A function to read data from FireBase but requires Unit instead - firebase

I've made a function that calls on the FireBase database and will return a MutableList. However, when I try to make it return on a specific line, it says it requires a Unit instead of the MutableList.
fun firebaseCollect(key: String): MutableList<CustomList> {
var ref = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference(key)
var lessonList = mutableListOf<CustomList>()
ref.addValueEventListener(object: ValueEventListener{
override fun onCancelled(p0: DatabaseError?) {
override fun onDataChange(p0: DataSnapshot?) {
if (p0!!.exists()) {
for (index in p0.children) {
val lesson = index.getValue(CustomList::class.java)
return lessonList
return lessonList
Type mismatch. Required: Unit, Found: MutableList< CustomList > is found at the first return lessonList since what I am asking for it to return is a MutableList not a Unit. I am confused as to why this happens. The last return would give an empty list. It is currently my first jab at FireBase and this is a practice I am doing. The rules for read and write have been set to public as well. How should I recode the function that I am able to return the data from FireBase into the function and passed back to the caller?

Firebase APIs are asynchronous. For your case, that means addValueEventListener returns immediately. Then, some time later, the listener you passed to it will be invoked with the data you're looking for. Your return statement in the callback doesn't actually return any data to the caller. In fact, you can't return anything from that callback. At the bottom of your function, when you return lessonList, you're actually returning an initially empty list to the caller, which may change later when the data finally arrives.
To get a better sense of how your code works, put log lines in various places, and see for yourself the order in which the code is invoked. You can read more about why Firebase APIs are asynchronous by reading this article. The bottom line is that you'll need to interact with the asynchronous APIs using asynchronous programming techniques. Don't try to make them synchronous.

Data is loaded asynchronously from Firebase. Once the data is fetched the method onDatachange() is invoked.
You are returning lessonList inside onDatachange(). Return type of onDatachange() is void(Unit in kotlin). This is the reason for the type mismatch error.
For returning the result from the method onDatachange() try this.


How does rust simply get a return from a closure

Here's the problem I'm having with tauri.
'return' shows you the return value I need, and I know for a fact that writing it this way does not work at all.
'pick_file' is called asynchronously, and I know that message passing seems to work, but is there an easier way to get the value I need.
fn open_file() -> String {
.add_filter("data", &["json"])
.pick_file(|path_buf| match path_buf {
Some(p) => return format!("{}", p.to_str().unwrap()),
_ => return "".into()
First, return in a closure returns from the closure and not from the function that contains it.
The more fundamental issue is that you can't return a String from open_file() if you use FileDialogBuilder::pick_file(). According to the documentation, pick_file() is non-blocking and returns immediately without waiting for the user to pick the file. What you can do in the closure is send the file down a channel, and pick it up elsewhere.

Retrieve values from firebase database in conversation flow

I am trying to grab information from my firebase database after a particular intent is invoked in my conversation flow.
I am trying to make a function which takes a parameter of user ID, which will then get the highscore for that user, and then say that users highscore back to them.
app.intent('get-highscore', (conv) => {
var thisUsersHighestscore = fetchHighscoreByUserId(conv.user.id);
conv.ask('your highest score is ${thisUsersHighestScore}, say continue to keep playing.');
function fetchHighscoreByUserId(userId){
var highscoresRef = database.ref("highscores");
var thisUsersHighscore;
var allHighscores= snap.val();
thisUsersHighscore = allHighscores.users.userId.highscore;
return thisUsersHighscore;
An example of the data in the database:
"highscores" : {
"users" : {
"1539261356999999924819020" : {
"highscore" : 2,
"nickname" : "default"
"15393362381293223232222738" : {
"highscore" : 78,
"nickname" : "quiz master"
"15393365724084067696560" : {
"highscore" : "32",
"nickname" : "cutie pie"
"45343453535534534353" : {
"highscore" : 1,
"nickname" : "friendly man"
It seems like it is never setting any value to thisUsersHighScore in my function.
You have a number of issues going on here - both with how you're using Firebase, how you're using Actions on Google, and how you're using Javascript. Some of these issues are just that you could be doing things better and more efficiently, while others are causing actual problems.
Accessing values in a structure in JavaScript
The first problem is that allHighscores.users.userId.highscore means "In an object named 'allHighscores', get the property named 'users', from the result of that, get the property named 'userId'". But there is no property named "userId" - there are just a bunch of properties named after a number.
You probably wanted something more like allHighscores.users[userId].highscore, which means "In an object named 'allHighscores', get the property named 'users', fromt he result of that, get the property named by the value of 'userId'".
But if this has thousands or hundreds of thousands of records, this will take up a lot of memory. And will take a lot of time to fetch from Firebase. Wouldn't it be better if you just fetched that one record directly from Firebase?
Two Firebase Issues
From above, you should probably just be fetching one record from Firebase, rather than the whole table and then searching for the one record you want. In firebase, this means you get a reference to the path of the data you want, and then request the value.
To specify the path you want, you might do something like
var userRef = database.ref("highscores/users").child(userId);
var userScoreRef = userRef.child( "highscore" );
(You can, of course, put these in one statement. I broke them up like this for clarity.)
Once you have the reference, however, you want to read the data that is at that reference. You have two issues here.
You're using the on() method, which fetches the value once, but then also sets up a callback to be called every time the score updates. You probably don't need the latter, so you can use the once() method to get the value once.
You have a callback function setup to get the value (which is good, since this is an async operation, and this is the traditional way to handle async operations in Javascript), but you're returning a value outside of that callback. So you're always returning an empty value.
These suggest that you need to make fetchHighScoreByUserId() an asynchronous function as well, and the way we have to do this now is to return a Promise. This Promise will then resolve to an actual value when the async function completes. Fortunately, the Firebase library can return a Promise, and we can get its value as part of the .then() clause in the response, so we can simplify things a lot. (I strongly suggest you read up on Promises in Javascript and how to use them.) It might look something like this:
return userScoreRef.once("value")
.then( function(scoreSnapshot){
var score = scoreSnapshot.val();
return score;
} );
Async functions and Actions on Google
In the Intent Handler, you have a similar problem as above. The call to fetchHighScoreByUserId() is async, so it doesn't finish running (or returning a value) by the time you call conv.ask() or return from the function. AoG needs to know to wait for an async call to finish. How can it do that? Promises again!
AoG Intent Handlers must return a Promise if there is an asyc call involved.
Since the modified fetchHighScoreByUserId() returns a Promise, we will leverage that. We'll also set our response in the .then() part of the Promise chain. It might look something like this:
app.intent('get-highscore', (conv) => {
return fetchHighscoreByUserId(conv.user.id)
.then( function(highScore){
conv.ask(`Your highest score is ${highScore}. Do you want to play again?`);
} );
Two asides here:
You need to use backticks "`" to define the string if you're trying to use ${highScore} like that.
The phrase "Say continue if you want to play again." is a very poor Voice User Interface. Better is directly asking if they want to play again.

Promise inside a sync function never resolves

what happens when promise function inside asynchronous function never resolves or rejected ,so inside below save method if both initial if conditions get not satisfied what will happen, it's not giving error,will it wait there forever till response receive?
if (conditionA) {
return http request
if (conditonB) {
return http request}
If your promise sometimes returns a promise, then it should always return a promise. The usual design pattern if you find you don't need to have a promise to return in some code paths is that you just do a return Promise.resolve(). So, keep with your pseudo-code, you'd do something like this:
if (conditionA) {
return request(...);
} else if (conditonB) {
return request(...);
} else {
return Promise.resolve(...);
You fill in the ... parts above to make sense for your function. But, if you sometimes return a promise, then ALWAYS return a promise. Then, the caller can just consistently use the returned promise. If the work is already done (or there was nothing to do), then you just return an already resolved promise and the caller always gets a consistent return value which they can use as a promise.
Note, that none of this matches the title of your question, but it does fully match the body of your question. Is your title just wrong or is there some part of your question description that is missing?
A simple answer should be ,save() cannot be undefined if any kind of promise is returned from the method including the service call(http call),
if it never resolves it will never go into then part of the handler ,but it cannot give the error undefined.
undefined error can be given when no condition satisfied in the if else conditions and nothing returns.

Returned value from Meteor Helper not showing up in template

I have a Meteor Helper that does a GET request and am supposed to get response back and pass it back to the Template, but its now showing up the front end. When I log it to console, it shows the value corerctly, for the life of mine I can't get this to output to the actual template.
Here is my helper:
UI.registerHelper('getDistance', function(formatted_address) {
HTTP.call( 'GET', 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/distancematrix/json? units=imperial&origins=Washington,DC&destinations='+formatted_address+'&key=MYKEY', {}, function( error, response ) {
if ( error ) {
console.log( error );
} else {
var distanceMiles = response.data.rows[0].elements[0].distance.text;
return distanceMiles;
In my template I pass have the following:
{{getDistance formatted_address}}
Again, this works fine and shows exactly what I need in the console, but not in the template.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
I posted an article on TMC recently that you may find useful for such a pattern. In that article the problem involves executing an expensive function for each item in a list. As others have pointed out, doing asynchronous calls in a helper is not good practice.
In your case, make a local collection called Distances. If you wish, you can use your document _id to align it with your collection.
const Distances = new Mongo.collection(); // only declare this on the client
Then setup a function that either lazily computes the distance or returns it immediately if it's already been computed:
function lazyDistance(formatted_address){
let doc = Distances.findOne({ formatted_address: formatted_address });
if ( doc ){
return doc.distanceMiles;
} else {
let url = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/distancematrix/json';
url += '?units=imperial&origins=Washington,DC&key=MYKEY&destinations=';
url += formatted_address;
HTTP.call('GET',url,{},(error,response )=>{
if ( error ) {
console.log( error );
} else {
formatted_address: formatted_address,
distanceMiles: response.data.rows[0].elements[0].distance.text
Now you can have a helper that just returns a cached value from that local collection:
return lazyDistance(formatted_address);
You could also do this based on an _id instead of an address string of course. There's a tacit assumption above that formatted_address is unique.
It's Meteor's reactivity that really makes this work. The first time the helper is called the distance will be null but as it gets computed asynchronously the helper will automagically update the value.
best practice is not to do an async call in a helper. think of the #each and the helper as a way for the view to simply show the results of a prior calculation, not to get started on doing the calculation. remember that a helper might be called multiple times for a single item.
instead, in the onCreated() of your template, start the work of getting the data you need and doing your calculations. store those results in a reactive var, or reactive array. then your helper should do nothing more than look up the previously calculated results. further, should that helper be called more times than you expect, you don't have to worry about all those additional async calls being made.
The result does not show up because HTTP.call is an async function.
Use a reactiveVar in your case.
Depending on how is the formated_address param updated you can trigger the getDistance with a tracker autorun.

nodeJS waiting for function to return before continuing

Just having some issues with building a function using nodeJS. It doesn't seem to be returning the value, and I have a feeling its due to the asynchronous nature of the function call. Any help would be really appreciated!
sendFilesToDB is sent an array (from fs.readdir) of files to be processed. The files' content is used to construct a SQL query. Once successfully inserted, the file is deleted. But the fileToQuery function does not return a string at all (gives a 'Argument must be a string' error).
fileToQuery is returning void, because it says:
function fileToQuery(filePath) {
That return statement you have isn't returning from filesToQuery but from the anonymous function you defined it in.
You need to rewrite your fileToQuery function to take an extra argument (perhaps resultCallback) and instead of returning your sql string, you do:
return resultCallback("INSERT IGNORE ....");
You'll then call it like this:
client.query(query, function(err, results) {
fs.unlink(file, function(err) {
By the way: This is called "continuation passing style" and can be done in any language that supports anonymous functions. What you asked for is called a callable continuation, but not very many languages have them. If you're interested in learning about them you should try picking up scheme.
