Panels not visible in React Storybook - storybook

I am using Storybook version 3.3.15 on Windows 7 running node version 6.3.1 and npm version 3.10.6.
On running storybook, I see 'No panels Available' message in the bottom of the page where actions panels are rendered. I have imported addon-actions in addons.js: import #storybook/addon-actions/register and the module is also present in node_modules folder. I am not getting any errors regarding this during webpack compliation or in browser console.
How do I make the Action Panel appear?
Note: I cannot update the Node and NPM versions because I am working on a professional level app wherein lots of people are involved and its a very big codebase.

In my case they were simply hidden and in the wrong orientation. Had to use the D and A keyboard shortcuts to make them appear again.

in my case just hitting d worked

For me the whole main menu disappeared at one point. The only thing that helped was running sessionStorage.clear() in the console and then refreshing the page.

First of all, check if you have the addon panel set to show/hide in the dropdown menu at the top left of the Stoybook UI screen, also check the dropdown item called 'change addons orientation' (mine was changed and was bumped off screen because of screen width).
If that doesn't work, try setting the options in the storybook config.js file:
In the Storybook config.js file you can add an options parameter for some default settings, this includes setting the visibility and position of the addons panel.
import { addParameters } from '#storybook/react';
// settings for storybook - show and position addon panel
options: {
// display panel that shows addon configurations
showPanel: true,
// where to show the addon panel --- #type {('bottom'|'right')}
panelPosition: 'bottom',

In my case I was missing the .storybook/addons.js file. It looks like this became a requirement in a recent version because the actions add-on used to work fine for me initially.
To clarify potential confusion:
As the documentation specifies, you need to have a addons.js file in your hidden .storybook/ directory (most likely at the root of your project) even if all it contains is just this 1 line.
import '#storybook/addon-actions/register';

I Just found out it by trying different keys on my keyboard:
If you press "S" - it switches Sidebar in StoryBook Of
and On! Try it!
My Browser: Chrome, Operating system: Mac OS

In Mac I solved it by pressing fn + s.

I was having this problem; hitting S would shift my components without showing the sidebar, and even after clearing my localStorage and sessionStorage I could barely see the edge of my sidebar.
Then, I realized that I had zoomed in to see my components more closely, and that the sidebar was hiding/showing, but just off-screen.. I just needed to zoom out. 🤦‍♂️
Sharing here in case anyone makes the same mistake.

I had a similar problem and installing #storybook/addons (in addition to the steps you mentioned) fixed it.
npm i -D #storybook/addons


mmenu wordpress plugin - can't setup position from option page

I'm using the free version of mmenu plugin for wordpress. The menu is working correctly but it opens always from the left, even if i set up another position from the option page.
If I inspect the js file "mmenu.js" it seems that the option is passed correctly as I can see it in the code this string:
extensions: { "all": ["position-top"] }
But if I inspect the HTML source there are still the classes as the menu is setup to be opened from the left: (mm-wrapper--position-left, mm-menu--position-left, ...)
I wonder if this is a known issue or just a problem of my website, and if maybe you have a possible solution.
Thanks in advance

chrome developer mode style sidebar linked css no more

In my Google Chrome version 38.0.2125.104, stylesheet filename/linked css has been disappeared. I'm not sure if updated version removed this or there is somewhere to set this up again, but when i restored to default, still it does not appear.
To make it clear to you guys, This is an example of old version Style Panel which have the link to the related stylesheet (filename & line) next to the class name. (i cant attach images here yet)
and below is the latest Style Panel. Each classes usually have link to the CSS stylesheet .
Any idea on how to enable back the stylesheet link?
Thanks in advance.
when you open the inspect element on the top right side of the dev eloper tools panel you have a cog wheel (settings). click that and go to general setting s tab and check out the elements section and sources section and see if all the boxes that needs to be checked are checked.... in mine i have the source maps box checked and enabled

Eclipse 4 RCP Vogel tutorial. No toolbar icon

OS X 10.7.5, Eclipse 4.3 Kepler build ID 20130919-0819, Java 1.7.0_51
I'm following along the Vogel tutorial, and I have (another) problem. I've added a toolbar as described in the tutorial, but no icons appear on the toolbar. The toolbar itself appears, but it is empty. If I click in the empty space where the icon should be, the handler is called as expected. I can add an icon file to my project, and have my HandledToolItem point to it, and in that case the icon is visible, and operates as expected.
Should I expect default icons to appear automatically? Do I have to import or include standard Eclipse icons somehow? Or do I have to add each icon manually (I rather doubt this is the case.)
Thanks, gary
You can add Icons via the platform-notation, e.g. platform:/plugin/de.myplugin.ui/icons/icon.gif.
Using this way, you can also access eclipse-build-in-icons.
See this blogpost: for a plugin to browse the available plugins.

Jcrop in Meteor: Can't stop dragging (if bootstrap package is added)

I want to allow the user to crop and image using Jcrop. I've installed the jquery-jcrop smart package, and patched it to include the css and gif files (see my pull request on that project).
Now things look good, but once the user clicks/drags on the image, he can never let go. From the first drag (or even a click), he is able to adjust the size of selection, but releasing the mouse button does nothing, and every mouse movement continues to change the selection size.
To reproduce:
1. mrt create tmp
2. mrt add jquery-jcrop
3. in tmp.html <body>:
<img src=""
id="target" />
4. in tmp.js isClient:
Meteor.startup(function() {
Running mrt now and accessing the page will show the desired behaviour (might look weird though without the patch from the pull request mentioned above).
Stopping, running "mrt add bootstrap", rerunning will show the problem as described above.
I should note that a non-Meteor project, with jquery, jquery-jcrop and bootstrap works without problems.
ok I tracked the problem down to the bootstrap.js in Bootstrap 2.3.0. Replacing with Bootstrap 2.3.1 fixes the problem. I reviewed the Bootstrap Changelog and don't really see the relevant change, but this works :)

How to change JavaFx native Bundle exe icon

I am trying to chance the icon of the exe file created native bundling of javafx packaging but it still contains the default icon. Please suggest
did not help, it only changes the title bar and task bar icon.
The ico file still gets generated and icon of the exe files remains the default one
I also tried to assign an icon in the project properties-> Deployment-> icon but did not help
I believe I have encountered the same issue and the solution is described in the following thread.
As a side note - neither specifying your icon in the build.xml file or via the project's options in the deployment section is going to work thus far, but it seems to be fixed in the upcoming release of 7u10.
I added response here How to set custom icon for javafx native package icon on Windows and thinks it is the same issue you started out with. However you seem to have moved on, but others might find it interesting...
I added src/main/deploy/package/windows/myapp.ico there and it finally worked :)
For you:
Create src/main/deploy/package/windows/ folder
Add icon with name ${}.ico
Run mvn jfx:build-native
I haven't played with it extensively - just got it to work and wanted to share. So if you want to use icon with different name, I don't know how. Not yet at least. The ... section in the config section seems to be for webstart, so I haven't been using it. Hope you get it to work!
Answered at How to set custom icon for javafx native package icon on Windows
