report generation tool for zabbix - report

I am working on the Zabbix monitoring tool.
Could any one advise whether we have any tool to generate reports.

Not at my knowledge out-of-the box.
Zabbix is tricky because MySQL backend history tables grow extremely fast and they don't have primary keys. Our current history tables have 440+ million records and we monitor 6000 servers by Zabbix. Single table scan takes 40 minutes on the active server.
So your challenge could be splitted in three smaller challenges:
Denormalization is the key because joins don't work on huge history tables because you have to join history, items, functions, triggers and hosts tables.
Besides you want to evaluate global and host macros, replace {ITEM.VALUE} and {HOST.NAME} in trigger and item names/descriptions.
BTW there is experimental version of Zabbix which uses Elasticsearch for keeping history and it makes possible sorting and selecting item values by intervals. Zabbix using Elasticsearch for History Tables
My approach is to generate structures like this for every Zabbix record from history tables and dump them to the document database. Make sure you don't use buffered cursors.
{'dns_name': '',
'event_clock': 1512501556,
'event_tstano': '2017-12-05 19:19:16',
'event_value': 1,
'host_id': 10084,
'host_name': 'Zabbix Server',
'ip_address': '',
'item_id': 37335,
'item_key': 'nca.test.backsync.multiple',
'item_name': 'BackSync - Test - Multiple',
'trig_chg_clock': 1512502800,
'trig_chg_tstamp': '2017-12-05 19:40:00',
'trig_id': 17206,
'trig_name': 'BackSync - TEST - Multiple - Please Ignore',
'trig_prio': 'Average',
'trig_value': 'OK'
Current Values
Zabbix APIs are documented pretty good and JSON is handy to dump the structure like proposed for the history. Don't expect Zabbix APIs will return more than 500 metrics / second max. We currently pull 350 metrics / second.
And finally reporting ... There are many options but you have to integrate them:
Kibana (Elasticsearch)
Operations Bridge Reporter (Vertica)

JasperReports - IMHO good "framework" for reports:
connect it with SQL data connector => you have to be familiar with SQL structure of your Zabbix DB
more generic solution will be Zabbix API data connector for JasperReports, but you have to code this data connector, because it doesn't exist

You can use the Event API to export data for reporting.
Quoting from the main reference page:
Retrieve events generated by triggers, network discovery and other
Zabbix systems for more flexible situation management or third-party
tool integration
Additionally, if you've set up IT Services & SLA, you can use the Service API to extract service % availabilities


Transfer huge data from maria db to ssms when their is data change in mariadb

I did tried using schedular for Databricks notebook but it is creating unnecessary of loading data. The data in mariadb changes randomly it is not fixed , if I try pipeline I cant call a trigger for change in data and transfer of data from one Database to another.
Please help me with any pipeline ideas , azure datafactory ideas or python codes as well so that I can transfer tables when their are changes in Mariadb
One way to trigger pipeline is to use event-based trigger.
Creating event-based trigger in Azure Data Factory. Create trigger and select Type as Custom events.
Refer -
Second way is to use logic app. This is the best approach for your query.
Refer this answer by Trent Tamura

Azure Synapse replicated to Cosmos DB?

We have a Azure data warehouse db2(Azure Synapse) that will need to be consumed by read only users around the world, and we would like to replicate the needed objects from the data warehouse potentially to a cosmos DB. Is this possible, and if so what are the available options? (transactional, merege, etc)
Synapse is mainly about getting your data to do analysis. I dont think it has a direct export option, the kind you have described above.
However, what you can do, is to use 'Azure Stream Analytics' and then you should be able to integrate/stream whatever you want to any destination you need, like an app or a database ands so on.
more details here -
I think you can also pull the data into BI, and perhaps setup some kind of a automatic export from there.
more details here -

Kafka Connector for Oracle Database Source

I want to build a Kafka Connector in order to retrieve records from a database at near real time. My database is the Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release and the tables have millions of records. First of all, I would like to add the minimum load to my database using CDC. Secondly, I would like to retrieve records based on a LastUpdate field which has value after a certain date.
Searching at the site of confluent, the only open source connector that I found was the “Kafka Connect JDBC”. I think that this connector doesn’t have CDC mechanism and it isn’t possible to retrieve millions of records when the connector starts for the first time. The alternative solution that I thought is Debezium, but there is no Debezium Oracle Connector at the site of Confluent and I believe that it is at a beta version.
Which solution would you suggest? Is something wrong to my assumptions of Kafka Connect JDBC or Debezium Connector? Is there any other solution?
For query-based CDC which is less efficient, you can use the JDBC source connector.
For log-based CDC I am aware of a couple of options however, some of them require license:
1) Attunity Replicate that allows users to use a graphical interface to create real-time data pipelines from producer systems into Apache Kafka, without having to do any manual coding or scripting. I have been using Attunity Replicate for Oracle -> Kafka for a couple of years and was very satisfied.
2) Oracle GoldenGate that requires a license
3) Oracle Log Miner that does not require any license and is used by both Attunity and kafka-connect-oracle which is is a Kafka source connector for capturing all row based DML changes from an Oracle and streaming these changes to Kafka.Change data capture logic is based on Oracle LogMiner solution.
We have numerous customers using IBM's IIDR (info sphere Data Replication) product to replicate data from Oracle databases, (as well as Z mainframe, I-series, SQL Server, etc.) into Kafka.
Regardless of which of the sources used, data can be normalized into one of many formats in Kafka. An example of an included, selectable format is...
The solution is highly scalable and has been measured to replicate changes into the 100,000's of rows per second.
We also have a proprietary ability to reconstitute data written in parallel to Kafka back into its original source order. So, despite data having been written to numerous partitions and topics , the original total order can be known. This functionality is known as the TCC (transactionally consistent consumer).
See the video and slides here...

cosmosdb - archive data older than n years into cold storage

I researched several places and could not find any direction on what options are there to archive old data from cosmosdb into a cold storage. I see for DynamoDb in AWS it is mentioned that you can move dynamodb data into S3. But not sure what options are for cosmosdb. I understand there is time to live option where the data will be deleted after certain date but I am interested in archiving versus deleting. Any direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I don't think there is a single-click built-in feature in CosmosDB to achieve that.
Still, as you mentioned appreciating any directions, then I suggest you consider DocumentDB Data Migration Tool.
Notes about Data Migration Tool:
you can specify a query to extract only the cold-data (for example, by creation date stored within documents).
supports exporting export to various targets (JSON file, blob
storage, DB, another cosmosDB collection, etc..),
compacts the data in the process - can merge documents into single array document and zip it.
Once you have the configuration set up you can script this
to be triggered automatically using your favorite scheduling tool.
you can easily reverse the source and target to restore the cold data to active store (or to dev, test, backup, etc).
To remove exported data you could use the mentioned TTL feature, but that could cause data loss should your export step fail. I would suggest writing and executing a Stored Procedure to query and delete all exported documents with single call. That SP would not execute automatically but could be included in the automation script and executed only if data was exported successfully first.
See: Azure Cosmos DB server-side programming: Stored procedures, database triggers, and UDFs.
These days CosmosDB has added Change feed. this really simplifies writing a carbon copy somewhere else.

Microsoft AX Dynamics Process Integration through Outbound Ports

I would like to know the Process Integration steps.
Through Outbound ports
If any of the event occurs at AX Dynamics, we just want to know that events in the form of XML(Process Integration).
Example: Sales Order Creation, Customer Creation, Purchase Order Creation..
Outbound ports are only useful for asynchronous communication.
See AX 2012 Export Data with Outbound ports for an example (using the file system).
The steps to initiate sending data is in the AIF_SendCustomer.
As this is no lightweight operation, you may consider logging the records which needs integration in a custom integration table, then doing the processing in batch.
This is done in the insert and/or update and maybe delete method.
Deletes requires you store the RecId field value in the external system to be used for delete requests. The following does not cover this.
For logged table make the following method:
void syncRecord()
XXXRecordLog log;
log.RefTableId = this.TableId;
log.RefRecId = this.RecId;
Then call this.syncRecord() in the insert and update methods.
In the query to the outbound service be sure to exists join your table and the log table. This way only changed records are exported.
Make a batch job to do the transfer using the AIF_SendCustomer as a template.
After a synchronous (AifSendMode::Sync) transfer of the records, delete the log records (or mark them transferred).
Finally call AIFoutboundProcessingService to flush the file:
new AIFoutboundProcessingService().run();
Try to keeps things simple. It might be simpler to do a comma file export of the changed records!
