Any help is appreciated
I fixed it by creating a separate page that only I can get to to set and destroy a cookie. then in the header.php of the WP file I check that cookie and determine where to go.
