correct way to use firestore onSnapShot with react redux - firebase

I'm trying to figure out the correct way to use firestore.onSnapshot with react-redux.
I currently have this code in my action file, which I am calling on componentWillMount() in my component.
export const fetchCheckins = () => async (dispatch) => {
const {currentUser} = firebaseService.auth();
try {
let timestamp = (new Date());
//set timestamp for beginning of today
//get checkins today
let checkinstoday = (await firebaseService.firestore().collection(`/checkins/${currentUser.uid}/log`).where("timestamp",">=",timestamp).orderBy("timestamp","desc").get()) =>;
//set timestamp for beggining of week
//get checkins (week)
let checkinsweek = (await firebaseService.firestore().collection(`/checkins/${currentUser.uid}/log`).where("timestamp",">=",timestamp).orderBy("timestamp","desc").get()) =>;
//set timestamp for begging of month
//get checkins (month)
let checkinsmonth = (await firebaseService.firestore().collection(`/checkins/${currentUser.uid}/log`).where("timestamp",">=",timestamp).orderBy("timestamp","desc").get()) =>;
dispatch({type: FETCH_CHECKINS, payload: { today: checkinstoday, week: checkinsweek, month: checkinsmonth}});
this works fine, the correct data is sent to the component and display. The problem is, that if the user checks in, the checkin data should adjust, but it does not, since I am getting the data once and sending it, and the state is not re-rendering.
My question is how I should approach this? Do I use .onSnapshot() instead of .get()? Do I call .fetchCheckins() from the .checkin() action creator? How do I approach according to best practice? thank you

According to firestore's documentation if you need realtime updates you should use onSnapshot:
In your case if you use .get() - you get the update once and firestore won't notify you if any of the data changes. That's why you are not seeing the changes.
P.S. checkout redux-firestore: - it's nice library that can help you with your redux bindings.

You could subscribe your list like this:
function subscribeToExperiences() {
return eventChannel((emmiter: any) => {
experiencesRef.onSnapshot({ includeMetadataChanges: true }, snapshot => {
const experiences: IExperience[] = snapshot.docChanges().map(change => ({
if (snapshot.docChanges().length !== 0) {
return () => experiencesRef;
function* fetchExperiences(_: ExperiencesFetchRequested) {
const channel = yield call(subscribeToExperiences);
try {
while (true) {
const experiences = yield take(channel);
yield put(new ExperiencesFetchSucceeded(experiences));
} finally {
if (yield cancelled()) {
subscribeToExperiences uses a redux-saga eventChannel. An eventChannel receives an emmiter that generates a saga effect to be consumed with take. The eventChannel has to return a function to close the connections but afaik .onSnapshot connections don't need to be explicitly closed, that's why I return a dummy function.


React Native state console.log

I am using firebase for my app and the data i read i want to put that in state to use it in different places.
it kinda works but when i want to console.log the state it updates like 30 times a second, am i doing something wrong?
this is my code
const db = firebase.firestore();
const [PBS1Detail, setPBS1Detail] = useState();
db.collection('Track').get().then((snapshot) => { => {
const renderTracks = (doc) => {
let data =[0].Module;
return setPBS1Detail(data);
i already tried to store it in a variable instead of state but thats not working for me, i can't get the variable from the function global
i am a noob i get it xd
You don't need a return statement when setting state. Also, it looks like you're performing some async function which means that when your component renders for the first time, PBS1Detail will be undefined since the db is a pending Promise.
You could/should put your async functions in useEffect hook:
useEffect(()=> {
db.collection('Track').get().then((snapshot) => { => {
}, [])
const renderTracks = (doc) => {
let data =[0].Module;
Finally, your renderTracks function doesn't seem correct as it appears you're looping over docs and resetting your state each time.
Instead, maybe consider having an array for PBS1Detail
const [PBS1Detail, setPBS1Detail] = useState([]);
Then modify your async call:
useEffect(()=> {
db.collection('Track').get().then((snapshot) => {
let results = [] => {
}, [])
const renderTracks = (doc) => {
This way you're only setting state once and thus avoiding unnecessary re-renders and you're saving all of your docs instead of overwriting them.

react native data show on console.log but not on screen

Sometimes the app working well.
but I dont know why, sometimes the data from firebase give me blank screen instead of the data.
after I reopen the app it work.
for example,
one of my pages:
useEffect( () => {
const subscriber = firestore()
.onSnapshot(querySnapshot => { //const querySnapshot = await firebase.firestore().collection('users').get();
const trails = [];
if (querySnapshot)
querySnapshot.forEach(async documentSnapshot => {
console.log("trails test", trails)
return () => {subscriber()};
}, []);
I made useEffect to get the data from DB then show it, and same - sometimes give me blank and sometimes works well.
I want to publish the app but im not satisfying with this bug?
sorry for my English, I dont even know how to describe this problem better.
Please can anyone guide me through? maybe my useEffect not doing well?
I think you should use debugging.
React native documentation
Stackoverflow question
I think there's issue with the return in useEffect return is called when componeent unmounts. here's an example how i handle async data fetching:
const [data, setData] = useState([]);
const isCurrentView = useRef(true);
useEffect(() => {
if (isCurrentView.current === true) {
const asyncFetch = async () => {
const response = await fetch(...something) //here some Asynchronous Call Like(axios, fetch)
return () => {
isCurrentView.current = false;
}, []);
im not 100% sure if this is the VERY best approach, but i have seen similar code in places so i addopted this.
problem was solved:
the setTrails was under scope and it kept refreshing with empty data.
querySnapshot.forEach(async documentSnapshot => {
setTrails(trails); // <<<~~~~ put the set in this scope.

Firebase cloud functions - update a different object within OnUpdate cloud trigger

Assume there is a collection of users and each user is associated with accounts, which are kept in a separate collection. For each account there is a balance which is updated periodically by some external means (e.g. the http trigger below). I need to be able to query for the user's total balance across all of her accounts.
I added onUpdate trigger which gets called everytime an account changes and updates the total accordingly. However, it seems that there is some race condition e.g. when two accounts get updated around the same time: after onUpdate is called for the first account and updates the total balance, it is still not updated when onUpdate is called for the second account. I'm guessing I need to somehow use "transaction" for the bookkeeping but not sure how.
const data = {
'users/XXX': {
email: "",
balance: 0
"accounts/YYY": {
title: "Acc1",
userID: "XXX"
balance: 0
"accounts/ZZZ": {
title: "Acc2",
userID: "XXX"
balance: 0
exports.updateAccounts = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
admin.firestore().collection('accounts').get().then((accounts) => {
accounts.forEach((account) => {
return admin.firestore().collection('accounts').doc({balance:
exports.updateAccount = functions.firestore
.onUpdate((change, context) => {
const userID =;
admin.firestore().doc("users/"+userID).get().then((user) => {
const new_balance =;
const old_balance =;
var user_balance = + new_balance - old_balance;
admin.firestore().doc("users/"+userID).update({balance: user_balance});
By looking at your code we can see several parts of it that could lead to incorrect results. It is not possible, without thoroughly testing and reproducing your problem, to be sure at 100% that correcting them will totally solve your problem but it is most probably the cause of the problems.
HTTP Cloud Function:
With the forEach() loop you are calling several asynchronous operations (the update() method) but you don't wait that all these asynchronous operations are completed before sending back the response. You should do as follows, using Promise.all() to wait all the asynchronous methods are completed before sending the response:
exports.updateAccounts = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
const promises = [];
.then(accounts => {
accounts.forEach((account) => {
promises.push(admin.firestore().collection('accounts').doc({balance: WHATEVER}));
return Promise.all(promises);
.then(() => {
.catch(error => {....});
onUpdate background triggered Cloud Function
There you need to correctly return the Promises chain in order to indicate to the platform when the Cloud Function is complete. The following should do the trick:
exports.updateAccount = functions.firestore
.onUpdate((change, context) => {
const userID =;
return admin.firestore().doc("users/"+userID).get() //Note the return here. (Note that in the HTTP Cloud Function we don't need it! see the link to the video series below)
.then(user => {
const new_balance =;
const old_balance =;
var user_balance = + new_balance - old_balance;
return admin.firestore().doc("users/"+userID).update({balance: user_balance}); //Note the return here.
I would suggest that you watch the 3 videos about "JavaScript Promises" from the Firebase video series: They explain all the key points that were corrected above.
At first sight, it seems that if you modify, in the updateAccounts Cloud Function, several account documents that share the same user you will indeed need to implement the user balance update in a transaction, as several instances of the updateAccount Cloud Function may be triggered in parallel. The doc on Transactions is here.
You could implement a Transaction as follows in the updateAccounts Cloud Function (untested):
exports.updateAccount = functions.firestore
.onUpdate((change, context) => {
const userID =;
const userRef = admin.firestore().doc("users/" + userID);
return admin.firestore().runTransaction(transaction => {
// This code may get re-run multiple times if there are conflicts.
return transaction.get(userRef).then(userDoc => {
if (!userDoc.exists) {
throw "Document does not exist!";
const new_balance =;
const old_balance =;
var user_balance = + new_balance - old_balance;
transaction.update(userRef, {balance: user_balance});
}).catch(error => {
console.log("Transaction failed: ", error);
return null;
In addition to what #Renaud Tarnec covered in their answer, you may also want to consider the following approaches:
Batched Write
In your updateAccounts function, you are writing many pieces of data at once, if any one of these fail, you may end up with a database that contains a mix of correctly updated data and data that had failed to be updated.
To solve this, you can use a batched write to write the data atomically where all new data is updated successfully or none of your data is written leaving your database in a known state.
exports.updateAccounts = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
const db = admin.firestore();
.then((qsAccounts) => { // qs -> QuerySnapshot
const batch = db.batch();
qsAccounts.forEach((accountSnap) => {
batch.update(accountSnap.ref, {balance: WHATEVER});
return batch.commit();
.then(() => response.send("Done"))
.catch((err) => {
console.log("Error whilst updating balances via HTTP Request:", err);
response.status(500).send("Error: " + err.message)
Splitting the counters
Instead of storing a single "balance" in your document, it may instead be desirable (based on what you are trying to do) to store each account's balance in the user's document.
"users/someUser": {
"balances": {
"accountId1": 10,
"accountId4": -20,
"accountId23": 5
If you need the cumulative balance, just add them together on the client. If you need to remove a balance, simply delete it's entry in the user document.
exports.updateAccount = functions.firestore
.onUpdate((change, context) => {
const db = admin.firestore();
const accountID = context.params.accountID;
const newData =;
const accountBalance = newData.balance;
const userID = newData.userID;
return db.doc("users/"+userID)
.then((userSnap) => {
return db.doc("users/"+userID).update({["balances." + accountID]: accountBalance});
.then(() => console.log(`Successfully updated account #${accountID} balance for user #${userID}`))
.catch((err) => {
console.log(`Error whilst updating account #${accountID} balance for user #${userID}`, err);
throw err;

Google Translate API and Firebase Firestore are killing each other

We're trying to write a Google Cloud Function that gets a translation from Google Translate API, and then write the results to our Firebase Firestore database. Each works alone, but together nothing works. In other words, we can get a translation from Google Translate. We can write data to Firestore. But if we try to do both, we don't get a translation back from Google Translate, and nothing is written to Firebase. We get no error messages. We've tried the code with async await and with promises. Here's the code with promises:
exports.Google_EStranslateEN = functions.firestore.document('Users/{userID}/Spanish/Translation_Request').onUpdate((change, context) => {
if ( != undefined) {
const {Translate} = require('#google-cloud/translate');
const projectId = 'myProject-cd99d';
const translate = new Translate({
projectId: projectId,
// The text to translate
const text =;
// The target language
const target = 'en';
let translationArray = []; // clear translation array
translate.translate(text, target)
.then(results => {
translation = results[0];
try {
// write translation to dictionary
'translationArray': translationArray,
'language': 'en',
'longLanguage': 'English'
.then(function() {
console.log("Translation written");
.catch(function(error) {
} catch (error) {
.catch(error => {
console.error('ERROR:', error);
Here's the same code with async await:
exports.Google_EStranslateEN = functions.firestore.document('Users/{userID}/Spanish/Translation_Request').onUpdate((change, context) => { // triggers when browser writes a request word to the database
if ( != undefined) {
async function getTranslation() {
try {
let translationArray = []; // clear translation array
const {Translate} = require('#google-cloud/translate');
const projectId = 'myProject-cd99d';
const translate = new Translate({
projectId: projectId,
// The text to translate
const text =;
const options = {
to: 'en',
from: 'es',
format: 'text'
let [translations] = await translate.translate(text, options);
translations = Array.isArray(translations) ? translations : [translations]; // If translations is an array, leave it alone; if not, put it in an array
await admin.firestore().collection('Dictionaries').doc('Spanish').collection('Words').doc(text).collection('Translations').doc('English').set({
'translationArray': translationArray,
'language': 'en',
'longLanguage': 'English'
.then(function() {
console.log("Translation written");
.catch(function(error) {
// };
} catch (error) {
} // close getTranslation
You're not returning a promise that's resolved when all the async work is complete. If you don't do that, Cloud Functions assumes that all your work is complete, and will clamp down on all resources, and any pending work will be shut down.
The promise returned by translate.translate().then().catch() is being ignored. Your nested call to admin.firestore()...set() has a similar problem. It's not sufficient to just call then() and catch() on every promise because then() and catch() both return yet another promise.
You're also unnecessarily mixing usage of try/catch with catch() on the promise. You don't need both strategies for error handling, just one or the other.
When you used await in your second example, you forced JavaScript to pause until the async work represented by the promise returned by set() was complete. This allowed your function to return only after all the work was finished, which is why it worked correctly.
You might be helped by watching my video series on use of promises and async/await in Cloud Functions. Proper handling of promises is crucial to creating a correctly working function.

firestore cloud functions onCreate/onDelete sometimes immediately triggered twice

I have observed this behavior occasionally with both onCreate and onDelete triggers.
Both the executions happened for the same document created in firestore. There's only one document there so I don't understand how it could trigger the handler twice. the handler itself is very simple:
module.exports = functions.firestore.document('notes/{noteId}').onCreate((event) => {
const db = admin.firestore();
const params = event.params;
const data =;
// empty
this doesn't happen all the time. What am I missing?
See the Cloud Firestore Triggers Limitations and Guarantees:
Delivery of function invocations is not currently guaranteed. As the
Cloud Firestore and Cloud Functions integration improves, we plan to
guarantee "at least once" delivery. However, this may not always be
the case during beta. This may also result in multiple invocations
for a single event, so for the highest quality functions ensure that
the functions are written to be idempotent.
There is a Firecast video with tips for implementing idempotence.
Also two Google Blog posts: the first, the second.
Based on #saranpol's answer we use the below for now. We have yet to check if we actually get any duplicate event ids though.
const alreadyTriggered = eventId => {
// Firestore doesn't support forward slash in ids and the eventId often has it
const validEventId = eventId.replace('/', '')
const firestore = firebase.firestore()
return firestore.runTransaction(async transaction => {
const ref = firestore.doc(`eventIds/${validEventId}`)
const doc = await transaction.get(ref)
if (doc.exists) {
console.error(`Already triggered function for event: ${validEventId}`)
return true
} else {
transaction.set(ref, {})
return false
// Usage
if (await alreadyTriggered(context.eventId)) {
In my case I try to use eventId and transaction to prevent onCreate sometimes triggered twice
(you may need to save eventId in list and check if it exist if your function actually triggered often)
const functions = require('firebase-functions')
const admin = require('firebase-admin')
const db = admin.firestore()
exports = module.exports = functions.firestore.document('...').onCreate((snap, context) => {
const prize = 1000
const eventId = context.eventId
if (!eventId) {
return false
// increment money
const p1 = () => {
const ref = db.doc('...')
return db.runTransaction(t => {
return t.get(ref).then(doc => {
let money_total = 0
if (doc.exists) {
const eventIdLast =
if (eventIdLast === eventId) {
throw 'duplicated event'
const m0 =
if(m0 !== undefined) {
money_total = m0 + prize
} else {
money_total = prize
return t.set(ref, {
money_total: money_total,
event_id_last: eventId
}, {merge: true})
// will execute p2 p3 p4 if p1 success
const p2 = () => {
const p3 = () => {
const p4 = () => {
return p1().then(() => {
return Promise.all([p2(), p3(), p4()])
}).catch((error) => {
Late to the party, I had this issue but having a min instance solved the issue for me
Upon looking #xaxsis attached screenshot, my function took almost the amount of time about 15 seconds for the first request and about 1/4 of that for the second request
