Evernote api word search in two notebooks - evernote

Is it possible to get a word search with all results within two notebooks? Something like (i want all notes containing 'somesearch' in "notebook 1" or "notebook 2"):
'somesearch notebook:"notebook 1" or notebook:"notebook 2"'
I tried with:
'somesearch any: notebook:"notebook 1" notebook:"notebook 2"'
But didn't worked

Evernote's search grammar doesn't allow multiple notebooks (this is stated in https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/search_grammar.php). It's always either one notebook, or all notebooks (entire account).


How to search previously executed commands in the Julia REPL?

Is there a quick way to search old commands which were run in the Julia REPL? Using the up arrow to go back in time seems to have a limit on its history and it is also quite cumbersome.
One of the five REPL models available in Julia is the "Search mode" which allows you to search through previously executed commands from the REPL. You can click "Control" + "r" to open search mode like is shown below:
There is also a forward search available with "Control" + "s". You can read more about Julia's REPL Search mode here: https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/stdlib/REPL/#Search-modes
In addition to "real" search, you can also enter the beginning of a previous line and scroll up in the history (using ↑ or Ctrl-P) to switch between all previously entered lines starting with the same prefix.
So, if you had previously entered x = some_complicated_expression, you can write x = and go up until the line you were looking for appears.
Checkout: https://kristofferc.github.io/OhMyREPL.jl/latest/features/fzf/#Fuzzy-REPL-history-search
Which will be easier to use than reverse-i-search

Modify or hook into Jupyter's tab completion

I was wondering if there was a way to modify Jupyter Lab or Notebook's tab-complete functionality. For example, if I type "\alpha", and then press the tab key, I will get the UTF-8 character "α" in the cell.
Is there any way that I can do a custom "[string without spaces]" to tab-complete into some specific UTF-8 character or string?
e.g. "\implies" + tab -> "⇒"
I can see a large number of use cases for this in my programming life, so I was wondering if Jupyter (Lab or Notebook) offered the ability to modify some settings (or load in a file) that maps strings to a tabbed output. Or is there a different idea that you could use to implement this?
Jupyter is (based on) IPython and it's completion engine - we can make use of it.
Update: you can override latex_symbols dict to get the behavior you want:
from IPython.core.latex_symbols import latex_symbols
latex_symbols['\\implies'] = '⇒'
You should be able to build upon this example to make it work with a whole range of characters.
Initial answer/another solution: you can hook into IPython completers, though it would not work exactly as you wish: it won't replace the text, but just append a special character. Here is an example:
from IPython import get_ipython
def implies_competer(ipython, event):
return ['⇒']
ipython = get_ipython()
ipython.set_hook('complete_command', implies_competer, re_key='.*implies')
Then when you type (the space after the keyword is important):
and then press tab, you will get:

create multicursor in Atom

I use Atom on Ubuntu 17.10 with wayland window manager.
I can create multiple cursors with CTRL+Mousclick or with CTRL+d to select the next same string.
But how can I for example mark some lines and create a cursor at the start of each line?
Also would be great to use search and find-all to select lots of results in a text to create a cursor at all these results.
I used this workaround at the moment by selecting the line-break and use CTRL+d to select the next linebreaks too with extra cursors, then go one left and Pos1 to have the cursors at the start of each line.
I wanted to select a string that repeats about 200 times in a dataset of 3000 text-blocks in a bunch of output and then I wanted to expand the selection to each of those blocks. That would have been really easy with multiple cursors. I solved this another way now, but for the next time I would like to see a complete instruction manual about how to create multiple cursors in the standard atom setting. I couldn't find this. Search-engines give me lots of plugins and solutions in different multicursor plugins.
I found the manual that explains it like in sublime (ctrl alt up and down):
Alt+Shift+Up and Down
see: https://flight-manual.atom.io/using-atom/sections/editing-and-deleting-text/#multiple-cursors-and-selections
What is missing in the manual is also a useful option:
use "find all" with the search tool in Atom (CTRL+F)
press Alt + Enter to create cursors at all the found locations.
see: https://discuss.atom.io/t/how-do-i-create-multiple-cursors-from-search-result/53231/5
I wanted to make it easy so I could just use alt+⬇️ or alt+⬆️ to have multiple cursors. This was my solution and I think its the easiest:
# From Atom -> Keymap add the following lines:
'alt-up': 'editor:add-selection-above'
'alt-down': 'editor:add-selection-below'

Atom Hydrogen: How is "run cell" used?

How is the "run cell" syntax in Hydrogen for Atom used? I placed multiple
# %%
tags throughout my code following the official manual here, but when I press Shift+Enter in between any two of the tags, it still only executes that line, not the entire cell block. I also tried the other syntax formats the manual describes, but none of them execute the whole cell.
A-C-enter hydrogen:run-cell
A-S-enter hydrogen:run-cell-and-move-down

How to insert a page break in the RStudio Console output?

Say I print something which is huge, like str("dataset with 100 columns"). This output is too large to see in one shot. Is it possible to get the output in a page like form where whatever fits the screen comes in one shot then on pressing return, the next batch comes up?
Something like "more" in a linux console?
The page command might do what you're looking for:
page("dataset with 100 columns")
If I read the documentation correctly, this should call file.show, which pipes the data to the default pager (less on Unix/Linux systems).
