I try to create the Mac .DMG for my application with the following command :
electron-installer-dmg ./release-builds/automental-darwin-x64/automental.app Automental --out=release-builds --overwrite --icon=images/favicon.icns
For me, there is nothing anormally and the path is ok and the icon too.
When, I'm launching the DMG file generated, I still have the default Mac Application icon and the desired icon is visible in a small file called .VolumeIcon.icns
So, am I doing something wrong ? Because I want to display my icons, not the default Mac one. (I already check : Node package are all up to date)
I use PyInstaller to get a single file executable from my python script.
as seen in this thread : Pyinstaller setting icon
it is not that complicated to add a icon to the .exe file.
Except that it adds 2 icons :
* when I show "Medium icons" (or bigger) in the windows explorer, then I see the standard PyInstaller icon
* when I show "small icons" (or smaller, like in "details view") then I get the icon I specified.
With a "iconviewer" I can see that the default icon is mine, but the PyInstaller icon has ID=1
is there a method to get avoid this second (ID=1) icon ?
My icon is already 256x256 big...
According to this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/3244679/4316500 Windows 7 does not need bigger icons.
It seems that the problem solve itself alone...
The day (and a reboot) after my long time search on that problem, the icon was OK.
Perhaps the Windows cache for icons where preventing me to see the right icon.
Still not clear because I'm also sure that my iconviewer saw 2 different icons. Now, I have twice the same (and wanted) icon. It's twice too much, but nobody sees it.
After Googling for hours, I didn't find any answer for the following issue and so glad if anyone could help.
I use Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with Gnome-shell 3.4.1. Consider the following simple program in file $HOME/a.py which I have made it executable:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import gtk
w = gtk.Window()
w.set_size_request(250, 150)
w.set_title("test program")
w.connect('destroy', lambda x: gtk.main_quit())
I've used MenuLibre to define a_run0.desktop in $HOME/.local/share/applications as below:
[Desktop Entry]
I made a_run0.desktop to be executable and I see a file named “a_run” in $HOME/.local/share/applications with proper icon (Icon=applications-development
). Running the program and using alt-tab, the icon is also shown in alt-tab menu quite well.
The question is, when I copy “a_run” file (actually a_run0.desktop) to $HOME/Desktop, the file is shown with correct icon in Desktop but after running it, the icon shown in alt-tab menu is changed to unknown-red-circle-icon with the name of original file “A.py” underneath.
What is made this problem and how can I see the defined-icon (in .desktop file) correctly in the alt-tab menu after running the program from $HOME/Desktop?
Try to add icon to your window using python and gtk. I think that icon in .desktop file only specify how .desktop file is shown in system not application.
Certainly in more recent versions of Gnome shell (I'm using 3.14.1) the entry Icon should point to the actual icon you want to use, e.g
I set the window title by
so the title of the window is "test". But in the taskbar it's displayed as "unknown". What's the correct way to set the taskbar name?
I use Gnome3.4.2 and just found https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-22274. But for me there also the binary name isn't displayed; only "unknown".
I tried it under Xfce and it worked.
I think you're not installed libgtk dev packages when compiling Qt. Make sure you have libgtk dev packages are installed and try compiling Qt5 again.
Xcode 4.5
Mountain Lion
Method : letting Xcode automatically create ICNS format from an iconset folder
When I validate in Organizer for the Mac App Store, I get the error:
The Application bundle does not contain an icon in ICNS format, containing both a 512x512 and a 512x512#2x image.
Both icon files are contained in the HM_MAC.iconset folder.
Both icons are produce in PhotoShop using Export for Web Device option. Both
are exported from a photo shop image that has 1024x1024 pixels.
I notice that in the file Info windows for the two icons, under 'More Info'
just after creation it shows:
Dimensions: 1024 x 1024 and 512 x 512
Then later, when I check the same info I see
that the
Dimension area for the larger 1024 x 1024 icon is BLANK.
Image showing file info for icons:
In Xcode, after adding the iconset folder to the project, if I click
on the iconset folder, the icon appears with a slider beneath. If
I slide the slider, the maximum size displayed at the lower right is 512.
To restate the problem. I have 10 PNG files that I need to put into an 'iconset' file
All ten files share:
RGB with no Alpha
all produced by PhotoShop CS4 which shows the size: 1024:1024 for source file.
The two largest of my ten files are :
icon_512x512#2x.png // necessary for MBP Retina screen
Finder's GetInfo View can display the dimensions of all these PNG files
except the largest, i.e., icon_512x512#2x.png
If I open this largest file in iPhoto, iPhoto can display the dimensions
correctly, namely, 1024 x 1024 and size 280 kB
What is causing Finder to fail to calculate the file size? Whatever it is,
the same thing is perhaps causing myApp to fail validation in Organizer.
Has anyone encountered this problem?
Thanks a lot.
There are currently 10 icon files from 16x16 to 1024x1024 required for an OS X app.
For example icon_16x16.png .
I created an iconset file/folder with these 10 PNG files.
I then dragged the file, myApp.iconset to the Resources group folder of the Xcode project.
When I clicked on the iconset, the icon appeared in Xcode with a slider bar beneath.
As I slid the slider, the size displayed changed from 16 to 512. 1024 was no where to be seen.
When I archived the project in order to distribute to Mac Store, I got an validation error
indicating I did not have both 512x512#2x and 512x512 files.
Xcode is now supposed to automatically create an ICNS file from an iconset at build time.
It did not seem to work on my iconset.
Then I took the same ten PNG files and created an ICNS file from them. In terminal I used iconutil .
See : man iconutil
It created an ICNS format package named myApp.icns which I put in Resources/ folder. Then set CFBundleIconFile to 'myApp.icns' in
Target -> Build Settings
Everything is working now.
"The Application bundle does not contain an icon in ICNS format, containing both a 512x512 and a 512x512#2x image."
When working on a free-version, I renamed <string> for "CFBundleIconFile" entry and had a typo so it pointed to a nonexisting .icns file. In that case you get the same error - so be sure to verify that one too if you run into this issue.
I have an application being developed in QT Creator on Ubuntu. I need to run some tests and to see their results I use console — qtcreator_process_stub window is opened. And now comes my question: how to set its initial size? (especially the width to make results more readable). Setting the width by mouse each time I run my app is quite annoying.
I found a simple solution:
Go to Tools->Options->General->Environment: System->Terminal. There is a command used to invoke a terminal. In my case I needed to change the command to:
xterm -geometry 250 -e
That's all;)
Maybe it will be useful for Windows users:
You can right click on the console title bar (when running your program), select properties and change the font size (or other properties) in the font tab. It will be remembered for the future sessions.
For changing console size from command starts console use cmd.exe "/k mode con: cols=150 lines=50" (not working from Qt for me, changing COMSPEC do nothing).
In more recent versions of Qt Creator (2.6.2 and up) this can be changed in
Run (from the top of the window)
In the run environment edit the COMSPEC field
On Linux Mint you can do the following:
Open Terminal
Edit -> Profile Preferences -> General -> Use custom default terminal size
Set the Default size to a value which fit your needs.