Error message in MikroTik device log - networking

I am having these error messages continuously im my MikroTik device log.
Is someone trying to hack my device?? Or is it another problem??
Please help me regarding this matter.
This is the Log picture
Log Picture

You are being scanned by some bot trying to brute-force your router. You can do several things:
Close telnet access, or restrict to some specific IP (yours). (manage this in IP/Services Menu)
Change telnet port to a non-standard (like 54423 instead of 23) (same menu as before)
Set up "port-knocking" (


When connecting via ovpn on mikrotik I always get the error

I have a VPN configured by ovpn in my mikrotik that already works, but whenever I connect both by android and Windows, I get the error:
ovpn,debug,error,,,,,,,,,l2tp,info,,debug,,,critical,,,,,,,,,,,,,warning duplicate packet, droppin
On console and terminal:
I have already looked for the official forum of mikrotik but neither has no clear answer or a definitive solution.
My goal is to remove this error from my terminal and from my console log.
My current setting:
After contacting support, I got this error message to have no impact on the VPN. Below is the email from Mikrotik Support:
This error message does not have any impact on the VPN connection
establishment, it simply warns you that the client sent duplicate
message which some client software (for example Windows) do.
Best regards, Emils Z."
Thank you all for your help.
I would advise that this is probably a bug in the OVPN implementation on Mikrotik's side. Please log a support ticket with them, and provide the supout.inf file as per the usual process.
Please see this link on how to make the support info file:
In short, open winbox, click the make support file on the left, and then go to files and download the file to your pc. Then attach this file to the support ticket.

asterisk error:chan_sip.c:4274 __sip_reliable_xmit: Serious Network Trouble; __sip_xmit returns error for pkt data

I got the above error when try to connect two soft phones which is successfully registered. I was trying to make a voice call in local not connecting and instead returns the error:
chan_sip.c:4274 __sip_reliable_xmit: Serious Network Trouble; __sip_xmit returns error for pkt data
I am using asterisk 13.5.0 and not using freepbx. Simply try to make a call between two peers
Make changes to sip.conf edit the line bind address like bindaddr=
Likly firewall or permissions(for socket) issues.
OK I've just solved this issue in my network.
First of all , about the situation : i had an "Issabel VoIP server" based on Asterisk 13 but when i wanted to make calls ,it just failed and i got the same error as yours on Asterisk CLI. I had successful ping requests from the server and extension had been registered without any errors.
Solution: I had doubt about network devices, so i installed 2 soft-phones (like 3cx or Zoiper) on my laptop and connected it straightly to the server using a LAN patch cord ( to see if there's an issue on server side or its related to my network infra.) and registered 2 extensions on my soft-phone and they called each other without i understood that its one of my network devices that was limiting the transition of VoIP packets between server and extensions . finally i got that it was my TDD-LTE Modem that intercept my connection.
So to make long story short :
1- First create a small network between your server and laptop
2- Register 2 extensions on your soft-phone
3- make call between them and if it goes fine , then look for an obstacle in your main network.
hope it could help you

sending HTTP requests obtained from WireShark

I have an app controlling my AVR on a local network and I'm trying to embed some of the functionality into another app written by myself. I've started up WireShark and started controlling the volume, which shows up as:
GET /ctrl-int/1/setproperty?dmcp.device-volume=-15.750000 HTTP/1.1
I'm not totally up on this type of http control but i'd like to know if this is enough data to be able to send the same request via a browser or terminal etc.
Without knowing the avr you can't realy tell. But you should be able to send the command via
in the browser or from you app. The ip should be in the wireshark logs as well.
If that works it was enough information.

Send message to everyone connected to LAN

I want to send a message to everyone(broadcast) in my subnet(LAN) so as to prevent them using Internet due to repair work that's going to happen. How do i do that ? I can't use "wall" because no one is logged on some server.
I want to send a packet that opens a new Tab in web browser and displays message that stop using Internet during a certain duration.
You might be interested in something like this. I am not sure if this will work in your LAN environment, but typically it should mess up with the entire LAN :D
you can use sockets to send a message to everyone connected in LAN, you can use java and when you want send a message to all clients, every client will see a msgbox with the information you want display....
net send command will be helpful in windows machines. Im not sure about linux.
Plz refer the following link for more Info.
This is a solution shared by my senior( Hope it helps anyone who views this post). What we can do is to do DNS spoofing and redirect everyone's request to a server where you can show the required message.

Access to the port 'COM1' is denied

I am trying to open the COM1 port but I am getting this error message "Access to the port 'COM1' is denied". I am writing a program for sending SMS via .NET. I expect there could be an error, but the error "Access denied" should not be arisen. Please give me any solution. If port requires any access privileges then how can I do that?
First, make sure the serial port exists. Check the Device Manager; right-click on My Computer, select "Manage" from the context menu, select "Device Manager", expand "Ports Com & LPT". If Com1 is not listed, you will need to enable it in the BIOS.
If COM1 is there, then another program has left it open. Access to COM1 is exclusive; only one program can have it open at a time. Fax software or a modem could have it open, or you could have left it open yourself.
This is easy to do. If you work on a program that opens the port and forget to close it, or if an error occurs and the program terminates without closing the port, this is the message you will get the next time you try to open COM1. Only the program that opened the port can close it. "Catch" or "Finally" blocks are good places to close the port and prevent this.
There's probably something else using COM1 (auto sync programs tend to be quite bad at grabbing COM ports as soon as they become available).
Try downloading PortMon and it will tell you exactly what's using the port.
Since you tagged this, are you trying to access the port with multiple threads? (as in on a request, accessing the port, creating the connection, sending data, closing connection, closing the port?
If you are, this is also a problem. If I am not mistaken, only one thread can access a com port at a time. You will need to write some code to ensure that only one thread is trying to access the port at a given time. Typically I would suggest a queue and a worker for that queue that does the job.
There is probably another program using the serial port. Have you tried firing up hyperterminal?
If you are trying to use ASP.Net under IIS there account running the website may not have permissiongs to the device, as well as, there could also be conflicting thread/multi-access issues. Something to consider would me to write a service that manages requests for the COM port and then talk to that service from ASP.Net. This will allow for split permissions and controlled single access to the COM port. Any other hack has the potential of causing lots of problems.
