SOM Data preperation - r

Good day.
I am 3 month old in R and R-Studio but am getting the hang of things. I am implementing a SOM solution with 38k records/observations using Kohonen SuperSOM following Self-Organising Maps for Customer Segmentation using R.
My data have no missing values but almost 60 columns many of them are dummyVars (I received this data in this format)
I have removed the ONE char Column (URL)
My Y column (as I understand it) is "shares" (How many times it was shared)
My data only consist of numerical data (dummyVars are of course 1 or 0)
I have Centered and Scaled my data (entire dataFrame)
As per the example I followed I dod convert the entire DF to a matrix
My problem is that my SOM takes ages to train even with multi core processing and my progress graph does not reach a nice flat"ish" plateau, it does come nicely down but still is very erratic, all my other graphs are extremely high in population and there are no nice clustering. I have even tried a 500 iteration with a 100x100 grid ;-(
I think /guess it is because of the huge amount of columns including mostly dummyVars e.g. dayOfWeek.Monday, dayOfWeek.Tuesday, category.LifeStile, category.Computers, etc.
What am I to do?
Should I convert the dummyVars back into another format, How and Why?
Please do not just give me a section of code as I would like to understand why I need to do What.


Grouping and transposing data in R

It is hard to explain this without just showing what I have, where I am, and what I need in terms of data structure:
What structure I had:
Where I have got to with my transformation efforts:
What I need to end up with:
I've not given actual names for anything as the data is classed as sensitive, but:
Metrics are things that can be measured- for example, the number of permanent or full-time jobs. The number of metrics is larger than presented in the test data (and the example structure above).
Each metric has many years of data (whilst trying to do the code I have restricted myself to just 3 years. The illustration of the structure is based on this test). The number of years captured will change overtime- generally it will increase.
The number of policies will fluctuate, I've just labelled them policy 1, 2 etc for sensitivity reasons and limited the number whilst testing the code. Again, I have limited the number to make it easier to check the outputs.
The source data comes from a workbook of surveys with a tab for each policy. The initial import creates a list of tibbles consisting of a row for each metric, and 4 columns (the metric names, the values for 2024, the values for 2030, and the values for 2035). I converted this to a dataframe, created a vector to be a column header and used cbind() to put this on top to get the "What structure I had" data.
To get to the "Where I have got to with my transformation efforts" version of the table, I removed all the metric columns, created another vector of metrics and used rbind() to put this as the first column.
The idea in my head was to group the data by policy to get a vector for each metric, then transpose this so that the metric became the column, and the grouped data would become the row. Then expand the data to get the metrics repeated for each year. A friend of mine who does coding (but has never used R) has suggested using loops might be a better way forward. Again, I am not sure of the best approach so welcome advice. On Reddit someone suggested using pivot_wider/pivot_longer but this appears to be a summarise tool and I am not trying to summarise the data rather transform its structure.
Any suggestions on approaches or possible tools/functions to use would be gratefully received. I am learning R whilst trying to pull this data together to create a database that can be used for analysis, so, if my approach sounds weird, feel free to suggest alternatives. Thanks

Generating "Hovmöller" style diagram from dataset with gaps in R

What I have is data in a tab delimited txt file in the following format (
Date Time Flow (L/h)
6/10/15 05:19:05 -0.175148624605041
6/10/15 05:34:05 -0.170297042615798
7/10/15 07:34:08 -0.033833540932291
7/10/15 07:49:08 -0.0256913011453011
The data currently ranges from 6/10/15 till 22/11/15. Measurements occur approximately every 15 minutes, but sometimes there is data loss which means that there are not the same amount of data points for every day. There are also periods where there is a larger gap (for example evening 16/11 -> morning 17/11) due to logger malfunction.
From this data I would like to create a similar figure like this one, as it offers a very nice seasonal representation of a large amount of data (my full dataset spans over several years):
Its similar to the style of a Hovmöller diagram. I have tried experimenting with R and the lattice package, but I struggle with the data gaps I have in my datasets and the irregular data points per day.
Any help you can offer me, an R beginner, would be greatly appreciated!
(If it would be possible in PHP or Javascript, feel free to post this as well)

correlation matrix using large data sets in R when ff matrix memory allocation is not enough

I have a simple analysis to be done. I just need to calculate the correlation of the columns (or rows ,if transposed). Simple enough? I am unable to get the results for the whole week and I have looked through most of the solutions here.
My laptop has a 4GB RAM. I do have access to a server with 32 nodes. My data cannot be loaded here as it is huge (411k columns and 100 rows). If you need any other information or maybe part of the data I can try to put it up here, but the problem can be easily explained without really having to see the data. I simply need to get a correlation matrix of size 411k X 411k which means I need to compute the correlation among the rows of my data.
Concepts I have tried to code: (all of them in some way give me memory issues or run forever)
The most simple way, one row against all, write the result out using append.T. (Runs forever)
biCorPar.r by bobthecat (, splitting the data into blocks and using ff matrix. (unable to allocate memory to assign the corMAT matrix using ff() in my server)
split the data into sets (every 10000 continuous rows will be a set) and do correlation of each set against the other (same logic as bigcorPar) but I am unable to find a way to store them all together finally to generate the final 411kX411k matrix.
I am attempting this now, bigcorPar.r on 10000 rows against 411k (so 10000 is divided into blocks) and save the results in separate csv files.
I am also attempting to run every 1000 vs 411k in one node in my server and today is my 3rd day and I am still on row 71.
I am not an R pro so I could attempt only this much. Either my codes run forever or I do not have enough memory to store the results. Are there any more efficient ways to tackle this issue?
Thanks for all your comments and help.
I'm familiar with this problem myself in the context of genetic research.
If you are interested only in the significant correlations, you may find my package MatrixEQTL useful (available on CRAN, more info here: ).
If you want to keep all correlations, I'd like to first warn you that in the binary format (economical compared to text) it would take 411,000 x 411,000 x 8 bytes = 1.3 TB. If this what you want and you are OK with the storage required for that, I can provide my code for such calculations and storage.

Having difficulty using R programming to implement a trading strategy using multiple securities

I am currently attempting to implement a trading idea that I have been playing around with. It consists of 50+ securities and has a strategy very similar to this one. (Current package I am using is quantmod).
For those who aren't interested in clicking, it is a strategy that will look at the pass X days( in his case 200 ) and enter a position depending on the peak reached in the stock. I understand how to do this strategy for my idea, but I cannot grasp how to aggregate my data into one summary.
Is there a way I can consolidate the summary for all the positions I have entered into one larger portfolio summary and chart that against the S&P 500?
Any advice on where I can find resources or being lead to the information. I have looked at portfolio analysis package for R and I do not believe that will be much help to me.
Thank you in advance.
Edit: In the link, at the bottom, there are 3 indexes that are FTSE, N225, DJIA. Could i combine those 3 summaries to show the same output as below, BUT combined
Me Index
Cumulative Return 3.56248582 3.8404476
Annual Return 0.05667121 0.0589431
Annualized Sharpe Ratio 0.45907768 0.3298633
Win % 0.53216374 0.5239884
Annualized Volatility 0.12344579 0.1786895
Maximum Drawdown -0.39653398 -0.5256991
Max Length Drawdown 1633.00000 2960.0000
Could I get that same output but for the 3 securities data combined? Is there a effective way of doing that. Thank you so much. Happy holidays
It's a little unclear to me what you mean by "combine" in this case. If you want a single column representing the combined returns from all three exchanges as if they were a single unified market, that's really tricky, because the exchanges trade in different currencies (British pounds; U.S. dollars, Japanese Yen, etc.). The underlying analysis would have to be modified substantially to take into account fluctuating daily foreign exchange rates.
I suspect that this is NOT want you want. Rather, you are simply asking how to take three sequential two-column outputs and turn them into a single parallel six-column output.
If that is indeed what you want, then you need to rewrite the testStrategy() function shown near the bottom of the link. As it's currently written, that function takes three inputs: an index name myStock (with allowed values of FTSE, DJIA, or N225), and two integer values, nHold and nHigh. You would need to change it so that it instead accepts five inputs; e.g., myStockA, myStockB and myStockC, plus the two integer values already mentioned. Then each of the lines currently referring to myStock would have to be replicated three times. Finally, the two cbind() lines that you see at the bottom would have to be modified so that instead of merging the data together into only two columns, you include all six.
For a good intro tutorial on how to write and modify your own R functions, please see this. To understand how to use the cbind() function, which you will have to call with six rather than two inputs, please see this.

JasperReports CategoryDataset has less data than expected?

I'm trying to develop a ChartCustomizer that takes the data from a chart and converts it into a histogram (because JR does not directly support histograms). It's a fairly simple implementation with hard-coded intervals, etc. mostly as a proof-of-concept at this point.
The data I'm analyzing is HTTP response-time data of the form [date, response-time] and I have a CSV file with 18512 records in it. In my summary band, I have 3 items:
A text field dumping $V{REPORT_COUNT} (it reports 18512 in iReport's report preview)
A time series showing all the data points [date, response-time]
A category plot containing all the data points in a single series [category=$F{DATE}, value=$F{RESPONSE_TIME}]
I decided that the most straightforward way to build a histogram would be to use the Category plot because it had the right structure for the final histogram chart.
When the ChartCustomizer runs, it dumps out all kinds of good information about the data set, including the size. Strangely, the size is 10252: it's missing something like 8000 data points. I can't understand why the category plot would have fewer data points than the whole data set.
Any ideas?
Answering my own question in case others run across this foolish user error.
The problem was that CategoryDataset only allows one data point per "category", and in my case, "category" was a java.util.Date captured from the web server log. Apparently, nearly half of my dates were duplicates and so part of the data set overwrote the other half, leaving a subset of the data.
That should have been totally obvious to me at the outset, because that is exactly how a category dataset works.
Anyhow, simply changing the category plot series's "category expression" from $F{DATE} to $V{REPORT_COUNT} gave each datum a unique category which makes everything work.
