I am trying to generate a matrix of joint probabilities. It's a symmetric matrix. The main diagonal elements are interpreted as probabilities
that a binary variable
equals 1. The off-diagonal elements are the probabilities
that both
are 1. This matrix should respond to the following conditions :
These conditions are checked with check.commonprob.
I built a function to generate this matrix respecting these conditions:
# First I need another function to make the matrix symmetric
makeSymm <- function(m) {
m[upper.tri(m)] <- t(m)[upper.tri(m)]
return(m) }
#The functionthat generates joint probabilities
diag(b)=runif(k, min=x, max=y)
b[lower.tri(b,diag=FALSE)]<-runif(m,min=u, max=z)
Since b is 10*10 matrix => there is 10 diagonal elements and 45 elements in the lower triangular matrix. I got this result:
> b
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7]
[1,] 0.4479626 0.2128775 0.3103472 0.2342798 0.2719423 0.3114339 0.3978305
[2,] 0.2128775 0.4413829 0.2603543 0.2935595 0.2556380 0.2486850 0.2694443
[3,] 0.3103472 0.2603543 0.5170409 0.3003153 0.2651415 0.3410199 0.2321201
[4,] 0.2342798 0.2935595 0.3003153 0.5930984 0.2719581 0.3982266 0.3157343
[5,] 0.2719423 0.2556380 0.2651415 0.2719581 0.4031691 0.2157856 0.3016181
[6,] 0.3114339 0.2486850 0.3410199 0.3982266 0.2157856 0.4042654 0.2595399
[7,] 0.3978305 0.2694443 0.2321201 0.3157343 0.3016181 0.2595399 0.5195244
[8,] 0.3154185 0.3174374 0.2920965 0.3259053 0.2847335 0.3560568 0.2070868
[9,] 0.2892746 0.2510410 0.3232922 0.2970148 0.3070217 0.3445408 0.3180946
[10,] 0.2948818 0.2264481 0.3210267 0.2866854 0.3783635 0.3427585 0.2306935
[,8] [,9] [,10]
[1,] 0.3154185 0.2892746 0.2948818
[2,] 0.3174374 0.2510410 0.2264481
[3,] 0.2920965 0.3232922 0.3210267
[4,] 0.3259053 0.2970148 0.2866854
[5,] 0.2847335 0.3070217 0.3783635
[6,] 0.3560568 0.3445408 0.3427585
[7,] 0.2070868 0.3180946 0.2306935
[8,] 0.5958957 0.2710500 0.2318991
[9,] 0.2710500 0.5003779 0.2512744
[10,] 0.2318991 0.2512744 0.5004233
Up to now , everything seems good, but the problem is that when I wanted to generate a 100*100 matrix, I noticed that beyond a dimension of 20*20 the running time becomes so long (hours) and I can't get a result at the end because i have to stop it.
Do you have any suggestions to improve this function so I can try it on 100*100 matrix ? Also can I stipulate the mean and the standard deviation of the joint probabilities matrix in advance? Thanks !
If you are simply trying to generate examples of such matrices and don't have any other constraints, you can do so by generating observations from a population that would be implicitly described by such a matrix and then tabulate the observed probabilities. You can start by writing a function which does the tabulation:
p.matrix <- function(A){
n <- nrow(A)
k <- ncol(A)
outer(1:n,1:n,Vectorize(function(i,j) sum(A[i,]*A[j,])))/k
The above function can take any binary matrix and turn it into a matrix of probabilities that will statisfy check.commonprob. To get a matrix of a given size you can do something like:
prob.matrix <- function(n,p = 0.5){
k <- max(1000,10*n^2)
pop <- replicate(k,ifelse(runif(n) < p,1,0))
For example:
> M <- prob.matrix(4,c(0.1,0.9,0.3,0.4))
> M
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 0.098 0.090 0.019 0.042
[2,] 0.090 0.903 0.278 0.366
[3,] 0.019 0.278 0.306 0.121
[4,] 0.042 0.366 0.121 0.410
> bindata::check.commonprob(M)
[1] TRUE
For n = 100 this takes about 30 seconds on my machine.
In this function the resulting variables are basically uncorrelated. To get correlated variables, replace the simple ifelse() call by a custom function which e.g. doesn't allow for runs of 3 or more consecutive 1's. If you want finer control on the correlations, you would need to first be clear on just what you would want them to be.
I have a matrix of 2134 by 2134 of correlation values and I would like to count the total number of values that are above 0.8 and below -0.8. I have tried
but this does not seem to be correct as I am getting about 50 percent of values above .8 which does not correspond to the histogram I have for the data. Also when I do
I got 0 as the output. Any help is appreciated.
The data table package has a function called between. This returns TRUE/FALSE value for each value in your matrix whether the value is between two values.
In my example below, I randomly created a 10x10 matrix with random values [-1,+1]. Using the length function and subsetting where the values are in your range of [-0.8,+0.8].
data <- matrix(runif(100,-1,1), nrow = 10, ncol=10)
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
[1,] 0.05585901 -0.7497720 -0.8371569 -0.401079424 -0.4130752 -0.788961736 0.2909987 0.48965177 0.4076504 -0.0682856
[2,] -0.42442920 0.7476111 0.8238973 -0.912507391 -0.4450897 -0.001308901 0.5151425 -0.16838841 -0.1648151 0.8370660
[3,] -0.73295874 0.5271986 0.5822628 -0.008554908 -0.2785803 -0.499058508 -0.5661172 0.35957967 0.5807055 0.2350893
[4,] 0.18949338 0.3827603 -0.6112584 0.209209240 -0.5883962 -0.087900052 0.1272227 0.58165922 -0.9950324 -0.9118599
[5,] 0.40862973 0.9496163 0.4996253 0.079538601 0.9839763 -0.119883751 0.3667418 -0.02751815 -0.6724141 0.3217434
[6,] 0.77338548 -0.7698167 -0.5632436 0.223301216 -0.9936610 0.650110638 -0.9400395 -0.47808065 -0.1579283 -0.6896787
[7,] 0.93210326 0.5360980 0.7677325 0.815231731 -0.4320206 0.647954028 0.5180600 -0.09574138 -0.3848389 0.9726445
[8,] -0.66411834 0.1125759 -0.4021577 -0.711363103 0.7161801 -0.071971464 0.7953436 0.40326575 0.6895480 0.7496597
[9,] 0.14118154 0.4775983 0.8966069 0.852880293 0.4715885 -0.542526148 0.5200246 -0.62649677 -0.3677738 0.1961003
[10,] -0.59353193 -0.2358892 0.5769562 -0.287113142 -0.7100862 -0.107092848 -0.8101459 -0.46754146 -0.4082147 -0.4475972
[1] 84
It's difficult to answer without having your dataset, please provide a minimal reproducible example later.
For the first line of code, this looks correct.
For the second, the error comes from a syntax error. In R you can assign value with = and <-. So x<-1 assign the value whereas x < -1 return a boolean.
You can then combine logical values and run the code below :
m <- matrix(runif(25, min = -1, max = 1), nrow = 5, ncol = 5)
length(m[ m > .8]) + length(m[ m < -.8]) # long version from what you did.
length(m[ m < -.8 | m > .8]) # | mean or. TRUE | FALSE will return TRUE.
sum(m > .8 | m < -.8)
# The sum of logical is the length, since sum(c(TRUE, FALSE)) is sum(c(0, 1))
sum(abs(m) > .8) # is the shortest version
I have a procedure that takes data and creates a square matrix M, where the elements of M correspond to certain features of the data. I wish to get a confidence interval for each element of the matrix to measure the uncertainty around each feature that I'm estimating. To do this, I want to bootstrap, so I initialize a list in R, resample my data, and store the resulting matrices in the list. How can I then estimate the 95% confidence interval for each element?
For example, say my original matrix M is 10 by 10, and the list of bootstrapped matrices is
mylist <- list()
for(i in 1:1000){
boot_matrices[[i]] <- matrix(rnorm(10*10, mean=0, sd=1), nrow=10, ncol=10)
I wish to calculate a confidence interval around each (i,j) element in M, where i=1...10 and j=1...10 by using the 1000 bootstrap matrices. In this toy example, I know the parametric distribution of each (i,j) element, and I'd expect the 95% confidence interval for each element to be around (-1.96, 1.96). However, in my real data, I don't know as much, and I don't want to assume as much (hence, using bootstrap). Is there a way to automatically calculate confidence intervals around each matrix element in this case?
How about something like this?
Create nBS bootstrap 10x10 matrices (I'm using set.seed(...) to ensure reproducibility of sample data). Resulting matrices are stored in a list.
# List of bootstrap matrices
nBS <- 1000;
lst <- lapply(1:nBS, function(x)
matrix(rnorm(10 * 10, mean = 0, sd = 1), nrow = 10, ncol = 10));
Calculate the mean and standard deviation for every matrix element (i,j) across all bootstrap samples:
# Calculate mean and sd of every matrix element (i,j)
mat.mean <- apply(simplify2array(lst), c(1, 2), mean);
mat.sd <- apply(simplify2array(lst), c(1, 2), sd);
Calculate 95% confidence interval as mean +- 1.96 * sem:
# Calculate lower and upper 95% confidence interval
mat.lowerCI <- mat.mean - 1.96 * mat.sd / sqrt(nBS);
mat.upperCI <- mat.mean + 1.96 * mat.sd / sqrt(nBS);
Show mat.mean:
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,] -0.011862801 -0.017872385 -2.059780e-02 -0.056602452 -0.077408704
[2,] 0.083863805 -0.057467756 -7.920189e-03 0.001923072 -0.010616517
[3,] -0.021193913 -0.021594100 -3.069827e-03 0.082500345 -0.015010818
[4,] -0.001063529 -0.028606045 6.366336e-02 0.021871973 0.014491280
[5,] -0.042912905 -0.020031203 7.075698e-03 0.032309070 0.051875125
[6,] -0.028336190 -0.055650895 -1.119998e-02 -0.030252861 -0.008670326
[7,] 0.006555878 -0.008686383 -1.928690e-02 -0.027290181 -0.002037219
[8,] 0.001513634 -0.057669094 -6.025466e-03 0.028409560 0.052159330
[9,] 0.044741065 -0.026265301 3.915427e-02 -0.011599341 0.006817949
[10,] 0.035356686 -0.039949595 -5.468612e-05 0.007272050 0.013150241
[,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
[1,] 0.054420568 0.0050127337 -0.046358349 -0.029833662 -0.0525282034
[2,] -0.033703118 -0.0623761140 -0.029511715 -0.048816905 -0.0189984349
[3,] -0.013218223 -0.0278959480 -0.036351073 0.028833428 -0.0001538902
[4,] 0.029236408 -0.0046022995 0.019077031 0.069887669 -0.0283910941
[5,] -0.035474785 0.0372263523 0.021329823 0.006252149 0.0395028012
[6,] 0.008978299 0.0266740599 -0.006252266 -0.005793750 0.0072594645
[7,] 0.092958577 0.0047135528 0.019320387 0.011766436 -0.0021045223
[8,] 0.014867452 -0.0001325218 0.014760887 -0.027671024 0.0610503856
[9,] -0.031151561 0.0373095832 0.016197685 -0.050206244 -0.0561044648
[10,] 0.059817479 -0.0669659941 0.020218135 -0.039548025 0.0115156843
Lower and upper 95% confidence intervals are given in mat.lowerCI and mat.upperCI.
To run a Canonical correspondence analysis (cca package ade4) I need a positive definite variance matrix. (Which in theory is always the case)
> a
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,] 2 0 475 0 4
[2,] 59 7 18714 1 1
[3,] 4 0 4070 0 4
[4,] 7 0 97 17 18
[5,] 10 0 298 7 36
> eigen(var(a))
[1] 6.380066e+07 1.973658e+02 3.551492e+01 1.033096e+01
[5] -1.377693e-09
The last eigen value is -1.377693e-09 which is < 0. But the theorical value is > 0.
I can't run the function if one of the eigen value is < 0
I really don't know how to fix this without changing the code of the function cca()
Thanks for help
You can change the input, just a little bit, to make the matrix positive definite.
If you have the variance matrix, you can truncate the eigenvalues:
correct_variance <- function(V, minimum_eigenvalue = 0) {
V <- ( V + t(V) ) / 2
e <- eigen(V)
e$vectors %*% diag(pmax(minimum_eigenvalue,e$values)) %*% t(e$vectors)
v <- correct_variance( var(a) )
# [1] 6.380066e+07 1.973658e+02 3.551492e+01 1.033096e+01 1.326768e-08
Using the singular value decomposition, you can do the same thing directly with a.
truncate_singular_values <- function(a, minimum = 0) {
s <- svd(a)
s$u %*% diag( ifelse( s$d > minimum, s$d, minimum ) ) %*% t(s$v)
# [1] 1.916001e+04 4.435562e+01 1.196984e+01 8.822299e+00 1.035624e-01
eigen(var( truncate_singular_values(a,.2) ))$values
# [1] 6.380066e+07 1.973680e+02 3.551494e+01 1.033452e+01 6.079487e-09
However, this changes your matrix a by up to 0.1, which is a lot
(I suspect it is that high because the matrix a is square: as a result,
one of the eigenvalues of var(a) is exactly 0.)
b <- truncate_singular_values(a,.2)
max( abs(b-a) )
# [1] 0.09410187
We can actually do better simply by adding some noise.
b <- a + 1e-6*runif(length(a),-1,1) # Repeat if needed
# [1] 6.380066e+07 1.973658e+02 3.551492e+01 1.033096e+01 2.492604e-09
Here are two approaches:
V <- var(a)
# 1
# 2 perturb diagonals
eps <- 0.01
V + eps * diag(ncol(V))
Edition : the problem in my question was I've tried to find matrix S from equation 8 but this equation have error.
How to directly obtain right eigenvectors of matrix in R ? 'eigen()' gives only left eigenvectors
Really last edition, I've made big mess here, but this question is really important for me :
eigen() provides some matrix of eigenvectors, from function help :
" If ‘r <- eigen(A)’, and ‘V <- r$vectors; lam <- r$values’, then
A = V Lmbd V^(-1)
(up to numerical fuzz), where Lmbd =diag(lam)"
that is A V = V Lmbd, where V is matrix now we check it :
> A%*%V
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 0.0479968+0.5065111i 0.0479968-0.5065111i 0.2000725+0i 0.30290103+0i
[2,] -0.2150354+1.1746298i -0.2150354-1.1746298i -0.4751152+0i -0.76691563+0i
[3,] -0.2536875-0.2877404i -0.2536875+0.2877404i 1.3564475+0i 0.27756026+0i
[4,] 0.9537141-0.0371259i 0.9537141+0.0371259i 0.3245555+0i -0.03050335+0i
> V%*%Lmbd
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 0.0479968+0.5065111i 0.0479968-0.5065111i 0.2000725+0i 0.30290103+0i
[2,] -0.2150354+1.1746298i -0.2150354-1.1746298i -0.4751152+0i -0.76691563+0i
[3,] -0.2536875-0.2877404i -0.2536875+0.2877404i 1.3564475+0i 0.27756026+0i
[4,] 0.9537141-0.0371259i 0.9537141+0.0371259i 0.3245555+0i -0.03050335+0i
and I would like to find matrix of right eigenvectors R,
equation which define matrix of left eigenvectors L is :
L A = LambdaM L
equation which define matrix of right eigenvectors R is :
A R = LambdaM R
and eigen() provides only matrix V:
A V = V Lmbd
I would like to obtain matrix R and LambdaM for real matrix A which may be negative-definite.
A worked example.
Default (= right eigenvectors):
m <- matrix(1:9,nrow=3)
e <- eigen(m)
e1 <- e$vectors
zapsmall((m %*% e1)/e1) ## right e'vec
## [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,] 16.11684 -1.116844 0
## [2,] 16.11684 -1.116844 0
## [3,] 16.11684 -1.116844 0
Left eigenvectors:
eL <- eigen(t(m))
eL1 <- eL$vectors
(We have to go to a little more effort since we need
to be multiplying by row vectors on the left; if
we extracted just a single eigenvector, R's ignorance
of row/column vector distinctions would make it
"do the right thing" (i.e. (eL1[,1] %*% m)/eL1[,1]
just works).)
zapsmall(t(eL1) %*% m/(t(eL1)))
## [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,] 16.116844 16.116844 16.116844
## [2,] -1.116844 -1.116844 -1.116844
## [3,] 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
This should work
Given a matrix A.
lefteigen <- function(A){
Every left eigenvector is the transpose of a right eigenvector of the transpose of a matrix
R has a qr() function, which performs QR decomposition using either LINPACK or LAPACK (in my experience, the latter is 5% faster). The main object returned is a matrix "qr" that contains in the upper triangular matrix R (i.e. R=qr[upper.tri(qr)]). So far so good. The lower triangular part of qr contains Q "in compact form". One can extract Q from the qr decomposition by using qr.Q(). I would like to find the inverse of qr.Q(). In other word, I do have Q and R, and would like to put them in a "qr" object. R is trivial but Q is not. The goal is to apply to it qr.solve(), which is much faster than solve() on large systems.
R uses the LINPACK dqrdc routine, by default, or the LAPACK DGEQP3 routine, when specified, for computing the QR decomposition. Both routines compute the decomposition using Householder reflections. An m x n matrix A is decomposed into an m x n economy-size orthogonal matrix (Q) and an n x n upper triangular matrix (R) as A = QR, where Q can be computed by the product of t Householder reflection matrices, with t being the lesser of m-1 and n: Q = H1H2...Ht.
Each reflection matrix Hi can be represented by a length-(m-i+1) vector. For example, H1 requires a length-m vector for compact storage. All but one entry of this vector is placed in the first column of the lower triangle of the input matrix (the diagonal is used by the R factor). Therefore, each reflection needs one more scalar of storage, and this is provided by an auxiliary vector (called $qraux in the result from R's qr).
The compact representation used is different between the LINPACK and LAPACK routines.
A Householder reflection is computed as Hi = I - viviT/pi, where I is the identity matrix, pi is the corresponding entry in $qraux, and vi is as follows:
vi[1..i-1] = 0,
vi[i] = pi
vi[i+1:m] = A[i+1..m, i] (i.e., a column of the lower triangle of A after calling qr)
Let's work through the example from the QR decomposition article at Wikipedia in R.
The matrix being decomposed is
> A <- matrix(c(12, 6, -4, -51, 167, 24, 4, -68, -41), nrow=3)
> A
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 12 -51 4
[2,] 6 167 -68
[3,] -4 24 -41
We do the decomposition, and the most relevant portions of the result is shown below:
> Aqr = qr(A)
> Aqr
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] -14.0000000 -21.0000000 14
[2,] 0.4285714 -175.0000000 70
[3,] -0.2857143 0.1107692 -35
[1] 1.857143 1.993846 35.000000
This decomposition was done (under the covers) by computing two Householder reflections and multiplying them by A to get R. We will now recreate the reflections from the information in $qr.
> p = Aqr$qraux # for convenience
> v1 <- matrix(c(p[1], Aqr$qr[2:3,1]))
> v1
[1,] 1.8571429
[2,] 0.4285714
[3,] -0.2857143
> v2 <- matrix(c(0, p[2], Aqr$qr[3,2]))
> v2
[1,] 0.0000000
[2,] 1.9938462
[3,] 0.1107692
> I = diag(3) # identity matrix
> H1 = I - v1 %*% t(v1)/p[1] # I - v1*v1^T/p[1]
> H2 = I - v2 %*% t(v2)/p[2] # I - v2*v2^T/p[2]
> Q = H1 %*% H2
> Q
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] -0.8571429 0.3942857 0.33142857
[2,] -0.4285714 -0.9028571 -0.03428571
[3,] 0.2857143 -0.1714286 0.94285714
Now let's verify the Q computed above is correct:
> qr.Q(Aqr)
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] -0.8571429 0.3942857 0.33142857
[2,] -0.4285714 -0.9028571 -0.03428571
[3,] 0.2857143 -0.1714286 0.94285714
Looks good! We can also verify QR is equal to A.
> R = qr.R(Aqr) # extract R from Aqr$qr
> Q %*% R
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 12 -51 4
[2,] 6 167 -68
[3,] -4 24 -41
A Householder reflection is computed as Hi = I - piviviT, where I is the identity matrix, pi is the corresponding entry in $qraux, and vi is as follows:
vi[1..i-1] = 0,
vi[i] = 1
vi[i+1:m] = A[i+1..m, i] (i.e., a column of the lower triangle of A after calling qr)
There is another twist when using the LAPACK routine in R: column pivoting is used, so the decomposition is solving a different, related problem: AP = QR, where P is a permutation matrix.
LAPACK Example
This section does the same example as before.
> A <- matrix(c(12, 6, -4, -51, 167, 24, 4, -68, -41), nrow=3)
> Bqr = qr(A, LAPACK=TRUE)
> Bqr
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 176.2554964 -71.1694118 1.668033
[2,] -0.7348557 35.4388886 -2.180855
[3,] -0.1056080 0.6859203 -13.728129
[1] 1.289353 1.360094 0.000000
[1] 2 3 1
[1] TRUE
Notice the $pivot field; we will come back to that. Now we generate Q from the information the Aqr.
> p = Bqr$qraux # for convenience
> v1 = matrix(c(1, Bqr$qr[2:3,1]))
> v1
[1,] 1.0000000
[2,] -0.7348557
[3,] -0.1056080
> v2 = matrix(c(0, 1, Bqr$qr[3,2]))
> v2
[1,] 0.0000000
[2,] 1.0000000
[3,] 0.6859203
> H1 = I - p[1]*v1 %*% t(v1) # I - p[1]*v1*v1^T
> H2 = I - p[2]*v2 %*% t(v2) # I - p[2]*v2*v2^T
> Q = H1 %*% H2
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] -0.2893527 -0.46821615 -0.8348944
[2,] 0.9474882 -0.01602261 -0.3193891
[3,] 0.1361660 -0.88346868 0.4482655
Once again, the Q computed above agrees with the R-provided Q.
> qr.Q(Bqr)
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] -0.2893527 -0.46821615 -0.8348944
[2,] 0.9474882 -0.01602261 -0.3193891
[3,] 0.1361660 -0.88346868 0.4482655
Finally, let's compute QR.
> R = qr.R(Bqr)
> Q %*% R
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] -51 4 12
[2,] 167 -68 6
[3,] 24 -41 -4
Notice the difference? QR is A with its columns permuted given the order in Bqr$pivot above.
I have researched for this same problem as the OP asks and I don't think it is possible. Basically the OP question is whether having the explicitly computed Q, one can recover the H1 H2 ... Ht. I do not think this is possible without computing the QR from scratch but I would also be very interested to know whether there is such solution.
I have a similar issue as the OP but in a different context, my iterative algorithm needs to mutate the matrix A by adding columns and/or rows. The first time, the QR is computed using DGEQRF and thus, the compact LAPACK format. After the matrix A is mutated e.g. with new rows I can quickly build a new set of reflectors or rotators that will annihilate the non-zero elements of the lowest diagonal of my existing R and build a new R but now I have a set of H1_old H2_old ... Hn_old and H1_new H2_new ... Hn_new (and similarly tau's) which can't be mixed up into a single QR compact representation. The two possibilities I have are, and maybe the OP has the same two possibilities:
Always maintain Q and R explicitly separated whether when computed the first time or after every update at the cost of extra flops but keeping the required memory well bounded.
Stick to the compact LAPACK format but then every time a new update comes in, keep a list of all these mini sets of update reflectors. At the point of solving the system one would do a big Q'*c i.e. H1_u3*H2_u3*...*Hn_u3*H1_u2*H2_u2*...*Hn_u2*H1_u1*H2_u1...*Hn_u1*H1*H2*...*Hn*c where ui is the QR update number and this is potentially a lot of multiplications to do and memory to keep track of but definitely the fastest way.
The long answer from David basically explains what the compact QR format is but not how to get to this compact QR format having the explicit computed Q and R as input.