Assigning new strings with conditional match - r

I have an issue about replacing strings with the new ones conditionally.
I put short version of my real problem so far its working however I need a better solution since there are many rows in the real data.
strings <- c("ca_A33","cb_A32","cc_A31","cd_A30")
Basicly I want to replace strings with replace_strings. First item in the strings replaced with the first item in the replace_strings.
replace_strings <- c("A1","A2","A3","A4")
So the final string should look like
final string <- c("ca_A1","cb_A2","cc_A3","cd_A4")
I write some simple function assign_new
assign_new <- function(x){
[1] "ca_A1" "cb_A2" "cc_A3" "cd_A4"
Ok it seems we have solution. But lets say if I have A1000 to A1 and want to replace them from A1 to A1000 I need to do 1000 of rows of ifelse statement. How can we tackle that?

If your vectors are ordered to be matched, then you can use:
> paste0(gsub("(.*_)(.*)","\\1", strings ), replace_strings)
[1] "ca_A1" "cb_A2" "cc_A3" "cd_A4"

You can use regmatches.First obtain all the characters that are followed by _ using regexpr then replace as shown below
`regmatches<-`(strings,regexpr("(?<=_).*",strings,perl = T),value=replace_strings)
[1] "ca_A1" "cb_A2" "cc_A3" "cd_A4"

Not the fastests but very tractable and easy to maintain:
for (i in 1:length(strings)) {
strings[i] <- gsub("\\d+$", i, strings[i])
"\\d+$" just matches any number at the end of the string.

EDIT: Per #Onyambu's comment, removing map2_chr as paste is a vectorized function.
foo <- function(x, y){
x <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(x, "_"), '[', 1))
paste(x, y, sep = "_"))
foo(strings, replace_strings)
with x being strings and y being replace_strings. You first split the strings object at the _ character, and paste with the respective replace_strings object.
For objects where there is no positional relationship you could create a reference table (dataframe, list, etc.) and match your values.
reference_tbl <- data.frame(strings, replace_strings)
foo <- function(x){
y <- reference_tbl$replace_strings[match(x, reference_tbl$strings)]
x <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(x, "_"), '[', 1))
paste(x, y, sep = "_")

Using the dplyr package:
strings <- c("ca_A33","cb_A32","cc_A31","cd_A30")
replace_strings <- c("A1","A2","A3","A4")
df <- data.frame(strings, replace_strings)
df <- mutate(rowwise(df),
strings = gsub("_.*",
paste0("_", replace_strings),
df <- select(df, strings)
# A tibble: 4 x 1
1 ca_A1
2 cb_A2
3 cc_A3
4 cd_A4

yet another way:
mapply(function(x,y) gsub("(\\w\\w_).*",paste0("\\1",y),x),strings,replace_strings,USE.NAMES=FALSE)
# [1] "ca_A1" "cb_A2" "cc_A3" "cd_A4"


replacing the same pattern in a string with new value each time

One string with 25 xy as patterns and a 25 long vector that should replace those 25 xy.
This is not for prgramming or anything complicated, I just wish to get a result, which I can copy and then paste into a forum that uses this BBcode inside the string to make a colorful line.
string <- "[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]__[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]"
colrs <- c( "08070D", "100F1A", "191627", "211E34", "292541", "312D4E", "39345B", "413C68", "4A4375", "524A82", "5A528E", "62599B", "6C64A6", "7971AE", "827BB3", "8C85B9", "958FBF", "9F99C4", "A9A3CA", "B2AED0", "BCB8D6", "C5C2DC", "CFCCE2", "D9D6E8", "E2E0ED")
and want this as a result
I have completely revised my answer given that you removed the previous iteration of your code example. Here's the revised solution:
string <- '[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]_[COLOR="#xy"]__[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]'
colrs <- c("08070D", "100F1A", "191627", "211E34", "292541", "312D4E", "39345B", "413C68", "4A4375", "524A82", "5A528E", "62599B", "6C64A6", "7971AE", "827BB3", "8C85B9", "958FBF", "9F99C4", "A9A3CA", "B2AED0", "BCB8D6", "C5C2DC", "CFCCE2", "D9D6E8", "E2E0ED")
string0 <- string |>
str_split("xy") |>
string0[seq_along(colrs)] |>
str_c(colrs, collapse = "") |>
[1] "[COLOR=\"#08070D\"]_[COLOR=\"#100F1A\"]_[COLOR=\"#191627\"]_[COLOR=\"#211E34\"]_[COLOR=\"#292541\"]_[COLOR=\"#312D4E\"]_[COLOR=\"#39345B\"]_[COLOR=\"#413C68\"]_[COLOR=\"#4A4375\"]_[COLOR=\"#524A82\"]_[COLOR=\"#5A528E\"]_[COLOR=\"#62599B\"]_[COLOR=\"#6C64A6\"]_[COLOR=\"#7971AE\"]_[COLOR=\"#827BB3\"]_[COLOR=\"#8C85B9\"]_[COLOR=\"#958FBF\"]_[COLOR=\"#9F99C4\"]_[COLOR=\"#A9A3CA\"]_[COLOR=\"#B2AED0\"]_[COLOR=\"#BCB8D6\"]_[COLOR=\"#C5C2DC\"]_[COLOR=\"#CFCCE2\"]_[COLOR=\"#D9D6E8\"]_[COLOR=\"#E2E0ED\"]__[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]"
EDIT #2:
An easy solution to the new data problem is this:
string0 <- unlist(str_split(gsub('"', "", string), "__?"))
str_c(str_replace(string0,'xy', colrs), collapse = "_")
[1] "[COLOR=#08070D]_[COLOR=#100F1A]_[COLOR=#191627]_[COLOR=#211E34]_[COLOR=#292541]_[COLOR=#312D4E]_[COLOR=#39345B]_[COLOR=#413C68]_[COLOR=#4A4375]_[COLOR=#524A82]_[COLOR=#5A528E]_[COLOR=#62599B]_[COLOR=#6C64A6]_[COLOR=#7971AE]_[COLOR=#827BB3]_[COLOR=#8C85B9]_[COLOR=#958FBF]_[COLOR=#9F99C4]_[COLOR=#A9A3CA]_[COLOR=#B2AED0]_[COLOR=#BCB8D6]_[COLOR=#C5C2DC]_[COLOR=#CFCCE2]_[COLOR=#D9D6E8]_[COLOR=#E2E0ED]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]_[/color]"
Given this data:
string <- "AxyBxyCxyDxyExy"
vector <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
and this desired result:
you can do this:
First, we extract the character that's before xy using str_extract_all:
string0 <- unlist(str_extract_all(string, ".(?=xy)"))
Next we do two things: a) we replace the lone character with itself (\\1) AND the vector value, and b) we collapse the separate strings into one large string using str_c:
str_c(str_replace(string0, "(.)$", str_c("\\1", vector)), collapse = "")
[1] "A1B2C3D4E5"

Changing values into numeric values

I have a few columns where the value is for example : 525K or 1.1M. I want to convert those values to thousand or millions as numerics without using an extra R package besides baser and tidyr.
Is there anyone who can help me with a code or a function how I can do this in a simple and quick way?
I have tried to do it by hand with removing the 'M' or 'K' and the '.'.
players_set$Value <- gsub(pattern = "M", replacement = "000000 ",
x = players_set$Value, fixed = TRUE)
For a base R option, we can try using sub to generate an arithmetic expression, based on the K or M unit. Then, use eval with parse to get the final number:
getValue <- function(input) {
output <- sub("M", "*1000000", sub("K", "*1000", input))
[1] 525000
[1] 1100000
Here is another option with a named vector matching
getValue <- function(input) {
# remove characters except LETTERS
v1 <- gsub("[0-9.€]+", "", input)
# remove characters except digits
v2 <- gsub("[A-Za-z€]+", "", input)
# create a named vector
keyval <- setNames(c(1e6, 1e3), c("M", "K"))
# match the LETTERS (v1) with the keyval to get the numeric value
# multiply with v2
unname(as.numeric(v2) *keyval[v1])
#[1] 525000
#[1] 1100000
#[1] 525000
#[1] 1100000

Difference between two columns with separated variables by ; in R

I am a beginner in R and while trying to make some exercises I got stuck in one of them. My data.frame is as follow:
LanguageWorkedNow LanguageNextYear
Java; PHP Java; C++; SQL
C;C++;JavaScript; JavaScript; C; SQL
And I need to know the variables which are in LanguageNextYear and are not in LanguageWorkedNow, to set a list with the different ones.
Sorry if the question is duplicated, I'm quite new here and tried to find it, but with no success.
base R
Idea: mapply setdiff on strsplitted NextYear and WorkedNow, and then paste it using collapse=";":
df$New <- with(df, {
a <- mapply(setdiff, strsplit(NextYear, ";"), strsplit(WorkedNow, ";"), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
sapply(a, paste, collapse=";")
# SIMPLIFY = FALSE is needed in a general case, it doesn't
# affect the output in the example case
# Or if you use Map instead of mapply, that is the default, so
# it could also be...
df$New <- with(df,
sapply(Map(setdiff, strsplit(NextYear, ";"), strsplit(WorkedNow, ";")),
paste, collapse=";"))
df <- read.table(text = "WorkedNow NextYear
Java;PHP Java;C++;SQL
C;C++;JavaScript JavaScript;C;SQL
", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
Here's a solution using purrr package:
df = read.table(text = "
LanguageWorkedNow LanguageNextYear
Java;PHP Java;C++;SQL
C;C++;JavaScript JavaScript;C;SQL
", header=T, stringsAsFactors=F)
df$New = map2_chr(df$LanguageWorkedNow,
~{x1 = unlist(strsplit(.x, split=";"))
x2 = unlist(strsplit(.y, split=";"))
paste0(x2[!x2%in%x1], collapse = ";")})
# LanguageWorkedNow LanguageNextYear New
# 1 Java;PHP Java;C++;SQL C++;SQL
# 2 C;C++;JavaScript JavaScript;C;SQL SQL
For each row you get your columns and you create vectors of values (separated by ;). Then you check which values of NextYear vector don't exist in WorkedNow vector and you create a string based on / combining those values.
The map function family will help you apply your logic / function to each row. In our case we use map2_chr as we have two inputs (your two columns) and we excpet a string / character output.

I need to check for data entry through R do I validate that it is in the correct format

Eg : data has to follow the convention xxxx-xx-xx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx
the right data format is 7448-06-93-030-001 or 7448-06-93-030-001-010-030-060
but not 7448-060-030-070.Hope I made some sense
Assuming that the "correct format" means the correct number of numeric digits between dashes, here is one solution:
test_format <- function(x) {
#get number of characters of each bunch of digits
x <- paste0("-", x, "-")
dash_pos <- unlist(gregexpr("-", x))
n <- length(dash_pos)
lens <- dash_pos[2:n] - dash_pos[1:(n-1)] - 1
#check that this matches the correct convention
correct_lens <- c(4,2,2,3,3,3,3,3)
isTRUE(all.equal(lens, correct_lens[1:(n-1)]))
test_format("7448-06-93-030-001") #should be true
test_format("7448-06-93-030-001-010-030-060") #should be true
test_format("7448-060-030-070") #should be false
This regular expression should work, assuming you want the first pattern of x's
Are you looking for a blanket gsub? These two work for those two scenarios. You could use an ifelse to determine which one to use.
df <- c("74-486993-030-001")
df <- gsub("-", "", df)
dfa <- gsub("(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})$", "\\1-\\2-\\3-\\4-\\5", df)
df2 <- c("74480693-030-00-10-10-030-060")
df2 <- gsub("-", "", df2)
dfb <- gsub("(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})$", "\\1-\\2-\\3-\\4-\\5-\\6-\\7-\\8", df2)

grep() and sub() and regular expression

I'd like to change the variable names in my data.frame from e.g. "pmm_StartTimev4_E2_C19_1" to "pmm_StartTimev4_E2_C19". So if the name ends with an underscore followed by any number it gets removed.
But I'd like for this to happen only if the variable name has the word "Start" in it.
I've got a muddled up bit of code that doesn't work. Any help would be appreciated!
# Current data frame:
dfbefore <- data.frame(a=c("pmm_StartTimev4_E2_C19_1","pmm_StartTimev4_E2_E2_C1","delivery_C1_C12"),b=c("pmm_StartTo_v4_E2_C19_2","complete_E1_C12_1","pmm_StartTo_v4_E2_C19"))
# Desired data frame:
dfafter <- data.frame(a=c("pmm_StartTimev4_E2_C19","pmm_StartTimev4_E2_E2_C1","delivery_C1_C12"),b=c("pmm_StartTo_v4_E2_C19","complete_E1_C12_1","pmm_StartTo_v4_E2_C19"))
# Current code:
sub((.*{1,}[0-9]*).*","",grep("Start",names(df),value = TRUE)
How about something like this using gsub().
stripcol <- function(x) {
gsub("(.*Start.*)_\\d+$", "\\1", as.character(x))
dfnew <- dfbefore
dfnew[] <- lapply(dfbefore, stripcol)
We use the regular expression to look for "Start" and then grab everything but the underscore number at the end. We use lapply to apply the function to all columns.
doit <- function(x){
x <- as.character(x)
x <- gsub("_([0-9])","",x)
a b
[1,] "pmm_StartTimev4_E2_C19" "pmm_StartTo_v4_E2_C19"
[2,] "pmm_StartTimev4_E2_E2_C1" "complete_E1_C12_1"
[3,] "delivery_C1_C12" "pmm_StartTo_v4_E2_C19"
We can use sub to capture groups where the 'Start' substring is also present followed by an underscore and one or more numbers. In the replacement, use the backreference of the captured group. As there are multiple columns, use lapply to loop over the columns, apply the sub and assign the output back to the original data
out <- dfbefore
out[] <- lapply(dfbefore, sub,
pattern = "^(.*_Start.*)_\\d+$", replacement ="\\1")
dfafter[] <- lapply(dfafter, as.character)
all.equal(out, dfafter, check.attributes = FALSE)
#[1] TRUE
