Settings in .yml do not show up in rendered .Rmd - r

I am creating an R Markdown website. However, I am having problems setting the style of the output styling for the document.
I have the _site.yml with output arguments that looks like:
toc: true
toc_float: true
theme: flatly
highlight: tango
df_print: paged
in_header: "header.html"
after_body: "footer.html"
css: "./assets/style.css"
And I have a few .Rmd files in the same directory that have simple YAML matter:
title: "A title"
subtitle: "A subtitle"
author: "Name"
I render the site rmarkdown::render_site(). The site and the pages work, but the rendered .Rmd files do not show the settings (toc, theme, highlight etc) and css styles defined in the _site.yml file. The header and footers also do not show. The path/location of header.html,footer.html and style.css has been verified.
Do I have to specify the output settings in every .Rmd file?

The problem appears to come from the use of bookdown::html_document2 instead of the rmarkdown function html_document.
Using the template provided by RStudio here, I made some one edit to the settings, adding theme: flatly:
name: "my-website"
title: "My Website"
- text: "Home"
href: index.html
- text: "About"
href: about.html
highlight: textmate
theme: flatly
after_body: footer.html
css: styles.css
Replacing html_document with bookdown::html_document2()
Looking through the source code of the render_site function, there appears no way for it to parse any other output than html_document. In fact, when bookdown::html_document2() is provided, it will overwrite the _site.yml file to:
name: my-website
title: My Website
- text: Home
href: index.html
- text: About
href: about.html
lib_dir: site_libs
self_contained: no
output_dir: _site
If you are looking to benefit from using html_documents2 within your website, you should check out blogdown.


How to try themes in RBookdown?

I'm using RBookdown with multiple chapters such as this minimal example.
I'd like to try out themes provided here but changing the YAML header to
title: "A Minimal Book Example"
author: "Yihui Xie"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
site: bookdown::bookdown_site
theme: darkly
documentclass: book
bibliography: [book.bib, packages.bib]
biblio-style: apalike
link-citations: yes
github-repo: rstudio/bookdown-demo
description: "This is a minimal example."
does not give any different styling to the html output.
Also, I surmise the themes provided are only html themes. Are there any pdf themes? I know I can do custom css, but I'd like to at least browse what's available first but cannot seem to get it working.

RMarkdown Bootstrap Navbar

I'm looking to add a Bootstrap navigation bar (as shown here: to an R Markdown template I am creating.
From reading around, I've seen how you can add HTML elements from another file and call them within R Markdown.
But, is there anyway to include the HTML code inside of the markdown file, that way that navigation bar still gets added, but I only have a single page needed to show the results?
This requires a .yml(yaml) file to compliment our Rmarkdown file.
our almost empty Rmarkdown file titled index.Rmd...
title: "navbar for stackoverflow"
Now we just add code to our .yml file for our navbar. Rmarkdown looks inside it's root directory for a _site.yml file for rendering instructions per the blogdown book, which is the same author as your reference.
inside our _site.yml file inside the same directory as our index.Rmd file...
name: "Rmarkdown with navbar"
output_dir: "."
title: "Rmarkdown with navbar"
type: inverse
- text: "Contact me"
icon: fa-envelope-o
- text: "GitHub"
icon: fa-github
- text: "Stackoverflow"
icon: fa-stack-overflow
- text: "Youtube"
icon: fa-youtube
- text: "Instagram"
icon: fa-instagram
- text: "Twitter"
icon: fa-twitter
theme: spacelab
highlight: textmate
Which renders the below output.
The theme argument in the yaml file IS one of the select few bootstrap options Rmarkdown comes installed with.
Figured this out! The best solution I have found for this is to use RHTML to create the markdown file:
From there, you can use HTML to create the backbone of your document, and wrap your R code like so:
df <- data.frarme(x = 1:5, y = 1:5)
This definitely will require more work on my end, but it gives me exactly what I've been looking for.

Rmarkdown Interactive documents Bootswatch theme colour incorrect

In R markdown using Flexdashboard template, colours of Bootswatch themes don's seem matching what's shown on the Bootswatch website
For example, using flatly theme
title: "Test Dashboard"
theme: flatly
runtime: shiny
What I got is like this:
flatly theme in rmarkdown flexdashboard theme
What the flatly theme looks like from Bootswatch is like this:
flatly theme from Bootswatch
Is there some settings that I need to specify to get the correct colour? Or for Rmarkdown Bootswatch themes are set to look differently?
Adding the following JS chunk solves the problem:

Include image preview in blogdown (.Rmd yaml header)

I have tried a couple of approaches but none worked so far. I want to include an image preview for a blog post written in R markdown (.Rmd) on my main blog page where a number of posts and projects are generally shown. I can make it work in plain markdown (.md) using below code taken from the Hugo academic-theme here
# Optional image to display on homepage (relative to `static/img/` folder).
image_preview = "bubbles.jpg"
The result would look as shown here (see section Projects).
However, I do not know how to translate this to the .Rmd yaml in my blog post. I can include an image at the top using below but since I'm using a toc table of content option, the image is only shown after the toc and thus does not appear in the post preview on the main page.
title: some title
author: some author
date: 'some date'
slug: some-slug
- some category
- some-tag
toc: true
number_sections: true
toc_depth: 2
Ideally, the image is only shown in the preview on the main page and not in the actual blog post (intention is to "lure" the reader with visually appealing image to actual content) but if not possible otherwise I'm also fine if the image shows on top of the actual post as long as it shows in the preview of the main page.
If the image_preview parameter works with the md document, it should also work with the Rmd one, provided that you use the syntax with : I guess:
title: some title
author: some author
date: 'some date'
slug: some-slug
- some category
- some-tag
toc: true
number_sections: true
toc_depth: 2
image_preview: 'bubbles.jpg'

blogdown + hugo, tabbed codeblock doesn't show up with theme tranquilpeak

I use blogdown with hugo (theme tranquilpeak). When I add a tabbed codeblock in my .Rmd file, the codeblock doesn't show up as intended, it is shown as normal text. Any idea why?
title: tabbed-codeblock
date: "2017-09-02"
keep_md: yes
### Testing tabbed codeblock
{{< tabbed-codeblock >}}
<!-- tab js -->
var test = 'test';
<!-- endtab -->
<!-- tab css -->
.btn {
color: red;
<!-- endtab -->
{{< /tabbed-codeblock >}}
See Section 2.3.2 of the blogdown book:
Shortcodes are supposed to work in plain Markdown documents only. To use shortcodes in R Markdown instead of plain Markdown, you have to call the function blogdown::shortcode().
And please read the R help page of the function blogdown::shortcode() if it is not clear to you.
