Meteor methods returning undefined on client even after using callback - meteor

I am trying to get data from AirVisual API using meteor methods on the server and passing it to the client. The data is successfully received on the server. However, the template helper gets undefined when the method is called in it.
Client Helper:
getCityDataOnClient: function(city, state) {'getCityData', city.toLowerCase(), state.toLowerCase(), function(error, result) {
if(!error) {
console.log(result); //returns undefined
else {
Meteor methods.js in lib folder:
getCityData : function(city, state) {
var data = [];
const result ='GET', '', {
params: {
state: state,
city : city,
country: 'pakistan',
key: 'xxxxxxxxxx'
}, function(err, res) {
if (!err) {
data =;
//console.log(data); //prints correct data on the server and client
return data;
else {
return err;
I have already looked up answers on similar questions. Nothing seems to work, including Tracker, reactive-var, and reactive-methods.

The problem here is that you are trying to return data from inside a callback to a function that 1. isn't waiting for you, and 2. has already returned.
Thankfully, Meteor does some magic on the server to make asynchronous calls like appear synchronous.
Your method can be done like so:
getCityData : function(city, state) {
const result ='GET', '', {
params: {
state: state,
city : city,
country: 'pakistan',
key: 'xxxxxxxxxx'
By excluding the callback on Meteor's HTTP module, Meteor will run it in a Fiber and wait for the result before continuing execution (like with async/await)
If you were using a third party library for HTTP requests, you would need to wrap the function using Meteor.wrapAsync to get the benefit of running in a fiber. Or you could wrap it in a promise and return the promise from the method


Meteor Async ValidatedMethod gets called with function parameters undefined

someMethod = new ValidatedMethod({
name: 'someMethodName',
validate: new SimpleSchema({
subId: {type: String, min:1},
planId: {type: String}
async run(params){
//params is undefined
Using async run(params) causes params to be undefined (seems like the context switches to Global context). Removing the async works fine (except that I cannot use await in the method body anymore obviously).
Why is this, and how can I still use await inside a ValidatedMethod?
Note1 : I call the method from the client like so -- and get the same result if I try to use a regular Meteor.methods({}) definition. I am calling the method using Meteor.apply from the client
ClientHelpers.callWithPromise = function(methodName, methodArgs){
//methodArgs must be an array
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
Meteor.apply(methodName, methodArgs, {wait:true}, function(error, result){
if (error){
Then, calling on client (am sure paramsObject is correct):
var myResult = await ClientHelpers.callWithPromise('someMethodName', [paramsObject]);
Note 2: I have also traced it through to the internals of Meteor.apply , where it is in fact sending the paramsObject over DDP, in debug session:
// Sends the DDP stringification of the given message object
_send(obj) {
Many thanks for any insight.

Meteor Method w/ Mongo Aggregation returning Undefined on Client but not on Server

So I've just started with Meteor and really JavaScript so forgive the messy coding as I am new to all of this please. I'm using a Mongo Aggregation to do some server side math and the method is returning undefined on the client but the server-side console log is returning the correct information. Here is the server method...
'schoolHealth': function() {
var pipeline = [
"$group": {
"_id": null,
"total": { "$avg": "$roomHealth"}
Equipment.aggregate(pipeline, function(err, result) {
if (err) {
throw err;
console.log("Error in finding school health average:" + result);
} else {
return result[0].total;
And on the client...'schoolHealth', function(error, result) {
if (error) {
} else {
Session.set('health', result);
I'm calling the Session on a blaze template but the method is failing before that happens. Also, I have tried not using a Session and the result is the same. I have read into Sync vs. Async but I don't know enough about it to know if I am doing something wrong there. Thanks ahead of time for the help.

Meteor 1.3 + React: detect subscription failure?

I have a simple Meteor subscription, and I display a loading message while the data is being loaded. But I don't know how to display error message if subscription failed.
export const MyAwesomeComponent = createContainer(() => {
let sub = Meteor.subscribe('some-data');
if (!sub.ready()) return { message: 'Loading...'};
if (sub.failed()) return { message: 'Failed.' }; // How to do this?
return {
data: Data.find().fetch()
}, MyInternalRenderComponent);
Problem is, the subscription object doesn't have a failed() method, only a ready() query. How to pass the failure of a subscription as props in a createContainer() method?
I know the Meteor.subscribe method has an onStop callback for this case, but I don't know how to glue it toghether that to pass a property.
After a lot of researching I managed to get this working and I think it answers your question.
Bear in mind I'm using Meteor 1.6, but it should give you the info to get it working on your side.
On the publication/publish:
try {
// get the data and add it to the publication
} catch (exception) {
// send the exception to the client through the publication
this.error(new Meteor.Error('500', 'Error getting data from API', exception));
On the UI Component:
const errorFromApi = new ReactiveVar();
export default withTracker(({ match }) => {
const companyId = match.params._id;
let subscription;
if (!errorFromApi.get()) {
subscription = Meteor.subscribe('company.view', companyId, {
onStop: function (e) {
} else {
subscription = {
ready: () => {
return false;
return {
loading: !subscription.ready(),
company: Companies.findOne(companyId),
error: errorFromApi.get()
From here all you need to do is get the error prop and render the component as desired.
This is the structure of the error prop (received on the onStop callback from subscribe):
error: String,
reason: String,
details: String
The reason there is a conditional around Meteor.subscribe() is to avoid an annoying infinite loop you'd get from the natural withTracker() updates, which would cause new subscriptions / new errors from the publication and so on.

meteorjs get data returned from server callback

In meteor im trying to insert a new document by making a from the client. Everything is working ok, except that I want to return the id of create document to the client, so that i can redirect to the proper url.
I have something similar to this (client):'scenarioCreate', scenarioObj, function(err, response) {
if(err) {
On server:
'scenarioCreate': function(scenarioObj) {
Scenarios.insert( scenarioObj, function(err, id) {"new id: "+id);
if (err) {
throw new Meteor.Error(404, 'Something went wrong');
return id;
From the server side i get the console log "new id: DDaq4aWsGf3fxG7RP", but I should get that same value on the client on the "response" value, but I always get undefined.
Can anybody explain to me why or what I am doing wrong.
Meteor.methods doesn't wait for your callback. Try this:
On server:
'scenarioCreate': function(scenarioObj) {
var newId = Scenarios.insert(scenarioObj);
return newId;
To catch any error, use try/catch
Note: If you still want to use callback, checkout fibers/future.
Your first error is that you are returning id inside the callback for insert. That doesn't do anything. Then your second is not knowing that methods are synchronously executed. That would mean that you could only use the information available inside the callback using Meteor.wrapAsync. But that's besides the point. The insert function returns the new _id. Meaning you can do this:
'scenarioCreate': function(scenarioObj) {
return Scenarios.insert( scenarioObj );

Working with Meteor and Async balanced-payments functions

I'm using balanced-payments and their version 1.1 of balanced.js within Meteor.
I'm trying to create a new customer using
Here is my CheckFormSubmitEvents.js file{
'submit form': function (e, tmpl) {
var recurringStatus = $('[name=is_recurring]').is(':checked');
var checkForm = {
name: $('[name=name]').val(),
account_number: $('[name=account_number]').val(),
routing_number: $('[name=routing_number]').val(),
recurring: { is_recurring: recurringStatus },
created_at: new Date
checkForm._id = Donations.insert(checkForm);"balancedCardCreate", checkForm, function(error, result) {
// Successful tokenization
if(result.status_code === 201 && result.href) {
// Send to your backend, {
uri: result.href
}, function(r) {
// Check your backend result
if(r.status === 201) {
// Your successful logic here from backend
} else {
// Your failure logic here from backend
} else {
// Failed to tokenize, your error logic here
// Debuging, just displays the tokenization result in a pretty div
$('#response .panel-body pre').html(JSON.stringify(result, false, 4));
Here is my Methods.js file
var wrappedDelayedFunction = Async.wrap(balanced.marketplace.customers.create);
balancedCardCreate: function (formData) {
var response = wrappedDelayedFunction(formData);
return response;
I get nothing back when I submit the form, except that on the server console I do see the log of the form data.
I'm sure I'm not calling some of these async functions correctly. The hard part for me here is that the balanced function are async, but I don't know if they fit into the same mold as some of the examples I've seen.
I've tried to follow this example code.
Is there a specific change that needs to be done in regard to working with balanced here? Does anyone have any tips for working with Async functions or see something specific about my code that I've done wrong?
The NPM utilities Async.wrap does the same thing as the undocumented Meteor function Meteor._wrapAsync, in that it takes an asynchronous function with the last argument function(err, result) {} and turns it into a synchronous function which takes the same arguments, but either returns a result or throws an error instead of using the callback. The function yields in a Fiber until the asynchronous callback returns, so that other code in the event loop can run.
One pitfall with this is that you need to make sure that the function you wrap is called with the correct context. So if balanced.marketplace.customers.create is a prototype method that expects this to be set to something, it will not be set properly unless you bind it yourself, using function.bind or any of the other various library polyfills.
For more information, see
What I ended up doing was using a future. This works great, I just need to do better at catching errors. Which will be a question for a pro I think ; - )
Credit should go to user3374348 for answering another similar question of mine, which solved both of these.
var Future = Npm.require("fibers/future");
function extractFromPromise(promise) {
var fut = new Future();
promise.then(function (result) {
}, function (error) {
return fut.wait();
createCustomer: function (data) {
var customerData = extractFromPromise(balanced.marketplace.customers.create({
'name': data.fname + " " + data.lname,
"address": {
"state": data.region,
"line1": data.address_line1,
"line2": data.address_line2,
"postal_code": data.postal_code,
'email': data.email_address,
'phone': data.phone_number
var card = extractFromPromise({
'number': data.card_number,
'expiration_year': data.expiry_year,
'expiration_month': data.expiry_month,
'cvv': data.cvv
var associate = extractFromPromise(card.associate_to_customer(customerData.href).debit({
"amount": data.total_amount*100,
"appears_on_statement_as": "Trash Mountain" }));
As Andrew mentioned, you need to set the context for the method.
Here's the way you can do that with Async.wrap
Async.wrap(balanced.marketplace.customers, "create");
