I have a C++ property
Q_PROPERTY(QList<qreal> XTickPos MEMBER _xTickPos);
which I want to use in a Repeater. In the same QML file, the c++ class has been given the id
id: pw
The repeater looks like this
Item {
anchors.fill: parent
visible: true
Repeater {
model: pw.XTickPos.length
height: 50
width: 2
x: pw.XTickPos[index]
visible: true
color: "black"
border.width: 2
However, nothing is drawn on the screen. If instead I make property in the QML file:
var xTickPos = []
and set it via a Q_Invokable function in c++
Q_INVOKABLE QList<qreal> getXTickPositions();
and in QML
and use the QML property xTickPos as model in the above repeater it is working. I checked that pw.XTickPos is correctly filled via a console.log
What am I missing here?
This one is kinda tricky.
The documentation states that you can use a JS array as a model, and it does state that QList<qreal> is automatically converted to a JS array when returned to QML.
But it seems that you can't use a QList<qreal> that is automatically converted to a JS array as a model. Go figure...
Naturally, it is preferable to have a proper model with its proper notifications for top efficiency. But in case you really want to go for the list property, it appears you will have to do the conversion manually in a getter:
QVariantList model() {
QVariantList vl;
for (auto const & v : yourList) vl.append(v);
return vl;
Amazingly, although Qt supposedly makes that conversion automatically, it doesn't seem to be able to make a QVariantList from a QList<qreal>.
That's Qt for you...
With QML a property value can be based on another object property's value, it is called binding and it will update your value everytime the property you depend on is updated.
Like in this example, the implicitWidth of CppItem is half of the parent's width and the Text will fill the layout. If you resize the window, the CppItem width is updated.
RowLayout {
anchors.fill: parent
CppItem { implicitWidth: parent.width * 0.5 }
Text { Layout.fillWidth: true }
In my problem CppItem is a QQuickItem with some C++ code, and in some specific cases the C++ code will set the implicitWidth with the following code.
I know I could use setImplicitWidth but I am not sure it would make a difference for my problem, and anyway you can not do that if the property is not declared in C++ but in a loaded QML file.
setProperty("implicitWidth", 100);
The property value is set but the QML binding is not removed. So the C++ code above is not equivalent to the QML code :
cppItem.implicitWidth = 100
With the C++ code, any change on parent.width will trigger an update on cppItem.implicitWidth and set again the value cppItem.implicitWidth.
How can I remove this binding from C++ ?
Using QObject::setProperty in C++ does not break the binding previously made in QML.
But using QQmlProperty::write does break the binding.
// setProperty("implicitWidth", 100); --> Does not break binding
QQmlProperty::write(this, "implicitWidth", 100);
I am working on an Android App. I need to display a console like type of log, which will be written to by the C++ back end. I have tried doing this combining a TextEdit and ScrollView, but the result is really slow. As soon as my log goes beyond ~50 lines, adding a few lines slows down (locks) the interface for a few seconds.
Trimming down the source code, this is the log view section:
property int logMaxLines: 50
ScrollView {
id: logScrollView
anchors.fill: parent
clip: true
ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOff
TextEdit {
id: logTextEdit
anchors.fill: parent
readOnly: true
color: "darkgreen"
property int linesTrimmed: 0
target: gate
onNewMessageLineAdded :
if (logTextEdit.lineCount > logMaxLines) {
while (logTextEdit.lineCount >= logMaxLines) {
logTextEdit.text = logTextEdit.text.slice(logTextEdit.text.indexOf('\n')+2)
logTextEdit.insert(0, "[... trimmed " + logTextEdit.linesTrimmed + " lines ...]\n")
I picked a ScrollView as I'd like to have the vertical scroll bar. Lines are added one at a time by the C++ code, when it emits the newMessageLineAdded signal. This is coming from a class which includes this Q_PROPERTY, used to pass the new line content:
Q_PROPERTY(QString newMessageLine READ newMessageLine NOTIFY newMessageLineAdded)
the signal is declared as:
void newMessageLineAdded();
I have added the small bit of java to trim the log when it grows too long, as the issue is there even when this trimming code is not present.
Am I doing something very clunky here? Should I use another type of object to replace the TextEdit, knowing that it is not used at all to edit text, but only as a display?
I recommend you to use ListView instead of TextEdit. And use QStringListModel as model declared in C++ code and added to QML as context property. Read Embedding C++ Objects into QML with Context Properties. It is recommended for better perfomance to have most of logic in C++ code.
I'm trying to create a correct Treeview with Qml Qt 5.5.
I succeed to have a Treeview with a global root.
But impossible to find how to add child for row item.
For the moment I got something like that :
TreeView {
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.leftMargin: 1
headerVisible: false
backgroundVisible: false
selection: ItemSelectionModel {
model: myModel
TableViewColumn {
role: "name"
itemDelegate: Item {
Text {
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
color: styleData.textColor
elide: styleData.elideMode
text: styleData.value
Component.onCompleted: {
And I would like something like that :
How can I do it ?
You can also create a TreeModel class that extends QStandardItemModel and overrides roleNames(), like done here. To add children to nodes in your tree, just use appendRow().
TreeModel::TreeModel(QObject *parent) : QStandardItemModel(parent)
QStandardItem *root = new QStandardItem("root");
QStandardItem *child = new QStandardItem("child");
Your model doesn't have any parent child relationships which is why its displayed like a list.
You'll want your "TreeModel" to be a collection of TreeItems. Each TreeItem will have knowledge of their own children and their parent item.
You can follow a fully implemented Qt example found here http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtwidgets-itemviews-simpletreemodel-example.html. You'll want to (in C++) make a class for TreeItem, and a separate class for your TreeModel.
That example is working code, you can just copy and paste it and get a working model for your TreeView.
The part you'll be particularly interested in is the implementation of the method setupModelData(). That's where you'll want to parse through your wonderful dataset of 80's lyrics and assign each of them a TreeItem.
Each TreeItem (one for every row of data) should be given knowledge of its parent upon creation (in its constructor). Then as soon as its children are created, call parentTreeItem.appendChild(childTreeItem)
When your model is completed, you can assign it to your qml view in a few ways, registering it with qmlRegisterType is what I prefer (http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qqmlengine.html#qmlRegisterType)
Once registered, it can be created in qml as though it were a ListView or any other qml object.
NOTE: You'll have this rootItem. This is something that isn't usable by the view, but all your "first indentation" parents are children of the rootItem.
Good luck!
Can you provide a code snippet of what line is causing your about failing to make a shortcut for QAbstractItemModel?
I'm using QML for my project, I want to know if am instantiating a file in another file, is it like instantiating object for a c++ class?
Rectangle {
id: idRect1
Rectangle {
id: idRect2
File1 {
In File2.qml i have initialized File1, does it means i have created an object of type File1? Please share some knowledge(links) on how all this mechanism works. Thanks in Advance
In QML when creating a file with first letter uppercase, you're creating a component. Components are implemented using OOP aggregation (not subclassing). That mean if I write
// MyButton.qml
import QtQuick 2.0;
Rectangle {
id: base;
width: 120;
height: 40;
color: "lightgray";
Text {
text: "foobar";
anchors.centerIn: parent;
... I haven't subclassed Rectangle, I just created a component that contains a Rectangle as root object, and configurates it in a certain way, and adds a Text object in it.
As soon as a component is created, it can be instanciated by simply writing :
MyComponent { id: myNewInstance; }
Because that's a way it works in QML.
The component name is a kind of class (but not in the C++ or JS way to define it) and it can also be used as a type for a property :
property MyComponent theComponent : myNewInstance;
Then it can hold the ID of an object created with the given component, acting somewhat like a C/C++ pointer : the property holds a link to the actual object.
But because of the way QML was designed, even if it's more aggregating than subclassing, a property of the type of the root object of a custom component can also hold ID of a derived component, in my case :
property Rectangle theComponent : myNewInstance;
Will work, but if I try to put an ID of an Image or Text or something else, QML engine will throw incompatible types error.
I hope it helps you.
let's say i have the following QML Components:
import Qt 4.7
Rectangle {
Repeater {
model: myModel
delegate: Bar {
barProp: elemProp
import Qt 4.7
Rectangle {
property string barProp: ""
Text {
text: barProp
NumberAnimation on x {
from: 0; to: 100
duration: 1000
loops: Animation.Infinite
I maintain myModel from C++, it has the following Q_PROPERTY declaration:
Q_PROPERTY (QDeclarativeListProperty <Bar> myModel READ myModel
NOTIFY myModelChanged)
Now, my problem is that every time I add a new element to the underlying QList, the animation specified in Bar resets, so in practice, the elements always completely overlap. What I want is that the element animations are not synchronous, and each can continue seamlessly regardless of the rest. Is this possible to do?
You should use a QAbstractItemModel (QStandardItemModel may be easiest) rather than a QList. QAbstractItemModel notifies the view when new items are inserted/removed/moved and the view reacts appropriately by modifying its content. In contrast, the view knows nothing about the changes made to a QList; only that something has changed. This means that the list has no choice but to destroy and recreate all delegates.