Include firestore library in manifest.json - firebase

So i've been working on a google chrome extension which alters HTML in a list of specific pages. What this means is that I don't have an HTML file to insert the firebase and firestore library urls into, which should then go into the manifest.json file.
After having downloaded the actual library files and added them to the content_scripts the firestore library seems to be throwing a error which tells me the firestore library file is not UTF-8 encoded. The firebase library itself works perfectly fine but the firestore file won't.
I've tried working around this issue by loading the libraries inside of my background.html and somehow parsing the data I get there to my actual app but this seemed very unpractical. There is also not a lot to be found when specifically looking for a combination between firestore and google chrome extentions.
UTF-8 Encoding the firestore file with the standard mac-os tools didn't do much for me either, as is suggested by one other issue I found on this matter.
So my question pretty much sums up to: "How do you include the firestore library into a google chrome extension through the manifest.json?".
Haven't found any solution yet, one month later.


Google Play - Security Alert for unsafe unzipping pattern vulnerability

I have an android application uploaded in google play store which uses Zoom SDK. I have recently got an alert from play console that the app contains an unsafe unzipping pattern that may lead to a Path Traversal vulnerability at location us.zoom.androidlib.util.FileUtils.unzipFile .I think it is a bug from zoom sdk and needs to be resolved by them. Can any one know how to fix this issue?
Zoom sdk is used for Zoom calling functionality. we only using zoom sdk , no other configuration file are used in application. even its showing this security error from google play.Zoom Sdk need to look this security issue.
You could fix this errors by checking if canonical paths to unzipped files or not.
Check if again the return value of File.GetCanonicalPath() belongs to the intended directory path.

Is it possible to audit multiple pages with Chrome Developer tools?

I am trying to find out unused CSS class in my website, and then I found that there is a audit function in Chrome developer tools that will mark unused CSS classes. However, it is only doing one page at a time. Is there a way to make it audit multiple pages so that I can find out CSS classes that are not used in all pages?
I know there is a Firefox plugin Dust-Me that do the job. I am asking just to find if I can do that with Chrome alone, as I am more familiar with Chrome Developer tools.
DevTools only runs against the currently-open page, so my hunch is, no.
You could install the Lighthouse CLI (it uses the same backend for finding unused CSS as DevTools) and then run Lighthouse against a list of URLs via a Bash script.
urls=("" "" "")
for url in $urls; do
lighthouse $url
There's a pretty recent browser extension called DisCoverage that is supposed to be able to do this. Read the description because version 1.0 of the extension is not able to automate the whole thing and you need to manually export a file for each page you visit and finally combine those files using the same extension.
Hopefully this extension will be improved in the future to be able to collect coverage reports automatically and the allow combining multiple results with a nice UI.
(The extension basically uses Coverage feature of Developer Tools and exports result of coverage for each page into separate files in a single directory. It also contains a feature to combine multiple coverage reports into single final report for viewing the results.)
It's a shame Chrome's Coverage tab doesn't support tracking this across page changes. However, it looks like we can download the report:
Downloading a report, it looks to be a JSON file. So perhaps we could run it against each page in our site that we want to audit, download each of those reports, then merge them together via some scripting.
DisCoverage is a great tool but be aware that it will not find the json files if you change the filename, got stuck on this 30 min.

WebEssentials LESS CSS map files not working

I have a problem with my less map files generated by Visual Studio Web Essentials when working with local less code using WAMP server for web development.
Whenever I save changes to less file the corresponding css, and min.css files are generated as expected but the Chrome and Firefox dev tools don't recognize them.
They don't map to the less source files as expected always showing only the "style.css:123" line number instead of "source.less:45".
Does anybody has the some issues?
I tried the following things:
- ensured that the chrome settings: "Enable CSS source maps & Auto-reload generated CSS": both are checked.
- added the folders to chrome workspace
- tried different settings in the WebEssential LESS options.
- ensured that the generated style.css ends with the line:
/*# */
What am I missing here? Any clues? I'm pretty sure that mapping directly to less source files was working a few time ago because this was one of the key features I choosed using less?!
I had the same problem and I resolved it only after 4 hours of trials and frustration...
The files generated by Web Essentials (2013 2.6) are encoded in "UTF-8 with BOM" while the source maps file should be "UTF-8 without BOM" to work ("ANSI" works too). I guess that the little sequence of bytes added causes a misinterpretation of source maps file or makes it not a valid JSON to Chrome/FF parser (but again this is just a guess).
If you change the encoding of source maps file to UTF-8 without BOM then Dev tools should work as expected.
Unfortunately it seems that Web Essentials doesn't allow to choose the file encoding and it is not related to the encoding of the starting file (so if you compile a less file encoded in "UTF-8 without BOM" or "ANSI" it still generate UTF-8 encoded files).
We are currently investigating work-arounds, otherwise we will drop web essentials and go for other tools.
Let me know if this was useful (I know it's late but still...).

Meteor.isCordova Folder

The ability meteor gives through its interaction with cordova to create mobile applications is incredible. I have one question however concerning the file structure: ( There is no documentation concerning a folder specific to Cordova. As I have been writing my application, it seems incredibly tedious to use if (Meteor.isCordova) for any segment of code that I want specific functionality for the mobile app. I tried creating a top level folder cordova such as is already done with client, server etc... and removing the Meteor.isCordova wrapping my js code, but that process was unsuccessful. Is there a way to do what I am trying to do just in a different manner?
There are currently no special folder for code which should only run on mobile. However it is a nice feature and I have created an issue on GItHub. If you'd like to see this feature, I'd encourage you to comment on it.

How to Automatically Upload Files to Google Code?

I'd like to upload files to my Google Code project automatically, e.g. using a custom NAnt task.
I'm aware of projects such as ant-googlecode, nant-googlecode, the Scripted Uploads Wiki, and this handy Python script. All of them seem out of date for the same reason -- they all use the same upload URL, which is no longer there:
(And they all seem to also use an obsolete authentication scheme using network credentials.)
If you know what the new URL is or any source of documentation (I haven't found it on the Google Project Hosting Wiki), please share it.
