My project is a react project.
My website is a mutilanguage website, when I change the web language. moment.locale(lang) not working.
My code is:
const startDate = moment.utc(start).locale(lang);
const endDate = moment.utc(end).locale(lang);
whatever I set lang I check the startDate.locale() always is 'en'
startDate.format('ll') result always is English.
If the project was created using create-react-app, moment locales were probably excluded by default.
This is now documented in the "Moment.js locales are missing" section of create-react-app's troubleshooting guide.
Solution: explicitly import locales in addition to 'moment':
import moment from 'moment';
import 'moment/locale/fr';
import 'moment/locale/es';
// etc. as required
According to this github issue, from 2022 on or so, it has to be imported like so:
import moment from 'moment';
import 'moment/dist/locale/de';
if this doesn't work, try this change:
import moment from 'moment/dist/moment';
I think if you do
import 'moment/min/locales'
Instead of individual import of each locale.
In my case it resolve my problem
I found the solution here:
You should use the moment.updateLocale function
I am currently starting my first Vue3 project (I have done many Vue2 projects) and am currently facing errors when importing components.
In vue2/webpack, I was used to doing imports like this (in fact, phpstorm/webstorm is importing them for me like this)
import PageBase from "./components/PageBase";
This however yields
[vite] Internal server error: Failed to resolve import "./components/PageBase" from "src/App.vue". Does the file exist?
At first, I thought that it was due to the # vs ./ notation.
But later I noticed that it is actually about the .vue extension at the end.
import PageBase from "#/components/PageBase.vue";
import PageBase from "./components/PageBase.vue";
work just fine.
Is this the desired behaviour?
Its a bit confusing and inconvenient, as my IDE is importing it by default like this.
Ps: I am using an out of the box Vue3 setup like here:
Thanks for any clarifications.
I am using next/dynamic to dynamically import a component like this:
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';
const Foo = dynamic(() => 'src/components/Foo')
I want to set the path at which my JS assets should be found dynamcically on the fly, I can't use next.config.js (nextjs is a peer dep in my package, and other complications). Is there a way to do this. I saw dynamic has an option called loader and loadableGenerated. I can't find proper docs on these options. Can these be used to modify the asset path on the fly?
I have a fresh MeteorJS project and I have only installed chessboardjs and chessjs as follows
meteor npm install --save chessboardjs
meteor npm install --save chess.js
In my client main.js I have also imported the above packages as follows;
import Chessboardjs from 'chessboardjs';
import Chessjs from 'chessjs';
According to chessboardjs documentation, the way to display a board is as follows;
For html
<div id="board1" style="width: 400px"></div>
and for JS
var board1 = Chessboard('board1', 'start')
My question is how do I get to display this in MeteorJS and how do I get the two chess npm packages to work together?
Any working examples will be highly appreciated.
Maybe I should also mention that the whole purpose is to have a two player game.
There are three issues here.
Imports typo
importing css
First your imports and the function you call need to be the same. You imports are
import Chessboardjs from 'chessboardjs';
import Chessjs from 'chessjs';
but they should be
import Chessboard from 'chessboardjs';
import Chessjs from 'chess.js';
Second, the npm package import usually not automatically imports the css as well. You need to actively locate it's path within the node_modules/chessboardjs folder and import it:
import 'chessboardjs/www/css/chessboard.css'
Finally, the Chessboard function can't inject code into the DOM, if the target element (the div with id board1) has not been rendered, yet.
To fix this you need to call it within onRendered:
Template.myTemplate.onRendered(function () {
var board1 = Chessboard('board1', 'start')
It won't work in onCreated, because the onCreated callback is called before the first time the Template has been rendered.
I installed bootstrap-colorpicker npm package and I'm trying to import to my meteor app.
I did read "Using npm packages" and I tried to use their example: "import moment from 'moment';". but the problem is the there is a hyphen/dash in the middle of the name and it throws an error.
where should I look in the package to know how to import a npm package?
here is what i did:
import bootstrap-colorpicker from 'bootstrap-colorpicker';
Template.Test.onRendered(function() {
I want the #m-color-picker to turn into a color picker, but it gives me error for the hyphen/dash.
You can use any name you like for the module in your code, eg
import bootstrapColorpicker from 'bootstrap-colorpicker';
import colorpicker from 'bootstrap-colorpicker';
Easy as that
For the second part of your question:
Usually the 'getting started' part of the README file should tell you how to import a module, although some older packages only mention how to require a package, which I presume is where you are coming from.
Quite often the default export will be what you need, so for example, referring to the momentjs web site:
var moment = require('moment');
You can usually assume this:
import moment from 'moment';
Basically this is taking the top level object from the module.
Your specific package doesn't seem to export anything, but just has some side-effects (perhaps it monkey-patches itself into jQuery?), so you can even drop the first part of the import and just say:
import 'bootstrap-colorpicker';
I am using Laravel 5.6.12 and vue.js
I am implementtrying to implement Google Maps with the help of this github link
I following the guidelines mentioned in above link as below.
npm install vue2-google-maps
Then wrote below code in app.js
import * as VueGoogleMaps from 'vue2-google-maps'
Vue.component('vue2-google-maps', VueGoogleMaps);
Finally below code in the template
:center="{lat:10, lng:10}"
style="width: 500px; height: 300px"
I got the below error.
- did you register the component correctly? For recursive
components, make sure to provide the "name" option.
I have already added below script in the html head.
<script src=""></script>
Am I missing anything in above code?
Short answer: You haven't used plugin correctly.
Long answer: By default vue2-google-maps didn't expose components directly but instead it exposes plugin that registers all google maps components (e.g. <GmapMap/>). You should read Quickstart before using the library.
> Basic approach - Register plugin
You should use plugin which will register all the desired components.
Correct usage:
import Vue from 'vue'
import * as VueGoogleMaps from 'vue2-google-maps'
Vue.use(VueGoogleMaps, {
load: {
libraries: 'places',
Your usage:
import * as VueGoogleMaps from 'vue2-google-maps'
Vue.component('vue2-google-maps', VueGoogleMaps);
BTW: when using this approach you can remove <script src=""></script> from you head with no issue:
> Alternative approach - Import only required components. The idea here is to import components directly. I'm not sure how it works with google maps api but in any case you can try
Correct usage:
import GmapMap from 'vue2-google-maps/dist/components/map.vue'
Vue.component('GmapMap', GmapMap)
Your usage:
import * as VueGoogleMaps from 'vue2-google-maps'
Vue.component('vue2-google-maps', VueGoogleMaps);