how to change existing appname from firebase sms verification. %LOGIN_CODE% is your verification code for %APP_NAME% [duplicate] - firebase

in console firebase, in the menu Authentification -> Templates
There is a sms verification template :
%LOGIN_CODE% is your verification code.
How to change this message template?

firebaser here
Neither the email verification template nor the SMS verification template can be modified. You can select the language from the Firebase console, however this is a per project setting and you can't modify the templates.
We understand that changing the template would allow you to tweak the user-experience of your app, but we don't allow this to prevent abuse of the service.

Update 1 year later, still a no go, but I received this back from support
The Firebase SMS Authentication message content will depend on the
platform you are requesting that message from. Here is a list of the
possible variations you may get:
iOS and Android - The SMS messages draw the app's name from the App Store / Play Store. One an app is published, the correct name
should start appearing. There may be a small delay (a week or two at
Web - It will always use the domain that the SMS is requested from. To modify it, you can setup a custom domain.
iOS (using Recaptcha) - Phone authentication on iOS will show the project's url instead of the app's name in the verification
SMS when using the reCAPTCHA flow. This is expected behavior. The
reCAPTCHA flow was added for cases where an APNS token is not
available (including on real devices). If APNS is not correctly
configured, a real device will default to the reCAPTCHA flow.
Unfortunately, neither the email verification template nor the SMS
verification template can be modified. You can select the language
from the Firebase Console, however this is a per project setting and
you can't modify the templates.
We understand that changing the template would allow you to tweak the
user-experience of your app, but we don't allow this to prevent abuse
of the service. I hope this clears your consults about this topic. If
you happen to have any more questions, please, do not hesitate to
write back!

Meanwhile you cannot change the content of the message, you can change the app's URL mentioned in the SMS.
Go to Authentication > Sign-in Method > Authorized domains and add your own domain website.tld
Now edit the Firebase config object (in your source code) and update the authDomain key to the domain you linked earlier.
Send a new test message, you're good to go.

As per Firebase Support the %APP_NAME% should be shown in your firebase settings wherein the %APP_NAME% is called after Public-facing name in public settings.
I checked first where is the location of "localhost" and wherein i found on "Authentication>Sign-in method" then under 'authorized domain' you will find "localhost" in order to change the localhost you need to add a new domain.
be careful on deleting localhost to your authorized domain. It will take time to function OTP request.

This one helps;
Go to Authentication > Sign-in Method > Authorized domains and add your own domain website.tld
Now edit the Firebase config object (in your source code) and update the authDomain key to the domain you linked earlier.


Can't login using Google Auth, 403: org_internal

Can't login using Google Auth,
Error 403: org_internal
This client is restricted to users within its organization.
Go to cloud console (
APIs and services
Oath consent screen
Ensure Application type is set to "public" and not internal.
Obviously assuming that you are creating an app that should be accessible outside your org. If this is related to testing and phones, it is possible to create testusers that are excepted from company policy rules.
The reason for this error is indeed because the Application type is set to "internal".
But setting it to public is not always the right answer...
Add "&prompt=select_account" to the authentication url. This will force the user to select the correct (organization-)account.
Without the parameter, Google tries to show the consent screen for the logged in Google-account, but as it is not an organization-account it will just display the 403 page without giving the user this choice.
I had an Internal app that I was trying to authenticate with one of our YouTube channels using an organization account, and I was getting the same error:
Authorization Error
Error 403: org_internal
This client is restricted to users within its organization.
After contacting Google Workspace Support, they asked me to Change the restriction on it from Limited to Trusted.
Steps are mentioned in this support thread:
Open the Google Admin Console.
From the sidebar menu, choose: Security → API Controls.
Hover the cursor over the required app and click on Change access.
Choose the option: Trusted: Can access all Google services
And save the CHANGE.
Once you've done, take note that there will be 24 hours of propagation on it before it gradually takes effect.
Make sure, for the browser you are using, that you have logged out of "All" Google account(s). This should force the "select account" windows to display.
We have almost exactly the same problem while trying to configure WP Mail SMTP for Wordpress.
The OAuth Client's Application Type has to be "Internal" so changing it to "External" was not an option for us.
Hope this helps.
I had the same issue and in my case was because the project didn't had a support email address set it.
I fix it by adding one on the Firebase Console > Project Settings > General under the Public settings section.
This error is most likely due to the configuration of your application in Google Cloud Platform.
Setting your application to "internal" is causing this error. Try making your app "external" in the OAuth consent screen, but make sure it is in a "testing" status. Then, add yourself to the test users. This configuration will work well for an internal, lightweight application.
Once complete, try to authenticate with the channel again.
I had the same issue with a project. The error only appeared if I tried to log in to my app while already logged in with an account outside the organization (worked just fine while logged out of all accounts, or while logged in with an internal organization account). I had to change the OAuth Client's Application Type from Internal to Public in the Google Dev Console.
More info can be found at
Maybe you have another google email to login, not the correct one.

Firebase authentication Email link passwordless - Do I have to make my own server side app to handle authentication

So I've followed the guide here and am able to make an email get sent out successfully.
If I click that link on my desktop, it tries to take me to a website with the following image
Should I be writing my own server based app to authenticate this? I assumed Firebase would handle that for me. The guide doesn't mention anything about what happens at all.
It does talk about this
// URL you want to redirect back to. The domain ( for this
// URL must be whitelisted in the Firebase Console.
I changed it to use the domain of my firebase app/project e.g., assuming that Firebase would have something to handle this.
Am I missing a large section of documentation?

Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection is flagging my Firebase Authentication emails

I have just today realised that the authorisation emails sent from my perfectly legitimate Firebase backend are being flagged as malicious by Microsoft Outlook's "Advanced Threat Protection"
There is no reason for this other than perhaps it was flagged during development due to me sending myself repeated confirmation emails in order to test the functionality.
This warning does not show up in regular hotmail/outlook accounts, but I am an Office 365 subscriber so it appears as though I am lucky enough to get this "advanced" protection which protects me from my own completely non-malicious website.
Should I contact Microsoft or Firebase for a solution?
Thanks a lot!
Update: I contacted Firebase support and received the following:
My name is XXXX from Firebase Support, thank you for reaching out to us, problems on Microsoft services such as this “Advanced Threat Protection” is not in my area or expertise, I would suggest to open a ticket with Microsoft for this issue, I see that there is already a topic on Stack Overflow, please be sure to check other Firebase community channels as well.
I understand that this isn't Google's problem to solve, but it would seem any Firebase app using email verification is going to run into trouble with Microsoft email systems. Which is a lot of corporate and government systems...
Any suggestions on how to get some attention paid to this from either Google or Microsoft?
This error is caused by having inconsistent domains in the email. By default, user management emails link to the default action handler, which is a web page hosted at a URL in your project's Firebase Hosting domain ([project], rather than the the same domain you may be sending emails from (
Make this “action link” go directly to your website. This will solve the outlook warning, and also make it less likely you'll end up in spam filters in general. On your website, you have 2 options for how to handle the actual validation.
Both solutions below require your domain to be authorized.
This can be done under Authentication -> Sign-In Providers -> Authorized Domains
Option 1 - Use Custom Email Action Handlers (Hard option)
You can setup a custom email action handler so that these actions take place directly on your website, rather than on the firebase hosted page. This is a more integrated experience.
This can handle
Resetting passwords
Revoking email address changes—when users change
their accounts' primary email addresses, Firebase sends an email to
their old addresses that allow them to undo the change
Verifying email addresses
1. Create your custom email handler page
custom email action handler page - firebase docs
2. Update Email Template In Firebase
This can be done under Authentication -> Templates -> Email Address Verification -> Customize Action URL
Option 2 - Just Redirect (Easy option)
Link the email back to a page on your website, that will immediately perform a javascript redirect to the [project] authentication page, carrying through the URL parameters required to perform necessary verifications and changes.
For Example
action url for email template: (firebase will attach the appropriate params to the url automatically)
Javascript redirect on your website goes to ”” + params
I recommend ensuring you implement the continueUrl in your verification email delivery so that the user can easily get back to your website.
If you're using Firebase hosting, and you're serving from their built-in address, then you can simply use the other built-in,, as your site address instead -- no configuration needed.
The address is a bit sexier, but the various action emails are actually sent from the, and Outlook is suspicious of the mismatch. Having users originate from the address solves the issue.
I opened a GitHub issue about this:][1]

Firebase Authentication: Emails sent but not received on special email addresses such as *

I am using Firebase Authentication in my Ionic App. Some users have reported to not receive the verification email which is sent after a user signs up, or when the resendVerificationEmail is triggered.
This works fine for email providers like or, but for those other users with special providers like it's not working. The emails are sent successfully according to firebase but they are never received.
Possibly the emails get filtered?
Has anyone else ran into this problem? The message template can not be modified but would using a custom SMTP server possibly help?
The problem is solved by using my own private SMTP server for sending the Authentication emails.
I am using a hosting service for my domain that comes with email service so I am using that one. Using other services such as Mailgun or Mailjet etc. might also solve the problem.
You can set up your custom SMTP server right in the firebase console under Authentication/Templates.
I had the same problem with others emails providers ( ...). After deeper analysis, it appeared that it is the domain address inside the (generated) link that is detected as SPAM by emails providers (maybe everything that sounds like *
I changed it to a custom one of mine (through Authentication->templates->"Customize action URL" (bottom right)):
and no more problem!
Some doc (note on blue background):

How to change the sms verification template in firebase phone auth

in console firebase, in the menu Authentification -> Templates
There is a sms verification template :
%LOGIN_CODE% is your verification code.
How to change this message template?
firebaser here
Neither the email verification template nor the SMS verification template can be modified. You can select the language from the Firebase console, however this is a per project setting and you can't modify the templates.
We understand that changing the template would allow you to tweak the user-experience of your app, but we don't allow this to prevent abuse of the service.
Update 1 year later, still a no go, but I received this back from support
The Firebase SMS Authentication message content will depend on the
platform you are requesting that message from. Here is a list of the
possible variations you may get:
iOS and Android - The SMS messages draw the app's name from the App Store / Play Store. One an app is published, the correct name
should start appearing. There may be a small delay (a week or two at
Web - It will always use the domain that the SMS is requested from. To modify it, you can setup a custom domain.
iOS (using Recaptcha) - Phone authentication on iOS will show the project's url instead of the app's name in the verification
SMS when using the reCAPTCHA flow. This is expected behavior. The
reCAPTCHA flow was added for cases where an APNS token is not
available (including on real devices). If APNS is not correctly
configured, a real device will default to the reCAPTCHA flow.
Unfortunately, neither the email verification template nor the SMS
verification template can be modified. You can select the language
from the Firebase Console, however this is a per project setting and
you can't modify the templates.
We understand that changing the template would allow you to tweak the
user-experience of your app, but we don't allow this to prevent abuse
of the service. I hope this clears your consults about this topic. If
you happen to have any more questions, please, do not hesitate to
write back!
Meanwhile you cannot change the content of the message, you can change the app's URL mentioned in the SMS.
Go to Authentication > Sign-in Method > Authorized domains and add your own domain website.tld
Now edit the Firebase config object (in your source code) and update the authDomain key to the domain you linked earlier.
Send a new test message, you're good to go.
As per Firebase Support the %APP_NAME% should be shown in your firebase settings wherein the %APP_NAME% is called after Public-facing name in public settings.
I checked first where is the location of "localhost" and wherein i found on "Authentication>Sign-in method" then under 'authorized domain' you will find "localhost" in order to change the localhost you need to add a new domain.
be careful on deleting localhost to your authorized domain. It will take time to function OTP request.
This one helps;
Go to Authentication > Sign-in Method > Authorized domains and add your own domain website.tld
Now edit the Firebase config object (in your source code) and update the authDomain key to the domain you linked earlier.
