Encrypting Aurora Database via Cloudformation - encryption

I am trying to encrypt my Aurora Database via Cloudformation but it does not seem to work.
Under the Metadata tag, I have added the below --
"Metadata": {
"Encryption": true,
"MasterKey": { "Ref" : "EncryptionKeyArn"}
Can anyone please confirm if these are the correct parameters to be added to the cloudformation template?
When I open the database instance from AWS Console, it mentions ---
Encryption details
Encryption enabled

You can enable Encryption by using the StorageEncrypted property and KMSKeyId property in DB cluster. Please go through this Documentation for DB Cluster:
Please go through this Documentation for DB Instance:


Delete Terraform resource aws_secretsmanager_secret_version does not delete Secrets Manager secret entry

I created an AWS secrets manager and a secret key-value entry using Terraform as below. However, After I comment out below aws_secretsmanager_secret_version resource and terraform apply, terraform shows it deletes the secret key-value entry, but I can still see the entry in AWS console and I can still use CLI to get the secret key-value using aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id myTestName.
Is this entry really deleted? Why I still see it in AWS console? or maybe it is deleted but the one shown in console and cli is an old version? at least Terraform deleted it from its state file.
resource "aws_secretsmanager_secret" "test" {
name = "myTestName"
# I deleted secret key-value entry by
# commenting out below and apply terraform again
resource "aws_secretsmanager_secret_version" "test" {
secret_id = aws_secretsmanager_secret.test.id
secret_string = <<EOF
"test-key": "test-value"
According to AWS documentation:
...Secrets Manager does not immediately delete secrets. Instead,
Secrets Manager immediately makes the secrets inaccessible and
scheduled for deletion after a recovery window of a minimum of
seven days...
Due to critical nature of the secrets, this functionality is there for a reason - to prevent you from accidentally deleting important production-grade secret, which would cause serious problems with accessing services.
If you still want to delete a secret, you can do it with force:
aws secretsmanager delete-secret --secret-id your-secret --force-delete-without-recovery --region your-region
You may need to delete it with force if you want to immediately create new secret with the same name, to avoid name conflict.
Update: As you clarified, for you specific case - where you wish to delete the version of the secret, it cannot be done while you have only one version of the secret with the AWSCURRENT label:
aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id myTestName
"Name": "myTestName",
"SecretString": " ...
"VersionStages": [
From the terraform documentation:
If the AWSCURRENT staging label is present on this version during
resource deletion, that label cannot be removed and will be skipped to
prevent errors when fully deleting the secret. That label will leave
this secret version active even after the resource is deleted from
Terraform unless the secret itself is deleted. Move the AWSCURRENT
staging label before or after deleting this resource from Terraform to
fully trigger version deprecation if necessary.

VPC creation problem in aws via terraform

I have been trying to create vpc infrastructure in AWS through terraform I am unable to perform the "Terraform apply" command anyone has a similar problem while using a free trial account.
Error: Error creating VPC: UnauthorizedOperation: You are not authorized to perform this operation. Encoded authorization failure message: 4HZVo3-eWCS-YLhRy55P_0T13F_fPtA29TYrJrSe5_dyPxIcqRbh7_wCcrCZr2cpmb-B5--_fxVaOngBfHD_7yfnPH7NLf1rrqpb7ge1mvQrK8P0Ltfpgpm37nZXezZUoYf1t4peB25aCxnbfeboHpgJjcFnHvqvf5so5G2PufnGZSB4FUZMfdaqppnJ-sNT7b36TonHUDNbLhBVUl5Fwd8d02R-6ZraRYvDx-o4lDfP9xSWs6PMUFXNr1qzruYaeMYMxIe-9kGOQptgBLYZXsxr966ajor-p6aLJAKlIwPGN7Iz7v893oGpGgz_8wxTv4oEb5GnfYOuPOqSyEMLKI69b2JUvVU1m4tCcjKBaHJARP5sIiFSGhh4lb_E0_cKkmmFfKzyET2h8YkSD8U9Lm4rRtGbAEJvIoDZYDkNxlW7W2XvsccmLnQFeSxpLolVhguExkP7DT9uXffJzFEjQn-VkhqKnWlwv0vxIcOcoLP04Li5WAqRRr3l7yK2bYznfg
│ status code: 403, request id: 5c297a4d-7bcf-4bb4-b311-37480e1f26b8
make sure you have properly setup aws credentials and permissions.
check these two files
this docs can help you.
Did you configure your access keys?
provider "aws" {
region = "us-west-2"
access_key = "my-access-key"
secret_key = "my-secret-key"
There are multiple ways to do it (described here).
My above example can be a good start but you don't want to commit those so I recommend to configure the keys in ~/.aws/credentials (like you need them for AWS CLI). The aws provider will pick them up automatically and so you don't need to define them somewhere in your terraform code.

While configuring BPS DB in wso2 is 5.9.0 , which scripts do i have to import in MySQL?

I am following this document-https://is.docs.wso2.com/en/5.9.0/setup/changing-datasource-bpsds/
deployment.toml Configurations.
url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/IAMtest?useSSL=false"
username = "root"
password = "root"
driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
Executing database scripts.
Navigate to <IS-HOME>/dbscripts. Execute the scripts in the following files, against the database created.
Now create/mysql.sql creates table and the rest two file are responsible for deleting and trucating the same table..............what do i do?????????
Can anyone also tell the use case of BPS datasource??????
Please Help...........
You should only change your bps database if you have a requirement of using the workflow feature[1] in the wso2 identity server. It is mentioned in this documentation https://is.docs.wso2.com/en/5.9.0/setup/changing-to-mysql/
The document supposed to menstion the related db script. But it seems like mis leading. As it has requested to execute all three scripts. if you are using the workflow feature just use the
script to create tables in you mysql database.
[1]. https://is.docs.wso2.com/en/5.9.0/learn/workflow-management/

BAD_GATEWAY when connecting Google Cloud Endpoints to Cloud SQL

I am trying to connect from GCP endpoints to a Cloud SQL (PostgreSQL) database in a different project. My endpoints backend is an app engine in the flexible environment using Python.
The endpoints API works fine for non-db requests and for db requests when run locally. But the deployed API produces this result when requiring DB access:
"code": 13,
"message": "BAD_GATEWAY",
"details": [
"#type": "type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.DebugInfo",
"stackEntries": [],
"detail": "application"
I've followed this link (https://cloud.google.com/endpoints/docs/openapi/get-started-app-engine) to create the endpoints project, and this (https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/flexible/python/using-cloud-sql-postgres) to link to Cloud SQL from a different project.
The one difference is that I don't use the SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI env variable to connect, but take the connection string from a config file to use with psycopg2 SQL strings. This code works on CE servers in the same project.
Also double checked that the project with the PostgreSQL db was given Cloud SQL Editor access to the service account of the Endpoints project. And, the db connection string works fine if the app engine is in the same project as the Cloud SQL db (not coming from endpoints project).
Not sure what else to try. How can I get more details on the BAD_GATEWAY? That's all that's in the endpoints logfile and there's nothing in the Cloud SQL logfile.
Many thanks --
Here's my app.yaml:
runtime: python
env: flex
entrypoint: gunicorn -b :$PORT main:app
python_version: 3
cloud_sql_instances: cloudsql-project-id:us-east1:instance-id
name: api-project-id.appspot.com
rollout_strategy: managed
And requirements.txt:
(This should be a comment but formatting really worsen the reading, I will update on here)
I am trying to reproduce your error and I come up with some questions:
How are you handling the environment variables in the tutorials? Have you hard-coded them or are you using environment variables? They are reset with the Cloud Shell (if you are using Cloud Shell).
This is not clear for me: do you see any kind of log file in CloudSQL (without errors) or you don't see even logs?
CloudSQL, app.yaml and requirements.txt configurations are related. Could you provide more information on this? If you update the post, be careful and do not post username, passwords or other sensitive information.
Are both projects in the same region/zone? Sometimes this is a requisite, but I don't see anything pointing this in the documentation.
My intuition points to a credentials issue, but it would be useful if you add more information to the post to better understand where the issue cames from.

Referencing a Managed Service Identity in ARM-template deploy

When deploying a Microsoft.Web resource with the new MSI feature the principleId GUID for the created user is visible after deployment. Screenshot below shows the structure in the ARM-template.
What would be the best way to fetch this GUID later in the pipeline to be able to assign access rights in (for instance) Data Lake Store?
Is it possible to use any of the existing ARM template functions to do so?
I just struggled with this myself. The solution that worked for me was found deep in the comments here.
Essentially, you create a variable targeting the resource you are creating with the MSI support. Then you can use the variable to fetch the specific tenantId and principalId values. Not ideal, but it works. In my examples, I'm configuring Key Vault permissions for a Function App.
To create the variable, use the syntax below.
"variables": {
"identity_resource_id": "[concat(resourceId('Microsoft.Web/sites', variables('appName')), '/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/Identities/default')]"
To get the actual values for the tenantId and principalId, reference them with the following syntax:
"tenantId": "[reference(variables('identity_resource_id'), '2015-08-31-PREVIEW').tenantId]",
"objectId": "[reference(variables('identity_resource_id'), '2015-08-31-PREVIEW').principalId]"
Hope this helps anyone who comes along with the same problem!
Here are a few sample templates: https://github.com/rashidqureshi/MSI-Samples that show a) how to grant RBAC access to ARM resources b) how to create access policy for keyvault using the OID of the MSI
There is new way to get identity information. You can directly get them from resource that support Managed Identity for Azure resources (Managed Service Identity in the past).
"tenantId": "[reference(resourceId('Microsoft.Web/sites', variables('serviceAppName')),'2019-08-01', 'full').identity.tenantId]",
"objectId": "[reference(resourceId('Microsoft.Web/sites', variables('serviceAppName')),'2019-08-01', 'full').identity.principalId]",
You can also get principal Id for resource in other resource group or/and subscription. ResourceId supports optional parameters:
"tenantId": "[reference(resourceId(variables('resourceGroup'), 'Microsoft.Web/sites', variables('serviceAppName')),'2019-08-01', 'full').identity.tenantId]",
"tenantId": "[reference(resourceId(variables('subscription'), variables('resourceGroup'), 'Microsoft.Web/sites', variables('serviceAppName')),'2019-08-01', 'full').identity.tenantId]",
