Creating a table of results over multiple variables in R - r

I am using a large dataset that contains multiple variables that contain similar information. The variables range from PR1 through PR25. Each contains information regarding a procedure code. in short the dataframe looks like this:
Obs PR1 PR2 PR3
1 527 1422 222
2 1600 527 569
3 341 222 341
4 222 569 1422
5 569 341 1660
Where PR1 through PR25 values are factors.
I am looking for a way to make a table of information across all of these variables. For instance, I would like to make a table that shows a count of total number of value "527" for PR1:PR25. I would like to do this for multiple values of interest.
For instance
PR Tot
#222 3
#341 3
#527 2
#569 3
#1600 1
#1660 1
However, I only want to retrieve the frequency for a very specific set of values such as only extracting the frequency of 527 or 1600.
I have initially tried using a simple function like length(which(PR1=="527")), which works but is tedious.
I used the method suggested by Soren using:
all_codes <- data.frame(codes=unlist(lapply(df,levels),use.names=F))
result <- ddply(all_codes,.(codes),summarize,count=length(codes))
result[which(result$codes %in% c("527", "5251", "5252", "5253", "5259",
"526", "521", "529", "8512", "8521", "344", "854", "8523", "8541", "8546",
"8542", "8547" , "8544", "8545", "8543", "639",
"064","065","063","0650","0651", "0652", "062", "066", "4040", "4041",
"4042", "0721", "0712","0701", "0702", "070", "0741", "435","436", "4399",
"439", "438", "437", "4381", "4391", "4342", "5122", "5121", "5124", "5123",
"518", "519", "503", "5022", "5012")),]
And got the following output (abbreviated):
codes count
92 062 5
95 064 8
96 0650 2
769 526 8
770 527 8
However, I had a feeling that was incorrect. When I checked it against the output from sapply(df, function(PR1) length(which(PR1 == "527")))
I get the following:
PR1 PR2 PR3 PR4 PR5 PR6 PR7 PR8 ...
1152 36 6 1 2 1 1 1
Which is the correct number of "527" cases in the dataframe. Any suggestions why the first method is giving incorrect sums of factor levels?
Thanks for any help, and let me know if I can provide more info

You can use sapply() or lapply() function to get count of a some value over all columns.
Create data frame df
df <- data.frame(A = 1:4, B = c(4,4,4,4), C = c(2,3,4,4), D = 9:12)
# A B C D
# 1 1 4 2 9
# 2 2 4 3 10
# 3 3 4 4 11
# 4 4 4 4 12
Frequency of value "4" in each column A, B, C, and D using sapply() function
sapply(df, function(x) length(which(x == 4)))
1 4 2 0
Frequency of value "4" in each column A, B, C, and D using lapply() function
lapply(df, function(x) length(which(x == 4)))
# $A
# [1] 1
# $B
# [1] 4
# $C
# [1] 2
# $D
# [1] 0

The following takes your example and returns an output that may be generalized across all 25 columns. The "plyr" library is used to create the aggregated counts
Scripted as follows:
df <- data.frame(PR1=c("527","1600","341","222","569"),PR2=c("1422","527","222","569","341"),PR3=c("222","569","341","1422","1660"),stringsAsFactors = T)
all_codes <- data.frame(codes=unlist(lapply(df,levels),use.names=F))
result <- ddply(all_codes,.(codes),summarize,count=length(codes))
result[which(result$codes %in% c('527','222')),]
Explained as follows:
Create the data frame as specified above. As OP noted values are factors, stringsAsFactors is set to TRUE
df <- data.frame(
stringsAsFactors = T)
Reviewing results of df
1 527 1422 222
2 1600 527 569
3 341 222 341
4 222 569 1422
5 569 341 1660
As OP asks to combine all the codes across PR1:PR25 a these are unified into a single list by using lapply to loop across all the columns. However, as these are factors -- and it seems that the interest in the in the level value of the factor and not its underlying numeric representation, lapply(df,levels) returns these values. To merge into a single list PR1:PR25 it's simply unlist() and since the column names are seemingly not useful in this case, use.names is set to FALSE. Finally, a data.frame is created with the single column called codes, which is later fed into the ddply() function to get the counts.
all_codes <- data.frame(codes=unlist(lapply(df,levels),use.names=F))
1 1600
2 222
3 341
4 527
5 569
6 1422
7 222
8 341
9 527
10 569
11 1422
12 1660
13 222
14 341
15 569
Uisng ddply() to split() the data.frame on df$codes value and then take the length() of each vector returned by split in ddply()
result <- ddply(all_codes,.(codes),summarize,count=length(codes))
Reviewing the result gives the PR1:PR25 aggregated count of all the level values of each factor in the original data.frame
codes count
1 1422 2
2 1600 1
3 1660 1
4 222 3
5 341 3
6 527 2
7 569 3
And since we're only interested in specific values (527 given in OP, but here two values of interest are exemplified, 527 and 222:
result[which(result$codes %in% c('527','222')),]
codes count
4 222 3
6 527 2


Calculation within a pipe between different rows of a data frame

I have a tibble with a column of different numbers. I wish to calculate for every one of them how many others before them are within a certain range.
For example, let's say that range is 200 ; in the tibble below the result for the 5th number would be 2, that is the cardinality of the list {816, 705} whose numbers are above 872-1-200 = 671 but below 872.
I have thought of something along the lines of :
for every theRow of the tibble, do calculate the vector theTibble$number_list between(X,Y) ;
summing the boolean returned vector.
I have been told that using loops is less efficient.
Is there a clean way to do this within a pipe without using loops?
Not the way you asked for it, but you can use a bit of linear algebra. Should be more efficient and more simple than a loop.
number_list <- c(248,650,705,816,872,991,1156,1157,1180,1277)
m <- matrix(number_list, nrow = length(number_list), ncol = length(number_list))
d <- (t(m) - number_list)
cutoff <- 200
# I used setNames to name the result, but you do not need to
# We count inclusive of 0 in case of ties
setNames(colSums(d >= 0 & d < cutoff) - 1, number_list)
Which gives you the following named vector.
248 650 705 816 872 991 1156 1157 1180 1277
0 0 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 3
Here is another way that is pipe-able using rollapply().
cutoff <- 200
df %>%
mutate(count = rollapply(number_list,
width = seq_along(number_list),
function(x) sum((tail(x, 1) - head(x, -1)) <= cutoff),
align = "right"))
Which gives you another column.
# A tibble: 10 x 2
number_list count
<int> <int>
1 248 0
2 650 0
3 705 1
4 816 2
5 872 2
6 991 2
7 1156 1
8 1157 2
9 1180 3
10 1277 3

Return values with matching conditions in r

I would like to return values with matching conditions in another column based on a cut score criterion. If the cut scores are not available in the variable, I would like to grab closest larger value. Here is a snapshot of dataset:
ids <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
scores.a <- c(512,531,541,555,562,565,570,572,573,588)
scores.b <- c(12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21)
data <- data.frame(ids, scores.a, scores.b)
> data
ids scores.a scores.b
1 1 512 12
2 2 531 13
3 3 541 14
4 4 555 15
5 5 562 16
6 6 565 17
7 7 570 18
8 8 572 19
9 9 573 20
10 10 588 21
cuts <- c(531, 560, 571)
I would like to grab score.b value corresponding to the first cut score, which is 13. Then, grab score.b value corresponding to the second cut (560) score but it is not in the score.a, so I would like to get the score.a value 562 (closest to 560), and the corresponding value would be 16. Lastly, for the third cut score (571), I would like to get 19 which is the corresponding value of the closest value (572) to the third cut score.
Here is what I would like to get.
cut.1 13
cut.2 16
cut.3 19
Any thoughts?
We can use a rolling join
setDT(data)[data.table(cuts = cuts), .(ids = ids, cuts, scores.b),
on = .(scores.a = cuts), roll = -Inf]
# ids cuts scores.b
#1: 2 531 13
#2: 5 560 16
#3: 8 571 19
Or another option is findInterval from base R after changing the sign and taking the reverse
with(data, scores.b[rev(nrow(data) + 1 - findInterval(rev(-cuts), rev(-scores.a)))])
#[1] 13 16 19
This doesn't remove the other columns, but this illustrates correct results better
df1 <- data[match(seq_along(cuts), findInterval(data$scores.a, cuts)), ]
rownames(df1) <- paste("cuts", seq_along(cuts), sep = ".")
> df1
ids scores.a scores.b
cuts.1 2 531 13
cuts.2 5 562 16
cuts.3 8 572 19

How can I calculate the inter-pair correlation of a variable according to id in the whole dataframe?

I have a twin-dataset, in which there is one column called wpsum, another column is family-id, which is the same for corresponding twin pairs.
wpsum family-id
twin 1 14 220
twin 2 18 220
I want to calculate the correlation between wpsumof those with the same family-id, while there are also some single family id's, if one twin did not take part in the re-survey. family-id is a character.
There's no correlation between wpsum of those with the same family-id, as you put it, mainly because there's no third variable with which to correlate wpsum within the family-id groups (see my comment), but you can get the difference in wpsum scores within the groups. Maybe that's what you meant by correlation. Here's how to get those (I changed and expanded your example):
dat <- data.frame(wpsum = c(14, 18, 20, 5, 10, NA, 1),
family_id = c("220","220","221","221","222","222","223"))
wpsum family_id
1 14 220
2 18 220
3 20 221
4 5 221
5 10 222
6 NA 222
7 1 223
diffs <- by(dat, dat$family_id, function(x) abs(x$wpsum[1] - x$wpsum[2]))
dat$family_id: 220
[1] 4
dat$family_id: 221
[1] 15
dat$family_id: 222
[1] NA
dat$family_id: 223
[1] NA
You can make a data.frame with this new variable of differences like so:
diff.frame <- data.frame(diffs = as.numeric(diffs), family_id = names(diffs))
diffs family_id
1 4 220
2 15 221
3 NA 222
4 NA 223
Note that neither missing values nor missing observations are a (coding) problem here - they just result in missing differences without error. If you started having more than two observations within each family ID, though, then you'd need to do something different.

How to resample data by clusters (block sampling) with replacement in R using Sampling package

This is my dummy data:
income <- <- sample(1000:10000, 1000, replace=TRUE)
individuals <- <- sample(1:50,1000,replace=TRUE)
datatest <- (cbind (income, individuals))
I know I can sample by individual rows with this code:
sample <- datatest[sample(nrow(datatest), replace=TRUE),]
Now, I want to extract random samples with replacement and equal probabilities of the dataset but sampling complete blocks of observations with the same individual code.
Note that there are 50 individuals, but 1000 observations. Some observations belong to the same individual, so I want to sample by individuals (clusters, in this case), not observations. I don't mind if the extracted samples differ slightly in the number of observations. How can I do that?
I have tried:
samplecluster <- cluster (datatest, clustername=c("individuals"), size=50,
But the outcome is not the sampled data. Am I missing something?
Well, it seems I was indeed missing something. After the cluster command you need to apply the getdata command (all from the Sampling Package). This way I do get the sample as I wanted, plus some additional columns.
samplecluster <- cluster (datatest, clustername=c("personid"), size=50, method="srswr")
Gives you:
individuals ID_unit Replicates Prob
1 1 259 2 0.63583
2 1 178 2 0.63583
3 1 110 2 0.63583
4 1 153 2 0.63583
5 1 941 2 0.63583
6 1 667 2 0.63583
Then using getdata, I also get the original data on income sampled by whole clusters:
datasample <- getdata (datatest, samplecluster)
income individuals ID_unit Replicates Prob
1 8567 1 259 2 0.63583
2 2701 1 178 2 0.63583
3 4998 1 110 2 0.63583
4 3556 1 153 2 0.63583
5 2893 1 941 2 0.63583
6 7581 1 667 2 0.63583
I am not sure if I am missing something. If you just want some of your individuals, you can create a smaller sample of them:
ind.sample <- sample(1:50, size = 10)
# [1] 17 43 38 39 28 23 35 47 9 13
my.sample <- datatest[datatest$individuals %in% ind.sample) ,]
# income individuals
#21 9072 17
#97 5928 35
#122 9130 43
#252 4388 43
#285 8083 28
#287 1065 35
I guess a more generic approach would be to generate random indexes;
ind.unique <- unique(individuals)
ind.sample.index <- sample(1:length(ind.unique), size = 10)
ind.sample <- ind.unique[ind.sample.index]
my.sample <- datatest[datatest$individuals %in% ind.sample, ]
ind.counts <- aggregate(income ~ individuals, my.sample, FUN = length)
I think its important to note that the dataset still needs to be expanded to include all the replicates.
sw<-data.frame(datasample[rep(seq_len(dim(datasample)[1]), datasample$Replicates),, drop = FALSE], row.names=NULL)
Might be helpful to someone

Add a row of zeros in a data frame created with ddply if there are no observations

I used the function ddply (package plyr) to calculate the mean of a response variable for each group "Trial" and "Treatment". I get this data frame:
Trial Treatment N Mean
1 A 458 125.258
1 B 459 168.748
2 A 742 214.266
2 B 142 475.786
3 A 247 145.689
3 B 968 234.129
4 A 436 456.287
This data frame suggests that in the trial 4 and treatment B, there are no observations for the response variable (as no row is specified in the data frame). So, is it possible to automatically add a row of zeros in the data frame (built with the function “ddply”) when there are no observations for a given response variable?
I would like to get this data frame:
Trial Treatment N Mean
1 A 458 125.258
1 B 459 168.748
2 A 742 214.266
2 B 142 475.786
3 A 247 145.689
3 B 968 234.129
4 A 436 456.287
4 B 0 0
We can merge the original dataset with another data.frame created with the full combination of unique values in 'Trial', and 'Treatment'. It will give an output with the missing combinations filled with NA. If needed, this can be changed to 0 (but it is better to have the missing combination as NA).
res <- merge(expand.grid(lapply(df1[1:2], unique)), df1, all.x=TRUE) <- res==0
Or with dplyr/tidyr, we can use complete (from tidyr)
df1 %>%
complete(Trial, Treatment, fill= list(N=0, Mean=0))
# Trial Treatment N Mean
# (int) (chr) (dbl) (dbl)
#1 1 A 458 125.258
#2 1 B 459 168.748
#3 2 A 742 214.266
#4 2 B 142 475.786
#5 3 A 247 145.689
#6 3 B 968 234.129
#7 4 A 436 456.287
#8 4 B 0 0.000
