grunt rpm create a symlink - gruntjs

I have this grunt file that creates a rpm package for me, how can I create a symlink like this for an example:
link("/usr/local/bin/tams-cli", "/opt/tams-cli/tams-cli.js")
Have not been able to to find that, here below is my source code.
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('./package.json'),
easy_rpm: {
options: {
rpmDestination: './built/',
release: {
files: [
src: ['node_modules/**/*',
dest: '/opt/tams-cli',
src: 'tams-cli.js',
dest: '/opt/tams-cli',
mode: 0550,
excludeFiles: [

To create the symlink after the rpm package is installed utilize the postInstallScript option in your easy_rpm task. The description for the postInstallScript reads:
An array of commands to be executed after the installation. Each element in the array represents a command.
In the Gruntfile.js excerpt below it utilizes the ln command to create the symlink using the additional two options:
-s to make a symbolic link instead of a hard link.
-f to remove existing destination files if they exist already.
// ...
easy_rpm: {
options: {
postInstallScript: ['ln -s -f /opt/tams-cli/tams-cli.js /usr/local/bin/tams-cli'],
// ..
// ...
// ...


Grunt how to run task with different arguments

The source config example below processes files from src dir. There is src2 dir which also should be processed with the same tasks and putted to build2. What changes required in config.
module.exports = function (grunt) {
var saveLicense = require('uglify-save-license');
clean : {
build : {
src : ['build']
copy : {
files : {
cwd : 'src',
src : '**/*',
dest : 'build',
expand : true
Both grunt-contrib-copy and grunt-contrib-clean, like many other grunt plugins, allow multiple Targets to be specified in each Task.
For your scenario you can simply configure two Targets in the copy task (one Target to copy the src folder and another Target to copy the src2 folder).
You can also configure two Targets in the clean task (one Target to clean the build folder and another Target to clean the build2 folder).
Your Gruntfile.js can be configured as ass follows:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
var saveLicense = require('uglify-save-license');
// The 'clean' task now includes two targets.
// named 'build1' and 'build2'
clean: {
build1: {
src: ['build']
build2: {
src: ['build2']
// The 'copy' task now includes two targets.
// named 'src1' and 'src2'
copy: {
src1: {
cwd: 'src',
src: '**/*',
dest: 'build',
expand: true
src2: {
cwd: 'src2',
src: '**/*',
dest: 'build2',
expand: true
// ...
// Registering the Targets in the Tasks....
grunt.registerTask('copySrc1', ['copy:src1']);
grunt.registerTask('cleanBuild1', ['clean:build1']);
grunt.registerTask('copySrc2', ['copy:src2']);
grunt.registerTask('cleanBuild2', ['clean:build2']);
grunt.registerTask('copyBoth', ['copy']);
grunt.registerTask('cleanBoth', ['clean']);
Running the Grunt Tasks
You'll notice that there are six calls to the .registerTask(...) function at the end of the snippet. Namely; copySrc1, cleanBuild1, copySrc2, cleanBuild2, copyBoth, and cleanBoth.
They allow you to run the following commands via your command line:
$ grunt copySrc1
(This will copy the src folder to the build folder)
$ grunt cleanBuild1
(This will clean the build folder)
$ grunt copySrc1
(This will copy the src2 folder to the build2 folder)
$ grunt cleanBuild2
(This will clean the build2 folder)
$ grunt copyBoth
(This will copy the src folder to the build folder and copy the src2 folder to the build2 folder)
$ grunt cleanBoth
(This will clean both the build and build2 folders)
You probably only need to keep the two .registerTask(...) functions as follows:
grunt.registerTask('copyBoth', ['copy']);
grunt.registerTask('cleanBoth', ['clean']);
However, I included the other four .registerTask(...) functions as they demonstrate how you can call a single Target inside a Task using the semicolon notation (:). For example:
grunt.registerTask('copySrc1', ['copy:src1']);
In the above snippet the ['copy:src1'] part simply runs only the Target named src1 inside the copy Task.
grunt.registerTask('copyBoth', ['copy']);
... does not reference any Targets in the copy task, (i.e. no semicolon notation is used), therefore all Targets will be run.
To further understand Tasks, Targets, you can read my answer to this post.
Hope that helps!

Convert gruntfile config to bash command line browserify call

I have this gruntfile.js fragment
browserify: {
browser: {
src: [ require('./package.json').main ],
dest: './browser/shortid.js'
How would I perform exactly the same thing by calling browserify directly (without grunt) from bash command line? From what directory should I execute browserify?
The following command is equivalent and it would need to be executed in the same directory as your package.json:
browserify . > ./browser/shortid.js

OracleJET: How to change grunt release directory

I created an javascript app using Oracle JET v2.0. Running
grunt build:release
creates release folder in the project root folder. How to change this to point to another path, for example outside project root?
If you're using the Yeoman generator, you can follow the Grunt flow in scripts/grunt/tasks/build.js. You'll see under if (target === "release")
that it runs a number of tasks in order.
Unfortunately the release folder name is hardcoded in many of those tasks' config files. So it might make more sense to add a task at the end of your build:release task to copy the built release into a new directory. You could add a target to the scripts/grunt/config/copy.js file named myFinalRelease:
module.exports = {
src: [
dest: "release/",
expand: true
cwd: 'release/',
src: ['**'],
dest: "myRelease",
expand: true
Then add that task:target as a copy step on the last line of the release section of scripts/grunt/tasks/build.js:
if (target === "release")
To make this more robust, you should do some additional cleanup tasks if you're doing a lot of build:release'ing, because the myRelease folder won't get cleaned out unless you create tasks to do it. Or you might look into other Grunt plugins like grunt-contrib-rename.
If this is too much copying and too messy for your tastes, you could instead edit all of the hardcoded task configs to change the name of the release directory. You'll find the directory name shows up in these four files:
release: ["release/*"],
dest: "release/",
baseUrl: "./release/js",
name: "main-temp",
mainConfigFile: "release/js/main-temp.js",
optimize: "none",
out: "release/js/main.js"...

Grunt less source maps change path prefix

My config
server: {
options: {
sourceMap: true,
sourceMapFilename: '.tmp/styles/',
sourceMapURL: '/styles/'
files: {
My structure
so after calling grunt less:server
I am getting .tmp/styles/
with attr "sources" everywhere src/ prefix
but I want without src/ because server starts from src/*
How can I change it ?
Since version 1.0.0. grunt-contrib-less accepts the same options as the command line compiler does. You can get a list of these options by running lessc wihtout any argument on your command line:
--source-map-rootpath=X Adds this path onto the sourcemap filename and less file paths.
So you should use:
options: {
sourceMap: true,
sourceMapFilename: '.tmp/styles/',
sourceMapURL: '/styles/',
sourceMapRootpath: "/app/views/styles/"

Contatenation with grunt-contrib-concat doesn't work

I use grunt-contrib-concat, but it doesn't appear to work.
All file are in the folder.
I used --verbose to see the details, but everything seems to be working correctly.
concat: {
options: {
// define a string to put between each file in the concatenated output
separator: ';'
dist: {
// the files to concatenate
src: [
// the location of the resulting JS file
dest: 'assets/javascript/jquery.<%= %>.min.js'
Running the tasks with --verbose:
Running "concat" task
Running "concat:dist" (concat) task
Verifying property concat.dist exists in config...OK
Files: assets/javascript/src/jquery.menu_css3.js -> assets/javascript/jquery.menu_css3.min.js
Options: separator=";", banner="", footer="", stripBanners=false, process=false
Reading assets/javascript/src/jquery.menu_css3.js...OK
Writing assets/javascript/jquery.menu_css3.min.js...OK
File "assets/javascript/jquery.menu_css3.min.js" created.
Running "uglify" task
Running "uglify:dist" (uglify) task
Verifying property uglify.dist exists in config...OK
Files: assets/javascript/jquery.menu_css3.min.js -> assets/javascript/jquery.menu_css3.min.js
Options: banner="", footer="", compress={"warnings":false}, mangle={}, beautify=false, report=false
Minifying with UglifyJS...Reading assets/javascript/jquery.menu_css3.min.js...OK
Writing assets/javascript/jquery.menu_css3.min.js...OK
File "assets/javascript/jquery.menu_css3.min.js" created.
