2010 Access VBA setting conditional formatting in Excel - ms-access-2010

I found this answer for an Excel VBA, but I'm having trouble converting it to Access VBA (Conditional Formatting using Excel VBA code).
Here's my current code:
with ws
With .Cells(1, 1).FormatConditions.Add(Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:="=IF($J2=""Y"";TRUE;FALSE)")
.Font.Color = -10092544
.StopIfTrue = False
StrSearchCriteria = "A2:D" & lRow
.FormatConditions(1).ModifyAppliesToRange Range(StrSearchCriteria)
End With
With .Cells(1, 1).FormatConditions.Add(xlCellValue, xlEqual, "=""Closed (New)""")
.Font.Color = -16776961
.StopIfTrue = False
StrSearchCriteria = "A2:K" & lRow
.FormatConditions(2).ModifyAppliesToRange Range(StrSearchCriteria)
End With
End With
I'm getting the error "Invalid procedure call or argument".
What am I missing?

You shouldn't need to reference the selection. Try:

I found this answer: Adding a format condition in Excel through Access VBA.
However, when I simply try to delete any existing conditional formats (as a test of the method with code from the linked answer) I receive the error "Object does not support this property or method." The code is:
with wks
end with
Any help on this is greatly appreciated.


Unable to build inline segments in RSiteCatalyst package in R

I am trying to build the inline segment to filter the pages (ex. to separate the pages for blogs and games) using the function BuildClassificationValueSegment() to get the data from Adobe Analytics API,
I have tried some thing like
report.data.visits <- QueueTrended(reportsuite.id,date.from,date.to,metrics,elements,
segment.inline = BuildClassificationValueSegment("evar2","blog","OR")).
Got error like :
Error in ApiRequest(body = report.description, func.name = "Report.Validate") :
ERROR: segment_invalid - Segment "evar2" not valid for this company
In addition: Warning message:
In if (segment.inline != "") { :
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
Please help on the same.Thanks in advance...
I recommend you to declare the InlineSegment in advance and store it in a variable. Then pass it to the QueueTrended function.
I've been using the following syntax to generate an inline segment:
InlineSegment <- list(container=list(type=unbox("hits"),
name=c("Page Name(eVar48)"),
You can change the name and element arguments in order to personalize the query.
The next step is to pass the InlineSegment to the QueueRanked function:
Report <- as.data.frame(QueueRanked("reportsuite",
date.from = dateStart,
date.to = dateEnd,
metrics = c("pageviews"),
elements = c("element"),
segment.inline = InlineSegment,
I borrowed that syntax from this thread some time ago: https://github.com/randyzwitch/RSiteCatalyst/issues/129
Please note that there might be easier ways to obtain this kind of report without using InlineSegmentation. Maybe you can use the selected argument from the QueueRanked function in order to narrow down the scope of the report.
Also, I'm purposefully avoiding the BuildClassificationValueSegment function as I found it a bit difficult to understand.
Hope this workaround helps...

Save an Excel sheet as PDF programatically through powerbuilder

There is a requirement to save an excel sheet as a pdf file programmatically through powerbuilder (Powerbuilder 12.5.1).
I run the code below; however, I am not getting the right results. Please let me know if I should do something different.
OLEObject ole_excel;
ole_excel = create OLEObject;
IF ( ole_excel.ConnectToObject(ls_DocPath) = 0 ) THEN
....... (Parsing values from excel)
DESTROY ole_excel;
I have searched through this community and others for a solution but no luck so far. I tried using two different commands that I found during this search. Both of them return a null object reference error. It would be great if someone can point me in the right direction.
It looks to me like you need to have a reference to the 'activeworkbook'. This would be of type OLEobject so the declaration would be similar to: OLEobject lole_workbook.
Then you need to set this to the active work book. Look for the VBA code on Excel (should be in the Excel help) for something like a 'getactiveworkbook' method. You would then (in PB) need to do something like
lole_workbook = ole_excel.application.activeworkbook
This gets the reference for PB to the activeworkbook. Then do you saveas and etc. like this lole_workbook.SaveAs(ls_DocPath,17)
workBook.saveAs() documentation says that saveAs() has the following parameters:
SaveAs(Filename, FileFormat, Password, WriteResPassword, ReadOnlyRecommended, CreateBackup, AccessMode, ConflictResolution, AddToMru, TextCodepage, TextVisualLayout, Local)
we need the two first params:
FileName - full path with filename and extension, for instance: c:\myfolder\file.pdf
FileFormat - predefined constant, that represents the target file format.
According to google (MS does not list pdf format constant for XLFileFormat), FileFormat for pdf is equal to 57
so, try to use the following call:
ole_excel.application.activeworkbook.SaveAs(ls_DocPath, 57);

How to write some amounts to a File?

I'm doing this program for a class; I have a listbox with 4 choices that are counted each time they're selected,and i'm supposed to write out the results to an out.File so that they can then be retrieved and displayed when asked to.
Here's an image,so you can see what i mean.
Here's the code i got for the file part so far:
'declare a streamwriter variable
Dim outFile As IO.StreamWriter
'open file for output
outFile = IO.File.CreateText("Commercials.txt")
'write to file
For intIndex As Integer = 0 To lstCommercial.Items.Count - 1
Next intIndex
'close th efile
So my problem is this,i can get everything to work except for it to write the totals to the file,with the result of not displaying. How do i go about doing this? What am i doing wrong in any case?
It depends on what lstCommercial.Items is.
If it is a Collection object, then you can get the index of an item using the following:
If it is an array, then instead of using the Count property to find the length, you should rather use GetUpperBound(0) to find the last index:
For intIndex As Integer = 0 To lstCommercial.Items.GetUpperBound(0)
I have very little experience in Visual Basic so I am probably wrong, but I have just gathered this from reading Arrays in Visual Basic and Collection Object (Visual Basic).
Also, looking at the docs here, you may need to 'Flush' the buffer to the file before closing it:
'close the file

Vendors black box function can only be called successfully once

(first question here, sorry if I am breaking a piece of etiquette)
My site is running on an eCommerce back end provider that I subscribe to. They have everything in classic ASP. They have a black box function called import_products that I use to import a given text file into my site's database.
The problem is that if I call the function more than once, something breaks. Here is my example code:
for blah = 1 to 20
thisfilename = "fullcatalog_" & blah & ".csv"
Response.Write thisfilename & "<br>"
Call Import_Products(3,thisfilename,1)
The first execution of the Import_Products function works fine. The second time I get:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0009'
Subscript out of range: 'i'
The filenames all exist. That part is fine. There are no bugs in my calling code. I have tried checking the value of "i" before each execution. The first time the value is blank, and before the second execution the value is "2". So I tried setting it to null during each loop iteration, but that didn't change the results at all.
I assume that the function is setting a variable or opening a connection during its execution, but not cleaning it up, and then not expecting it to already be set the second time. Is there any way to find out what this would be? Or somehow reset the condition back to nothing so that the function will be 'fresh'?
The function is in an unreadable include file so I can't see the code. Obviously a better solution would be to go with the company support, and I have a ticket it in with them, but it is like pulling teeth to get them to even acknowledge that there is a problem. Let alone solve it.
EDIT: Here is a further simplified example of calling the function. The first call works. The second call fails with the same error as above.
thisfilename = "fullcatalog_testfile.csv"
Call Import_Products(3,thisfilename,1)
Call Import_Products(3,thisfilename,1)
The likely cause of the error are the two numeric parameters for the Import_Products subroutine.
Import_Products(???, FileName, ???)
The values are 3 and 1 in your example but you never explain what they do or what they are documented to do.
EDIT Since correcting the vender subroutine is impossible, but it always works for the first time it's called lets use an HTTP REDIRECT instead of a FOR LOOP so that it technically only gets called once per page execution.
curr = CInt(Request.QueryString("current"))
end = CInt(Request.QueryString("end"))
If curr <= end Then
thisfilename = "fullcatalog_" & curr & ".csv"
Call Import_Products(3,thisfilename,1)
Response.Redirect("www.mysite.tld/import.asp?current=" & (curr + 1) & "&end=" & end)
End If
note the above was written inside my browser and is untested so syntax errors may exist.

Write binary data using javascript on the server

I'm trying to output a PDF using server side javascript (ASP). The current method I'm using is:
outB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
outB.Type = 1
outB.LoadFromFile (xfile)
This works, but requires write access on the server. Is there a way to do the same thing without writing to a file?
I havn't been able to figure out how to convert the string this.buffer into a array of byte that I can then write using Response.BinaryWrite without writing to a file first.
Why not simply use:-
Assuming the codepage of the response is set correctly (I.e., its the same as in the Locale that the VBScript is running in) then Response.Write should do the same conversion that your StringToMultiByte is doing.
I suspect you've tried this and is hasn't worked. If so I really think you need to look into why that is rather attempt this strange usage of BinaryWrite. Currently your solution is going to kill your server.
My solution was to use VBScript.
replace the above code with:
and add this to the end of the file:
<script language="vbscript" runat="server">
function StringToMultiByte(S)
Dim i, MultiByte
For i=1 To Len(S)
MultiByte = MultiByte & ChrB(Asc(Mid(S,i,1)))
StringToMultiByte = MultiByte
End function
