Changelog method based on project tracker template - google-app-maker

Based on the project tracker I have integrated a changelog into my app that relates my UserSettings model to a UserHistory model. The latter contains the fields FieldName, CreatedBy, CreatedDate, OldValue, NewValue.
The relation between both models works fine. Whenever a record is modified, I can see the changes in a changelog table. I now want add an "undo"-button to the table that allows the admin to undo a change he clicks on. I have therefore created a method that is handled by the widget that holds the changelog record:
function undoChangesToUserRecord(changelog) {
if (!isAdmin()) {
var fieldName = changelog.datasource.item.FieldName;
var record = changelog.datasource.item.UserSettings;
record[fieldName] = changelog.datasource.item.OldValue;
In theory method goes the connection between UserHistory and UserSettings up to the field and rewrites its value. But when I click on the button, I get a "Failed due to circular reference" error. What am I doing wrong?

I was able to repro the issue with this bit of code:;
It is kinda expected behavior, because all App Maker objects are pretty much complex and Apps Script RPC has some limitations.
App Maker way to implement it would look like this:
// Server side script
function undoChangesToUserRecord(key) {
if (!isAdmin()) {
var history = app.models.UserHistory.getRecord(key);
if (history !== null) {
var fieldName = history.FieldName;
var settings = history.UserSettings;
settings[fieldName] = history.OldValue;
// Client side script
function onUndoClick(button) {
var history = widget.datasource.item;


Xamarin Form passing parameters between page keep a hard link to it

I try the new Shell of Xamarin Form 4 for a small project.
I have a list of order, then someone chooses an order and start picking some inventory for this order with barcode. To be simple, I use 2 views and 2 viewmodel.
The process is:
1. User select an order the click a button "pickup"
2. I use ViewModelLocator (TinyIoc) to resolve the correct ViewModel of the pickup view
3. I call Initialize on the new ViewModel and pass some parameters needed. Like a list of items needed to be pickup.
4. Open the view in modal state.
I don't understand that if I change some qty in the list I pass on the second viewmodel, then hit the back button (modal view close). The quantity changed is now in the original viewmodel. How this is possible? I was thinking that passing parameter to a function do not share the same variable but just copy it??
Viewmodel of the first view (look at the Initialize function the List passed and the JobEnCours object)
private async Task GoPickup()
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () =>
if (this.CodeJob != null && this.CodeJob != "")
this.IsBusy = true;
PrepChariotSP3ViewModel vm = ViewModelLocator.Resolve<PrepChariotSP3ViewModel>();
await vm.InitializeAsync(this._jobEnCours, this.ComposantesPick.ToList()) ;
await Shell.Current.Navigation.PushAsync(new PrepChariotSP3Page(vm));
this.IsBusy = false;
the the Initialize code on the second Viewmodel (look I set the JobEnCours.Description=Test)
public async Task InitialiseAsync(Job jobEnCours, List<ComposantePick> composantePick)
Title = "Ceuillette: " + jobEnCours.CodeProd;
this._jobEnCours = jobEnCours;
this.ComposantesPick = new ItemsChangeObservableCollection<ComposantePick>();
foreach(ComposantePick c in composantePick)
jobEnCours.Description = "test";
So, If I do the back button, then in the first VM the JobEnCours.Description is now set to "test" how this is possible?!
Any idea?

Relational Query - 2 degrees away

I have three models:
I am looking for all timesheets that need to be approved by a manager (many timesheets per employee, one manager per employee).
I have tried creating datasources and prefetching both Employee and Employee.Manager, but I so far no success as of yet.
Is there a trick to this? Do I need to load the query and then do another load? Or create an intermediary datasource that holds both the Timesheet and Employee data or something else?
You can do it by applying a query filter to the datasource onDataLoad event or another event. For example, you could bind the value of a dropdown with Managers to:
- assuming that the datasource of the widget is set to Timesheets.
If you are linking to the page from another page, you could also call a script instead of using a preset action. On the link click, invoke the script below, passing it the desired manager object from the linking page.
function loadPageTimesheets(manager){
app.pages.Timesheets.datasource.query.filters.Employee.Manager._equals = manager;
I would recommend to redesign your app a little bit to use full power of App Maker. You can go with Directory Model (Manager -> Employees) plus one table with data (Timesheets). In this case your timesheets query can look similar to this:
// Server side script
function getTimesheets(query) {
var managerEmail = query.parameters.ManagerEmail;
var dirQuery = app.models.Directory.newQuery();
dirQuery.filters.PrimaryEmail._equals = managerEmail;
var people =;
if (people.length === 0) {
return [];
var manager = people[0];
// Subordinates lookup can look fancier if you need recursively
// include everybody down the hierarchy chart. In this case
// it also will make sense to update prefetch above to include
// reports of reports of reports...
var subortinatesEmails = {
return employee.PrimaryEmail;
var tsQuery = app.models.Timesheet.newQuery();
tsQuery.filters.EmployeeEmail._in = subortinatesEmails;

Flex mobile : how to know it is the very first time running the application

I googled but didn't find a post for Flex mobile..
All I want for now is display an user agreement popup from TabbedViewNavigatorApplication when the user uses the app for the first time
var agreementView: UserAgreement = new UserAgreement();
PopUpManager.addPopUp(agreementView, this,true);
but maybe more later.
Please help..
What i did in my desktop air app;
I guess this will work at a mobile app also.
Make sure you have write access;
open yourproject-app.mxml scroll down to the end of the document. In the section, uncomment the following permission:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
Now you can create files like for example an sqlite database.
At the applicationcomplete call the function checkFirstRun:
// functions to check if the application is run for the first time (also after updates)
// so important structural changes can be made here.
public var file:File;
public var currentVersion:Number;
private function checkFirstRun():void
//get the current application version.
//get versionfile
file = File.applicationStorageDirectory;
file= file.resolvePath("Preferences/version.txt");
firstRun(); // create the version file.
public function getApplicationVersion():Number
var appXML:XML = NativeApplication.nativeApplication.applicationDescriptor;
var ns:Namespace = appXML.namespace();
var versionnumber:Number =Number(appXML.ns::versionNumber);
return versionnumber;
private function checkVersion():void
var stream:FileStream= new FileStream();,FileMode.READ);
var prevVersion:String = stream.readUTFBytes(stream.bytesAvailable);
// if the versionnumber inside the file is older than the current version we go and run important code.
// like alternating the structure of tables inside the sqlite database file.
//after running the important code, we set the version to the currentversion.
private function firstRun():void
// at the first time, we set the file version to 0, so the important code will be executed.
var firstVersion:Number=0;
// we also run the checkversion so important code is run right after installing an update
//(and the version file doesn't exist before the update).
private function saveFile(currentVersion:Number):void
var stream:FileStream=new FileStream();,FileMode.WRITE);
private function runImportantCode():void
// here goes important code.
// make sure you check if the important change previously has been made or not, because this code is run after each update.
Hope this helps.
Greets, J.
Some you need to store whether the user has agreed to the agreement or not. IF they haven't agreed, then show it.
One way to do this would be to store a value in a shared object. Another way to do this would be to use a remote service and store such data in a central repository. I assume you'll want the second; so you can do some form of tracking against the number of users using your app.

Multiple TrackingParticipants not working, have funny side effects?

We are rying to use WF with multiple tracking participants which essentially listen to different queries - one for activity states, one for custom tracknig records which are a subclass of CustomTrackingRecord.
The problem is that we can use both TrackingParticipants indivisually, but not together - we never get our subclass from CustomTrackingRecord but A CustomTrackingRecord.
If I put bopth queries into one TrackingParticipant and then handle everythign in one, both work perfectly (which indicates teh error is not where we throw them).
The code in question for the combined one is:
public WorkflowServiceTrackingParticipant ()
this.TrackingProfile = new TrackingProfile()
ActivityDefinitionId = "*",
ImplementationVisibility = ImplementationVisibility.All,
Name = "WorkflowServiceTrackingProfile",
Queries = {
new CustomTrackingQuery() { Name = "*", ActivityName = "*" },
new ActivityStateQuery() {
States = {
When using two TrackingParticipants we have two TrackingProfile (with different names) that each have one of the queries.
in the track method, when using both separate, the lines:
protected override void Track(TrackingRecord record, TimeSpan timeout)
Console.WriteLine("*** ActivityTracking: " + record.GetType());
if (record is ActivityBasedTrackingRecord)
never result in the debugger hitting, when using only the one to track our CustomTrackingRecord subclass (ActivityBasedTrackingRecord) then it works.
Anyone else knows about this? For now we have combined both TrackingParticipants into one, but this has the bad side effect that we can not dynamically expand the logging possibilities, which we would love to. Is this a known issue with WWF somewhere?
Version used: 4.0 Sp1 Feature Update 1.
I guess I encounterad the exact same problem.
This problem occurs due to the restrictions of the extension mechanism. There can be only one instance per extension type per workflow instance (according to Microsoft's documentation). Interesting enough though, one can add multiple instances of the same type to one workflow's extensions which - in case of TrackingParticipant derivates - causes weird behavior, because only one of their tracking profiles is used for all participants of the respective type, but all their overrides of the Track method are getting invoked.
There is a (imho) ugly workaround to this: derive a new participant class from TrackingParticipant for each task (task1, task2, logging ...)
I think that this problem isn't caused by extension mechanism, since DerivedParticipant 1 and DerivedParticipant 2 are not the same type(WF internals just use polymorphism on the base class).
I was running on the same issue, my Derived1 was tracking records that weren't described in its profile.
Derived1.TrackingProfile.Name was "Foo" and Derived2.TrackingProfile.Name was null
I changed the name from null to "Bar" and it worked as expected.
Here is a WF internal reference code, describing how is the Profile selected
// System.Activities.Tracking.RuntimeTrackingProfile.RuntimeTrackingProfileCache
public RuntimeTrackingProfile GetRuntimeTrackingProfile(TrackingProfile profile, Activity rootElement)
RuntimeTrackingProfile runtimeTrackingProfile = null;
HybridCollection<RuntimeTrackingProfile> hybridCollection = null;
lock (this.cache)
if (!this.cache.TryGetValue(rootElement, out hybridCollection))
runtimeTrackingProfile = new RuntimeTrackingProfile(profile, rootElement);
hybridCollection = new HybridCollection<RuntimeTrackingProfile>();
this.cache.Add(rootElement, hybridCollection);
ReadOnlyCollection<RuntimeTrackingProfile> readOnlyCollection = hybridCollection.AsReadOnly();
foreach (RuntimeTrackingProfile current in readOnlyCollection)
if (string.CompareOrdinal(profile.Name, current.associatedProfile.Name) == 0 && string.CompareOrdinal(profile.ActivityDefinitionId, current.associatedProfile.ActivityDefinitionId) == 0)
runtimeTrackingProfile = current;
if (runtimeTrackingProfile == null)
runtimeTrackingProfile = new RuntimeTrackingProfile(profile, rootElement);
return runtimeTrackingProfile;

Problems with remote shared objects Fms Flex 4

I'm trying to develop an application where simultaneous users can interact and i need to have a persistent remote shared object with the list of users currently in session.
When a new user enter in the session he get the server's object with the list. That list was supose to have all the others users in session but is undefined.
I'm doing this first:
users_so = SharedObject.getRemote("users_so", nc.uri, true);
users_so.connect( nc );
users_so.addEventListener( SyncEvent.SYNC, usersSyncHandler );
then i set property to shared object
remoteUsers = new ArrayCollection();
users_so.setProperty("usersID", remoteUsers);
and finaly i put users in the list.
I would say, that you need to use sharedObject.setDirty("usersID");
SharedObject can't know, that you changed content of ArrayCollection, because the reference to it didn't change. You can use setDirty() to force synch.
Note: The SharedObject.setProperty()
method implements the setDirty()
method. In most cases, such as when
the value of a property is a primitive
type like String or Number, you would
use setProperty() instead of setDirty.
However, when the value of a property
is an object that contains its own
properties, use setDirty() to indicate
when a value within the object has
changed. In general, it is a good idea
to call setProperty() rather than
setDirty(), because setProperty()
updates a property value only when
that value has changed, whereas
setDirty() forces synchronization on
all subscribed clients.
I am using simple dynamic object for this. Client has read-only SharedObject and server decides when to add/remove client from this SharedObject.
m_so is SharedObject (remote), m_userList is Object (local)
if( != null) {
for (var key:String in {
if(m_userList[key] == null) {
for(var clientId:String in m_userList) {
if([clientId] == null) {
application.onAppStart = function () {
userList = {};
so = SharedObject.get("roster", false);
so.setProperty("userList", userList);
application.onConnect = function (client /*Client*/, userId /*string*/) {
client.userId = userId;
userList[userId] = userId;
so.setProperty("userList", userList);
application.onDisconnect = function (client /*Client*/) {
var userId = client.userId;
delete userList[userId];
so.setProperty("userList", userList);
I found one solution that works better for me:
It consists in calling remote funcions on server and then broadcast to all clients. The clientes then apply the necessery changes making the solution a lot more stable.
