How to know if page is odd or even? - mpdf

I’m trying to create a layout with mPDF 6.1 as follows:
I got everything working (with mirrorMargins option) except the position of the landscape images. I’m able to set a width with CSS that exceeds the width defined by the page margins, but to position the image correctly (I could do so with a negative margin), I would have to know if the image is on an odd or even page.
Is there a way to "know" that with CSS? Or via PHP the moment the image is added to the PDF? Or does someone see another, simpler way to accomplish this kind of layout?


Interactive SVG in WordPress

I've designed and coded an interactive SVG that I've had to implement as HTML in WordPress because it only acts as a useless static image if it's entered as an SVG in an image block.
So far, that means that it's not responsive and loads at full size on a phone. I want people to see it in full, straight away, not zoom out to see it.
Is there another way to make it work without being an HTML dump? And even as code, how would I reduce it to fit screen sizes? Bearing in mind that my brain may implode if you suggest coding breakpoints or something like that.
I'm using a Blocksy child theme with no page builder.
The code itself works fine so there seems no point in me pasting a shortened version of the code. The page is here, if that helps.
Right, I've fixed it myself. All I needed to do was remove the width and height specifications from the beginning of the svg code. It now fits to whatever container it's being displayed in.

Embed Gist without vertical scrolling

When I embed a long gist (in this case of a Jupyter Notebook), the resulting box on my website has vertical scrollbars. I'd like to avoid these scrollbars and just have a longer page (in the same way it's on the actual gist website). Is there any way to do this, with CSS or otherwise?
I'm basically looking for the exact opposite to
Make Gist embed scrollable
Note that specifying a minimum height in CSS does not work: It produces a white box of the correct size, but the content is still scrolling in the top part of that box only
As I can check, the embed code inserts an iframe and there is no simply way to detect the height of that document (cross-domain).
This might help: Resize Cross Domain Iframe Height
But keep in mind that the workarounds are overkill, I think.

Responsive thumbnails - shrink up to a point and restore hiding one

I have been trying to code a responsive thumbnail group that I'd like it to respect to a few rules.
I came very close but the implementation always end up not satisfying at least one of the rules. In other words when I try to do one thing it always cancels the other.
In summary, what I am trying to achieve is something like this - (I wasn't allowed to post a picture, sorry)
So basically, what I am after is;
When the user resizes the window the thumbnails (consist of an image and some basic HTML) will shrink up to a point.
When the breakpoint is reached, the most left one will disappear and the rest of the thumbnails will return to their original size.
Continue until the min-body size where we just display the x-axis scrollbar.
So, referring to the image, providing that no resizing is done just yet, the items will shrink, lets say until 20% and then Item 7 will disappear letting free space to the rest of the row to expand to their original size.
I am currently using the latest version of bootstrap however, as you may guess col-lg col-md and etc. classes are not really helpful in this case. I have come up with some custom breakpoints but I can't get my head around the shrinking back to the original size issue. That is where I get stuck.
Also I think it's worth mentioning that Ive been trying to come up with a solution that is pure HTML and CSS however I am definitely open to JS solutions as well.
A good example would be spotify's webplayer ( thumbnail examples.
Thank you very much in advance for your suggestions.

One image resizes properly, other does not with Twitter Bootstrap

I'm using Bootstrap 2.3.0 on the following website:
The problem I am having is that when the browser window is resized or when a user is using a tablet/phone, the two logos at the very top of the page are not displaying as I would like.
Below I am showing this behaviour using Chrome on my desktop.
Situation #1: full screen display, logos are spread out and full size. I'm happy with this.
Situation #2: screen size is decreased, but logos are still full size. I would like for either the logos to stay on the same line and for the logos to scale (shrink).
Situation #3: this would likely be solved by whatever fixes situation #2, but I just wanted to show that if I shrink the browser width further, the Agrium logo has scaled (yay!) but the AgTracker logo has not (boooo).
Any help with updating the CSS or way I am using Bootstrap that allows for the logos to both scale and remain on the same line would be appreciated.
There are a couple of ways to solve this problem:
At first, you should recognize that the first two images are actually not two but just a single image. Using this technique, you can make a single png or jpg file with all these three images in combined into a single image file. I would not recommend this, so I would like to propose a much more robust solution using CSS. Please look at my second point.
You can use CSS3's in built feature known as CSS3 Media Queries.
This technology allows you to create responsive websites and be able
to dictate how your content appears on a variety of devices like
mobile, tabs or desktops.

How do you add a background image for printing in IE/FF?

In other topics I've found that IE/FF doesn't print background images by default. Now that's a shame, because background images add some possibilities that are very difficult to reproduce with classical <img> tags:
You can align them both horizontally and vertically
You can crop them if they are larger than the target element (which also enables the idea of CSS sprites)
Now, it's not impossible to do, but it will require me to have different HTML layouts for printing and normal page, and the printing layout will be quite overcomplicated (since I'll have to use <table>s to achieve vertical alignment). Also, the benefits of CSS sprites will be lost.
Is there any hope? I gather that #media print doesn't help, but isn't there something else, maybe browser-specific, that would allow one to say: "Yes, this isn't a normal background, it really needs to be there even in print view"?
Not possible. You would have to some how convert your background images to img or use Canvas. Of course using canvas depends on which IE you supporting.
Its a browser setting which restricts the printing of background images. I think the logic behind it was that the vendors wanted to give the users the option of printing background images and ensure that the web developer could not alter these settings through some sort of script.
As a general rule, background images should be reserved for adding to the page design but aren't essential to understanding the content. Therefore it shouldn't matter if they are missing when the page is printed. If something (such as a product shot) is important, then it should be included as an actual image (which has the added bonus of being more accessible).
Could you look at including the image, then hiding it using CSS and duplicating is as a background image (perhaps dynamically using JS)? That way, you can ensure the image itself shows in your print stylesheet, and you get the benefits that having a background image brings. I've created a very simple example here.
