Sum and place it elsewhere in R - r

I have one column with 950 numbers. I want to sum row 1:40 and place it in a new column on row 50, then sum row 2:41 and place it on row 51 in the new column and so on. How do I do?

You can use the function RcppRoll::roll_sum()
Hope this helps:
r <- 50
df1 <- data.frame(c1 = 1:951)
v1 <- RcppRoll::roll_sum(df1$c1, n=40)
df1$c2 <- c(rep(NA, r), v1[1:(nrow(df1)-r)])
View(df1) # in RStudio
You decide what happens with the sum from row 911 onwards (I've ignored them)

You can use RcppRoll::roll_sum() and dplyr::lag()...
df <- data.frame(v = 1:950)
range <- 40 # how many values to sum, i.e. window size
offset <- 10 # e.g sum(1:40) goes to row 50
df <- mutate(df, roll_sum = RcppRoll::roll_sum(lag(v, n = offset),
n = range, fill = NA, align = "right"))
df[(range+offset):(range+offset+5), ]
# v roll_sum
# 50 50 820
# 51 51 860
# 52 52 900
# 53 53 940
# 54 54 980
# 55 55 1020
sum(1:range); sum(2:(range+1))
# [1] 820
# [1] 860


How to know if a number is in a determinated interval in R

I have a dataset with 3 columns: Default, Height and Weight.
I made a binning of the variables and almacenated it (I have to do it this way) in a list. Every binning has a woe associated, but now I want to put those woes in the original Dataframe depending in which buckets are my observations:
For example, the data frame
df1 <- data.frame(default=sample(c(0,1), replace=TRUE, size=100, prob=c(0.9,0.1)),
height=sample(150:180, 100, replace=T),
> head(df1)
# default height weight
# 1 0 172 54
# 2 0 169 71
# 3 0 164 61
# 4 0 156 55
# 5 0 180 66
# 6 0 162 63
The bins (I will just show the first one)
bins <- lapply(c("height","weight"), function(x) woe.binning(df1, "default", x,,
stop.limit = 0.05)[2])
# [[1]]
# [[1]][[1]]
# woe[-1] 0 1 col.perc.a col.perc.b iv.bins
# (-Inf,156] -46.58742 -Inf 156 0.1050725 21 5 0.24137931 0.38461538 0.0667299967
# (156,168] 23.91074 156 168 0.1050725 34 4 0.39080460 0.30769231 0.0198727638
# (168,169] -10.91993 168 169 0.1050725 6 1 0.06896552 0.07692308 0.0008689599
# (169, Inf] 25.85255 169 Inf 0.1050725 26 3 0.29885057 0.23076923 0.0176007627
# Missing NA Inf Missing 0.1050725 0 0 0.00000000 0.00000000
Now I want to see in with bins is my data.
My desired output is something similar to this
# default height weight woe_height woe_weight
# 1 0 160 54 23.91074 -8.180032
# 2 0 140 71 -46.58742 -7.640947
Is there any way to do it? The main problem I see here is that the intervals (a,b) are strings. I was thinking about use substr() or something similar to separate the strings in logical options, but I dont think that would work, and its not very elegant.
Any help will be welcome, thanks in advance.
Does this work fine for you?
apply_woe_binning <- function(df, x){
# woe binning
w <- woe.binning(df, "default", x,,
stop.limit = 0.05)[[2]]
# create new column name
new_col <- paste("woe", x, sep = "_")
# define cuts
cuts <- cut(df[[x]], w$
# add new column
df[[new_col]] <- w[cuts, "woe", drop = TRUE]
# one by one
df2 <- apply_woe_binning(df1, "height")
df2 <- apply_woe_binning(df2, "weight")
# in a functional
df2 <- Reduce(function(y, x) apply_woe_binning(df = y, x = x),
init = df1)

How to randomly select row from a dataframe for which the row skewness is larger that a given value in R

I am trying to select random rows from a data frame with 1000 lines (and six columns) where the skewness of the line is larger than a given value (say Sk > 0.3).
I've generated the following data frame
I can get row skewness from the fbasics package:
rowSkewness(df) gives:
[8] -0.2243295435 0.5306809351 0.0707122386 0.0341447417 0.3339384838 -0.3910593364 -0.6443905090
[15] 0.5603809206 0.4406091534 -0.3736108832 0.0397860038 0.9970040772 -0.7702547535 0.2065830354
But now, I need to select say 10 rows of the df which have rowskewness greater than say 0.1... May with
for (a in 1:10) {[a,] = sample(x=df[which(rowSkewness(df[sample(1:nrow(df),1)>0.1),], size = 1, replace = TRUE)
or something like this?
Any thoughts on this will be appreciated.
thanks in advance.
you can use the sample_n() function or sample_frac() - makes your version a little shorter:
x=df %>% dplyr::filter(rowSkewness(df)>0.1) %>% dplyr::sample_n(10)
Got it:
x=df %>% filter(rowSkewness(df)>0.1)
for (a in 1:samplesize) {[a,] = sample(x=x, size = 1, replace = TRUE)
Just do a subset:
res1 <- DF[fBasics::rowSkewness(DF) > .1, ]
# X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6
# 7 56 28 21 93 74 24
# 8 33 56 23 44 10 12
# 12 29 19 29 38 94 95
# 13 35 51 54 98 66 10
# 14 12 51 24 23 36 68
# 15 50 37 81 22 55 97
Or with e1071::skewness:
res2 <- DF[apply(as.matrix(DF), 1, e1071::skewness) > .1, ]
stopifnot(all.equal(res1, res2))
set.seed(42); DF <- data.frame(replicate(6, sample(10:100, 1000, rep=TRUE)))

Finding the overlap between two data frames in R, how can I make my code more efficient?

I have two dataframes in R. In the first one I have two columns one is called "chr" and the other "position"; in the second dataframe I have three columns one is again "chr", other "start" and another one "end". I want to select those rows in the first dataframe in which chr value is the same as the second data frame, but also whose "position" is in the interval start-end of the second data frame.
For that I have written a function in R that gives me the desired output but it is very slow when I run it with huge data frames.
# My DataFrames are:
bed <- data.frame(Chr = c(rep("chr1",4),rep("chr2",3),rep("chr3",1)),
x1 = c(5,20,44,67,5,20,44,20),
snv <- data.frame(Chr = c(rep("chr1",6),rep("chr3",6)),
position = c(5,18,46,60,80,90,21,60,75,80,84,87))
# My function is:
get_overlap <- function(df, position, chrom){
overlap <- FALSE
for (row in 1:nrow(df)){
chr = df[row, 1]
start = df[row, 2]
end = df[row, 3]
if(chr == chrom & position %in% seq(start, end)){
overlap <- TRUE
# The code is:
overlap_vector = c()
for (row in 1:nrow(snv)){
chrom = snv[row, 1]
position = snv[row, 2]
overlap <- get_overlap(bed, position, chrom)
overlap_vector <- c(overlap_vector, overlap)
How can I make this more efficient? I have never worked with hash tables, can that be the answer?
I'm sure there's a more elegant data.table solution, but this works. First I load the package.
# Load package
Then, I define the data tables
# Define data tables
bed <- data.table(Chr = c(rep("chr1",4),rep("chr2",3),rep("chr3",1)),
start = c(5,20,44,67,5,20,44,20),
end = c(12,43,64,94,12,43,64,63))
snv <- data.table(Chr = c(rep("chr1",6),rep("chr3",6)),
position = c(5,18,46,60,80,90,21,60,75,80,84,87))
Here, I do a non-equi join on position and start/end, and an equal join on Chr. I assume you want to keep all columns, so specified them in the j argument and omitted those rows without matches.
.(Chr, start = x.start, end = x.end, position = i.position),
on = c("start <= position", "end >= position", "Chr == Chr")])
#> Chr start end position
#> 1: chr1 5 12 5
#> 2: chr1 44 64 46
#> 3: chr1 44 64 60
#> 4: chr1 67 94 80
#> 5: chr1 67 94 90
#> 6: chr3 20 63 21
#> 7: chr3 20 63 60
Created on 2019-08-21 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)
A quick benchmarking shows that Nathan's solution is about as twice as fast!
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
NathanWren() 1.684392 1.729557 1.819263 1.751520 1.787829 5.138546 100
Lyngbakr() 3.336902 3.395528 3.603376 3.441933 3.496131 7.720925 100
The data.table package is great for fast merging of tables. It also comes with a vectorized between function for just this type of task.
# Convert the data.frames to data.tables
# Use the join syntax for data.table, then filter for the desired rows
overlap_dt <- bed[
on = "Chr",
allow.cartesian = TRUE # many-to-many matching
between(position, lower = x1, upper = x3)
# Chr x1 x3 position
# 1: chr1 5 12 5
# 2: chr1 44 64 46
# 3: chr1 44 64 60
# 4: chr1 67 94 80
# 5: chr1 67 94 90
# 6: chr3 20 63 21
# 7: chr3 20 63 60

If() statement in R

I am not very experienced in if statements and loops in R.
Probably you can help me to solve my problem.
My task is to add +1 to df$fz if sum(df$fz) < 450, but in the same time I have to add +1 only to max values in df$fz till that moment when when sum(df$fz) is lower than 450
Here is my df
ID_PP <- c(3,6, 22, 30, 1234456)
z <- c(12325, 21698, 21725, 8378, 18979)
fz <- c(134, 67, 70, 88, 88)
df <- data.frame(ID_PP,z,fz)
After mutating the new column df$new_value, it should look like 134 68 71 88 89
At this moment I have this code, but it adds +1 to all values.
if (sum(df$fz ) < 450) {
mutate(df, new_value=fz+1)
I know that I can pick top_n(3, z) and add +1 only to this top, but it is not what I want, because in that case I have to pick a top manually after checking sum(df$fz)
From what I understood from #Oksana's question and comments, we probably can do it this way:
# data
vru <- data.frame(
id = c(3, 6, 22, 30, 1234456),
z = c(12325, 21698, 21725, 8378, 18979),
fz = c(134, 67, 70, 88, 88)
# solution
vru %>% #
top_n(450 - sum(fz), z) %>% # subset by top z, if sum(fz) == 450 -> NULL
mutate(fz = fz + 1) %>% # increase fz by 1 for the subset
bind_rows( #
anti_join(vru, ., by = "id"), # take rows from vru which are not in subset
. # take subset with transformed fz
) %>% # bind thous subsets
arrange(id) # sort rows by id
# output
id z fz
1 3 12325 134
2 6 21698 68
3 22 21725 71
4 30 8378 88
5 1234456 18979 89
The clarifications in the comments helped. Let me know if this works for you. Of course, you can drop the cumsum_fz and leftover columns.
# Making variables to use in the calculation
df <- df %>%
arrange(fz) %>%
mutate(cumsum_fz = cumsum(fz),
leftover = 450 - cumsum_fz)
# Find the minimum, non-negative value to use for select values that need +1
min_pos <- min(df$leftover[df$leftover > 0])
# Creating a vector that adds 1 using the min_pos value and keeps
# the other values the same
df$new_value <- c((head(sort(df$fz), min_pos) + 1), tail(sort(df$fz), length(df$fz) - min_pos))
# Checking the sum of the new value
> sum(df$new_value)
[1] 450
> df
ID_PP z fz cumsum_fz leftover new_value
1 6 21698 67 67 383 68
2 22 21725 70 137 313 71
3 30 8378 88 225 225 89
4 1234456 18979 88 313 137 88
5 3 12325 134 447 3 134
Because utubun already posted a great tidyverse solution, I am going to translate my first one completely to base (it was a bit sloppy to mix the two anyway). Same logic as above, and using the data OP provided.
> # Using base
> df <- df[order(fz),]
> leftover <- 450 - cumsum(fz)
> min_pos <- min(leftover[leftover > 0])
> df$new_value <- c((head(sort(df$fz), min_pos) + 1), tail(sort(df$fz), length(df$fz) - min_pos))
> sum(df$new_value)
[1] 450
> df
ID_PP z fz new_value
2 6 21698 67 68
3 22 21725 70 71
4 30 8378 88 89
5 1234456 18979 88 88
1 3 12325 134 134

Normalise only some columns in R

I'm new to R and still getting to grips with how it handles data (my background is spreadsheets and databases). the problem I have is as follows. My data looks like this (it is held in CSV):
RecNo Var1 Var2 Var3
41 800 201.8 Y
43 140 39 N
47 60 20.24 N
49 687 77 Y
54 570 135 Y
58 1250 467 N
61 211 52 N
64 96 117.3 N
68 687 77 Y
Column 1 (RecNo) is my observation number; while it is a number, it is not required for my analysis. Column 4 (Var3) is a Yes/No column which, again, I do not currently need for the analysis but will need later in the process to add information in the output.
I need to normalise the numeric data in my dataframe to values between 0 and 1 without losing the other information. I have the following function:
normalize <- function(x) {
x <- sweep(x, 2, apply(x, 2, min))
sweep(x, 2, apply(x, 2, max), "/")
However, when I apply it to my above data by calling
myResult <- normalize(myData)
it returns an error because of the text in Column 4. If I set the text in this column to binary values it runs fine, but then also normalises my case numbers, which I don't want.
So, my question is: How can I change my normalize function above to accept the names of the columns to transform, while outputting the full dataset (i.e. without losing columns)?
I could not get TUSHAr's suggestion to work, but I have found two solutions that work fine:
1. akrun's suggestion above:
myData2 <- myData1 %>% mutate_at(2:3, funs((.-min(.))/max(.-min(.))))
This produces the following:
RecNo Var1 Var2 Var3
1 41 0.62184874 0.40601834 Y
2 43 0.06722689 0.04195255 N
3 47 0.00000000 0.00000000 N
4 49 0.52689076 0.12693105 Y
5 54 0.42857143 0.25663508 Y
6 58 1.00000000 1.00000000 N
7 61 0.12689076 0.07102414 N
8 64 0.03025210 0.21718329 N
9 68 0.52689076 0.12693105 Y
Alternatively, there is the package BBmisc which allowed me the following after transforming my record numbers to factors:
> myData <- myData %>% mutate(RecNo = factor(RecNo))
> myNorm <- normalize(myData2, method="range", range = c(0,1), margin = 1)
> myNorm
RecNo Var1 Var2 Var3
1 41 0.62184874 0.40601834 Y
2 43 0.06722689 0.04195255 N
3 47 0.00000000 0.00000000 N
4 49 0.52689076 0.12693105 Y
5 54 0.42857143 0.25663508 Y
6 58 1.00000000 1.00000000 N
7 61 0.12689076 0.07102414 N
8 64 0.03025210 0.21718329 N
9 68 0.52689076 0.12693105 Y
EDIT: For completion I include TUSHAr's solution as well, showing as always that there are many ways around a single problem:
Thank you for your help!
