Refreshing values on fields - google-app-maker

I have multiple pages in my applications, one of them is to add a driver information.
When i go to add driver information page and fill some of the fields like "driver licence" text box, then i do not add this to DB and click "go back" button (that discard the changes and come back to home page) when i enter again to this page the fields that i have previously filled in with data do not clear and refresh (its supposed to all fields be clear and empty)
Does anyone have a solution for that?
code for "go back button:
app.datasources.driver.clearChanges(function() {
console.log("cleared changes");
returnToDriver() code is:
Already tried:
widget.root.descendants.TextBox1.value = "";
widget.root.descendants.TextBox1.value = null;
but do not work for me.

Potentially there are can be multiple ways to leave the page:
browser navigation including navigation hotkeys
links on the page that can navigate to other pages
in-app navigation buttons/hotkeys
The best way to handle all possible navigation scenarios is using onDetach page event
// Implicit way
// page onDetach event handler, assuming that page
// is bound to appropriate datasource:
// #datasources.<MyDatasource>.modes.create
// Explicit way
// Explicitly clearing changes for create datasources in
// page onDetach event handler
Once you add this code to the onDetach page's event handler you can remove all other clearChanges occurrences from the page.


Child controls in Blazor not refreshing. StateHasChanged() not working

Please refer to the following for this question. The sample is in StepActivations Branch
I have a page called DemoWizard, which incorporates a 3 step wizard. When i click the "Toggle Enabled" button, the second and third steps links should go to enabled or disabled state. It seems however, that the first time takes 2 clicks to turn off the headers, and the state is always behind.
So it appears that StateHasChanged() is not refreshing child states properly.
Note that the refresh() method was an attempt to get at least step2 to refresh properly, but to no avail.
Any idea why?
the click handler that does toggle is below.
void OnClick()
step2Enabled = !step2Enabled;
step3Enabled = !step3Enabled;
Your code isn't showing up exactly as advertised, but i think what you need to do is add an event callback to the Blazorize CheckEdit component:
<Blazorize.CheckEdit #bind-Checked="#Parent.IsValid" CheckedChanged="#VerifyEnabledTabs">Check Me</Blazorise.CheckEdit>
where VerifyEnabledTabs is a method on the top level Wizard that can assess where you are and what is complete / filled / checked / whatever, to allow certain links to be active.

Return to previous page with refresh data Xamarin Forms [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to pass data to the previous page using PopAsync?
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
in main page I have a button create post. When I click on it I receive editor. After input of some text I click button savePost. Then post saves to server and return to my main page, but without new post on my wall. I need to refresh that page to see my new post. How can I write code to receive my previous page with my new post on main page after clicking button savePost?
Button savePost = new Button {Text = "Save post"};
savePost.Clicked += (sender, args) =>
var restService = new RestServiceImpl(UserService.User.AccessToken);
PostView post = new PostView
Text = textEditor.Text,
There are a few ways to go about it. The most simple one is to implement some mechanism on the OnAppearing event of the page and just reload there, or think of some way to detect a reload has to be done instead of just reloading. This can be done for instance by some bool you set to true after the 'restService.CreatePost(post);' line.
That kind of brings me to the other way. When you are using some kind of MVVM framework (have a look at FreshMvvm for example) you can execute some code when a PageModel is popped. So you have much more granular control over when to reload and detect if it is necessary at all.
A completely other way is to use the MessagingCenter. You can send out a message whenever (and from where ever) reloading is needed and let the pages which needs reloading subscribe to that and execute the reloading code whenever the right message was received.
It all depends on what your requirements and code structure is.

ASP.Net Code Optimization

I have almost every piece of code, I just need it to be optimized using correct IF_ELSE conditions and arranging the right flow.
I have a webform (UserProfile.aspx), which contains FormView (to display user profile).
In FormView ItemTemplate, I have put simple HTML and ASP.Net Labels to display Info using Label's Text property :
In EditItemTemplate, I have same table with but textboxes instead of Labels.
I have a button "Edit", on its Click event, I'm changing FormViewMode
FormView1.changeMode(FormViewMode.Edit); [ WORKING ]
I have another button "Cancel", on its Click event, I'm changing FormViewMode
FormView1.changeMode(FormViewMode.ReadOnly); [ <-- NOT WORKING ]
To display user profile, I'm passing user-id from querystring (querystring field = "user")
So the valid URL looks like :
What I want to achieve is :
If (user_IS_Logged_In)
//Some basic tasks like setting welcome message label with username/email etc.
If (querystring_is_EMPTY OR querystring_field_is_incorrect OR user_IS_NOT_Logged_IN)
//Remove the Edit and Cancel buttons
If (querystring_field_is_exist)
//initialize user_id (this will be passed to ShowUserDetails(user_id))
If (user_IS_Logged_In AND querystring_is_exist)
If querystring value and logged in user_id ARE NOT EQUAL THEN
//Again Remove the Edit and Cancel buttons
P.S --> I'm thinking to add an UpdatePanel around the FormView Once I achieve above tasks, for consistent look.
I know the problem is quite difficult to understand so feel free to ask details.
I will provide the code as needed.

WebBrowser Control programming Tabs within Document pages query

I am trying to download information from a website and I have hit (yet another) brick wall in a long and tiresome journey to get something productive developed.
I have a program which uses WebBrowser to login to a site - with a valid username and password - therby allowing me to set up a legitimate connection to it and retrieve information (my own) from it.
From the initial page presented to me after login, I can use WebBrowser.Document.GetElementsByTagName("A") and WebBrowser.Document.GetElementById("Some Id") etc. to work my way around the website, and processing all the DocumentCompleted events returned until ... I arrive at a page which appears to have a TabControl embedded in it.
I need to be able to choose the middle Tab of this control, and retrieve the information it holds. When I access this information 'normally' (i.e. from IE and not from my WebBrowser program) I can click each of the three tabs and information duly appears - so its there, tantalisingly so ... but can I manupulate these Tabs from my program? I feel it should be possible, but I can't see how I can do it.
The problem manifests itself because when I am processing the page which has the Tab in it my code looks like this:
static void wb_TabPage(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e)
WebBrowser wb = (WebBrowser)sender;
HtmlElement element;
element = wb.Document.GetElementById("Bills"); // Find the "Bills" tab
element.InvokeMember("Click"); // Click the "Bills" tab
// Unhook THIS routine from DocumentCompleted delivery
wb.DocumentCompleted -= new WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(wb_TabPage);
// Hook up this routine - for the next 'Document Completed' delivery - which never arrives!
wb.DocumentCompleted += new WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(wb_Bills);
And that's the problem - no more Documents are ever 'Completed' for me to process, even after the InvokeMember("Click"). It seems for all the world that the Tabs are being updated inplace, and no amount of Refresh(ing) or Navigating or Event Handling will allow me to get to a place or in a position where I can get the data from them
Does anybody have any idea how I can do this? Does anybody know how to manipulate Tabs from WebBrowser? Thanks in advance if you do ...
Try using the findcontrol function on your page. You will likely need to drill into the tab control itself to find the tab page and the controls contained in it.

Alternative method for creationcomplete

I am trying to load bunch of product detail into a canvas component from a List component.
Every time the user clicks on a product inside my List, the product detail will be displayed in the canvas component. The product detail might contain null and I want to check it before displaying in my canvas component.
In my canvas component, I use createcomplete to check if the productDetail==null then do something. My problem is if the user clicks the product with the non-null detail first time, the statement "if (productDetail==null) then do something" won't work if the user click a null product detail because the canvas component has been created the first time user clicks a non-null product detail.
I want to check if the productDetail==null every time the user click a product...I hope I explain my question well and appreciate any helps.
My code..
protected function changeHandler(event:IndexChangeEvent):void{
compDetailinfoResult.token=getCompList.compDetail(;//get the product detail clicked by the user
<s:List dataProvider={productData}/> //when user click a product,
//the canvas will show product detail..
<comp:productDetail productData={compDetailinfoResult.lastResult} //custom property
change="changeHandler"/> //if the product detail is
//null, the statement inside
//the canvas will check via
//creationComplete. but if the
//user click the non-null product,
//the creationComplete check pass. User clicks a null product again,
//the check won't work anymore...
code for my productDetail component:
public var productData:arrayCollection
protected function canvas1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
var undefinedBrand:String=dataFromClick.getItemAt(0).brand;
if(undefinedBrand==null){ // I want to check every time the user click a List item
brand.text="Brand: No Brand";
<label id="brand" text="productDate.getItemAt(0).brand"/>
//I want the brand to be displayed..
//but if brand is will display No Brand..
//see AC above...but createComplete only fire once.
//Anyway to keep tracking if the brand that is sent by List is null?
Thanks for the helps..
I'm having some trouble understanding your issue. Are you referring explicitly to Canvas, the Halo container? Or did you name one of your custom components Canvas? If it is custom, as your code suggests, what is inside the component?
creationComplete is an event that only fires once, when the component finishes running the component lifecycle creation process for the first time. Your code snippets do not show any data being passed from the list into the canvas, so that could be one reason why the data is null.
If someone selects a new item on the list, the change event should dispatch. You can add an event listener to the change event and use it to update the data you are sending into your canvas component.
