Woocommerce Subscriptions changing to "on hold" instead of renewing - woocommerce

Having a problem with my subscriptions being placed on hold each month instead of renewing automatically. Has anybody had this problem or have a solution?

This will happen when you're using a payment method that doesn't support recurring payments (https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/subscriptions/payment-gateways/ - go here to check supported gateways). What is happening is it's going into manual mode. You might want to check your Subscriptions settings and make sure automatic subscriptions isn't turned off too (WooCommerce > Settings > Subscriptions and "Turn off automatic payments" is unchecked). With manual payments, the order is placed on hold and the user has to go into their account and the subscription area and pay to renew.


Woocommerce Paypal Pay with debit or credit card is intermittently not displaying

I'm having problems with Woocommerce / Paypal not displaying the 'pay with debit or credit card option. Everything else is set up fine and payments are going through etc.
If you look at the screenshot attached - this is what should appear but only does this say once every 20 times! I've found that countless people have experienced this but none of the solutions posted have fixed it for me. I've cleared cookies, tried different devices / browsers as well as checked the 'Allow customers to conveniently checkout directly with PayPal' in the payment settings in Woocommerce.
I can also confirm that the PayPal account is a business one, and that the 'allow guest checkout' option is enabled in the PayPal account. Any ideas?
Even if your PayPal account is a business, and that the 'allow guest checkout' option is enabled in the PayPal account, PayPal have some restrictions for some countries to disallow guest checkout. Depending on the customer country, PayPal will change the interface.
PayPal operating countries
For every checkout attempt, the PayPal system makes its own determinations about whether or not a guest checkout will be permitted. This determination can be based on many factors, but basically things like refreshing the checkout page many times is one of the things that causes attempts to look unusual and will intermittently disable guest, so don’t test that way.
TL;DR expected behavior from PayPal

Woocommerce orders not being received by PayPal, but email suggests otherwise

Having a nightmare with this and cannot find a solution anywhere - the only similar issues I find are the exact opposite problem!
Placing an order using PayPal (standard) at checkout puts the order 'On hold' in wp, but completes on the front end and the user even receives the PayPal receipt so are none the wiser. In the PayPal business account there is nothing.
Interestingly, PayPal express checkout works fine! So the account is definitely setup correctly. Something I have noticed is that the receipt from the express checkout transaction and from the standard have different Merchant names - the standard one (the one not working)has the name#emailaddress.com rather than the merchant name. This would suggest that this is the issue, but I've been into the business settings and checked this as well as the Woocommerce settings and everything is in order.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
For Woocommerce PayPal standard you have to enable Auto return url and Notification url(Instant payment notification) which will update the order status on your woocommerce. Refer the following URL link: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/paypal-standard/ and enable both Auto return & Instant payment notification settings on the Merchant/Business PayPal account. Please note that Merchant PayPal account is not linked with any other website.
PayPal Express checkout is recommended: https://woocommerce.com/products/woocommerce-gateway-paypal-express-checkout/
I would recommend you just stick with Express Checkout. It has many more features and options than PayPal Standard. I would recommend the PayPal for WooCommerce, though, which is the one PayPal reps would recommend as well if you talk to them.

WooCommerce Subscription with Stripe Gateway

I have set-up a WooCommerce Subscription with Stripe Gateway. First payment for subscription is working fine, but automatic recurring billing/payment Monthly is not working with stripe, I also noticed that on the Woocommerce->Subscriptions total columns says "Via Manual Renewal" instead "Credit Card" or Stripe.
Can anyone provide me solution for this issue?
The subscriptions plugin may be in staging mode. This can happen if the domain of the site changes.
Go to WooCommerce > System Status and check the value of Subscriptions Mode under the Server Environment section.
When the subscriptions plugin is installed, it saves the current domain of the site. If this domain changes in the future, the subscriptions plugin will automatically enable staging mode to prevent duplicate payments. When this happens you will see a warning in the admin:
If you click Quit nagging me, the warning will be hidden but you will not get another chance to re-enable the automatic payments.
To show that warning message again, you'll need to reset the value of an option in the database. Set the value of wcs_ignore_duplicate_siteurl_notice to false in the wp_options table.
A faster way is to go to the All Settings page in your WordPress admin (/wp-admin/options.php), and reset it there.
See the WooCommerce Subscriptions documentation for more information: How Does Subscriptions Handle Staging Sites and Migrations?.
I know this old but this might help somebody.
That method by woocommerce did not work for me (https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/subscriptions-handles-staging-sites/#section-4).
What did work was changing another option in wp_options: wc_subscriptions_siteurl.
I changed the value to my current URL and it changed Subscriptions from Staging to Live, and all "Via Manual Renewal" messages were changed to "Via Credit Card (Stripe)" or "Via Paypal".

Woocommerce Subscriptions Stripe Automatic Recurring payments not working

I used woocommerce product to subscribe automatic recurring payment through stripe payment gateway in my site.I have used woocommerce,woocommerce subscription,woocommerce stripe gateway plugins for this process.
First payment for subscription is working fine,but automatic recurring payment is not working with stripe.
Here are the plugin links that i have used.
Can anyone provide solution for this issue?
Please do reach out to our support at WooThemes as we'd be happy to see what's happening here. Our official Subscriptions and Stripe extensions do work and have automatic recurring payments.
Here's a few things to check:
Be sure you have the latest version of WooCommerce, Stripe extension, and Subscriptions.
There may be a cron issue with your WordPress site. Try using WP Crontrol to find if there are any cron jobs that have been halted.
Find the scheduled payment that did not process and use the action scheduler to see if it was never fired. You can find this by navigating to /wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=scheduled-action. In the search box, enter {order_id}_ i.e. the ID of the order in which the subscription was purchased followed by an underscore. For example, for a subscription purchased in order 3125, the search string is 3125_.
We've also struggled with Stripe payments not automatically renewing (the initial payment goes through but not any of the renewal payments). We did try WooThemes support but they couldn't find the order as it was made by another web design company so we didn't have access to the order details. Also, you'll find the log's aren't very verbose.
The solution:
Go to: WP-ADMIN > WooCommerce > Settings > Payments > Click "Manage" next to Stripe > Click the box next to "Saved Cards". This needs to be enabled or it won't take payment.

Cant enable checkout without a PayPal account

I have setup a woocommerce on website with Paypal chekout. The Paypal account is Business and settings are changed to "Paypal Account Optional" - on.
But the checkout still forces to create Paypal account without simple credit card checkout. Why?? What could be possible wrong here? Thank you!
Be sure the merchant account email address is confirmed.
When using Payments Standard it's all based on browser session cookies. If you've signed in to a PayPal account with that browser it assumes that's what you'll be doing in the future so it hides the guest checkout option a little more.
If you clear the browser cache/cookies, or use a fresh browser, you should see the guest checkout option more prominently displayed during checkout.
Express Checkout handles this a little better where rather than completely working from cookies you can make adjustments in your API calls. The PayPal for WooCommerce plugin provides Express Checkout so you could utilize this benefit. There are options in the plugin settings to adjust that accordingly.
It still looks a little different depending on your browser cache/cookies and the version of PayPal they've got you on, but in general the guest checkout (credit card) option is much more obvious to people when using Express Checkout with those options enabled.
