ReactJS not setting class based on expression - css

I'm actually trying to toggle a class on an element when user clicked. But unfortunately, my code only set class for single element. It looks like the view is not refreshing for subsequent clicks, even the set class is not removing. But my store is properly updating.
Here is my code.
class MyInterests extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {selected: []};
toggleChip(id, index, event){
const { interestChanged } = this.props;
let index = this.state.selected.indexOf(id);
if(index === -1){
this.state.selected.splice(index, 1);
render() {
const {classes, myinterests: { categories, userinterest } } = this.props;
const getClassNames = (id) => {
return classNames(classes.chip, {[classes.selected]: (userinterest.indexOf(id) !== -1)});
return (
/*..... Few element to support styles....*/
{, index) => {
return (
onClick={this.toggleChip.bind(this, data._id.$oid, index)}
Can anyone tell me what is wrong in this or how can I achieve this?.

Since state is immutable, you cannot use .push on it.
By using this.state.selected.push(id) you're mutating the state thus not signaling react on the change making the change vulnerable to future state updates (remember that setState is asynchronous and changes are batched for single action).
Take a look at this for how to solve it.
In your case, a better way to update the state would be something like this:
// create a copy of the current array
var selected = this.state.selected.slice();
// push the new element to the copy
// replace the current array with the modified copy
this.setState({ selected: selected });


How to update text element after property change in Polymer 3?

So I'm using a data table which has an active element. When that active elment changes I store the name of the active element in a property of my polymer element. Then I display this String property in a div.
Now I know for certain that the property change works, because I console.log it after a change, the div displaying the property doesn't update and continually displays the default value I have set.
export class ProjectsOverview extends PolymerElement {
static get template() {
return html`
static get properties() {
return {
currentProject: {
type: String,
value: "placeholder",
notify: true,
reflectToAttribute: true
connectedCallback() {
const grid = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('vaadin-grid');
grid.addEventListener('active-item-changed', function(event) {
const item = event.detail.value;
grid.selectedItems = [item];
if (item) {
} else {
this.set('currentProject', '');
My expected result would be that every time the currentProject property is updated, the div displaying the property updates as well.
The active-item-changed callback does not have its context bound to the Polymer instance (i.e., this is the grid and not the Polymer component). Instead of the function expression, use an arrow function to automatically bind this to the correct context.
// grid.addEventListener('active-item-changed', function(event) { // DON'T DO THIS
grid.addEventListener('active-item-changed', (event) => {
/* this is the Polymer instance here */
this.set('currentProject', ...);
Your scope is wrong. You're using an anonymous function so when you try to set currentProject, you do that when your this is your anonymous function. Use .bind(this) to fix your problem.
grid.addEventListener('active-item-changed', function(event) {
const item = event.detail.value;
grid.selectedItems = [item];
if (item) {
} else {
this.set('currentProject', '');

Make/ Create checkbox component in react native

I have been facing some issues with the native base checkbox and AsynStorage. In fact, AsynStorage only accepts strings by default BUT can store boolean variables also, I tried to use that method but I get a string stored every time.
While the checkbox does only accept boolean variables and throws a warning if I tried to use a string and it does not show the previous state of the checkbox (checked or not ).
So, I decided to make my own checkbox using TouchbleOpacity .. So do you guys have any idea how to make it ?
Here is the result i want to achieve:
So, the purpose is to make a checkbox settings page that controls the style of a text in another page and to get the checkbox as left the previous time, for an example : if I check it , I change the page and go back again to the settings page , I need to find it checked (indicating the previous state)
The code is
in the settings page :
toggleStatus() {
status: !this.state.status
// to get the previous status stored in the AsyncStorage
AsyncStorage.getItem('myCheckbox').then((value) => {
status: value
if (this.state.status == "false") {
check: false
else if (this.state.status == "true") {
check: true
if (this.state.status == null) {
check: false
render {
onPress={() => { this.toggleStatus() }
checked={ this.state.check }/>
In other page :
AsyncStorage.getItem('myCheckbox').then((value) => {
status: value
This code change the status after TWO clicks and I don't know why and i get this weird output in the console, every time I click the checkbox
If you take a look at AsyncStorage documentation, you can see that, in fact, the method getItem() will always return a string (inside the promise).
For the problem with the AsyncStorage you should consider trying to parse this string returned to a boolean using this method explained here and then use this parsed value inside the native base checkbox.
But if you want to do your own component, try doing something like this:
export default class Checkbox extends Component {
this.state = { checked: false }
this.setState({ checked : !this.state.checked });
<Image source={this.state.checked ? require('checkedImagePath') : require('uncheckedImagePath')} />
You will need to set some style to this image to configure it the way you want.
-- Based on your edition:
I can't see nothing wrong on your toggleStatus() method in settings page, but try changing your componentWillMount() to this:
AsyncStorage.getItem('myCheckbox').then((value) => {
if (value != null){
check: (value == 'true')
However in the other page the line you do JSON.parse(value) is doing nothing, once you are not storing the result anywhere.

render() method is not correctly called after props update

I'm doing a very simple react+redux application where I've a reducer called goals and a container called GoalsContainer.
From App Container I call the action goal for load the initial goals from a local db(indexedDB)
This call the loadGoals from the goals actions:
export function loadGoals(currentDate = new Date()){
return dispatch => {
var goals = getGoalsFromDB(normalizeDate(currentDate)); // with this I get an array from the db
function setLoadGoals(goals) {
return {
type: types.LOAD_GOALS,
And then in my reducer I've this:
export default function goals(state = [], action) {
switch(action.type) {
case types.LOAD_GOALS:
return action.goals; // here I set the state of the goal reducer with the array passed via action
console.log('Im here');
return state;
and this is my GoalsContainer(read the comments in code):
class GoalsContainer extends React.Component {
render() {
if (this.props.goals != undefined) {
console.log('ok called the render'); // in chrome console shows it
console.log(this.props.goals); // in chrome console shows correctly the goals loaded
console.log(this.props.goals.length); // it say 2
if (this.props.goals.length > 0) { // here fails...
var goalsView = <div>There are goals</div>
else {
console.log('why go here?'); // go here
var goalsView = <div>No goals</div>
} else {
var goalsView = <div>Undefined</div>
return (
<div id="goals-main">
GoalsContainer.propTypes = propTypes;
function mapStateToProps(state) {
const { goals, environment } = state;
const { currentDate } = environment;
return {
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(GoalsContainer);
The problem is that when it does the if check, it fails(like if there are 0 goals), but in chrome console show correctly the goals array...
Then if I force with some workaround the render(), all works correctly.
What I've done wrong ?
You didn't mention if you use or not. To use reducer returning function you should definitely install it.
It's hard to follow all of the parts of your code from random gists. What happens if you change your GoalsContainer to be;
class GoalsContainer extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<div id="goals-main">
{(this.props.goals.length >= 1)?<div>There are goals</div>:<div>Nope!</div>}
What gets logged to the console?

Selecting a Row in React Griddle, and changing tr background color

I'm just wondering if someone has already been able to change the color of a row, in React Griddle, by clicking on it (just once).
I'm experimenting things with JQuery, and even with Griddle Metadata, but it may be done in a cleaner way ?
Edit : I'm using React 15, Griddle inside MantraJS/Meteor, getting the data in my react Component using a Mantra container.
I can get the data by using onClick event, but not able to switch the background color in the onClick event, or playing with Metadatas.
Thanks !
EDIT : I use another view to display the content of the table, so for now I don't need to change the background of my tables cells, but if I found a solution I'll complete this post
You can use react-griddle props rowMetadata and onRowClick to do this:
class ComponentWithGriddle extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
selectedRowId: 0,
onRowClick(row) {
this.setState({ selectedRowId: });
render() {
const rowMetadata = {
bodyCssClassName: rowData => ( === this.state.selectedRowId ? 'selected' : ''),
return (
Now this adds a selected class to the selected <tr> elements, so you can use custom styles to add colors or whatever styles you want to apply to the selected row.
Note that a more convenient API for selecting rows has been called for in the Griddle Github issues.
For whatever reason, I couldn't get Waiski's answer to work for me at all. I'm assuming that something must have changed in Griddle over the past two years. It looks like the current prevailing advice on the Web is to "implement row selection as a plugin", but I couldn't find any examples of that either. After a long hard look at the code for the Position plugin’s TableEnhancer on GitHub and a bunch of trial and error I eventually managed to cobble together the following row selection plugin for Griddle in TypeScript:
import * as React from "react";
import * as Redux from "redux";
import Griddle, { connect, GriddlePlugin, components } from "griddle-react";
export type RowId = string | number;
export type RowClickHandler = (event: React.MouseEvent<Element>, rowId: RowId) => void;
export type RowIdGetter<TData> = (rowData: TData) => RowId;
export interface IRowEnhancerProps {
rowClickHandler: RowClickHandler;
rowId: RowId;
isSelected: boolean;
export class RowSelector<TData> {
private _rowClickHandler: RowClickHandler = null;
private _rowIdGetter: RowIdGetter<TData>;
constructor(rowClickHandler: RowClickHandler, rowIdGetter: (rowData: TData) => RowId) {
this._rowClickHandler = rowClickHandler;
this._rowIdGetter = rowIdGetter;
public rowIdToSelect: RowId;
public plugin: GriddlePlugin = {
components: {
RowEnhancer: (OriginalComponent: React.ComponentClass<components.RowProps>) =>
private rowSelectionEnhancer(
OriginalComponent: React.ComponentClass<components.RowProps>
): React.ComponentClass<components.RowProps> {
const rowDataSelector = (state, { griddleKey }) => {
return state
.find(rowMap => rowMap.get('griddleKey') === griddleKey)
return Redux.compose(
connect((state, props) => {
const rowData: TData = rowDataSelector(state, props as { griddleKey });
const rowId: RowId = this._rowIdGetter(rowData);
return {
rowClickHandler: this._rowClickHandler,
rowId: rowId,
isSelected: rowId.toString() === this.rowIdToSelect.toString()
)(class extends React.Component<IRowEnhancerProps, any>{
public render() {
return (
onClick={(event) => this.props.rowClickHandler(event, this.props.rowId)}
className={this.props.isSelected ? "selected" : ""}
Here's a rough outline of how it's used by a component. (Note that I had to selectively extract this example from a much larger and more complicated component, so there might be some errors/inconsistencies; sorry about that. It should still give a good overall idea of the approach.)
import * as React from "react";
import Griddle, { RowDefinition, plugins, GriddlePlugin} from "griddle-react";
import * as MyGriddlePlugins from "../GriddlePlugins";
export interface IPartInfo {
serialNumber: number,
name: string,
location: string
export interface IPartListProps{
parts: IPartInfo[],
selectedSerialNumber: number
export class PartList extends React.Component<IPartListProps, void > {
private rowSelector: MyGriddlePlugins.RowSelector<IPartInfo>;
private rowIdGetter: MyGriddlePlugins.RowIdGetter<IPartInfo>;
constructor(props?: IPartListProps, context?: any) {
super(props, context);
this._rowClickHandler = this._rowClickHandler.bind(this);
this.rowSelector = new MyGriddlePlugins.RowSelector(
private _rowClickHandler: MyGriddlePlugins.RowClickHandler =
(event: React.MouseEvent<Element>, selectedSerialNumber: MyGriddlePlugins.RowId) => {
if (selectedSerialNumber !== this.props.selectedSerialNumber) {
Set state, dispatch an action, do whatever. The main point is that you
now have the actual event from the click on the row and the id value from
your data in a function on your component. If you can trigger another
render pass from here and set a fresh value for this.rowSelector.rowIdToSelect
then the "selected" CSS class will be applied to whatever row this click
event just came form so you can style it however you like.
private _rowIdGetter: (rowData: IPartInfo) => MyGriddlePlugins.RowId =
(rowData: IPartInfo) => rowData.serialNumber;
public render(): JSX.Element {
this.rowSelector.rowIdToSelect = this.props.selectedSerialNumber;
return (
plugins={[plugins.LocalPlugin, this.rowSelector.plugin]}
<ColumnDefinition id="name" title="Part Name" />
<ColumnDefinition id="location" title="Installed Location" />
<ColumnDefinition id="serailNumber" title="Serial Number" />
So, what's actually going on here? The component creates an instance of the plugin class at instantiation time, passing in an event handler to capture the click on the row and an accessor function to retrieve your ID value (not an inscrutable internal ID) from a row of your data. Just before the component returns its rendering, a value is set on the component's instance of the plugin, that way, when Griddle renders the plugin has the data to figure out when it's on a selected row and then adjust the CSS accordingly. The handler function from your component is then assigned to the row's onClick handler so your component can get the data from the click and do whatever it needs to do.
This passes the "It works for me" test (on React 15.6) which in my case is a straightforward master/detail view driven by a traditional table implemented through Griddle. I have no idea how well it would work with some of Griddle's more advanced features.

React rendering recursion stops without error

I've encountered a problem with rendering some elements in React.
(I use ImmutableJS)
renderComponents: function(components) {
if(components.isEmpty()) return [];
var table = []; {
table.push(<ComponentTableElement key={ component.get('id') } data={ component } />);
if(component.has('children')) {
var children = component.get('children');
return table;
As I looked for error, I found that this.renderComponents(children) doesn't return anything at all and the code somehow stops.
I mean before that line everything works ok, but then after this line, when i try to console.log something, it doesn't show up. And it doesn't even reach return table.
So what is wrong with that code?
In the context of the function you pass to map, this refers to the window object, not to the current component instance, so this.renderComponents is undefined when you try to call it. {
this === window;
You can pass a value to use as this in the body of your function as the second parameter of Array::map. {
table.push(<ComponentTableElement key={ component.get('id') } data={ component } />);
if(component.has('children')) {
var children = component.get('children');
// here, `this` refers to the component instance
}, this);
If you're using ES6, you can also use fat-arrow functions, which are automatically bound to this. => {
table.push(<ComponentTableElement key={ component.get('id') } data={ component } />);
if(component.has('children')) {
var children = component.get('children');
// here, `this` refers to the component instance
