Core ML giving same prediction every time - coreml

So I used turicreate to create a handwritten-digit recognition model using famous MNIST Dataset with enough amount of data to train the model...
But When I'm deploying the model in ios project, it always predicts same output (i.e. 1) with probability of 1.0 whereas other probabilities are too less.

This usually happens when you don't preprocess the input images on iOS the same way as they were preprocessed by the model. In the case of Turi Create and Core ML, these tools should do this for you automatically (especially when you use Vision to drive Core ML).
But as you've not given any details about exactly how you're using the Core ML model, it's impossible to provide a solution to your question.


Performance drop when converting Mask RCNN to uff format

My goal is to deploy a Mask RCNN model trained with the well known Matterport's repo with Nvidia deepstream.
To do so, first I have to convert the generated .h5 model into a .uff. This operation is decribed here.
After the conversion, I have run the generated .uff model with TensoRT and deepstream and it has a very poor performance compared to the .h5model (almost never detects/masks the objects).
Before the conversion, I have done the corresponding changes to handle NCWH models and configured the number of classes and backbone (in this case resnet50).
I don't know how to continue. Any advice could really healp me. Thanks!
To solve the problem one must use the same configuration for the training and the conversion.
In particular, since most of models start from tranfering learning from the pretrained coco model, one has to use its very same config.
In adition, the input images sizes have to be coherent with the trainning configuration.

how to create a updatable coreml model?

I tried to build a pre-trained core-ml model with the help of create ML framework, but the model created is not updatable, Is there a way to create a pre-trained core-ml model which can be updated on the device itself (newly introduced feature in Core-ML 3) ?
Not directly with Create ML, you'll have to use coremltools to make the model updatable. See here for examples:
However... this will only work for neural networks and k-nearest neighbors models. Create ML does not actually produce these kinds of models (at the moment).
For example, an image classifier trained with Create ML is a GLM on top of a fixed neural network. You cannot make GLM models updatable at this point.
So in short, no, you can't make models trained with Create ML updatable.

How to export an R Random Forest model for use in Excel VBA without API calls

I have a Random Forest model trained in R. I need to deploy this model in a standalone Excel tool that will be used by 350 people across a sales network to perform real-time predictions based on data entered into the spreadsheet by users.
How can I do this?
It is not an option to require users to install R on their local machines.
It is not an option to have a server (physical or cloud) providing a scoring API.
What have I done so far?
I can export the model in PMML (XML structure). From research I can see there are libraries for loading and executing PMML inputs in Python and Java. However I haven't found anything implemented in VBA / VB.
2. Zementis
I looked into a solution called Zementis which offers an Excel add-in to deploy PMML models. However from my understanding this requires web-service calls to a cloud server (e.g. AWS) where the actual model execution happens. My IT security department will not allow this.
3. Others
The most common recommendation seems to be to call R to load the model and run the predict function. As noted above, this is not a viable option.
Detailed Context:
The Random Forest model is trained in R, with c. 30 variables. The model is used to recommend "personalised" prices for products as part of a sales process.
The model needs to be distributed to the sales network, with about 350 users. The business's preference is to integrate the model into an existing spreadsheet tool that sales teams currently use to calculate deal profitability.
This means that I need to be able to export the model in a way that it can be implemented in Excel VBA.
Given timescales, the implementation needs to be self-contained with no IT infrastructure or additional application installs. We are working with the organisation's IT team on a server based solution, however their deployment timescales are 12 months+ which means we need a tactical solution in the short-term.
Here's one approach to get the "rules" for the trees (example using the mtcars dataset)
fit <- randomForest(mpg ~ ., data=mtcars, importance=TRUE, proximity=TRUE)
## Look at variable importance:
# Print the rules for each tree in the forest
It is probably unrealistic to use the rules for 500 trees, but maybe you could implement 100 trees in your vba and then take an average of the results (for a continuous response) or predict the class with the most votes across the trees (for a categorical response).
Maybe you could recreate the model on a Worksheet.
As far as I know, Excel can import XML structures (on the Development Tools ribbon).
Edit: 1) save pmml structure in plaintext editor as .xml file.
2) Open the file in Excel 2013 (maybe other versions also do it)
3) Click through the error message and open the file anyway. Trees open as a table, a bit funny, but recognizable.
4) Create prediction calculation (generic fn in VBA) to operate on the tree.

Deploy R statistical models in WSO2?

A newbie question on WSO2 and 'R'....
I have a customer where they are looking to build some statistical models using 'R'. These models are mostly associated with customer scoring, i.e. sucking in a table of customer data with behavioural attributes as columns, and spitting out a 'score' for each customer.
Two questions on this:
Can 'R' models by deployed like rules in a service model?
Could you deploy R models into a WSO2 middleware, and if so, how and where?
Note: I'm not familiar with wso2 but I'm with R.
The answer to your question very much depends on what type of models you would like to deploy. The easiest ones are models such as linear/logistic regression followed by decision trees.
The reason they are easy is because for linear & logistic regression you get a nice formula you can plug-in to any programming interface. An example prediction formula might be like the following:
customer_predicted_life_time_value =
Similarly, decision trees can be easily exported as a bunch of if-then-else rules (there at least a couple of packages in R which will translate the R decision tree model into rules).
You could technically be able to deploy randomForest too in the form of rules but that will be cumbersome if you want to implenent using rules.

Library to train GMMs from MFCC

I am trying to build a basic Emotion detector from speech using MFCCs, their deltas and delta-deltas. A number of papers talk about getting a good accuracy by training GMMs on these features.
I cannot seem to find a ready made package to do the same. I did play around with scilearn in Python, Voicebox and similar toolkits in Matlab and Rmixmod, stochmod, mclust, mixtools and some other packages in R. What would be the best library to calculate GMMs from trained data?
Challenging problem is training data, which contains the emotion information, embedded in feature set. The same features that encapsulate emotions should be used in the test signal. The testing with GMM will only be good as your universal background model. In my experience typically with GMM you can only separate male female and a few unique speakers. Simply feeding the MFCC’s into GMM would not be sufficient, since GMM does not hold time varying information. Since emotional speech would contain time varying parameters such as pitch and changes in pitch over periods in addition to the frequency variations MFCC parameters. I am not saying it not possible with current state of technology but challenging in a good way.
If you want to use Python, here is the code in the famous speech recognition toolkit Sphinx.
