IIS show message before serving page - asp.net

I have an IIS website that is soon to be taken down. The website is just to serve files from a file share over HTTP. There are some HTML files etc on the share so it was created to let users share links which are all derived from this website.
However, it is now time for this website to go away. I'm looking to either display an alert, or a static <div> or a "Message... You'll be redirected shortly" for all requests that come to this website.

Implement your own IIS module. That will let you add HTML to all the served pages.
IIS module and C#: how to modify the page content before sending it to client


asp.net pulling external web page while preventing client from seeing requests

I'm facing a security issue where my users can see all url from where i pull content from,
I use a third party dashboard app with 4 html pages showing system status for each company .'www.xyz.com/dashboard/x.html'
I would like to create new 'aspx' file and display the 'x.html' inside as plain text , while preventing the user to see where the x.html is downloaded from , because he should not have access to the other 'html' files under the same domain.
here, the user should not see the xhr and where they come from
In other meaning , I need to create an asynchronous server side request that brings the 'x.html' and displaying it's content inside my aspx as it was my page.
Updated answer:
If you have an ASP.NET Dashboard app with multiple pages and you want to restrict access, you need to implement ASP.NET Identity role-based authorization so that your clients who login only have access to the areas of the site you want them to access.
On the other hand if you are trying to take someone else's HTML page and display it as your own, that goes against our community guidelines and you should instead consider openly redirecting your users to the proper page and giving credit where it's due.
Original answer: You can't do this, for two reasons:
The browser must know the target URL.
Obscuring the target URL would be a violation of basic security principles.
The <iframe> element requires a src attribute. See MDN for comprehensive documentation.

Web.config redirect outside traffic for testing purposes

This is a bit of a tricky question.
I am developing a .net website, and it is hosted on our own servers.
I want to redirect outside traffic to a blank "coming soon" page, while our internal network can see the content.
How do I modify the web.config to do that?
I have already tried default document settings, but it doesn't seem to accept those, and instead displays the .NET website.
Please have a look at http://www.iis.net/learn/extensions/url-rewrite-module/creating-rewrite-rules-for-the-url-rewrite-module. It shows how to use IIS URL Rewrite Module (which in turns writes to web.config) to handle your scenario.

asp.net website subdomain on fly with IIS url-rewrite-module

I need to implement the sub domains in asp.net web forms (not MVC) for all clients on fly.
Here is the whole scenario I have a General website for every one as http://mydomain.com
and once a client is registered to my website, he will be allocated a subdomain as
and all clients will be served from
with their customized contents from DB server On the Client website.
I looked about it and came to know that it can be done by IIS URL re Write but we will have multiple links and options on client sites which postbacks with querystring and data. I dont know how to send that and rewrite on backend. it can be
Kindly guide me how to do this.

Sharepoint site as a subsite under a asp.net site

I have asp.net hosted at my domain which i access using a url like 'http://www.xyz.com. I have other web applications which are under the root web application in virtual directories which can be accessed using a url like 'http://www.xyz.com/subsite1 etc.
Now i want to have a sharepoint site as a subsite under my root website which i can access using a url like 'http://www.xyz.com/sharepointsite1.
I have installed sharepoint 2010 server.This installed a new website Sharepoint-80 and The central administration site. I have changed the Sharepoint-80 website setting to point to wwwwroot where my asp.net wesite and its subsite files are located. Now if i make a new site collection in my sharepoint site and it gets successfuly created. But when i browse it i get following error.
HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.
My webserver is also a domain controller. How do i resolve this issue? And how do i achieve the main aim of having a sharepoint site as a subsite under my main website?
I don't think that is possible, unless you are using different host headers or you can write an HttpModule which would be complex in my opinion. Although reverse is possible, You can have a sharepoint site at / and then an ASP.NET site at /subsite
The reason is an IIS SharePoint website is different from IIS ASP.NET website. IIS SharePoint Website registers an extra SPRequest module which fetches the data from SharePoint content database. When you request / , it will always try to pull this data from the SharePoint Content database.
In your case, where you have changed the SharePoint-80 website to point to wwwroot, you have essentially removed SPRequest module from the pipeline. That's the reason you get the error, because its not able to pull the content from the database.
You should do the other way around. Change main site to Sharepoint site, and let your other asp.net application/site to be subsite of sharepoint.
You cannot do that. Simply because you're trying to encapsulate a cloud-based system into an internal IIS folder structure.
You can not add Sharepoint online page in an iframe because of the same origin policy that most of the sites on internet adopted this days. This is mainly for security reasons to avoid from web attacks like Clickjacking and XSS.
You can not add Sharepoint online page in an iframe because of the same origin policy that most of the sites on internet adopted this days. This is mainly for security reasons to avoid from web attacks like Clickjacking and XSS.
If you want to display the content of the sharepoint online into different domain, than try to use provider hosted app in windows azure or develop a Napa sharepoint hosted app which can make cross domain requests in REST or ajax

Facebook app with asp.net

I am trying to get my first hello world application on facebook using asp.net with facebook toolkit.
I am hosting my files on www.aspspider.info/jasminm89/ using it as a canvasurl
and link to my facebook app is http://apps.facebook.com/mytesterapp/
At that location i have: default.html page with the h1 tag with plain text.
When I visit my app on facbook I get message:
The page cannot be displayed
The page you are looking for cannot be displayed because an invalid
method (HTTP verb) was used to attempt access. Please try the
Contact the Web site administrator if you believe that this request
should be allowed. Make sure that the Web site address displayed in
the address bar of your browser is spelled and formatted correctly.
HTTP Error 405 - The HTTP verb used to access this page is not
allowed. Internet Information Services (IIS)
Technical Information (for support personnel)
Go to Microsoft Product Support Services and perform a title search
for the words HTTP and 405. Open IIS Help, which is accessible in IIS
Manager (inetmgr), and search for topics titled Setting Application
Mappings, Securing Your Site with Web Site Permissions, and About
Custom Error Messages.
here source code from facebook, where it loads my page:
<form action="http://aspspider.info/jasminm89/"
method="post" target="iframe_canvas"
onsubmit="return Event.__inlineSubmit(this,event)"><input
type="hidden" autocomplete="off" name="signed_request"
One point here.
I setup my account on 000webhost.com and by default there is default.php created,
I copy the link to my facebook and it loads the page, it worked as well with plain index.html.
This error is because with IIS we can't use static html pages to be called in this way
I now upload plain .aspx page with some text and it worked.
First this sounds like an error with your server configuration, not with accessing the Facebook API/SDK.
Secondly, don't you need to add the call to the facebook SDK and include the <div id="fb-root"></div> ?
Or are you using the C# Facebook SDK?
I iis you can not handle post method coming from facebook including signed_request.
So firstly reconfigure IIS allowing handle post method. Or for simple start make index.html as the default document, put inside "hello world", then process the second step.
