While using quantmod and scraping GOOGLE stock prices I want the dates and it is showing the dates but unable to subset the dates.
start <- as.Date("2017-01-01")
end <- as.Date("2017-11-01")
getSymbols("GOOGL", src = "yahoo", from = start, to = end)
What should I do?
The xts class (a superset of the zoo class which stores the time data as rownames rather than in numeric columns) has a method for "[" that can be used. It parses dates as characters and uses "/" to separate the ends of intervals:
G.subset <- GOOGL["2017-01-01/2017-11-01"]
Read more at:
The time values are accessible with the index function.
I need to generate a list to attach as a time dimension for a NetCDF file. This file was stacked from many files that were generated as monthly means from 6-hourly data. As a result, each t observation is simply the chronological value of the file in the stack.
First, I generated a date sequence, converted it to characters and then created a date object stating the origin to be the origin of interest. My objective was to receive an integer list of "days since 1850-01-01", however, converting to an integer, I see the origin used is still the R default "1970-01-01".
I am new to working with this "Julian" approach and I would appreciate any advice as to what methods I should use.
The code is as follows
dates <- seq(as.Date("1901-01-01"), by = "month", length.out = 12)
dates <- as.character(dates)
o <- as.Date("1850-01-01")
dates <- as.Date(dates, origin = o)
dates <- as.numeric(dates)
Convert dates to Date class, subtract o and convert that to numeric:
as.numeric(as.Date(dates) - o)
## [1] 18627 18658 18686 18717 18747 18778 18808 18839 18870 18900 18931 18961
Alternately convert both to numeric:
as.numeric(as.Date(dates)) - as.numeric(o)
or use difftime
as.numeric(difftime(as.Date(dates), o, unit = "day"))
I imported some time series data via quantmod and the respective xts object contains several different columns not only one with different prices over time (open close ect). How do I properly call/subset a specific column in a xts object as I need only to work with one of them of further analysis?
getSymbols gets me several price infos per day I dont all need/want.
data <- getSymbols("GOOGL",src = "yahoo", from = "2000-01-01", to = "2015-01-01")
data <- data[ ,"GOOGL.Open"] #trying to subset like this
data <- data[ , 3] #or this
Nothin worked yet. There must be some easy solution.
Of course I want to preserve the xts structure. Thank you a lot!
After you run getSymbols, the data is present in GOOGL and not data. Try
GOOGL[, 3]
The object is created in the environment. We can check ls()
#[1] "data" "GOOGL"
If we check data, it would be just the character string
#[1] "GOOGL"
and that is the reason it is not working
The object name would be the same symbol name used in getSymbols. So, use
Or we can get the value with
get(data)[, "GOOGL.Open"]
Or if we need to directly assign and wants more control, use the. option auto.assign = FALSE as it is by default TRUE. On a fresh R session,
data <- getSymbols("GOOGL",src = "yahoo", from = "2000-01-01",
to = "2015-01-01", auto.assign = FALSE)
#[1] "data"
as the auto.assign is FALSE, it is not creating the GOOGL object.
head(data[, "GOOGL.Open"])
# GOOGL.Open
#2004-08-19 50.05005
#2004-08-20 50.55556
#2004-08-23 55.43043
#2004-08-24 55.67567
#2004-08-25 52.53253
#2004-08-26 52.52753
Im trying to create a column using the RBLPAPI BDH
StockMove <- function(ticker){
StockMove <- bdh("MSFT Equity", "Chg_Pct_1D", x$Date, x$Date)
colnames(ernmove) <- NULL
ernmove <- ernmove[,2]
but I keep getting the error
Error in eval(substitute(expr), envir, enclos) : expecting a single value
Called from: bdh_Impl(con, securities, fields, start.date, end.datee, options, overrides, verbose, identity)
x$Date is a column of historic dates, and I am trying to create a new column and pull BDH data for each row corresponding to the x$Date column in that row.
. As a sanity check, I used Sys.Date() in place of the x$Date input and it works correctly.
Thanks for any advice, this is my first question so apologies for any errors.
You say x$Date is a column of dates. BDH wants a start date and end date. I think that's what the error is telling you. You're giving it a column where it wants a single value.
I haven't written any R in forever so forgive me is this is buggy:
startDate <- min(x$Date)
endDate <-max(x$Date)
bdh("MSFT Equity", "Chg_Pct_1D", startDate, endDate)
BDH is not well suited to retrieving data from a predetermined list of dates. And not even one date at a time, because holidays have empty data unless you use an override to fill them in.
Instead, I always retrieve the full range of dates from start to end with BDH. If I have a column of specific dates that I need, I look them up in that result.
data = read.table("DistrBdaily1yrs.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "", dec = ",")
data$DATE = as.Date(as.character(data$DATE),format="%Y%m%d")
dataXts = xts(data$QUANTITY,data$DATE, frequency = 6)
tseries = ts(dataXts, start = start(dataXts), end = end(dataXts), frequency = 6)
What I'm trying to do is to convert the xts dataXts object to a ts object with correct starting and ending date in order to use the decompose function. In this case start = start(dataXts) and end = end(dataXts) give me the right starting and ending date but tseries doesn't recognize the data column in dataXts and then think that all is data.
How can I fix this?
I am not sure I was able to "FORCE" xts to ts but i got the decompose part to function:
# I was unable to read-in using read.table() for some reason.... used fread() as it is much faster
data <- fread("DistrBdaily1yrs.txt", header = TRUE, sep="\t")
# Set column names to the ones I saw on dropbox, as i was unable to read-in header for some reason!
colnames(data) <- c("DATE", "QUANTITY")
# Keep as-is
data$DATE = as.Date(as.character(data$DATE),format="%Y%m%d")
dataXts = xts(data$QUANTITY,data$DATE, frequency = 6)
# Not sure what the "QUANTITY" Column means but it must be turned into "numeric"
# You can see this post on how to do it if the following is unsatisfactory:
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3605807/how-to-convert-numbers-with-comma-inside-from-character-to-numeric-in-r
dataXts <- reclass(a, match.to=dataXts); colnames(dataXts)<- "QUANTITY"
# Now convert it to timeSeries
timeseries <- ts(dataXts,frequency=6)
# decompose
Also, when I convert xts to ts I assume that it will use the first and last dates in order to construct the ts which is why i left out start = start(dataXts), end = end(dataXts) in the ts() function. Also see ?ts since you cannot pass Dates in the start or end criteria, rather:
Either a single number or a vector of two integers, which specify a natural time unit and a (1-based) number of samples into the time unit.
You can always convert back to xts using reclass:
# for example: Say you only want the trend
I'm learning R this semester and this is my first assignment. I want to retrieve monthly Adjusted stock quotes within a set date range using a for loop. And once I am able to do that I want to merge all the data into a data frame.
My code so far retrieves daily stock quotes for 5 stock symbols within a set date range, it assigns the object to the environment specified, and places only the .Adjusted column in the list.
Could someone point me in a better direction in obtaining the monthly quotes and am I on the right track with my code.
#Data structure that contains stock quote objects
ETF_Data <- new.env()
#Assign dates to set range for stock quotes
sDate <- as.Date("2007-08-31")
eDate <- as.Date("2014-09-04")
#Assign a vector of ticker symbols.
ticker_symbol <- c("IVW","JKE","QQQ","SPYG","VUG")
#Assign number of ticker symbols.
total_ticker_symbols <- length(ticker_symbol)
#Assign empty list to for each object contained in my environment.
Temp_ETF_Data <- list()
#Assign integer value to counter.
counter <- 1L
#Loop and retrieve each ticker symbols quotes from Yahoo's API
for(i in ticker_symbol)
env = ETF_Data,
reload.Symbols = FALSE,
from = sDate,
to = eDate,
verbose = FALSE,
warnings = TRUE,
src = "yahoo",
symbol.lookup = TRUE)
#Add only Adjusted Closing Prices for each stock or object into list.
Temp_ETF_Data[[i]] <- Ad(ETF_Data[[i]])
if (counter == length(ticker_symbol))
#Merge all the objects of the list into one object.
ETF_Adj_Daily_Quotes <- do.call(merge, Temp_ETF_Data)
ETF_Adj_Monthly_Quotes <- ETF_Adj_Daily_Quotes[endpoints(ETF_Adj_Daily_Quotes,'months')]
counter <- counter + 1
There's no need for the for loop. You can loop over all the objects in the environment with eapply:
getSymbols(ticker_symbol, env=ETF_Data, from=sDate, to=eDate)
# Extract the Adjusted column from all objects,
# then merge all columns into one object
ETF_Adj_Data <- do.call(merge, eapply(ETF_Data, Ad))
# then extract the monthly endpoints
Monthly_ETF_Adj_Data <- ETF_Adj_Data[endpoints(ETF_Adj_Data,'months')]
I know that this is an old question but this answer might help potential future users seeking a better answer.
quantmod has now introduced an additional parameter to the getSymbols function called periodicity which can take the values of daily, weekly, monthly.
I tested out the following and it seems to work as desired:
getSymbols("EURGBP=X", from = starting, src = 'yahoo', periodicity = 'monthly')
just use