I'm trying to center a child (horizontally and vertically) in its parent in a Grid layout.
I don't want to use tricks like
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
because this does not use the Grid properties and creates problems for animations.
It should be pretty easy but i'm not able to do it...
Can you help me?
It turned out that the parent in a flex is always a block element (if you do not state differently), so it is ok to assign it: margin: 0 auto;and that's all
I want to center the absolutely positioned [h4] tag. The value of the [h4] title is retrieved from the database and it will have a different value each time.
I have tried below stuff.
h4{position: absolute;top:20px;left: 42%;}
It works when the h4 title has around 15 characters. But, it doesn't work if the h4 title has less characters or more than 18 characters. I mean, it works only for particular scenario. is there any flexible solution?
Try with a left: 50%; and transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
https://stackoverflow.com/a/25776315/11401246 for a good explanation on what exactly it is doing.
h4{display: flex; justify-content:center; align-items: center;}
Without using the position property u can center the elements using display flex.
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
margin-right: -50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%)
This is CSS code for centering a button in the viewport. Can somebody explain how this works? I found it somewhere online and it seems to work but I don't get the need for margin-right and transform. Naturally the code doesn't work without them but intuitively I feel the first three should be enough to center the element. I'm relatively new to CSS so I'd understand if this is considered a silly question :)
Take a look at this article: https://css-tricks.com/quick-css-trick-how-to-center-an-object-exactly-in-the-center/. Simply using the first three lines of css (position, top, and left) will center the top left corner of the object, which will make the whole object completely off-center. The negative translation moves the object up and to the right by half of its height and width, respectively, which makes the object centered. In fact, I don't think you even need the margin-right code, but I might be wrong.
I know that this is something we would use JavaScript for, but I was wondering if it's possible or planned in next releases of CSS maybe.
I'm working on a little platform and there's a lot of relative/absolute positions. Content is dynamic so it's not a best solution to specify the static width and elements must be centered somehow. I made it possible with almost no display-errors using CSS only, but it would be great if there is something like this in css.
Today's code (SASS):
position: absolute
top: 100px
right: 50%
margin-right: -50px (static width in %/px/em/rem/...)
Something I was thinking about:
position: absolute
top: 100px
right: calc(50% - this.width / 2)
So, to not make this question too broad. Do you know some way to implement this kind of behavior in today's CSS? And if not, do you know if there are some plans to implement it in feature releases?
No, it is not possible today, to reference a property of it self.
Will it come? .. Hope so
In your particular sample, centering an absolute positioned div that has dynamic content, you can use transform: translate
Side note: CSS has a lot of properties, where, when combined, one can still achieve similar effect, as with below sample
div {
position: absolute;
top: 100px;
border: 1px solid;
right: 50%;
transform: translateX(50%);
<div>Centered with dynamic content</div>
I have a div which i want vertically aligned to 50% of the height of the browser window at all times.
I don't know what the height of the browser window is going to be at all times, should the user scale this window. If placing it within another element is necessary, great, but as just specified, I have no idea how tall the viewport is going to be at any one time.
I'm not going to be using javascript either.
I have read through the site, i have gone hunting for a solution, but I really want to throw this out there (again) as I have yet to find a solution that does exactly this, either by hook or by crook.
You don't specify if the has a fixed height or not? If so then you can do this with one element, just add the following example CSS:
.centered {
height: 100px;
width: 100%;
background: red;
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 0;
margin-top: -50px; /* half the height of the element */
You could use a number of techniques, depends on how you exactly want to implement it. Some (older) but still relevant reading here.
I would like to do this from my website here: http://project.jazzassite.tk
and be able to place the contents into a div that I can center or do whatever I want with them. The only problem is, If I float it, it doesn't work, and if I use position:relative They create a stair case effect.
I was hoping I would be able to do this purely with CSS, and not use any tables, ect.
Any help appreciated,
Are you wanting to center the navigate div which contains all the 6 children? If so, this should work:
#navigate {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -540px;
margin-top: -15px;
The margin-left is the half the width of the contents and then made negative. The margin-right is half the height of the contents and then made negative. This will vertically and horizontally center your objects. Is this what you're looking for or did I miss the point?