delete item out of firebase database - firebase

I have a restaurant bookmarks list in my firebase, but I don't know how to delete a specific restaurant in my database.
So I have the function unfavorite(favorite) where I pass the favorite restaurant as a parameter. Till here, than I want to pass this parameters id to the query to remove from the database like this:
here is a screenshot of my database list:
How can I remove that specific restaurant out of the bookmarks list?

You will first need to add an ".indexOn": ["id"] rule to your database something like this:
"bookmarks": {
"$user_id": {
// normal reads and write rules here
".indexOn": ["id"]
This step is necessary for firebase database because otherwise you wont be able to use the orderByChild() and equalTo() methods.
Then, where you have your delete function, you want to instead use:
exampleRef = yourDb.ref("bookmarks/${user.uid}"); //this is just to simplify your reference a bit
exampleRef.orderByChild('id').equalTo(theDeleteIDhere).once('value').then(snapshot => {
snapshot.forEach((restaurant) => {
}); //this is a Promise that you can modify to return "true" if successful for example
The example I provided is just the way I have done it before (i.e. I prefer to use promises; hence the then() becuase this makes it easier to return that promise in an angular service which allows me to check whether the request was successful). You can use any variation of this so long as you have the "indexOn" rule and you use any sort of "sorting" method firebase provides here
Method 2
When I wrote this I totally glanced over the ability to map your restaurants like such:
Lets say your project is already listing those restaurants. You can therefore save each restaurant's auto generated id to a variable or map:
restaurants; // this is a map like this <your-identifier:autoID>
you can then easily just call:


Sending multiple values to firebase with vue.js

After going through a number of answers on here I still wasnt able to quite figure my issue.
I am working on my first webapp with vue.js and firebase. I was able to to get everything set up to the point of creating new records and sending the name field to the db. I then added another input option with vue select where users can pick a options from a drop down field. When I try to add this second input to the $emit and have it as a property on the created db record, it just keeps duplicating the "assessmentName". I believe this is because I need to do something specific to $emit multiple values, but I just can't seem to figure that out.
To update a Firestore document you'd need to call the set() method with the { merge: true } options object passed in as the SetOptions argument.
addAssessment: function(payload) {
name: payload,
criteria: payload,
createAt: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp()
}, { merge: true });
That will also create the document if it does not yet exist.

Firestore default users data initialization

I am creating a game and I want to store completed game levels on firestore for each user.
Now my problem is that I will have to initalize this data once - I want to add a document for new user and a pojo that containts map of level ids and boolean for completed/uncompleted.
So I need to execute some kind of logic like "if document with this id doesnt exist, then add that document and add default data that means user hasnt completed any levels". Is there some way that would guarantee Id have to execute this logic only once? I want to avoid some kind of repeating/re-try if something fails and so on, thanks for your suggestion
That's what a transaction is for (definitely read the linked docs). In your transaction, you can read the document to find out if it exists, then write the document if it does not.
Alternatively, you may be able to get away with a set() with merge. A merged set operation will create the document if it doesn't exist, then update the document with the data you specify.
The typical approach to create-a-document-if-it-doesn't-exist-yet is to use a transaction. Based on the sample code in the documentation on transactions:
// Create a reference to the SF doc.
var sfDocRef = db.collection("cities").doc("SF");
return db.runTransaction(function(transaction) {
// This code may get re-run multiple times if there are conflicts.
return transaction.get(sfDocRef).then(function(sfDoc) {
if (!sfDoc.exists) {
transaction.set(sfDocRef, { count: 1 });
}).then(function() {
console.log("Transaction successfully committed!");
}).catch(function(error) {
console.log("Transaction failed: ", error);
Also see:
Firestore create document if it doesn't exist security rule, which shows security rules that allow a document to be create-but-not-updated.
Create a document only if it doesn't exist in Firebase Firestore, which shows how to allow a document only to be created by a UID identified in the data.
the documentation on transactions
the reference docs for the Transaction class

Correctly updating the same object on create trigger in firebase realtime DB trigger

I have a firebase realtime database trigger on a create node. my need is to update a property based on some condition in the create trigger for the same object. The way i am doing currently is below:
exports.on_order_received_validate_doodle_cash_order = functions.database.ref("/orders/{id}")
.onCreate((change, context) => {
console.log("start of on_order_received_deduct_doodle_cash")
const orderId =
const order = change.val();
var db = admin.database();
const orderRef = db.ref('orders/')
return orderRef.child(orderId).update({"_verifiedOrder": true})
As you can see i am getting order id from context and then querying object again and updating it. My question is do i need to do this circus or can i just update it without querying again?
Generally it looks good. Just some small feedback to make you feel more confident about being on the right track.
Call the parameter snapshot instead of change because the parameter name change only make sense for the onUpdate event trigger.
You do not need to log that you're entering the function. Because entering and leaving the function is automatically logged by Firebase also.
You can remove the order variable that is unused.
You are actually not "querying" the object again. Making a reference to a node in the database doesn't make any network call itself. Not until you subscribe to receiving data. So doing orderRef.child(orderId) is not a query, it's just a database reference.
You can use the snapshot's own reference attribute to shorten your code a bit... effectively throwing away almost all code :-)
So your code code look like this instead. It is doing the exact same thing, just shorter. It was also correct from the beginning.
exports.on_order_received_validate_doodle_cash_order = functions
.onCreate((snapshot) => {
return snapshot.ref.child("_verifiedOrder").set(true);
But as mentioned in my comment above, you are effectively just setting a flag that is confirming that data was saved (or rather: confirming that the function was triggered). You might want to add some logic in there to check whether the order can be placed or not and then set the verified flag to true or false depending on that. Because with the logic of the implementation, all orders will have the value _verifiedOrder set to true, which is a waste of storage in your database.

Firestore Update fields in nested objects with dynamic key

I need to update a field in a nested object with a dynamic key.
the path could look like this: level1.level2.DYNAMIC_KEY : updatedValue
The update-method deletes everything else on level1 instead of only updating the field in the nested object. The update() acts more like a set(). What am I doing wrong?
I tried the following already:
I read the documentation
but that way it is a) static and b) still deletes the other fields.
Update fields in nested objects
If your document contains nested objects, you can use "dot notation" to reference nested fields within the document when you call update()
This would be static and result in
'level1.level2.STATIC_KEY' : 'updatedValue'
Then I found this answer
which helped me to make the updatepath dynamic.
The desired solution after this could look like
field[`level1.level2.${DYNAMIC_KEY}`] = updateValue;
But still: it'll delete the other fields in this path.
The Structure of my Doc is as follows:
So inside this structure i want to update only complexArray > 0 > innerObject > age
Writing the above path into the update() method will delete everything else on the complexArray-level.
A simple update on first-level-fields works fine and lets the other first-level-fields untouched.
Is it possible, that firestore functions like update() can only act on the lowest field-level on an document. And as soon as i put complex objects into an document its not possible to select such inner fields?
I know there would be the solution to extract those "complex" objects into separate collections + documents and put these into my current lowest document level. I think this would be a more accurate way to stick to the FireStore principles. But on Application side it is easier to work with complex object than to always dig deeper in firestore collection + document structure.
So my current solution is to send the whole complex object into the update() method even though I just changed only one field on application side.
Have you tried using the { merge: true } option in your request?
level1: { level2: { myField: "myValue" } }
{ merge: true }

How can I get every user info in code in meteor

How can I get access to every meteor user object? I tried this, but it shows Meteor.users does not have function forEach.
Meteor.users.forEach((user) => {
console.log("userId", user._id);
Then I tried this, but it says userId is undefined.
_.toArray(Meteor.users).forEach((user) => {
console.log("userId", user._id);
So how can I get it? Thanks
Meteor.users is a Mongo collection. Mongo collections provide the map method to iterate through all found elements, but first, you have to find them. If you want to map through all the users without exception, just map without arguments, like this:
Meteor.users.find().map(user => console.log(user));
There, user will be an object that represents a user, i.e. similar to what you retrieve with Meteor.user().
Another way to iterate through all users would be to first fetch them in an instance of Array and then apply lodash or underscore to it:
const users = Meteor.users.find().fetch();, user => console.log(user));
