Google Sheets Graph - How to remove vertical captions - graph

How can I remove the text that is vertically written for every bar in this google sheets graph?
This might be a stupid question but I looked everywhere and couldn't figure it out.
Thank you.
Edit: As it was asked for, here is a link to the sheet. I created a dummy version of the graph, as the original document contains sensitive information.

These vertical labels are X-Axis labels, not (as suggested by the comment from #tehhowch) Data Labels. Go to the Chart Editor and turn them off here:


Placing Text on Grid Layout Border Lines - React

Bit of an interesting one here. I'm trying to make a React/Tailwinds web app for guitar music theory. I want to create something that looks similar to the chart below. I decided to go with a grid and all is good except the notes are in the middle of the cells and I want them to be on the lines as is shown in the image. Was curious if anyone here had any good approaches. Thanks a ton in advance!

Is it possible to add superscript in essential js chart for axis titles/labels?

I made a graph (chart) with essential js related to pressure and I need the x-axis label to be superscript like this :
I tried adding the <sup> tag in the title text value, but it just prints the tag and doesn't work as intended. I couldn't find anything in the docs as well.
Is there a way to do this or essential js doesn't support this?

R Markdown Knitting to PDF Format Question

This is a two-part question, both parts are probably simple:
Why do my comments appear between the code and the output? I'd rather it display as I type it. For instance:
Gives the output:
But I would prefer the "We have 7 classes of data..." line to go above the code in the PDF.
Using the second picture from above, why does the gray box containing the code in have a larger border above the code than below? I'd rather the top have the same size border as the bottom.
I'm assuming this is an easy setting to change but I can't figure it out.

Can text generated by pseudo-elements be made user-selectable? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I make generated content selectable?
(2 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I am digitizing a 75-page index of job competencies. Users need to be able to link to each competency, competencies are meaningfully grouped, and competencies are often a sentence long. So instead of using each competency's text as an anchor, I'm creating a labeling scheme and creating anchors for each item. The competency "Know your right hand from your left" might be given the label "E.1.A.2.2". This is tedious.
I'm trying to save myself from manually adding the label to every competency again (since I've already added it once in the anchor.) To show the label, I can use the pseudo-element :before to generate the label from the anchor, {content: attr(name);}.
That works nicely, but the generated text isn't selectable. To create a link to a specific competency, users will have to manually type in "#E.1.A.2.2", which invites more user error than I'd like to think about.
Is it possible to make text generated by a pseudo-element selectable? I'm open to other suggestions as well. If creating each label in HTML is the only way to get to the needed result, I'll do that. But ouch.
To make it selectable and indexable by search engines I think the only way is to add content using JS
For example jQuery code:
$div.prepend("<span>My Text</span>")

ggplot2 - autosize chart and axis titles

I have create some ggplot2 bar plots which print fine to screen. When I print in PDF device, however, the chart and axis titles are too large - they sometimes extend past the left and right of the x-axis. None of these charts have any opts() set aside from title/axis-title - its all the defaults. What am I missing here? Is there a way to tell ggplot to auto-size this text so that the charts look good in PDF? Can I do this without explicitly setting opts()?
The best solution I can think of is to create a function to create a theme (like theme_bw()) and give it enough parameters so that its smart about sizing. Will keep this post open for a few days to see if there are any other clever ideas
