WordPress - Multiple Author Newsletter - wordpress

I've been looking for quite some time to find a Newsletter plugin for multi-author for a WordPress site.
Currently using a Multisite with MailPoet. This way, each author is assigned to a site and can build his newsletter without having access to other authors lists, posts and subscribers.
I'm currently looking to remove the multisite feature as it's causing more problem than it solves.
However, I'm still stuck and I can't find a decent plugin that will allow the author to build a custom newsletter from the WordPress backend - without having access to all other authors subscribers, posts and so on.
Mailpoet does everything I need, but it doesn't allow to associate lists and newsletter per author.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Well, I really have no idea how you might isolate each author all sharing one WordPress site... It's reasonably simple to show an author only their own posts, but assigning specific users to only one author would be a bigger beast to tackle. If multisite is working for you but you don't like the nuances of it (Totally understand by the way, multisite can be a pain to administer), I might suggest installing many instances of wordpress, one for each author, and using something self-hosted like infinitewp to manage it. It'll be a bigger deal to set up initially, but it might work a lot smoother for you.


Link pages between wordpress multisites

I have two websites in different languages on one wordpress (multisite).
Pages from a site to another have different IDs, names (because of language), etc... And woocommerce is installed on both websites (meaning there are products).
I'm looking for a way to connect pages from site 1 to site 2 (and reverse) to show a link that would let users go from their language to another but arriving on the "same" page.
I know this is not the best way to have a multilingual website on wordpress but it has been installed that way and we are trying to figure out a way to connect these pages. Maybe that would be useful to someone else for another reason, that's why I'm asking it.
My first idea would be to add an input on the post (pages, articles, product) and fill it with the link of the "sibling". This is time consuming at first (to do this for all the content that is already online) but could work. Best way would be to have a select menu of all the other site pages to select the specific page/article/product but I don't really know how to do this.
And maybe.. maybe there is already a plugin that does that kind of thing, if yes, that would be great.
Thanks !

Using different blogs in the same wordpress

We want to have multiple blogs in one wordpress enviroment. Namely different categories like life and health. They should have the same look and a user should be able to switch between blog topics.
Is it recommended that I have multiple installations of wordpress so that I have a seperate cms for each blog? Currently its just a user that handles all the content, however in the future there could be a writer that should only be allowed to write into one topic/blog.
Whats the best way to achieve this?
The best way provided that in the future multiple writers will add content, is to create a multisite wordpress plateform using the same theme.
If you want to specialize each blog in one theme like live and health you can create one blog for each theme. for instance :
But you can also create one blog and use the category system of wordpress in order to create the universe, which is more simpler and faster to setup.
The best choice will depend on the number of content you want to publish, the restrictions for each writer,...

Only Show Comment in Wordpress

I am looking for a way to only show the comments posted in wordpress.
My main goal is to turn the wordpress CMS into a site like fmylife.com. The basic principle is allowing anyone to post anonymously (without having a post to comment on), and then the comments need to be moderated by the admin.
If there is an easier solution to doing this, then I'm open to hearing that as well. The only thing I don't want to do is get the fmyscript clone. I've tried that and don't like it.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Why don't you try the buddypress plugin wherein users can register and post. Just disable all other components except activity feed and make your homepage as a static activity feed page (configurable in the settings).

Wordpress feed with exclusive content

I want to offer my visitors some freebies, but I want them to be available only on the website's feed (to promote it). In others words, I don't want it to appear as a normal post on my website, but only on the feeds.
Is there any way of doing that? I know how to edit my theme files if needed, but if there's a plugin that does the job, the better.
Please note, the offer will only available on the feed, not through mail-lists, etc.
This isn't a programming answer -- unless you specifically want to ask programming-related WordPress questions, you may well be better off asking on wordpress.stackexchange.com/ -- but I'd just use a plugin like the Advanced Category Excluder. You can specify any category of post to be excluded from the archive/home/search pages, or the feed.
So, install the plugin, put the posts you want to be feed-only in a particular category, and configure the Category Excluder to exclude that category from everything except the feed.
There are many plugins that will append things to the feed, such as:
That's probably the way to go if you want to offer freebies at the bottom of each post. If you want entire posts, look for some kind of category excluder like:
One issue you'll run into, however, is that at some point someone will start scraping your feed and republishing it in an autoblog. That's true of anything you do, though.

Best practice for multiple blogs using wordpress

I am a novice at Wordpress but I am very familiar with PHP and programming.
I have a somewhat complex website that I would like to program in Wordpress. I have ~40 static pages, ~5 different blog pages, a home page that display some static text and lists the newest posts in each of the different blogs.
My question is what is best practice when it comes to setting up multiple blogs? Should I set up different authors and query by author? Should I set up one author and multiple categories or tags and then query by those categories/tags?
I would like things as simple as possible. Right now on the dev site I have everything set up using categories. My worry is that the user might forget to select a category for his post (and then it would never show up).
If I switch to using multiple authors is there a way I can view all of the posts by one author? Similar to categories (/category/%categoryName%/).
You could segment it by author, but the support for that isn't as robust as you'd probably need. I would suggest using WordPress Multisite:
