render a user image and account link in the menu.html.twig - drupal

I want to display a user picture (avatar) and some more fields in the menu.html.twig template.
I know that we can display these fields in a user.html.twig template.
{{ content.user_picture }}
{{ user.getDisplayName() }}
{{ content.field_name_user[0] }}
and etc.
But I want to display these fields in the menu.html.twig template.
As I think. we can make a variable in preprocess_block () and print the desired value.
Or if there is no necessary variable in the template - do it in the preprocessor of this template!
Help please make a decision on this issue. And what code you need to write.

It is better to write a pre-process and define a variable and insert the desired elements in it.
hook_preprocess_menu__menu_name(array &$variables) {
$userDetails = \Drupal\user\Entity\User::load(\Drupal::currentUser()->id());
fetch the desired elements and pass to $variables eg:
$variables['userPictureUrl'] = $userDetails->user_picture->entity->url();

You can use hook_preprocess_menu:
function YOURMODULE_preprocess_menu(&$variables)
$uid = \Drupal::currentUser()->id();
if($uid > 0)
// Load user
$user = User::load($uid);
$userName = $user->getUsername();
// If user have a picture, add it to variable
$pictureUri = $user->user_picture->entity->getFileUri();
// Add style to picture
$userPicture = [
'#theme' => 'image_style',
'#style_name' => 'profile_picture',
'#uri' => $pictureUri,
// Set variables
$variables['MYMODULE'] = [
'profile_name' => $userName,
'profile_picture' => $userPicture,
'profile_id' => $userId
End show in your menu.html.twig file:
{{ YOURMODULE.profile_name }}
{{ YOURMODULE.profile_picture }}
{{ YOURMODULE.profile_id }}


How to render specific form elements Drupal 8

I am using Drupal 8 and would like to customize how form elements are being displayed. Specifically, I don't like how uneditable, populated textfields are displayed as plain text. I would have it being displayed as an editable textfield (or have the text look like it is in an uneditable textfield). I have looked at various hook functions to try and achieve this but nothing seems to work.
I figure the best way to go about this is if I can render the form fields individually myself and then create a twig file that displays the individual fields as I would like them to be displayed. Here is what I would like the twig field to look like:
<div class="from">
{{ form.mail }}
<div class="message">
{{ form.message }}
<div class="actions">
{{ form.actions }}
In your .module file
function your_module_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {
return [
'custom_theme' => [
'variables' => [
'form' => NULL
'render element' => 'form',
In your CustomForm.php file
public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
$form = parent::buildForm($form, $form_state);
[...your fields ...]
return $form
In your custom module templates directory
{{ form.your_field }}

Unable to set custom data in show action field in symfony sonata admin

I have a show page and I want to add a custom value.
I have tried doing what I did in other actions which is to add an array to the
third parameter with the data key like so:
protected function configureShowFields(ShowMapper $showMapper)
->add('example', null,
array('data' => 'example value')
In the configureListFields action, this works. I have injected custom values with the data attribute.
But still I am not able to access key example in the show.html.twig file.
It gives me this error
Variable "example" does not exist.
What should I do to access this custom variable in the twig file ?
{{ }}
in your twig template
I used this solution. In the configureShowFields() method of an Admin class:
->with('Tab Name')
'template' => 'Admin/Custom/any_name_show_template.html.twig',
'customData' => $this->someRepository->getSomeEntityBy($field),
'anotherCustomData' => $this->someService->getSomeDataBy($value),
In the custom template, you can access custom data by field_description.options.<customFieldName>, so for provided example data accessors would be {{ field_description.options.customData }} and {{ field_description.options.anotherCustomData }}
For the shorter field name in the Twig template, you can do like this:
{% set customData = field_description.options.customData %}
and access the custom data like {{ customData }}
Hope this helps and saves time.

Symfony - pass custom data from Form Builder to form theme

I would like to set a special div surrounding a bunch of my fields. For that I want to add something to the form builder that I could detect in my form_theme, and set the div when it's there.
I tried to add
->add('field', new myCustomType(), array('inherit_data' => true, "label" => false, "required" => false, 'attr' => array("test" => "aaa")))
to the form builder, setting an custom attr, it's actually rendered in the html as an attribute... But I'm unable to detect it in the form theme.
{{ block('widget_container_attributes') }}
Only gives the widget attributes, and
{{ block('row_container_attributes') }}
doesn't work. I actually have a hard time finding any source online about what variables are available in the blocks of the form theme and how to use them (it was already difficult to know how to call blocks).
I looked for some more information on the official site, here mostly but without any success...
Thanks ahead for any help !
If you put it in your form builder, then you might as well permanently set in your template. If there is some logic required to set the data, then that belongs in your controller anyway, so just put it there to start with.
public function someAction()
// ....
return $this->render('some_twig_template.twig.html', array(
'attr' => array("test" => "aaa")
Then in your twig template
{{ dump(attr) }}
{{ dump(attr.test) }}
To render in your template every time, you can set a class on the rendered field directly:
{{ form_label(form.field, 'My label', { 'label_attr': {'class': 'js-hidden-row'} }) }}
{{ form_widget(form.field, { 'attr': {'class': 'js-hidden-row'} }) }}
Then in my javascript you can hide with some simple jQuery:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {

collection Field Type not creating form elements

I'm trying to create a form which will add a new text box every time the 'Add new box' link got clicked.
I read through the following example.
Basically I was following the example from the book. But when the page is rendered and I click on the link nothing happens.
Any thoughts?
This is my controller.
public function createAction() {
$formBuilder = $this->createFormBuilder();
$formBuilder->add('emails', 'collection', array(
// each item in the array will be an "email" field
'type' => 'email',
'prototype' => true,
'allow_add' => true,
// these options are passed to each "email" type
'options' => array(
'required' => false,
'attr' => array('class' => 'email-box')
$form = $formBuilder->getForm();
return $this->render('AcmeRecordBundle:Form:create.html.twig', array(
'form' => $form->createView(),
This is the view.
<form action="..." method="POST" {{ form_enctype(form) }}>
{# store the prototype on the data-prototype attribute #}
<ul id="email-fields-list" data-prototype="{{ form_widget(form.emails.get('prototype')) | e }}">
{% for emailField in form.emails %}
{{ form_errors(emailField) }}
{{ form_widget(emailField) }}
{% endfor %}
Add another email
<script type="text/javascript">
// keep track of how many email fields have been rendered
var emailCount = '{{ form.emails | length }}';
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery('#add-another-email').click(function() {
var emailList = jQuery('#email-fields-list');
// grab the prototype template
var newWidget = emailList.attr('data-prototype');
// replace the "$$name$$" used in the id and name of the prototype
// with a number that's unique to our emails
// end name attribute looks like name="contact[emails][2]"
newWidget = newWidget.replace(/\$\$name\$\$/g, emailCount);
// create a new list element and add it to our list
var newLi = jQuery('<li></li>').html(newWidget);
return false;
This problem can be solved by referring to the following link.
Here you will find the same functionality being implemented.
I've been through this too.
Answer and examples given to this question and the other question I found did not answer my problem either.
Here is how I did it, in some generic manner.
In generic, I mean, Any collection that I add to the form just need to follow the Form template loop (in a macro, for example) and that's all!
Using which convention
HTML is from Twitter Bootstrap 2.0.x
Javascript code is already in a $(document).ready();
Following Symfony 2.0.x tutorial
Using MopaBootstrapBundle
Form Type class
class OrderForm extends AbstractType
// ...
public function buildForm(FormBuilder $builder, array $options)
// ...
->add('sharingusers', 'collection', array(
'type' => new UserForm(),
'allow_add' => true,
'allow_delete' => true,
'by_reference' => false,
'required'=> false
// ...
/* In the functions section out of document ready */
* Add a new row in a form Collection
* Difference from source is that I use Bootstrap convention
* to get the part we are interrested in, the input tag itself and not
* create a new .collection-field block inside the original.
* Source:
function addTagForm(collectionHolder, newBtn) {
var prototype = collectionHolder.attr('data-prototype');
var p = prototype.replace(/\$\$name\$\$/g, collectionHolder.children().length);
var newFormFromPrototype = $(p);
var buildup = newFormFromPrototype.find(".controls input");
var collectionField = $('<div class="collection-field"></div>').append(buildup);
/* ********** */
/* other initializations */
* Form collection behavior
* Inspired, but refactored to be re-usable from Source defined below
* Source:
var formCollectionObj = $('form .behavior-collection');
if(formCollectionObj.length >= 1){
console.log('run.js: document ready "form .behavior-collection" applied on '+formCollectionObj.length+' elements');
var addTagLink = $('<i class="icon-plus-sign"></i> Add');
var newBtn = $('<div class="collection-add"></div>').append(addTagLink);
addTagLink.on('click', function(e) {
addTagForm(formCollectionObj, newBtn);
/* other initializations */
The form template
Trick here is that I would have had used the original {{ form_widget(form }} but I needed to add some specific to the view form and I could not make it shorter.
And I tried to edit only the targeted field and found out it was a bit complex
Here is how I did it:
{# All form elements prior to the targeted field #}
<div class="control-collection control-group">
<label class="control-label">{{ form_label(form.sharingusers) }}</label>
<div class="controls behavior-collection" data-prototype="{{ form_widget(form.sharingusers.get('prototype'))|escape }}">
{% for user in form.sharingusers %}
{{ form_row(user) }}
{% endfor %}
{{ form_rest(form) }}

How to load a controller function and render it in a twig tag using Symfony2?

I am using Symfony2 and Twig. I have a function (below) in my controller that returns a specific text. Is it possible to call that function directly from my template and change the {{text}} in my template to whatever the function returns, possibly via Ajax?
Here's my function:
public function generateCode($url) {
$url = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '/embed/' . $url;
$return = '<iframe>'.$url.'</iframe>';
return $return;
Another controller function calls the function above and renders my template:
public function getCodeAction($url) {
$text = $this->generateCode($url);
return $this->render('MyMyBundle:User:code.html.twig', array('text' => $text));
In my template I am using:
{{ text }}
to display the value.
In Symfony 2.2, this was changed.
The render tag signature and arguments changed.
{% render 'BlogBundle:Post:list' with { 'limit': 2 }, { 'alt': BlogBundle:Post:error' } %}
{% render controller('BlogBundle:Post:list', { 'limit': 2 }), { 'alt': 'BlogBundle:Post:error' } %}
{{ render(controller('BlogBundle:Post:list', { 'limit': 2 }), { 'alt': 'BlogBundle:Post:error'}) }}
Note: The function is the preferred way.
You can use ajax if you have dynamic data, but as far as I can see from your brief info, you can always execute that controller function directly from your view:
{% render "MyMyBundle:User:generateCode" with { 'url': 'your url here' } %}
More Information on this available at:, under Embedding other Controllers
For the record, in new versions you need to use the absolute URL:
{{ render url('my_route_id', {'param': value}) }}
{{ render(controller("AcmeDemoBundle:Demo:topArticles", {'num': 10})) }}
In Silex I solved it like this:
{{ render(url('route_name', {'param': value})) }}
If you do not have the route name, URL can be used:
{{ render(app.request.baseUrl ~ '/some-path/' ~ value) }}
If using URL we should always concat the baseUrl.
Symfony 2.6+
in twig:
{{ render(controller('AppBundle:PropertySearch:featuredProperties', {'limit': 15})) }}
* featuredPropertiesAction
* #param Request $request
* #param int $limit
* #return Response
public function featuredPropertiesAction(Request $request, $limit)
$search = $this->resultsHelper->featuredSearch($limit);
return $this->render('HASearchBundle::featured_properties.html.twig', [
'search' => $search,
