I am trying to make an R scripts generator. The problem is that the new files are presented as text files and not as R scripts. Is there any way to present them as R scripts?
Expected icon:
Result icon:
require("here", character.only = TRUE)
files.to.create <- c("main.R",
try.to.make.files <- function(file.name, path){
if( .Platform$OS.type == "unix" ) {
new.file.name <- paste(path,"/", file.name, sep = "")
else {
new.file.name <- paste(path,"\\", file.name, sep = "")
success <- file.create(new.file.name)
return (TRUE)
invisible( lapply( files.to.create,
Well it seems that if the file is empty Ubuntu handles it as empty text file, forcing it to show the txt icon and not the R icon. Filling the file solves the problem.
My R code is trying to open a RDS file in a for loop as follows:
for(i in 1:run_loops){
model <- readRDS(file=paste(model_directory,"/",modelname,".Rds", sep="")) #STOPS-HERE!!!
R stops when there is no model file.
How do I get it to move to the next iteration instead of stopping?
P.S. modelname variable changes each time load_data.R is sourced.
This should do the trick:
for(i in 1:run_loops) {
expr = {
model <-
readRDS(file = paste(model_directory, "/", modelname, ".Rds", sep = "")) #STOPS-HERE!!!
error = function(e) {
print(paste0(i, ' not done'))
You can use file.exists
file_name <- paste0(model_directory,"/",modelname,".Rds")
if(file.exists(file_name)) {
#do something
} else {
#do something else
Seems like this should be very simple, but I cannot get it to work. I have a long shell command that I would like to span over multiple lines, but escaping the single/double quotes correctly is giving me trouble. I have searched SO and googled this, but cannot find the solution.
Original, working code:
getVersion <- function() {
version <- shell("powershell -Command $path = 'C:/Windows/notepad.exe'; $versioninfo = [System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo]::GetVersionInfo($path); $itemproperties= get-childitem $path; [pscustomobject]#{'File version' = $versioninfo.FileVersion}", intern = TRUE)
version <- gsub(" ", "", version[4])
Does not work:
getVersion <- function() {
version <- shell(paste0(\""powershell -Command $path = 'C:/Windows/notepad.exe'; $versioninfo = [System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo]::GetVersionInfo($path);\",
\"$itemproperties= get-childitem $path; [pscustomobject]#{'File version' = $versioninfo.FileVersion}"\"), intern = TRUE)
version <- gsub(" ", "", version[4])
Also tried this:
getVersion <- function() {
version <- paste0('shell(\"powershell -Command $path = "C:/Windows/notepad.exe"; $versioninfo = [System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo]::GetVersionInfo($path);',
'$itemproperties= get-childitem $path; [pscustomobject]#{"File version" = $versioninfo.FileVersion}\", intern = TRUE)')
version <- gsub(" ", "", version[4])
Why are you trying to escape? You don't actually have double quotes in the string you need to pass, right? So you can just do a paste() with double quoted strings that happen to contain single quotes. Or am I missing something?
For example, would this work?
getVersion <- function() { version <- shell(paste("powershell -Command $path = 'C:/Windows/notepad.exe';",
"$versioninfo = [System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo]::GetVersionInfo($path);",
"$itemproperties= get-childitem $path;",
"[pscustomobject]#{'File version' = $versioninfo.FileVersion}"),
intern = TRUE)
version <- gsub(" ", "", version[4])
return(version) }
I am trying to output either a .html or .csv file depending on a radio input button by the user but the input is not updating inside the downloadHandler. It stays on the default value selected.
output$bidownload <- downloadHandler(
if(input$conreport == 'report') {
filename = paste0(input$conreport, '.html')
} else {
filename = paste0(input$conreport, '.csv')
content = function(file) {
if(as.character(input$reporttype) == 'report') {
tempReport <- file.path(tempdir(), paste0(input$conreport, '.Rmd'))
file.copy(paste0(input$conreport, '.Rmd'), tempReport, overwrite = TRUE)
params <- list(range = as.character(input$dateparam))
rmarkdown::render(tempReport, output_file = file,
params = params,
envir = new.env(parent = globalenv())
} else {
write.csv(weightbreak_raw(), file)
Since the selected radiobutton is on 'report', I will always produce an .html document even if the user changes the radio button. How do I get the input to update in the downloadhandler? I checked here and still cannot figure out how to fix this
downloadHandler filename argument is either a string or a function. If you use a string, it is evaluated at render time but if you use a function it will be evaluated at download time (so after user select the desired type of download) :
output$bidownload <- downloadHandler(
if(input$conreport == 'report')
paste0(input$conreport, '.html')
paste0(input$conreport, '.csv')
RStudio provides a nice function View (with uppercase V) to take a look into the data, but with R it's still nasty to get orientation in a large data set. The most common options are...
If you're coming from SPSS, R seems like a downgrade in this respect. I wondered whether there is a more user-friendly option? I did not find a ready-one, so I'd like to share my solution with you.
Using RStudio's built-in function View, it's white simple to have a variable listing for a data.frame similar to the one in SPSS. This function creates a new data.frame with the variable information and displays in the RStudio GUI via View.
# Better variables view
Varlist = function(sia) {
# Init varlist output
varlist = data.frame(row.names = names(sia))
varlist[["comment"]] = NA
varlist[["type"]] = NA
varlist[["values"]] = NA
varlist[["NAs"]] = NA
# Fill with meta information
for (var in names(sia)) {
if (!is.null(comment(sia[[var]]))) {
varlist[[var, "comment"]] = comment(sia[[var]])
varlist[[var, "NAs"]] = sum(is.na(sia[[var]]))
if (is.factor(sia[[var]])) {
varlist[[var, "type"]] = "factor"
varlist[[var, "values"]] = paste(levels(sia[[var]]), collapse=", ")
} else if (is.character(sia[[var]])) {
varlist[[var, "type"]] = "character"
} else if (is.logical(sia[[var]])) {
varlist[[var, "type"]] = "logical"
n = sum(!is.na(sia[[var]]))
if (n > 0) {
varlist[[var, "values"]] = paste(round(sum(sia[[var]], na.rm=T) / n * 100), "% TRUE", sep="")
} else if (is.numeric(sia[[var]])) {
varlist[[var, "type"]] = typeof(sia[[var]])
n = sum(!is.na(sia[[var]]))
if (n > 0) {
varlist[[var, "values"]] = paste(min(sia[[var]], na.rm=T), "...", max(sia[[var]], na.rm=T))
} else {
varlist[[var, "type"]] = typeof(sia[[var]])
My recommendation is to store that as a file (e.g., Varlist.R) and whever you need it, just type:
Again please take note of the uppercase V using as function name.
Limitation: When working with data.frame, the listing will not be updated unless Varlist(df) is run again.
Note: R has a built-in option to view data with print. If working with pure R, just replace the View(varlist) by print(varlist). Yet, depending on screen size, Hmisc::describe() could be a better option for the console.
Can someone recommend an efficient way to sift through each row in a dataframe and manually classify it? For example I might be wanting to separate spam from e-mail, or shortlist job adverts, job applicants, or dating agency profiles (I understand Tinder does this by getting you to swipe left or right).
My dataset is small enough to classify manually. I suppose if it was larger I might only want to manually classify a portion of it in order to train a machine-learning algorithm such as Naive Bayes to finish the task for me.
I'll show you what I've got at the moment, but this isn't a particularly original task, so there must be a less crude way to do this that someone has already thought of! (As a newcomer, I'm impressed by the power of R, but also nonplussed when little tasks like clearing the screen or capturing a keystroke turn out to be non-trivial)
# Let us suppose I am using this built-in dataset to draw up a
# shortlist of where I might wish to go on holiday
df <- data.frame(state.x77);
# pp - define a task-specific pretty print function
pp <- function(row) {
print(row); # Example dataset is simple enough to just print the entire row
# cls - clear the screen (this hack works on Windows but I've commented it for now)
cls <- function() {
#system("powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -command (New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell).SendKeys([string][char]12)");
# It would halve the number of keystrokes needed if I knew a way to read
# a single character
readcharacter <- readline;
sift <- function(df, pp)
classification = rep('', nrow(df));
for (nRow in 1:nrow(df))
cat("\nEnter 'a' to discard, 'd' to keep, 'q' to quit\n");
char <- '';
while (char != 'a' && char != 'd' && char != 'q') {
char <- readcharacter();
if (char == 'q')
classification[nRow] = char;
result = sift(df, pp);
So how does the StackOverflow community feel about me using this Shiny app to solve my problem? I wouldn't expect to see Shiny used in this early part of data analysis - normally it only comes into play once we have some results we'd like to explore or present dynamically.
Learning Shiny was fun and useful, but I'd much prefer it if a less complicated answer could be found.
# shortlist - function that allows us to shortlist through the rows in a data frame efficiently
shortlist <- function(df, sTitle, sRowName) {
createUI <- function() {
listHeading <- list(
textOutput(outputId = "Progress"),
column(width=1, sRowName),
column(width=9, textOutput(outputId = "RowName"))));
listFields <- lapply(names(df), function(sFieldname) {
column(width=1, sFieldname),
column(width=9, textOutput(outputId = sFieldname))));
listInputs <- list(
tags$td(" "),
tags$td(actionButton(inputId="Up", label="W", disabled=TRUE, width="100%"))),
tags$td(width="100px", actionButton(inputId="Discard", label="Discard, A", width="100%")),
tags$td(width="100px", actionButton(inputId="Down", label="S", disabled=TRUE, width="100%")),
tags$td(width="100px", actionButton(inputId="Keep", label="Keep, D", width="100%")))),
// JavaScript implemented keyboard shortcuts, including lots of conditions to
// ensure we're finished processing one keystroke before we start the next.
var bReady = false;
$(document).on('shiny:recalculating', function(event) {
bReady = false;
$(document).on('shiny:recalculated', function(event) {
setTimeout(function() {bReady = true;}, 500);
$(document).on('keypress', function(event) {
if (bReady) {
switch(event.key.toLowerCase()) {
case 'a':
bReady = false;
case 'd':
bReady = false;
// End of JavaScript
listPanel <- list(
title = sTitle,
condition = paste("input.Keep + input.Discard <", nrow(df)),
append(append(listHeading, listFields), listInputs)));
listShortlist <- list(
ui <- do.call(fluidPage, append(listPanel, listShortlist));
app <- shinyApp(ui = createUI(), server = function(input, output) {
classification <- rep('', nrow(df));
getRow <- reactive({
return (input$Keep + input$Discard + 1);
classifyRow <- function(nRow, char) {
if (nRow <= nrow(df)) {
classification[nRow] <<- char;
# In interactive mode, automatically stop the app when we're finished
if ( interactive() && nRow >= nrow(df) ) {
observeEvent(input$Discard, {classifyRow(getRow() - 1, 'a')});
observeEvent(input$Keep, {classifyRow(getRow() - 1, 'd')});
output$Progress = renderText({paste("Showing record", getRow(), "of", nrow(df))});
output$RowName = renderText({row.names(df)[getRow()]});
lapply(names(df), function(sFieldname) {
output[[sFieldname]] <- renderText({df[getRow(), sFieldname]});
output$Shortlist <- renderDataTable(options = list(paging = FALSE, searching = FALSE), {
# Mention the 'keep' input to ensure this code is called when the 'keep' button
# is pressed. That way the shortlist gets updated when an item to be added to it.
dummy <- input$Keep;
# Construct the shortlist
shortlist <- data.frame(row.names(df[classification == 'd',]));
colnames(shortlist) <- sRowName;
if (interactive()) {
classification <- runApp(app);
return(cbind(df, classification = classification));
} else {
# And now some example code.
# Shortlist the built in state.x77 data set (let us suppose I am drawing up
# a shortlist of where I might wish to go on holiday)
df <- data.frame(state.x77);
result <- shortlist(df = df, "Choose states", "State");
if (interactive()) {
print(row.names(result[result$classification == 'd',]));
} else {
return (result);