Is there a shortcut for deleting a line in Jupyter's edit mode? - jupyter-notebook

In Jupyter's edit mode, is there a shortcut for deleting a line of text? Something like Ctrl + L in Visual Studio?

Shift + Delete or Ctrl + D or both, depending on version.
Ctrl + D is listed under Help → Keyboard Shortcuts in the notebook menu, but Shift + Delete seems to work despite being undocumented.

As for Jupyter notebook servion version 6.0.2 the command Ctrl + D works for me. This shortcut is listed in the shortcut documentation, that can be found under Help → Keyboard Shortcuts.
If you want to edit the shortcuts you can do this here: Help → Edit Keyboard Shortcuts

On Mac, use Cmd + D, instead of Ctrl + D.


setting Ctrl+L for selecting line in VS Code Jupyter notebook

I'm using VS code for a while and I get used to Ctrl + L shortcut to select a line in VS Code. but this shortcut doesn't work in VS Code Jupyter notebooks! how can I add this shortcut?
File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts
Then search 'Ctrl + L' , right-click the unwanted item, and select remove keybinding

What is the shortcut to format code in Qt Creator?

I want to format my Qt code via a shortcut in Qt Creator, just like ctrl + shift + F in Eclipse.
But didn't found one in Qt creator options, nor after searching via google.
So, do there has such a shortcut in Qt Creator? If no, then how to format code?
You can at least indent your code in the following way. First, select the portion of code you want to indent (or Ctrl + A, if you want to indent all source code in the current file) and then Ctrl + i.
If you're on a Mac OS X, use Command instead of Ctrl.
First, install clang-format.
If you're on Ubuntu, you can do it with sudo apt-get install clang-format.
Then go to Help -> About plugins, and check Beautifier.
Then restart Qt creator.
Now, go to Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard and find where it says "Format Current File" in the middle column, then click on it.
And at the bottom of this window click on record, and record the key sequence that you would like to use to format the current file.

Commenting out code blocks in Atom

I have been moving from Webstorm and RubyMine to Atom and I really miss a feature from the Jetbrains editors where you select a code block and press CMD + - and it adds language specific comment character(s) to the beginning of each line. (# for ruby. // for js, /* for css etc.).
Is there a built in shortcut for Atom or a package which provides this feature?
According to this, cmd + / should do it.
And for Windows and Linux, it is ctrl + /.
Atom does not have a specific comment-block function, but if you select more rows and then use the normal ctrl-/ (Windows or Linux) cmd-/ (Mac), it will comment all the lines.
Command + / or Ctrl + shift + 7 doesn't work for me (debian + colombian keyboard).
In my case I changed the Atom keymap.cson file adding the following:
'ctrl-7': 'editor:toggle-line-comments'
and now it works!
Also, there are packages:
Comment package for atom (
Sublime Block Comments
Pressing (Cmd + /) will create a single line comment. i.e. // Single line comment
Type (/** and press the Tab key) to create a block comment ala
* Comment block
with all my respect with the comments above, no need to use a package :
1) click on Atom
1.2) then ATL => the menu bar appear
1.3) File > Settings => settings appear
1.4) Keybindings > Search keybinding input => fill "comment"
1.5) you will see :
if you want to change the configuration, you just have to parameter your keymap file
You can use Ctrl + /. This works for me.
Multi-line comment can be made by selecting the lines and by pressing Ctrl+/ .
and Now you can have many plugins for comments
1) comment -
2) block-comment-lines -
better one is block-comment try that..
Edit your keymap.cson file and add
'.platform-win32 .editor':
'ctrl-/': 'editor:toggle-line-comments'
'.platform-darwin .editor':
'cmd-/': 'editor:toggle-line-comments'
Now just highlight the text you want to comment and hit the keybinding.
You can use Ctrl + Shift + / for Windows.
Atom does not have block comment by default, so I would recommend searching for atom packages by "block comment" and install the one suits to you.
I prefer because is has the closest keyboard shortcut to line comment and it works as i need it to, meaning it would not comment the whole line but only the selected text.
line comment: CTRL+/
block comment: CTRL+SHIFT+/ (with the plugin installed)
Possible reason: watch out for overlapping keybindings. It has happened in my case and deactivated the initial toggle line comment binding:
The Keybindings you can find in the Edit -> Preferences -> Keybindings of the application navbar.
The solution was overriding binding for github:toggle-patch-selection-mode
On an belgium keyboard asserted on the mac
command + shift + / is the keystroke for commenting out a block.
CTRL+/ on windows, no need to select whole line, Just use key combination on line which you want to comment out.
first select your block of code then
press cmd + / for MacOS

Split Screen in Atom Editor

Is there a way (plugin or something) to use split screen in the Atom Editor?
I've looked inside the menus, but I can't find any related options.
Using the command palette
Open the command palette with cmd + shift + p (OSX) or ctrl + shift + p (Linux/Windows) and type "split". You'll see options for Up, Down, Left, and Right split.
Using keyboard shortcuts
Split the current tab in a direction with the following shortcuts
Up       cmd / ctrl + k then ↑
Down  cmd / ctrl + k then ↓
Left     cmd / ctrl + k then ←
Right   cmd / ctrl + k then →
You can close an active split pane with cmd / ctrl + k then cmd / ctrl + w.
Move between panes
If you want to move between open panes (with the keyboard) you have to modify your keymap file. Go to Atom -> Open Your Keymap and include this:
'cmd-alt left': 'window:focus-pane-on-left'
'cmd-alt right': 'window:focus-pane-on-right'
'cmd-alt up': 'window:focus-pane-above'
'cmd-alt down': 'window:focus-pane-below'
'cmd-alt-2': 'pane:split-right'
'cmd-alt-3': 'pane:split-down'
This is my personal setup. I was used to Sublime's default cmd + alt + arrow. Change the left side commands to your personal preference.
You need to press cmd-alt once, release, and then press the arrow button. Otherwise it won't work.
I found this at Split Windows - issue #64:
It seems like Atom already has support for splitting windows (cmd-k + arrow key)
Right click anywhere on an open file, select "split left"
If it duplicates a file, "x" it out.
I have created a beginners cheat sheet for Atom that lists some introductory notes and keyboard shortcut commands etc. Its on github #
You could always just right click anywhere on the file and the split options are available in the context menu.

LightTable: How to format code?

How do you format code in the LightTable IDE? I'm talking about the equivalent of Ctrl + Shift + F in Eclipse.
You can do this by holding CTRL + SPACE and then searching for "Smart Indent".
Light table does not have all the features of a full IDE yet, the main feature it has is live editing
