sqlite commands possibly not working in qt - qt

I am making a library management software using Qt and Sqlite3.
db = QSqlDatabase :: addDatabase("QSQLITE");
model = new QSqlTableModel(this, db);
db.setDatabaseName(":/lib/libre coupe.db");
db.setHostName("Libre Coupe");
QSqlQuery query(db);
QMessageBox::information(this, "title", "Unable to use Sqlite");
if(query.lastError().text() != " ")
QMessageBox::critical(this, "Oops", query.lastError().text());
model->setHeaderData(0, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Name") );
model->setHeaderData(1, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Author") );
model->setHeaderData(2, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Uid") );
if(!query.exec("SELECT * FROM books;"))
QMessageBox::critical(this, "Oops", query.lastError().text());
int i = 0;
model->setData(model->index(i, 0), query.value(query.record().indexOf("NAME")));
model->setData(model->index(i, 1), query.value(query.record().indexOf("AUTHOR")));
model->setData(model->index(i, 2), query.value(query.record().indexOf("UID")));
QMessageBox::critical(this, "Oops!", "Could not open the database");\
I faced a problem that the database was not created automatically. So, i created it manually and added it to my resource so that it exists on every computer which uses my application.
I ran my app and went to the directory containing "libre coupe.db". There using the terminal, i found out that no table was created. I see no error message. My other functions like save don't work too while the same commands typed directly into Sqlite using terminal works as expected.
I even used the debugger and found that the program does enter the if condition i.e. the database opens successfully.
I used the following command to check if the table existed:
sqlite3 "libre coupe.db"

First line:
db.setDatabaseName(":/lib/libre coupe.db");
the starting ":" means you are trying to access an embedded binary resource using Qt's resource system.
However, SQLite databases cannot be stored in the Qt resource system. If your database is instead located at /lib/libre coupe.db, you should remove the colon at the beginning.


How can I see the SQL generated by SQLite.NET PCL in Xamarin Studio?

I researched this and all I can find is a suggestion to turn on .Trace = true like this:
db1 = DependencyService.Get<ISQLite>().GetConnection();
db1.Trace = true;
I also tried this:
db2.Trace = true;
var categories = db2.Query<Category>("SELECT * FROM Category ORDER BY Name").ToList();
Well I did this and then restarted the application. When I view the Application output I just see information on threads started and the xxxx but don't see any SQL trace information.
Can anyone give me advice on this. Thanks
You need to set Trace and Tracer (action) properties on your SQLiteConnection to print queries to output:
db.Tracer = new Action<string>(q => Debug.WriteLine(q));
db.Trace = true;
Look in the Application Output window for lines that begin Executing
Example Output after setting Trace to true:
Executing: create table if not exists "Valuation"(
"Id" integer primary key autoincrement not null ,
"StockId" integer ,
"Time" datetime ,
"Price" float )
Executing Query: pragma table_info("Valuation")
Executing: create index if not exists "Valuation_StockId" on "Valuation"("StockId")
Executing: insert into "Stock"("Symbol") values (?)
Executing Query: select * from "Stock" where ("Symbol" like (? || '%'))
0: A
Ref: https://github.com/praeclarum/sqlite-net/blob/38a5ae07c886d6f62cecd8fdeb8910d9b5a77546/src/SQLite.cs
The SQLite PCL uses Debug.WriteLine which means that the logs are only included in Debug builds of the PCL.
Remove your nuget reference to the sqlite.net PCL (leave the native reference), and instead add SQLite.cs as a class to your project, and execute a debug build, with the Trace flag set, and you'll see the tracing.
I didn't have to do anything special other than include the SQLite.cs file in my Xamarin iOS project for this to work:
using (var conn = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection("mydb.sqlite") { Trace = true }) {
var rows = conn.Table<PodcastMetadata>().Where(row => row.DurationMinutes < 10).Select(row => new { row.Title });
foreach (var row in rows) {
Executing Query: select * from "PodcastMetadata" where ("DurationMinutes" < ?)
0: 10

MS Access and QSqlQuery

My english is not very good but i’ll try to describe my problem.
So, i have primitive code:
base = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QODBC");
QSettings sets("FlowModel","Settings");
currentBase = sets.value("currentBase").toString();
base.setDatabaseName(QString("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};FIL={MS Access};DBQ=%1").arg(currentBase));
QMessageBox::information(0,"Все отлично!","База данных открыта","Ок");
QMessageBox::information(0,"Все не ахти!",base.lastError().text(),"Ок");
QSqlQuery queryMaterials("SELECT * FROM Материал",base);
int fieldNo = queryMaterials.record().indexOf("Название");
int i = 0;
while (queryMaterials.next()) {
It works correctly and combo box takes all materials from Database;
But next is going this code:
QSqlQuery queryInfo("SELECT * FROM Свойства_материала WHERE Название='Вода'",base);
fieldNo = queryInfo.record().indexOf("P");
And it didn’t work! Query returns an empty string (”“), but must be a number. I test this SQL-query in Access and there it works correct. Please help to understand what a problem i have.
Thank you.
P.S. I’m tried to use QSqlQuery::lastError().text() method, but it report me nothing.
I can’t understand what is that… Because this table can be opened by this code:
QSqlDatabase accessBase = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QODBC");
accessBase.setDatabaseName("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};FIL={MS Access};DBQ=D:/ИТ.mdb");
QMessageBox::information(0,"Все отлично!","База данных открыта","Ок");
QMessageBox::information(0,"Все не ахти!",accessBase.lastError().text(),"Ок");
QTableView tableGhost;
QSqlTableModel tableDB;
QString whtpn = QInputDialog::getText(0, "Какую таблицу открыть?",
"Какую таблицу открыть?");
And all ok. But by query no(
Problem has been solved.
Before line
Had to use method QSqlQuery::next();

C# - Insert Multiple Records at once to AS400

I have a problem like this:
1. I retrieve data from MySQL using C# ASP .Net. -- done --
2. All data from no.1 will be inserted into table on AS400. -- I got an error on this step --
Error message says that ERROR [42000] [IBM][System i Access ODBC Driver][DB2 for i5/OS]SQL0104 - Token ; was not valid. Valid tokens: <END-OF-STATEMENT>.. It's true that I used semicolon to separate queries with each others, but it's not allowed. I've Googling but I can't find the solution.
My question is what the <END-OF-STATEMENT> means of that error message..?
Here is my source code.
private static void doInsertDOCADM(MySqlConnection conn)
// Get Temporary table
DataTable dt = CSTDDBUtil.ExecuteQuery(query);
OdbcConnection as400Con = null;
as400Con = CSTDDBUtil.GetAS400Connection();
if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
int counter = 1, maxInsertLoop = 50;
using (OdbcCommand cmd = new OdbcCommand())
cmd.Connection = as400Con;
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
cmd.CommandText += "INSERT INTO DCDLIB.WDFDOCQ VALUES " + "(?,?,?,?);";
cmd.Parameters.Add("1", OdbcType.VarChar).Value = dr["PROD_MONTH"].ToString();
cmd.Parameters.Add("2", OdbcType.VarChar).Value = dr["NEW_MAIN_DEALER_CD"].ToString();
cmd.Parameters.Add("3", OdbcType.VarChar).Value = dr["MODEL_SERIES"].ToString();
cmd.Parameters.Add("4", OdbcType.VarChar).Value = dr["MODEL_CD"].ToString();
if (counter < maxInsertLoop)
counter = 1;
cmd.CommandText = "";
if (counter > 1) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
Notes: I used this way (Collect some queries first, and then execute those query) to improve the performance of my application.
As Clockwork-Muse pointed out, the problem is that you can only run a single SQL statement in a command. The iSeries server does not handle multiple statements at once.
If your iSeries server is running V6R1 or later, you can use block inserts to insert multiple rows. I'm not sure if you can do so through the ODBC driver, but since you have Client Access, you should be able to install the iSeries ADO.NET driver. There are not many differences between the ADO.NET iSeries driver and the ODBC one, but with ADO.NET you get access to iSeries specific functions.
With the ADO.NET driver, multiple insert become a simple matter of :
using (iDB2Connection connection = new iDB2Connection(".... connection string ..."))
// Create a new SQL command
iDB2Command command =
new iDB2Command("INSERT INTO MYLIB.MYTABLE VALUES(#COL_1, #COL_2", connection);
// Initialize the parameters collection
// Insert 10 rows of data at once
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
// Here, you set your parameters for a single row
command.Parameters["#COL_1"].Value = i;
command.Parameters["#COL_2"].Value = i + 1;
// AddBatch() tells the command you're done preparing a row
// The query gets executed
There is also some reference code provided by IBM to do block inserts using VB6 and ODBC, but I'm not sure it can be easily ported to .NET : http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/iseries/v5r4/index.jsp?topic=%2Frzaik%2Frzaikextfetch.htm
Hope that helps.
When it says <END-OF-STATEMENT> it means about what it says - it wants that to be the end of the executed statement. I don't recall if the AS/400 allows multiple statements per execution unit (at all), but clearly it's not working here. And the driver isn't dealing with it either.
Actually, you have a larger, more fundamental problem; specifically, you're INSERTing a row at a time (usually known as row-by-agonizing-row). DB2 allows a comma-separated list of rows in a VALUES clause (so, INSERT INTO <table_name> VALUES(<row_1_columns>), (<row_2_columns>)) - does the driver you're using allow you to provide arrays (either of the entire row, or per-column)? Otherwise, look into using extract/load utilities for stuff like this - I can guarantee you that this will speed up the process.

displaying image from sqlite error

I have saved an image in sqlite and i am trying to retrieve it and displaying it in a QLabel using this code.
connect(ui.tableView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(currentRowChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)),
this, SLOT(getImage(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)));
void smith::getImage()
QModelIndex index = ui.tableView->currentIndex();
QString sqlQuery = QString("SELECT image FROM %1 WHERE id=:id").arg(tableName);
QSqlRecord recordz = tableModel->record(index.row());
query.bindValue(":id", recordz.value("id").toInt());
QByteArray array = query.value(0).toByteArray();
QBuffer buffer(&array);
buffer.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly );
QImageReader reader(&buffer, "PNG");
QImage image = reader.read();
if( image.isNull() )
QMessageBox::about(this, tr("Image Is Null"),
tr("<h2>Image Error</h2>"
"<p>Copyright © 2011."
"<p>Message Box To Check For "
" Errors "
ui.imageLabel->setPixmap( QPixmap::fromImage(image));
The project compiles without any errors but the image won't show.
I'd suggest adding some error-checking to your code, to narrow down where the error occurs.
For example, the documentation for QImageReader::read() says that if the image can't be read, the resultant image is null, and it tells you how to find out what the error was.
So after your call to reader.read(), check image.isNull().
And earlier on, check array.size() to make sure that you really got a value back from the database.
And the check the result returned by buffer.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) - the docs say it will return false if the call failed.

qt sqlite select statement

I decided to test sqlite db for my Qt application.
I have created the sqlite db file with the proper statements (create table etc. and Inserted some rows of data).
My problem is that when I execute a select statement I don't get any records.
This is the code I use:
qq.sprintf("SELECT * from descriptors WHERE descriptors.id=%d ",idx);
if( query.isSelect() ){
while (query.next()){
int fff = query.value(0).toInt();
The problem is that I never get inside the while loop. query.next() doesn't seem to work.
any hints?
thanks in advance,
p.s. I forgot to write my configuration so: Qt 4.7.3, windows 7, visual studio 2008
Other than the mistake hexa posted, query.isSelect() will always return true even if the query failed. You need to check the result of exec():
QSqlQuery query;
query.prepare( "SELECT * FROM descriptors WHERE id = ?" );
query.bindValue( 0, idx ); // assuming idx is an integer/long/QVariant value
if( !query.exec() )
// Error Handling, check query.lastError(), probably return
// Note: if you don't return in case of an error, put this into the else{} part
while( query.next() )
int fff = query.value( 0 ).toInt();
In my case, backward iteration over QSqlQueries worked. I think this could be a bug somewhere in the QSQLite Driver implementation.
QSqlQuery q = db.exec("SELECT * FROM Table");
if (q.last()) {
do {
// Do something with row...
} while (q.previous());
