Fragment and hash in url link is hidden after refresh in angular 2 - angular2-routing

I am working on angular2, when I have a fragment in the url for example => then I scroll to view and this is working perfect.
But when I do a refresh of the page, the #test is hidden and the tree.fragment become null.
I dont know why, please could you help me?


How to implement an onboarding page with Prism.Forms?

I am developing a Xamarin.Forms app with Prism in which I'd like to incorporate an onboarding page (more specific a top user benefits page, following the Material Design guidelines).
The app itself is structured around a NavigationPage to which I navigate with
in my App(). On the first start I'd like to show the onboarding page instead and I am having quite some issues getting it right.
My first approach was to navigate to MainPage with
from my viewmodel, when the user clicks the Get Started! button. This kind of worked by is also kind of ugly, since this absolute navigation will destroy the oboarding page immediately and not animate the transition. Furthermore at the moment the oboarding page is destroyed, the MainPage will be built, which will take a small, but noticeable, amount of time. In effect the user will notice the MainPage being built up, which does not look smooth at all.
My second approach was to navigate in a relative fashion from my viewmodel.
This works way smoother, with the transition animation and after the animation is done, the MainPage is already ready to go. But again there is a major drawback. You can navigate back to the onbaording page, which we dont't want neither. And - to my knowledge - there is no (clean) way to remove the page from the navigation stack, too. I tried calling PageUtility.DestroyPage on my onboarding page, but this only worsened things, since it seemed to keep the page, but destroy the viewmodel, resulting in my onboarding page being shown without data when pushing the back button.
My third approach did not work at all, although it seemed promising to me. In my App() I pushed my navigation page with the main page then then my onboarding page modal
NavigationService.NavigateAsync("OnboardingPage", useModalNavigation: true);
and then in my viewmodel
_navigationService.GoBackAsync(useModalNavigation: true)
but this approach
showed the header of the NavigationPage although the onbaording page was supposed to be shown as a modal
refused to GoBackAsync - when calling this method, nothing happens
waiting for the first call to NavigateAsync did not change anything either.
Some other things I've tried
Implemented INavigationOptions in my viewmodel with ClearNavigationStackOnNavigation being true
Tried setting Application.MainPage after my NavigationPage was shown, but to no avail
I would have believed that this was king of a common requirement when programming an app. Is there something I've missed? Or will I have to live with one of those drawbacks?
I think you are overthinking this. If you want to show your Onborading page first then just navigate to it first.
Or if you want to have the MainPage in the stack, then start the app with a deeplink
If you don't want to show the navigation header, just hide it for the onboarding page.
Don't use an absolute navigation unless you want to completely reset the navigation stack (equivalent to MainPage = new MainPage()).
I have found a solution, which is not the most beautiful one (it is actually quite ugly) but working.
In my MainPages viewmodel I implemented INavigatingAware and navigated to my OnboardingPage modally
public async void OnNavigatingTo(NavigationParameters parameters)
await _navigationService.NavigateAsync("LandingPage", useModalNavigation: true);
However, removing the moal page with
this._navigationService.GoBackAsync(useModalNavigation: true);
does not work as expected. The modal is not removed (although it should work this way from looking at the code, but I did not manage to debug with Re# generated PDBs). Hence I had to go the ugly (non-MVVM) way and create an event handler for Button.Click and remove the modal manually
private void Button_OnClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
This will return to my MainPage smoothly with an animation and my MainPageis already up and running without being built up while already visible.
Still, I'd appreciate an answer on how to do it the Prism way.

Xamarin Forms - Getting Rid of Back Button In Nav Bar

Lets say the first page in the app is the login page and then it takes me to do the main menu screen, is there a way to get rid of the back button in the main menu navigation bar, like get rid of the login page stack?
thank you
In Xamarin.Forms 1.3 and greater you can use
NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton(this, false);
In Xaml you can add:
<ContentPage ....NameSpaces etc....
You can avoid having the Back button if you replace the Navigation.PushAsync(page) to Navigation.PushModalAsync(page) in your login page's code. Post some code if this somehow doesn't apply
This has to do with how navigation works in the underlying OS (at least in iOS that's the case) - there is a Navigation Controller which serves for pages to transition between each other and have a trace of previous screen so the user can go back.
There are 2 ways to get rid of back button:
1) You can remove navigation bar from Xaml using Xamarin.Forms using below code
NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar (this, false);
Where this stands for current page / form instance.
2) Follow below mentioned steps
Navigate to login page when the app is loaded with Normal ContentPage instance of Login Page
Navigate to Main page from Login page using PushModalAsync and provide the main page instance as NavigationPage
And then from all the other pages, you can use PushAsync and it'll let you navigate to all the pages without any error.
Hope this helps!
By using CustomRenderer, you call this function in ViewWillAppear in your customized view controller
public override void ViewWillAppear (bool animated)
base.ViewWillAppear (animated);
this.ParentViewController.NavigationItem.SetHidesBackButton (true, false);
//remember to use ParentViewController to reference to the NavigationViewController (if your contentPage is direct under a navigation controller. I don't know why but Xamarin must have a bug with SetHidesBackButton. If you call with this.NavigationItem.SetHidesBackButton(...), it should not work.
... other implements here ...

Delete button with dialogOK in Grid

Im trying to implement delete button in GRID, same as with CRUD. I found dialogOK (, but guess i don't know how to use it right.
My code:
$gridC->addcolumn('Button', 'Delete')->js('click', $this->js()->univ()->dialogOK('Yey','Some custom javascript action here',$this->delete()));
//test only
$gridC->addcolumn('Button', 'Deletex')->js('click')->univ()->dialogOK('Are you sure?','This will take you to other page',$this->js()->univ()->page($this->api->getDestinationURL('admin')));
function delete(){
When i click on the button the delete() function starts right away, before i click ok. Also modal window is started :(
Any suggestions, i searched but couldn't find any good example..
I checked the thing again, im almost shure i did it the right way, but i think i found a bug i dialogOK (
I i re-create this example on any normal page:
$button = $this->add('Button');
$button->js('click')->univ()->dialogOK('Are you sure?','This will take you to other page',
The page redirects to index page, it doen't wait for OK button clicked. Insted it opens the dialogOK, but in the background redirects to index page..
I'm using atk 4.2.5 from master branch..
OK, that webpage has some bugs :( I would really appreciate if you could edit it and send in pull request in Github atk4-web.
Some tips to get you on road:
Try to use dialogConfirm() method not dialogOK(). Is it working then?
Try to add ->_enclose() after ->page(). That'll enclose JS expression in function.
If dialogConfirm() works and similar dialogOK() does not work, then I guess there is small bug in dialogOK() method. There should be close: if(fn)fn(), instead of close: fn, in atk4_univ.js file dialogOK method.
Can you try these tips and tell me what works for you? Sorry I didn't do that myself - I'm really out of time now :(

save button hidden once visit page

I have page has content type I need to save it to database, i added save button using hook_form_alter as following
function customization_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id){
if($form_id == 'media_operator_node_form'){
$form['buttons']['submit']['#value'] = t('Save');
the problem is:
the save button once visit page is hidden but when scroll to down the button appear
what is the problem and how can i solve it so once visit the page i see the save button.
Drupal content types are saved to the database by default.
The code you have posted does not add a save button, it looks to me that it just sets the text on the button to save (which on a content type is the default value anyway).
It sounds like you may be getting confused between the node page and the node edit page but I'm not sure.
You will have to explain your problem a little more clearly.

How can I create a custom StumbleUpon button?

StumbleUpon publishes a Widget script, and documents how to use it to insert a stumbleUpon button (they call it a badge), into a website.
You can generate the markup for a button with their online tool. It looks like this:
<!-- Place this tag where you want the su badge to render -->
<su:badge layout="2" location=""></su:badge>
<!-- Place this snippet wherever appropriate -->
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
var li = document.createElement('script');
li.type = 'text/javascript';
li.async = true;
li.src = '';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
s.parentNode.insertBefore(li, s);
That script element is just a way to delay-load the widgets.js thing. Just from looking at it, I suppose that it works by scanning the document for the <su:badge> elements and replacing them with iframes. The iframes themselves then get their source content from stumbleupon, at a URL like this: .
The iframe renders visually like this:
The stumbleupon button is the 2nd one. I show the other ones for comparison.
As you can see, the StumbleUpon rendering looks different than all the other guys. SU makes their button look like a "badge" while every other social share widget looks like...uh.... a button.
I'm trying to make the Stumbleupon widget look like a button. I'm pretty sure this is possible. For example, mashable does it (example). Here's what it looks like:
As you can see, the stumbleupon button looks like a button. It's not a badge. Mashable is not using the su:badge thing - they have rendered their own <a> tag, and styled it.
The visual rendering is not a problem; I can figure out how to make a span look like a button, no problem. The problem happens when I click the tag or span. It appears to me that, with the iframe-thing that StumbleUpon uses, it invokes this URL to submit a page for sharing: HTTP/1.1
The iframe uses javascript's to request that, and restricts the resizing and so on. This is how it works on mashable. The resulting window looks like this:
This is also what the mashable page does, though it does not use the iframe. The Mashable page contains javascript that just opens the "stumbleupon submit" window directly from within the main mashable page.
But when I try the same thing from my page, the little fixed window gets a 302 redirect from StumbleUpon, and then another 302, which eventually points it to
...which does not allow sharing of the link.
This has been a long story, but:
does anyone have any insight as to how I can convince StumbleUpon to let me share a link or URL, from a button that is not contained within an iframe?
What is mashable's secret?
ok here's what I found.
The 302's that eventually pointed me to /submit/visitor happen when both of the following are true:
the user is not logged in
the article has not been stumbled in stumbleupon previously
When that happens, stumbleupon invites you (the user) to login. It won't take you just to the "submit url" page.
If the user is not logged in, but the article HAS been submitted previously, then it takes you to the submit window without a 302. Eventually you will be asked to login, if you proceed with the submission. But the first view of the stumbleupn website in this case gives you a visual indication that you are submitting something.
If the user is logged in, and the article has not been submitted previously, then you get taken right to the submit page.
So I was doing nothing wrong. I just needed to login the first time. This is just an artifact of the user experience offered by StumbleUpon. In my opinion it's sort of strange. It's surprising and therefore wrong. But that's just my opinion.
