R Copying to and Reading from csv Files - r

When I go to save Excel data that I've pasted into a .csv file, I get a formatting issue and often the saved file has all the numbers in each row as one long string.
My read statement is
Any ideas on how to fix this?

The warning you are getting is fairly standard in Excel - any formatting you've added to the file (e.g. widening columns) will get lost if you don't save the file as an excel file.. and the warning is supposed to remind you of this. Personally, the extra click or two annoys me too.
If you would like to avoid converting excel files to CSV before bringing them into R, try the openxls package. It's saved me from a lot of that monkey business.


Writing new data to an existing excel file that has an XML map attached, without losing the XML data in R

I am trying to write to an excel file that needs to be uploaded somewhere. The target software creates an excel file which has an XML map attached to it. I recreated the entire file structure in R using code, but any time I try to write to that excel file, i think R actually deletes the old file and creates a new one instead, because the XML map is gone the moment I start writing any data to it. Loading up the workbook also doesn't seem to bring in the xml map, only the workbook data and sheets.
Is there a way to write data to this existing file within R (or python) without losing the XML map? Now i need to generate a file and manually copy paste the data into the other excel file.
I've been trying with xlsx, readxl, xml2 packages.
In the past Ive deal with a similar problem. To my knowledge, almost all the R packages that interact with excel replace the entire file with a new one. Except the openxlsx package. You can replace specific sheets, and range of cells, whitout touching the rest (data, styling , etc..). One last comment is that I dont know much about XLM maps, but maybe you are lucky.
Here is the vignette:
Hope it helps

Writing .xlsx in R, importing into PowerBi error

I'm experiencing an odd error. I have a large dataframe in R (75000 rows, 97 columns) and I need to save it out and then import it into Power Bi.
At first I just did the simple:
and while it seems to export and looks fine in excel, the csv itself is all messed up when I look at the contents in Power Bi. Here's an example of what I mean:
The 'phase.x' column should only have "follow-up" or "treatment" in that column. In excel, looks great:
but that exact same file gets screwed up in Power Bi:
I figured that being a 'comma separated variable' file, there must be some extra comma somewhere, and I saved it as an .xlsx instead.
So, while in excel, I saved that .csv as an .xlsx and it opened great in Power Bi!
Jump forward a moment and instead of write_csv() in R, I use write.xlsx(). But now I get this error:
If I simply go to that file, open it in excel, save it and hit close, that error goes away and it can load into Power Bi just fine. I figure it has something to do with this question on here.
Any ideas on what I might be screwing up as I save it out of R? Somehow I can fix it in R and not have to open and save it every time?
In power BI check that your source has ignore quoted line breaks enabled. I've found this is often an issue with .csv files in PowerBI.

Exporting csv using excel into R

I hope someone can help me solve the problem I am currently facing with excel. I have been trying to export a csv file I wrote in Excel Ver 16 into R studio but it keeps giving the "incomplete final line found by readTableHeader on 'Book1.csv'" error. I have included the screen shot of the error and the files I had used for this. This doesnt seem to happen for the other data set I downloaded directly from Kaggle called "adult-test.csv" though.
I have tried everything from reinstalling R, R studio, Excel, I even resorted to using Google Sheets and it still doesn't work. If anyone knows what I am doing wrong please do help!
Image of my R studio code
Picture of the csv file I am failing to read
Hard to guess here.
Sometimes Excel saves csv files incorrectly - even though cells below your table are empty Excel saves them in the csv because maybe in the past, there was something written in there.
So, here is a suggestion
Maybe try to read the Excel file directly, not save it first as a csv. You can do that for example with read.xlsx() from the openxlsx package.
If that does not help, please open the csv file with a text editor (not with Excel again). You will then be able to see the actual problem and if necessary, post the text here (instead of the Excel screenshot)

Exporting CSV from R, not being read by program until saved by excel

I'm exporting CSV files from R, using write.csv
I've also tried various encoding options.
The CSV files open fine and read manually.
However, I need to process these files in another program (METAL https://genome.sph.umich.edu/wiki/METAL) and the program is pretty much unable to recognize the text in the files.
But, when I open the CSV files in excel, and save them again manually with excel-- same name, same place, same encoding, without changing anything except clicking save as CSV, then METAL is able to recognize the text in the CSV files.
I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions how to fix this? It's very cumbersome to go in each file and have to re-save manually.

Importing to R an Excel file saved as web-page

I would like to open an Excel file saved as webpage using R and I keep getting error messages.
The desired steps are:
1) Upload the file into RStudio
2) Change the format into a data frame / tibble
3) Save the file as an xls
The message I get when I open the file in Excel is that the file format (excel webpage format) and extension format (xls) differ. I have tried the steps in this answer, but to no avail. I would be grateful for any help!
I don't expect anybody will be able to give you a definitive answer without a link to the actual file. The complication is that many services will write files as .xls or .xlsx without them being valid Excel format. This is done because Excel is so common and some non-technical people feel more confident working with Excel files than a csv file. Now, the files will have been stored in a format that Excel can deal with (hence your warning message), but R's libraries are more strict and don't see the actual file type they were expecting, so they fail.
That said, the below steps worked for me when I last encountered this problem. A service was outputting .xls files which were actually just HTML tables saved with an .xls file extension.
1) Download the file to work with it locally. You can script this of course, e.g. with download.file(), but this step helps eliminate other errors involved in working directly with a webpage or connection.
2) Load the full file with readHTMLTable() from the XML package
dTemp = readHTMLTable([filename], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
This will return a list of dataframes. Your result set will quite likely be the second element or later (see ?readHTMLTable for an example with explanation). You will probably need to experiment here and explore the list structure as it may have nested lists.
3) Extract the relevant list element, e.g.
df = dTemp[2]
You also mention writing out the final data frame as an xls file which suggests you want the old-style format. I would suggest the package WriteXLS for this purpose.
I seriously doubt Excel is 'saved as a web page'. I'm pretty sure the file just sits on a server and all you have to do is go fetch it. Some kind of files (In particular Excel and h5) are binary rather than text files. This needs an added setting to warn R that it is a binary file and should be handled appropriately.
myurl <- ""
download.file(url=myurl, destfile="localcopy.xlsx", mode="wb")
or, for use downloader, and ty something like this.
myurl <- ""
download(myurl, destfile="localcopy.csv", mode="wb")
