Gogs on Nginx in subdomain is not working - nginx

I have some Problems with gogs and nginx in my local-Network.
everytime i write "domainname" i mean the hostname of the server
I have little Server running with Openmediavault on it (for NAS) and i also will run some Stuff like gogs. It is running, but only on the URL "http:domainname:3000"
I will have gogs available under git.domainname or gogs.domainname
I have tried so many things, but noting is working.
I have add a config on available Site /enabled-sites (symlink):
server {
listen 80;
server_name git.domainname;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:3000;
In my gogs Configuration, i have the following Server-Section:
DOMAIN = domainname
HTTP_PORT = 3000
ROOT_URL = http://domainname:%(HTTP_PORT)s/
I have not very much experience in Nginx. so I hope anyone can help me to get this work. Also i hope i get more experience to get work other services in a generic Way to work in subdomain
when any Information is missing to help me, please let me know


Map local application behind public subresource

I'm running Joplin Server on my Raspi4 under and on the Raspi I can successfully access the web app.
Since I don't want to publish the port 23000, I want Joplin Server to be accessible via https://myRaspi/joplinServer. Therefore I'm using Nginx.
I tried at first with:
location /joplinServer {
Now when calling https://myRaspi/joplinServer from any other machine, Nginx keeps the subresource /joplinServer, resulting in an "inner call" to - which does not exist, sure, because Joplin Server itself knows nothing about the subresource and seems to have troubles with handling it.
I also tried this:
location = /joplinServer {
rewrite ^/joplinServer?$ break;
But now every external requests to https://myRaspi/joplinServer ends up as on my machine which does obviously not work.
So what do I have to configure on Nginx to make my setting work?
Thanks in advance!
This post gave me the solution, which looks like this:
location /joplinServer/ {
proxy_redirect off;
rewrite ^/joplinServer/(.*)$ /$1 break;

simple Nginx proxy_pass gives back 502

Im trying to do a very basic task of redirecting between two servers based on "http referer".
I have tried a basic If, but I know IF IS EVIL in nginx and didnt manage to make it work, so came up with this solution, of directing based on valid_referer. but Im keep getting 502.
server {
location /application1 {
valid_referers server_names
if ($invalid_referer){
set $1 '';
proxy_pass http://localhost:8080/$1;
server 2:
server {
listen 8080;
root /home/ubuntu/data/server2;
btw I used set $1 = "" , since I kept getting an error if proxy_pass cannot have uri under if statment
Make sure you have something running on http://localhost:8080/ .
Do something to check whether port 8080 is used by any process, like
netstat -tulpn | grep 8080
on your terminal.

flask+ngix+uwsgi not stripping script root from route ubuntu 20

I'm hoping someone can help me.
I am trying to re-deploy a set of flask apps on to a ubuntu 20 machine, from a Ubuntu 18 machine, but they are behaving differently to earlier deployments.
They have successfully been deployed on Ubuntu 14,16 and 18, including the conversion from python 2 to 3 at Ubuntu 18 deployment but the latest deployment on Ubuntu 20 has me totally stumped.
They are running with the config described below (successfully on Ubuntu 18). When deploying on a new Ubuntu 20 machine, flask is seeing the route as the script root (as well as the script root) which is resulting in a 404.
The setup currently working on U18 is as follows (nginx simplified for testing on non TLS connection)
The app running on :9999 is not on it's own location, and is working fine.
server {
underscores_in_headers on;
listen 80 default_server;
server_name _;
location /.well-known {
root /var/www/html/;
location / {
include uwsgi_params;
location /a {
uwsgi_param SCRIPT_NAME /a;
uwsgi_modifier1 30;
include uwsgi_params;
socket = :10017
plugin = python3
wsgi-file = /home/webmaster/app/run
callable = app
master = true
enable-threads = true
processes = 1
chdir= /home/webmaster/app
uid = www-data
gid = www-data
I set the 404 handler to return some URL information and instead of getting the app's landing page, I get the 404 with the following (i.e. nginx is passing to uwsgi, and the app is running)
url root
script root /a
request url
request path /a
request full_path /a?
So url_root and script_root are as you'e expect, and what we want to see, but request_url ( and request_path (/a) are not. For everything to have it's own location, request_path should be "/".
What I've tried
I referred to previous questions, particularly this one:
Q: Serving flask app on subdirectory nginx + uwsgi
and this one:
A: How to host multiple flask apps under a single domain hosted on nginx?
I've tried the suggestions in those posts, including the following nginx configurations:
super simple, with uwsgi being asked to do more:
location /c {
include uwsgi_params;
with UWSGI:
socket = :10017
plugin = python3
wsgi-file = /home/webmaster/app/run
callable = app
master = true
enable-threads = true
processes = 1
chdir= /home/webmaster/app
uid = www-data
gid = www-data
mount = /a=run
manage-script-name = true
This did not solve the problem
I next tried a re-write to (try) and trick uwsgi into thinking that it is running without the script root
location /b {
rewrite ^/b/(.*) /$1 break;
include uwsgi_params;
This too was unsuccessful
I have also been through the suggestion in the above questions discussion sections, and whilst most work on modifying the script root, none have remove the script root from the path enabling a flask route of "/start" to serve the root of the app identified by www.app.com/a/start
I am also aware that uwsgi_modifier1 30; is depreciated, although this is the first deployment of these flask apps where that has been an issue.
I have also tried to use the parameter script_name=None on the flask side as per this question:
How can I avoid uwsgi_modifier1 30 and keep WSGI my application location-independent
but nothing thus far has worked, and I'm totally stumped. It's probably something simple, but I don't know where to look from here.
Last thing, these apps run in emperor mode, and running uwsgi from command line, both as individual .ini files, or the emperor file makes no difference.
uwsgi is running as a service installed via apt, not pip (but appearing to running fine with plugin=python3) in case anyone has had experience with this being problematic.
I'd like to stick with the apt installation if at all possible.
Thanks heaps in advance to anyone that can help.
[on edit]
This is my wsgi file where I tried to let flask handle the static route. Should have included it earlier, but it was an oversight.
from application import app
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'XXXXXXXXXX'
app.config["SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE"] = True
app.config["REMEMBER_COOKIE_SECURE"] = True
app.config["SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY"] = True
app.config['APPLICATION_ROOT'] = '/a'
app.static_url_path = '/a'
if __name__ == "__main__":
app.run(debug = True, host= '', port= 5000)
For others who stumble across this:
use re-write as per other questions advice, just watch the expression you use for correctness.
This will fail:
location /foo {
rewrite ^/foo/(.*) /$1 break;
uwsgi_param SCRIPT_NAME /foo;
include uwsgi_params;
as it will only work for script name "foo", route "/bar" at URL "/foo/bar". The root of /foo will fail.
This will work:
rewrite ^/foo(.*) /$1 break;
location /foo {
rewrite ^/foo(.*) /$1 break;
uwsgi_param SCRIPT_NAME /foo;
include uwsgi_params;
it will pass the script name, and take it out of the request path which makes it work.
the problem is the extra "/" in the rewrite.
It was a simple mistake that took me a lot of finding as I couldn't see the forest for the trees... so I hope this can assist someone else.

configure nginx to redirect to another server

I have nginx installed on a Raspberry Pi and this works okay. What I want to do is redirect traffic for a particular port to another server, and have that traffic come back through the Raspberry Pi. I've got the following in my default sites config;
server {
listen 9001;
server_name piweb;
location /transmission {
proxy_pass http://pyrate:9001/$uri$is_args$args;
proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
But that doesn't work obviously. Is this even possible, or am I barking up the wrong tree?
your configuration seems almost OK, is http://pyrate:9001 accessible from your pi ? did you try with wget or similar tools ?
You should remove the $uri$is_args$args - it passes automatically.
Note that it'll search /transmission/[request] on remote server.

Meteor - What is the purpose of "ROOT_URL" and to what should it be defined?

I'm getting some problems to make spiderable work with PhantomJS on my Ubuntu server. I saw this troubleshooting on Meteorpedia:
Ensure that the ROOT_URL that your Meteor server is configured to use
is accessible from the server itself. (Since v0.8.1.3[1])
I think that this could be a possible answer to why it is not working. What is exactly the purpose of this environment variable?
My application is publicly accessible on http://gentlenode.com/ but my proxy_pass on nginx is set to http://gentlenode/.
# HTTPS Server
server {
listen 443;
server_name gentlenode.com;
# ...
location / {
proxy_pass http://gentlenode/;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
# ...
Should I set ROOT_URL to http://gentlenode.com/, to http://gentlenode/ or to http://localhost/?
You can find my nginx configuration here: https://gist.github.com/LeCoupa/9877434
The ROOT_URL environment variable should be set to the URL that clients will be accessing your application with. So in your case, it would be http://gentlenode.com or https://gentlenode.com.
The ROOT_URL environment variable is read by Meteor.absoluteUrl, which is used in many (core) packages. Thus, setting ROOT_URL may be a requirement if you use these packages. spiderable is one such package.
// Line 62 of spiderable_server.js
var url = Spiderable._urlForPhantom(Meteor.absoluteUrl(), req.url);
I'll admit that we don't use spiderable so I'm not 100% certain if this will fix your problem, but here's what we do...
We set ROOT_URL to the URL which clients will use to initially connect. In your case, the nginx config automatically upgrades all HTTP requests to HTTPS, so all requests will be seen by your app under https://gentlenode.com. I think you should start your server after:
export ROOT_URL=https://gentlenode.com
Your proxy_pass section may be correct. We manually spell out the name of the local port. So we'd write:
proxy_pass http://localhost:58080;
If you have something that works already, this may not be necessary. I don't know all the quirks of nginx well enough to say if that part matters.
